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  英 [ˈθɜ:ti] 美 [ˈθɜrti]



  1. 她頭發(fā)中分,腦后扎了一個(gè)馬尾巴。Her hair is parted in the middle and tied in a ponytail.

  2. 鮮血從他的指間滲了出來。Blood oozed between his fingers.

  3. 地鐵明年交付使用。The subway will be put into service next year.

  4. 事故把很多人給困住了。The accident got many people stranded.

  5. 地鐵在高峰期暫停運(yùn)營。The subway suspended in rush hours.

  6. 他與一輛小車迎頭相撞。He had a head-on collision with a car.

  7. 我不能陪你了。再見。I can't keep your company any more. Bye bye.

  8. 他沒有透一個(gè)字給任何人。He didn't breathe a word to anyone.

  9. 他邊哭邊說,“不是我做的。” He said through his tears, "I didn'tdo it."

  10. 他從門簾后伸出頭來。He thrust his head from behind the curtain.

  11. 你在孩子們身上花了太多的心血。You exert yourself too much with yourchildren.

  12. 我正要出去,媽媽就回來了。When I was on the point of going out, mamacame back.

  13. 四個(gè)小男孩站了起來,垂著頭。The four boys stood up, their heads hanging.

  14. 他們倆實(shí)在像極了。They resemble each other to a hair.

  15. 她是個(gè)干癟的老女人。She was a dried-up old woman.

  16. 他告訴媽媽是那樣一個(gè)男孩打了他。He told mother that it was such and such aboy who beat him.

  17. 他把所有的心思都放到了存錢上。He set every thought on savings.

  18. 不知怎么搞的,我把手表丟了。Somehow or other I lost my watch.

  19. 他顴骨高聳,鼻梁塌陷。He is with high cheek-bones and a sunkennose.

  20. 盡管那樣,他最后還是成功了。Be that as it may, he made it in the end.

  21. 有時(shí)候他會(huì)單獨(dú)把我叫出去聊聊。Sometimes he would single me out for a chat.

  22. 那一幕永遠(yuǎn)刻在我的記憶中。The scene was engraved on my memory forever.

  23. 那些事情母親一點(diǎn)不在行。Mother was none too competent in suchmatters.

  24. 出于謹(jǐn)慎,我們又檢查了一遍。Out of delicacy, we checked it once again.

  25. 他把老鼠尾巴用線給串起來。He strung the mouse tails with a thread.

  26. 小男孩嚇得要死,抽泣著對媽媽說。The little boy was frightened to death andsobbed to his mother.....

  27. 他一怒之下槍殺了守門人。He shot the janitor in a fit of passion.

  28. 他想方設(shè)法博取老師的同情。He tried to court the teacher's benevolencein every way possible.

  29. 王先生是一位很老練的教師。Mr. Wang is a full-fledged teacher.

  30. 閱讀讓我著迷一輩子。Reading held its spell over me throughout my life.


  1. 所有的男孩,都受到了嚴(yán)厲的盤查。All the boys were cross-examined.

  2. 他們急匆匆地進(jìn)了教室,甚至沒有注意到門邊的我。They hurried into the classroom without so much as noticing me by the door.

  3. 他站在教室中間,雙眼冒火,一言不發(fā)。He stood in the middle of the classroom, hiseyes darting fire, but without uttering a word.

  4. 我鼓起所有的勇氣,堅(jiān)決地對他說:“不”。Imustered all my courage and said firmly, "No."

  5. 一見面他就喜歡上了那個(gè)小男孩。He felt attached to the boy at the firstsight.

  6. 我?guī)е砬蟮难酃饪粗?。I looked at her with imploring eyes.

  7. 12歲他就如饑似渴地開始閱讀了。He began to devour books at

  8. 他年齡比我小一歲,個(gè)頭也比我小一點(diǎn)。He is one year younger than I, a bit smallerin size.

  9. 在課堂上說那些話是不合時(shí)宜的。Those words in class were out of place.

  10. “你想干什么?”我朝他咆哮道。他嚇了一跳。"What do you want of me?" I roaredat him. He was taken aback.

  11. 她有能力,博覽群書,但缺乏個(gè)性。She was capable and well-read, but lackedcharacter.

  12. 她是我的遠(yuǎn)親。She was a distant relative of mine.

  13. 我一躺下就睡著了。I was fast asleep as soon as my head touchedthe pillow.

  14. 有時(shí)候他會(huì)勃然大怒,怒氣沖沖地看著他的學(xué)生。Sometimes he would flare up, glaring at hisstudents.

  15. 關(guān)于環(huán)境保護(hù)的爭論過了很久才平息下來。It was after a long time that the debate onenvironment protection died down.

  16. 他再也忍不住,大笑起來。She couldn't restrain anymore, and burst outlaughing.

  17. 她倒在床上,抱著枕頭痛哭起來。She threw herself onto bed and cried into herpillow.

  18. 無論如何我都會(huì)給你打電話的。In any event I will call you.

  19. 我們絕不投降。In no sense would we surrender.

  20. 有時(shí)候他看起來有點(diǎn)郁悶,一個(gè)人陷入沉思很久很久。Sometimes he seemed gloomy, sunk inmeditation for a long time.

  21. 一隊(duì)駱駝突然大叫起來,把我們嚇了一跳。We are startled when a string of camelssuddenly bellowed.

  22. 他總是斥責(zé)工人,挑他們工作的錯(cuò)。He never failed to scold the workmen and findfault with their work.

  23. 他抽著煙,凝視著遠(yuǎn)方。He smoked, gazing into the distance.

  24. 原來這個(gè)新來的人是他的叔叔。It turned out that the newcomer was hisuncle.

  25. 她尖叫著沖進(jìn)黑夜之中。She screamed into dark night.

  26. 寒夜里,二個(gè)小女孩肩并肩坐著,緊緊地?cái)D在一起取暖。In the cold night, 2 girls sat side by side,pressed close together for warm.

  27. 稻草塞進(jìn)爐子里,火就燃了起來。When you stuffed the straw into stove, itblazed up.

  28. 工程正在全力進(jìn)行之中。The project is in full swing.

  29. 兩個(gè)棚子長達(dá)幾百米,一個(gè)是蘆葦做的,一個(gè)是干草做的。The 2 sheds stretched hundreds of meterslong, one of reeds and the other of straw.

  30. "我不是故意的,"她抽泣道,嚇得半死。"I didn't do it on purpose," shesobbed, half dead with fear.






4.7 30的英文
