
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語其它 > 美國國慶節(jié)英語介紹


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  獨立日(Independence Day,又稱Fourth of July、4th of July或July Fourth)是美國的主要法定節(jié)日之一,日期為每年7月4日,以紀念1776年7月4日大陸會議在費城正式通過《獨立宣言》?!丢毩⑿浴酚赏旭R斯·杰佛遜起草,1776年7月4日經(jīng)大陸會議專門委員會修改后通過,并由大陸會議主席約翰·漢考克簽字生效?!丢毩⑿浴烽_宗明義地闡明,一切人生而平等,具有追求幸福與自由的天賦權(quán)利;淋漓盡致地歷數(shù)了英國殖民主義者在美洲大陸犯下的罪行;最后莊嚴宣告美利堅合眾國脫離英國而獨立?!丢毩⑿浴肥蔷哂惺澜鐨v史意義的偉大文獻。通過《獨立宣言》的這一天也成為美國人民永遠紀念的節(jié)日,定為美國獨立日。

  這個被多數(shù)人簡稱為Fourth of July,也叫Independence Day的日子是美國人夏日里的重大節(jié)日。和多數(shù)其他國家不一樣,美國的“國慶”紀念的不是政權(quán)的建立,而是一個充滿希望的時刻──《獨立宣言》的簽署。


  Happy Independence Day, Happy Birthday America, Happy 4th of July!!!

  Independence Day is the national holiday of the United States of America commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On this day independence was claimed from Britain and Democracy was born. This day calls for parades, fireworks, wishes and celebrations.

  On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee proposed a resolution to the Continental Congress stating that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States." Four days later Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration embodying the intent of the resolution. The committee, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, pressed on Jefferson the task of writing their report. On June 28 the committee submitted to Congress "A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress Assembled."

  The first official Fourth of July celebration, as affirmed by a legislative act, occurred in Massachusetts in 1781. By the mid 1800s, it became a United States custom to commemorate Independence Day in states and territories. Today, by parades, picnics and fireworks our country's fight for freedom is honoured.

  Parades, which usually begin mid-morning, are the first tradition followed each Fourth of July. The small-town parade, with baseball teams, baton twirlers and the high school marching band, is a common sight in cities across the country. After the parade, folks usually head home or to a relative's house for a family reunion or get-together. Fireworks are one of the oldest and most stunning ways to commemorate America's birthday. Frequently the nation's colors�red, white and blue�are used in these spectacular displays of patriotism. Most large cities in the United States have at least one, if not several, fireworks displays on the night of the Fourth. Fireworks are a remarkable and satisfying conclusion to the Fourth of July holiday.