Some folk kill two birds with one stone: by a short holiday abroad, they can escape miserable winter weather and the strained atmosphere of a family Christmas with the relatives.
Flying to warm and exotic climes is great for people who live in cold winter climates.
But how do you celebrate Christmas when your year-round climate is warm, or even tropical?
In California, Santa Claus arrives on a surfboard, wearing a red wetsuit. As long as he comes bearing presents, Surfing Santa would probably be welcome anywhere.
In Australia, many young people enjoy a beach barbecue and cold beer on Christmas day.
文中的Christmas就是“圣誕節(jié)”的意思,亦寫作Xmas,原為宗教節(jié)日,由于中西文化的融合,現(xiàn)已成為一個世界性的節(jié)日。圣誕夜,即平安夜(12月24日)表示為Christmas Eve,相關(guān)詞匯還有:圣誕大餐(Christmas feast),圣誕舞會(Christmas dance),圣誕老人(Santa Claus / Father Christmas)
第二段中的exotic是形容詞,意為“外來的;異國的”,如:exotic word(外來詞匯),exotic atmosphere(異國情調(diào))