
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語其它 > 《Here I am》教案及教學(xué)反思

《Here I am》教案及教學(xué)反思

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《Here I am》教案及教學(xué)反思

  做好英語教案,是小學(xué)三年級英教師正常開展教學(xué)活動的重要保障,下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)砣昙壣稀禜ere I am》教案及反思,供教師教學(xué)參考!

  《Here I am》教案:


  Using formulaic expressions to greet people .

  eg: Hello.

  Using formulaic expressions to introduce onself.

  eg: I’m Alice.



  Use modelled phrases to communicate with teachers and other leaners.

  eg: Hello, I’m Alice.

  Open an interaction by greeting someone politely.

  eg: Hello, Miss Fang.

  Open an interaction by introducing oneself.

  eg: Hello, I’m Alice.


  P2; cassette; Photocopiable

  P1; Word and picture cards; Workbook P1


  Photocopy and enlarge the large picture of Dotty, and the words of the song.

  Listen to the song myself; Practise the teacher’s singing part.


  Pre-task Preparation

  Introduce: Dotty Hello,Dotty. Hello„ (name)

  A. Put the large picture of Dott Board so that all the student can see it.

  Introduce Dotty. Say: Hello, Dotty.Encourage the class to Say: Hello, Dotty.The parrot says: Hello, Miss Zhou.


  Students say Hello to each other.

  Hello, I’m Miss/Mrs/Mr„ Hello, I’m...

  1.Say: Hello, The students answer: Hello.

  2.Divide the class into pairs: The studentssay “Hello” to each other.

  3.Say “Hello. I’m Miss Zhou”to individual students to elHello, I’m(Student’s name)


  Procedure Hello, I’m... Hello, I’m...

  Listen to the song.

  Do substitution exercise Sing the song

  1. In groups , the individual students introduce themselves to one another. They say: Hello, I’m„The rest of the group responds: Hello,(student’s name)

  2. Play the song about greeting on the cassette: Hello. The students listen to the song.

  3. Play the song again. Sing al with the cassette. Encourage the students to sing along wi me and the cassetee.

  4. Invite individuals to sing the song,substituting Dotty with their own name.


  Post-task activities

  A relay race I’m..(name)

  Play a game Hello, I’m.. Hello,

  1. Play a replay race. The student at the back of each rowstarts:I’m (name), followed by the student in front.The first student at the front to say “I’m„puts up his (her) hand. That row wins the relay race.

  2. Play a game . Groups of students form circles. Hold a beanbag and say: Hello. I’ Miss Zhou. Toss the beanbag t

  可通過歌曲的 改編,創(chuàng)造性的 進(jìn)行句型練習(xí)。 學(xué)生將所學(xué)運用起來。

  I’m... Explain I’m = I am one student who says: Hello, “I’m„ “S1 tosses the bean to another student who says: “Hello.I’m “

  ( Explain the contrac tion :I’m is the same as: I am )


  Do exercises

  Workbook Page1

  At this stage Grammer Practice Book 3A P1 could be used to practise and consolidate the oraand written language in this secfurther.

  Assignment Talk with your parents or friends .

  《Here I am》教學(xué)反思:

  作為一名小學(xué)英語教師,尤其是三年級的教學(xué)中僅滿足于 對單詞、句型的概念化的解釋和程序化的分析,而不求助于情景的感染和形象的描述,就會使課堂語言平淡、氣氛沉悶,學(xué)生不能全身心地投入英語學(xué)習(xí)中。那么,學(xué)生原有的興趣和想學(xué)好英語的良好愿望就會很快喪失殆盡。所以我們應(yīng)該多多吸收直接教學(xué)法的長處,重視情景教學(xué)。


  三年級的學(xué)生年齡小,生性好動,注意力容易分散,老師難以掌控課堂,利用一些教具能為學(xué)生創(chuàng)造學(xué)習(xí)運用語言的環(huán)境,使教學(xué)有聲有色,在教學(xué)unit4 We love animals第一節(jié)課時,我讓學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備各種動物圖片,進(jìn)入情境進(jìn)行對話練習(xí)。同時,利用圖片展開對話情景,讓學(xué)生在真實情景中學(xué)習(xí),并通過課件出示各種練習(xí),學(xué)生可以在玩中求學(xué),這樣不僅調(diào)動了學(xué)生的積極性,激發(fā)了學(xué)生的興趣并鍛煉了小朋友學(xué)英語用英語的說話能力。



  們雖然會說,也能跟著磁帶讀下來,但是真給他(她)出示一個句子或單詞的時候,卻不能讀出來,并且也不知道漢語意思。 針對這一情況,在以后的教學(xué)中我注意改變教學(xué)策略,在要求學(xué)生跟著磁帶讀對話和單詞的時候,要求學(xué)生指讀,男女生分角色讀或個人讀等方式,盡量避免學(xué)生偷懶,讀破句的現(xiàn)象;并且把每節(jié)課的內(nèi)容都寫到黑板上,并對應(yīng)上漢語解釋,讓學(xué)生不僅會說,會聽,而且還要會讀,并且知道漢語意思。 當(dāng)然,僅有課上工夫還不夠,畢竟英語是門語言,要多說,多讀,多聽,多練。那么在課下,就要求學(xué)生聽磁帶,讀課文,然后讓家長簽字來進(jìn)行監(jiān)督。一般每學(xué)完一個part,我就會對學(xué)生進(jìn)行檢查,檢查學(xué)生的完成情況,并對基礎(chǔ)差的學(xué)生進(jìn)行及時輔導(dǎo)。


  怎樣能長時間的保持學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)積極性,我想是每個教師都會思考的問題。我認(rèn)為對學(xué)生進(jìn)行表揚和獎勵是一個不錯的辦法。但怎樣去表揚去獎勵才能發(fā)揮最大的作用呢,仍需要進(jìn)行不斷的思考和實踐。 作為一個教導(dǎo)剛接觸英文的孩子英文的老師,我會深感責(zé)任的重大,起點決定著一個孩子以后的學(xué)習(xí)道路。我也會盡我所能的做好它,力爭有更大的進(jìn)步



2.《What are you doing》教案及反思
