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時間: 慧良1230 分享


  過去將來完成時(past future perfect tense)表示在過去將來某一時間以前已經(jīng)完成的動作。它的形式由should(第一人稱)或Would(第二、三人稱)加have再加過去分詞構(gòu)成。美國英語一律用Would。小編在這里整理了相關(guān)資料,希望能幫助到您。



  1)英語常用的助動詞(auxiliary verb)有shall,will,should,would,be,have,do等。助動詞一般無詞義,不能單獨作謂語動詞。助動詞在句中的作用,在于幫助構(gòu)成各種時態(tài)、語態(tài)、語氣、否定和疑問結(jié)構(gòu)等。如:

  China has entered a great new era. 中國已進入了一個偉大的新時期。(幫助構(gòu)成完成時態(tài))

  Some boys are playing on the grass. 一些男孩正在草地上玩。 (幫助構(gòu)成進行時態(tài))

  Mother is written by Gorky. 《母親》是高爾基寫的。 (幫助構(gòu)成被動語態(tài))

  We Shall have the football match if it does not rain.如果不下雨,我們就賽足球。(幫助構(gòu)成將來時態(tài)和否定結(jié)構(gòu))

  Do you see my point? 你明白我的意思嗎?(幫助構(gòu)成疑問結(jié)構(gòu))



  is not-isn't would not--wouldn't

  are not--aren't [B:nt] have not--haven't

  was not -- wasn't has not--hasn't

  were not-- weren't [wE:nt] had not--hadn't

  shall not--shan't [FB:nt] do not--don't [dEunt]

  will not--won't [wEunt] does not--doesn't

  should not--shouldn't did not--didn't




  1)be后跟動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞 可以構(gòu)成各種進行時態(tài)。如:

  The driver is cleaning the car.司機在擦車。

  Yesterday afternoon we were discussing a new plan.昨天下午我們在討論一個新的計劃。

  Women in our country are playing an important part in socialist construction.我國婦女在社會主義建設(shè)中正起著重要的作用。

  2) be后跟動詞的過去分詞 可以構(gòu)成被動語態(tài)。如:

  A lot of consumer goods are made of nylon.許多消費品都是尼龍作的。

  The Flower Show is usually held here in October. 花展通常于10月在此舉行。

  The cinema will be closed for repair from March 3rd.影院自三月三日起修理內(nèi)部停止營業(yè)。

  3)be加動詞不定式 有下列各種用法:


  The delegation is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.代表團定于明天去上海。

  I'm to be home before midnight.我午夜前一定回來。


  You're to hand in your exercises tomorrow.你們明天要交練習。

  Where am I to put these tools? 這些工具應(yīng)該放在什么地方?

  What is to be done?怎么辦?


  I am not sure whether he is to turn up tonight.我不能斷定他今晚是否能來。

  My key is nowhere to be found.我哪兒也找不著我的鑰匙。

  d) be + about + 動詞不定式則表計劃即將,如:

  The meeting is about to begin.會議即將開始。


  的過去式是had。Have (had)作為助動詞和過去分詞一起,構(gòu)成各種完成時態(tài)。如:

  I have known Mr. Smith for four years.我認識史密斯先生已經(jīng)四年了。

  He has not made up his mind yet.他還沒有決定呢。

  A woman came in with a baby,who had just swallowed a safety pin.一個婦女帶進來一個剛吞進一個別針的嬰兒。

  [注] have的簡略式是've,has的簡略式是's,had的簡略式是'd,如



  的過去式是did。do (did)作為助動詞,有下列一些用法:


  Do you know each other? 你們兩人認識嗎?

  How do you find the climate here? 你覺得這里的氣候怎么樣?

