在雅思大作文的題型中,有一種特殊的題型,題目的最后一句是“Discuss both views and give your own opinion”這種題型被稱為“D&G”題型,這種題型讓考生去寫雙邊并且給出自己的觀點。
但是,大部分中國學生的問題在于觀點太過中庸,無傾向性,如“both views have their significance”“the purpose is good however it is hard to come true”等等,也就是在Introduction的最后一句沒有表現(xiàn)出鮮明的立場,其實這是不對的。
連接詞可采用最簡單的first, second, third, finally等,也可以使用in addition, moreover, alternative等,總之表現(xiàn)出觀點的羅列即可。
“雙邊列舉式”就不得不提conclusion,這一段可以說是寫作功底的展示,短短的兩三句話需要總結整篇文章的觀點,所以需要考察學生的同義詞轉換能力或者名詞的概括能力,比如,觀點“這個東西好”的兩個支撐點是“漂亮”和“實用”那可以用一句due to its external and practicability總結,這里考察的就是名詞external和practicability的使用。
The issue regarding whether making money is the most important goal of businesses is controversial. There are a large number of people who support that businesses should also undertake social responsibilities. Personally, taking social responsibilities is capable of bringing two main benefits despite some existing drawbacks.
There is no denying that social responsibility can enhance the reputation and profitability. First, information spread is getting fast since rapid development of information media, which implies that any contribution from enterprises could be easily recognized by public. Thus, this would drive people to form a positive impression to these enterprises, thereby increasing their sales volume. Second, most socially responsible investments are government-supported. Empirically, businesses in purpose of enhancing social welfare, such as infrastructure construction and philanthropy, can gain government financing. Because it can alleviate the burden of government, so that to solve the problems about insufficient fund as well as promote the corporate image.
In addition, the fact that undertaking social responsibilities needs high costs may be the most typical reason unaccepted by business men. As known, profitability is the key index of enterprises based on adequate normal profits. Hence, overemphasized social responsibilities might cause companies’ inability to survive. Moreover, this requirement may be considered as unfair treatment to small companies. In contrast to large companies, most small entities are self-sustaining and rely on profits to further develop. Nevertheless, large companies with abundant capitals enable to invest some of funds on public utilities even if unprofitable, as they can treat these funds as advertising fees for corporate image and goodwill.
In conclusion, undertaking social responsibilities is beneficial to enterprises, which mainly embodies on two aspects: enhance of reputation and government supporting. However, the contradiction with profitability should not be neglected, it affects some small companies significantly.