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時間: 慧良1230 分享


  現(xiàn)在完成時(Present perfect tense)表示動作發(fā)生在過去,但與現(xiàn)在情況有關(guān)系,即用一個發(fā)生在過去的動作來說明現(xiàn)在的情況。小編在這里整理了相關(guān)資料,希望能幫助到您。



  現(xiàn)在完成時(Present perfect tense)表示動作發(fā)生在過去,但與現(xiàn)在情況有關(guān)系,即用一個發(fā)生在過去的動作來說明現(xiàn)在的情況。

  現(xiàn)在完成時由動詞have (has) + 過去分詞構(gòu)成。



  I have finished my work.我把工作做完了。

  We have set up many new factories in this area.我們在這個地區(qū)建立了許多新工廠。

  She has read all these books.她把這些書都讀完了。


  Have you ever seen the play The Doll's House? 你看過話劇《傀儡家庭》嗎?

  Yes,I have seen it twice.我看過兩遍了。

  I have learnt to drive.我學(xué)過開車。

  The man has lived in China.那人在中國住過。

  [注] 注意be在下面句子中的意義。如:

  Where have you been? -I've been to the laboratory.你上哪兒去了?--到實驗室去了。

  Have you ever been to Hangzhou? ―No,I've never been there.你到過杭州嗎?--沒到過。

  How have you been?-I've been well thank you.你近來身體好嗎?--謝謝你,我近來很好。



  1)I have lost my pen.我把鋼筆丟了。(意即還沒找到,現(xiàn)在我沒有筆用。)

  She lost her pen yes today.她昨天把筆丟了。(筆是昨天丟的,現(xiàn)在找到與否,沒有說明。)

  2)I have been to the Agricultural Exhibition.我看過這個農(nóng)業(yè)展覽會。(強調(diào)我知道它的內(nèi)容)

  I went to the Agricultural Exhibition last week.我上周參觀了這個農(nóng)業(yè)展覽會。(只說明我上周參觀過展覽會這件事)

  3) Who has opened the door? 誰把門開了?(現(xiàn)在門還開著)

  Who opened the door? 誰開的門?(指過去,與現(xiàn)在無關(guān)?,F(xiàn)在門是關(guān)著還是開著,沒有說明。)

  4) A:Have you had your lunch? 你吃過年飯沒有?(意即你現(xiàn)在不餓嗎?)

  B:Yes,I have.吃了。(意即我現(xiàn)在飽了,不要再吃了。)

  A:When did you have it 你什么時候吃的?(說話人感興趣的是"吃"這一動作發(fā)生在什么時候。)

  B:I had it about half an hour ago.我是大約半小時前吃的。



  How long have you been in Beijing ? -I have been in Beijing for four years.你在北京呆了多久?--我在北京呆了四年。

  Isaac's father has been a school teacher since 1968. 艾薩克的父親從一九六八年以來就當(dāng)教師。

  We haven't had a vacation for a long time.我們好久沒放假了。

  Three years have passed since we left school.我們畢業(yè)已經(jīng)三年了。


  It is three years since I began to work on the state farm.我在國營農(nóng)場工作已經(jīng)三年了。(美國英語用has been,下例同此)

  It's a long time since I saw you last.好久沒見了。


  I'll go with you when I have finished my home work,我做完作業(yè)后就和你一塊去。

  We'll wait here until you have Written the letter.我們將在這里等你寫完信。

  Perhaps I'll know more English after I have learnt it for two years.我學(xué)完兩午后,懂的英語或許就會多些了。


  1)現(xiàn)在完成時說明的是現(xiàn)在的情況,是現(xiàn)在時態(tài),因此不能和表示過去時間的狀語如yesterday,1asr month,three years ago,in l960等連用。這些時間狀語只能和過去時態(tài)連用,表示過去的動作。但現(xiàn)在完成時可和表示過去時間的副詞just和before連用。如:

  He has just come.他剛到。

  We have seen the movie before,我們以前看過這個電影。


  Have you ever been in a plane? 你坐過飛機(jī)嗎?

  The new books have not arrived yet.新書還沒有到。

  The Xisha lslands have always been Chinese territory.西沙群島一直是中國的領(lǐng)土。

  Have you heard from him yet? 你接到他的信了嗎?

  They have already finished their experiment.他們已經(jīng)做完試驗了。

  Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.許多西方人從沒見過大熊貓。

  We have often been to the Summer Palace.我們常到頤和園去玩。

  3)現(xiàn)在完成時可以和包括"現(xiàn)在"在內(nèi)的時間狀語連用,如now,today,this month,this year等。如:

  We have planted many fruit trees this year.我們今年種了很多果樹。

  Have you seen Benny today? 你今天見到本尼了嗎?