  She did not go to hospital after breakfast She went to work as usual.早飯后她沒有去醫(yī)院,她照常上班去了。


  Don't be so careless.不要那么粗枝大葉。

  Do not hesitate to come when you need help.有困難只管來。


  I do think he is right.我確實認為他是對的。

  Do come often.一定常來呀。

  Do ask,if you have any questions.如果有問題,務(wù)必提出。


  Only then did I understand the importance of science.只是到了那時,我才了解到科學的重要性。

  Never did I expect to see him there.我從未想到會在那里看到他。


  Does he also study geography?他也學地理嗎? ――Yes,he does.是的,他也學地理。

  Did it snow a lot last week? ――Yes,it did。上星期雪下得多嗎? --是的,下得很多。

  He works even harder than you do. 他比你還要用功。

  [注] 上面最后一句中的do應(yīng)喚作替代詞,只是為了初學者的方便而放在助動詞項下。




  I shall think it over.我要好好考慮一下。

  Don't worry. We shall tell you all about it.你別擔心。我們都會告訴你的。



  He will be twenty-five years old next month.他下個月將是二十五歲。

  You will have an examination in English tomorrow.你們明天有英語考試。

  The weather forecast says that there'll be heavy rain tomorrow.天氣預(yù)報明天有大雨。




  We were told that we should sight the Treasure lsland that night. 我們被告知那天夜里我們就要看見寶島了。



  He said that he would always remember that day.他說他將永遠記住那一天。


  1. 值得做......

  (1) be (well) worth doing sth

  Eg: This book is well worth reading for you. 這本書非常值得你讀。(用主動形式表被動含義)

  (2)be worthy to be done

  (3)be worthy of being done

  Eg: This book is well worthy of being read for you. = This book is well worthy to be read for you. 這本書非常值得你讀。(用被動形式表被動含義)

  2. couldn’t help doing sth 情不自禁得做......;

  couldn’t help to do sth 不能幫助做......

  Eg: (1) We couldn’t help laughing when we heard this funny story. 當我們聽到這個滑稽的故事時,我們都情不自禁地笑了。

  (2) I couldn’t help you to do housework because I’m busy with my study.


  3. name A after B:以B的名字為A命名

  Eg: Tom named his son after his father. 湯姆以他父親的名字為他的兒子取名。

  = His son was named after his father.(常用于被動語態(tài))

  4. judge from/by ... 由...判斷

  Eg:(1) Don’t judge a person by his appearance.不要以貌取人。

  (2)Judging from his accent, he must be an American. 從他的口音判斷,他一定是個美國佬。

  5. compare A with/to B:把A與B做比較;compare A to A':把A比作A'

  Compared with his room, my room is even smaller.

  與他的房間比,我的房間還小一點。(even/much + 比較級)

  6. break down (機器)出故障;(汽車)拋錨

  break out (戰(zhàn)爭、洪水、火災(zāi))爆發(fā) (不能用于被動語態(tài))

  break into 破門而入,闖入

  7. deep, deeply的區(qū)別


  (1)deep作“深深地”解,常用來修飾具體的或有形的動作或動作意義很強的分詞; 而deeply作“深入地”“深刻地”解,通常用于引申的場合或比喻的意義,起增強語氣的作用。例如:

  We went deep into the jungle. 我們走進叢林深處。

  I deeply regret your misfortune. 對你的不幸我深表遺憾。

  (2) 修飾形容詞時習慣用deeply,不能用deep。例如:

  I'm deeply sorry for what has happened. 我對發(fā)生的事情深感遺憾。

  (3) 形容靜止狀態(tài)時只能用deep, 不能用deeply。例如:

  The ship sank deep into the sea. 這船深沉海底。

  8. learn from sb 向某人學習;

  learn a lesson 吸取經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn);

  learn sth from sb 從某人那里學到...

  We should learn from each other. 我們應(yīng)當相互學習。

  Try and learn from the failure. 要努力從失敗中吸取經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)。

  She needs to learn a lesson about telling the truth. 她要吸取教訓(xùn)才能說實話。

  We can learn a lot from talk shows. 我們可以從脫口秀中學到很多東西。

  9. as a result/consequence 結(jié)果(所以);as a result of 由于(因為)

  As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. 因此我們不得不給菜地澆水。

  He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他遲到了。

  10. make up one’s mind(有單復(fù)數(shù)之分) to do sth 下定決心做某事

  in one’s opinion(無單復(fù)數(shù)之分) 在...看來

  11. It takes sb + 一段時間 + to do 做某事花了某人多少時間

  12. be/become addicted to doing sth 沉溺于...中

  He is addicted to drinking. 他嗜好喝酒。

  13. call on/upon sb to do sth 號召某人做...

  14. be based on/upon... 以...為基礎(chǔ)/根據(jù);建立在...的基礎(chǔ)上

  (1)base on “以……為根據(jù)”,用法應(yīng)是 base A on B. 如:

  ① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment. 愛迪生的想法是建立在科學實驗的基礎(chǔ)上的。

 ?、?You should base your opinion on facts. 你的意見都要以事實為根據(jù)。

  (2)be based on “以……為根據(jù)”,用法是A be based on B

 ?、?What he said is based on fact. 他所說的話是以事實為根據(jù)的。

 ?、?The story is based on real life. 那故事是根據(jù)現(xiàn)實生活而寫的。

 ?、?Some modern languages are based on Latin. 在些現(xiàn)代語言是以拉丁文為基礎(chǔ)的。

  15. get rid of ... 消除...

  16. But as life would have it 但是生活注定是難以捉摸

  17. 以下to為介詞:(后加名詞/動詞ing形式)

  the/a key to success/succeeding 成功的關(guān)鍵;

  the/a path to success 通向成功之路

  be/get used to doing sth 習慣做某事 = be/get accustomed to doing sth

  in addition to doing sth 除了做...

  equal to doing sth (勝任)有能力做某事

  look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

  pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事

  devote ... to doing sth 奉獻…去做某事

  make contributions to doing sth 為…做貢獻 = contribute to doing sth

  object to doing sth 反對做某事

  refer to doing sth 提到做某事

  lead to doing sth 導(dǎo)致做某事

  stick to doing sth 堅持做某事

  get down to doing sth 開始認真做某事

  be/become addicted to doing sth 沉溺于...中

  see to doing sth 注意做某事

  Eg:I must see to getting the dinner ready. 我必須注意把飯準備好。

  18. 以下to為不定式標志:(后加動原)

  can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事

  spare/leave no efforts to do sth 不遺余力做某事

  make an effort/efforts to do sth 努力做某事

  try/do one’s best to do sth 盡某人的最大努力去做某事= do all sb can to do sth 盡力做某事

  There is no time/chance to do sth 沒時間/機會做某事

  It/There is no use (in) doing sth 做某事毫無意義

  have no choice but to do sth 除了做...之外沒有其他的選擇(表將去做)

  = have nothing to do but do sth

  = can do nothing but do sth (前帶do后必省to, to為不定式標志)

  Eg:I want nothing but to borrow a magazine from you.

  He could do nothing but wait for the bus to come.

  19. keep/stay + adj. 如:keep quiet保持安靜;stay calm 保持鎮(zhèn)定

  20. To one’s surprise/amazement/delight 讓某人感到吃驚/高興的是...

  21. (at) one time or another; one, the other

  Most of my friends have cheated on tests in school at one time or another. 我的大多數(shù)朋友在學校測驗時都曾經(jīng)作過弊。

  22. It is possible/probable/likely that:……是可能的

  sb is likely (like) to do sth 某人可能做……

  23. It occurred to sb that... 某人突然想起 ...

  It occurred to sb to do sth 某人突然想起做某事

  It occurred to me that I had not handed in my paper. 我突然想起我還沒有交論文。

  It didn't occur to him to ask for help. 他沒想到請別人幫忙。

  24. avoid being done 避免被...( avoid doing sth)

  To avoid being caught by the police, he ran very fast.

  25. can’t bear/stand/tolerate(容忍) doing sth 不能容忍做...

  I can’t bear/stand/tolerate being kept waiting. 我不能容忍久等。

  26. be surprised at (doing) sth 對...感到吃驚 = be surprised to do sth

  I’m surprised at what you say. 我對你所說的話感到吃驚。

  I’m surprised to see you here. 看見你在這兒,我很吃驚。

  = I’m surprised at seeing you here.

  27. in search of:搜尋...

  【注】search作動詞指“尋找”,后面跟尋找的范圍,而search for后面跟


  Are they still searching for their child? 他們還在尋找他們的孩子嗎?