  We've had a lot of rain this summer.今年夏天雨下得很多。


  The conference opened this month.會議是本月開幕的。

  Their farm set up a pumping station this year.他們農(nóng)場今年新修了一個抽水站。



  Where have you been? 你去哪兒了?(詢問經(jīng)過情況。如說Where did you go?則只問地點)

  Why have you turned off the radio? 你干嗎把收音機(jī)關(guān)了?(強調(diào)和現(xiàn)在的關(guān)系,意即收音機(jī)關(guān)著。如說Why did you turn off the radio?則強調(diào)關(guān)收音機(jī)這一過去的動作。)


  過去完成時(past perfect tense)表示在過去某一時間或動作以前已經(jīng)完成了的動作。簡言之,過去完成時所表示的時間就是"過去的過去"。過去完成時由助動詞had + 過去分詞構(gòu)成。



  By the end of last week we had learned ten lessons.到上周末為止,我們已經(jīng)學(xué)了十課書。

  He had learned some English before he came to the institute.他來學(xué)院之前學(xué)過一些英語。

  I didn't go to the film because I had seen it twice.我沒去看電影,因為這片子我已看過兩次了。

  When I had gone over my lessons I took a rest.我復(fù)習(xí)完功課之后,休息了一會兒。

  I gave my little sister the flowers that I had bought for her.我把給妹妹買的花送給她。

  In the exhibition he saw many oil paintings that he had never seen before.他在展覽廳里見到許多過去從未見過的油畫。


  It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.在天旱了好幾個月之后,昨天下雨了。

  By the I read his new book, I had known him for a long time.到我讀他的新書時,我早就知道他了。

  He said that great Changes had taken place in his hometown since,1980. 他說7980年以來他的家鄉(xiāng)大變樣了。

  [注]當(dāng)一個由when,before,after,as soon as等連詞引導(dǎo)的從句所表示的動作和主句的動作緊接時,兩個動作均可用"一般過去時"來表示。如:

  We had breakfast after we did morning exercises.做完早操后,我們吃早飯。

  When I finished supper,I took a walk.我晚飯后就去散步。

  The train started to move just before he reached the platform.他到月臺時火車剛開走。

  They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields.他們一到地里就開始耕地。


  將來完成時(future perfect tense)表示在將來某一時間之前所完成的動作。它的形式由shall(第一人稱)或will(第二、三人稱)加have再加過去分詞所構(gòu)成。美國英語一律用will。



  By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book.到本周末,我將讀完這本書。

  By this time tomorrow they will have repaired the machine.明天這時候,他們將修好這臺機(jī)器。

  The children will have gone to sleep by the time We get home.到我們回家時,孩子們將已睡了。

  When you come tonight at eight o'clock,I shall have written my paper.你今晚八點鐘來時,我將會寫完文章了。

  By next year our teacher will have taught English for twenty years.到明年我們的老師將已教二十年英語了。


  (1) late

  A. 形容詞


  I was late for school. 我上學(xué)遲到了。

  I was ten minutes late. 我遲到了十分鐘。

 ?、谕砥诘? 末期的

  in the late afternoon 在下午較晚的時候,傍晚

  in the late sixties 六十年代后期

  in the late 1990's/1990s 在二十世紀(jì)九十年代末期

  He began the work in late May. 他在五月底開始這項工作。

  It is never too late to mend. [諺語] 改過不嫌晚。


  the late government 上屆政府

  a late president 一位已故的總統(tǒng)

  She was an admirer of the late president. 她欽佩前總統(tǒng)。


  some late news 一些新消息

  B. 副詞


  Better late than never. [諺語] 遲做總比不做好。

  I got up late. 我起晚了。

  late in autumn 在深秋


  I saw him as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我還看見過他。

  (2) later

  A. 副詞


  Later the boy found his mother. 后來那個男孩找到了他的媽媽。

  See you later. 再見!回頭見!


  He arrived in London on Monday, two days later he left for New York.他星期一到了倫敦,兩天后他出發(fā)去紐約。


  The big stores are open later on Thursdays. 每逢星期四大商店開門較晚。

  B. 形容詞,為late的比較級,意為“較晚的”。

  the later comers 來的較晚的人


  A. 形容詞


  the latest news 最新的消息


  the latest comer 來得最遲的人

  B. 副詞,為late的最高級,譯為“最晚地,最遲地”。

  come the earliest and leave the latest 來得最早,走得最晚

  C. 名詞,譯為“最新消息、時裝”。

  Have you heard the latest about the war? 你聽到有關(guān)戰(zhàn)爭的最新消息了嗎?

  短語:at the latest 最遲

  I should be back by 11 o’clock at the latest. 我最遲11點回來。


  What have you been doing lately? 你最近在做什么?

  He came as lately as last week. 他最近在上周來過。

  (5)latter:adj.后面的,后者的(the former, the latter前者,后者)

  The latter point is the most important.


  I prefer the former design to the latter.

  比起后者的設(shè)計方案, 我更喜歡前者的。

  【練習(xí)】用latter, late, later, latest或lately填空。

  1. Better _____ than never.

  2. Let's consider the question _______.

  3. Of the two the _____ is better than the former.

  4. Have you seen Peter _______?

  5. Here is the _______ issue of China Daily.

  6. The _______ part of the text is the most important.


  1. Better late than never. [諺語] 遲做總比不做好。答案為late 遲地。

  2. 此句譯為:讓我們稍后考慮這個問題。答案為later較遲地。

  3. 此句譯為:這兩個問題中,后者比前者更好。the former, the latter前者,后者為固定搭配,答案為latter。

  4. 此句譯為:你最近見過彼得嗎? 答案為lately,最近。

  5. 此句譯為:這是《中國日報》最新的期刊。答案為latest,最新的。 6. 此句譯為:這個文本最后面的部分是最重要的。答案為late的最高級latest。





