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Ⅰ. ??紗卧~必背

1.queue n. [C]長隊;行列 vi. 排隊等候

If we had booked a table earlier,we couldn't be standing here in a queue.


2.recommend vt. ①推薦;介紹 ②勸告;建議(接從句時常用虛擬語氣)

I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,which my classmates recommended to me.



(1)recommend sb sth = recommend sth to sb 向某人推薦某物

recommend doing sth 建議(勸告)某人做某事

recommend sb to do sth 勸告某人做……

recommend sb as... 推薦某人當……

recommend that...(should) do... 建議某人……

(2)recommendation n. ①[U]推薦;介紹 ②[C]推薦信;介紹信;勸告

a letter of recommendation 推薦信

3.comfort n. 舒適;安慰 vt. 安慰

The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.



comfortable adj. 舒服的

comfortably adv. 舒適地

4.substitute n. [C]代用品;代替者 vt. 用……代替

There is no substitute to hard work.



a substitute for...……的代替者

substitute A for B=substitute B with A用A代替B

substitute for 代替

5.requirement n. [C]需要;要求;需要的東西;必要的條件

We have to fit ourselves to the requirements of our jobs.



(1)require sth of sb 向某人要求某物

require+doing/to be done(主語為動作的承受者) 需要做被......

require+to do(主語為動作的發(fā)出者) 需要做......

require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

require that...(should) do要求……(虛擬語氣)

(2)to meet/satisfy the requirements 符合/滿足必備的條件

6.draft vt. 起草;制定;征募 n. 匯票;草稿;草案

Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and polished every page of my draft.


7.acknowledge/?k'n?lId?/ vt. ①承認;確認 ②答謝;向……打招呼

It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.


acknowledgement n. 承認;答謝

in acknowledgement of 為感謝……

8.occupy vt. 占領;占用;使忙碌

He occupied his whole afternoon reading books.



occupation n. [C]&[U] ①占領;占據(jù) ②工作;職業(yè)

be occupied with sth 忙于某事

be occupied in doing sth 忙于做某事

9.routine n. [C]&[U] 常規(guī);慣例;例行公事 adj. 例行的;常規(guī)的

Thus eating becomes an enjoyment instead of a routine work you have to do every day.



a routine report 例行報告

10.abundant adj. 豐富的;充裕的

We have abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.



be abundant in (= be rich in) 富有……;……很豐富

abundance n. 大量;充裕

in abundance 豐富;大量


Ⅰ. 常考單詞必背

1.concept n. 觀念;概念

2.relevant adj. 有關的;貼切的;恰當?shù)?/p>

It is a great honour for me to tell you some information relevant to the local life.我很榮幸告訴你一些和當?shù)厣钕嚓P的信息。

When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.當我面對困難時,我常常選擇參考相關學習資料或網(wǎng)絡。

3.adjust/?'d??st/ vt.&vi. ①(使)適應;(使)校準;(使)調整 ②整理;使有條理

She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.她出門之前仔細地整了整衣服和頭發(fā)。

[快速閃記]adjust(oneself) to (doing) sth (使某人)適應(做)某事adjustment/?'d??stm?nt/ n.[C]&[U]調整;調節(jié)make an adjustment/adjustments to 調整……(以適應……)adjustable adj. 可調節(jié)的;可調整的

4.participate vi. (與in連用)參與;參加

Use an effective teaching style that allows people to participate in their learning.運用一種有效的培訓風格讓人們參與到學習中去。

5.otherwise conj. 否則;不然 adv. 用別的方法;其他方面

Otherwise,you may have problems such as red eyes,pain in the eyes,or a more serious condition.否則的話,你可能會有這樣的問題,像紅眼、眼痛或更嚴重的情形。

6.privilege n. 特權;榮幸

Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood,she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.她出身于過去好萊塢的名門,繼承了當演員的家族傳統(tǒng)。

7.donate v. 捐贈;捐獻

She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.她愿為高尚的事業(yè)捐款。

[快速閃記](1)donate...to... 把……捐給……同義短語:subscribe to,donate to,contribute to等。(2)donation n. 捐款;捐贈donor n. 捐贈者;輸血者

8.voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;無償?shù)?/p>

We run the meals-on-wheels service on a voluntary basis.我們根據(jù)自愿的原則,開展上門送飯的服務。

9.distribute vt. 分配;散布;分開 distribution n. 分配;分發(fā)

10.operate vi. ①操作;運轉 ②起作用;奏效 ③(常與on連用)動手術;開刀 vt. ①操作;開動 ②經(jīng)營③對……動手術

For most people,it's almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse...對大多數(shù)人而言,沒有鼠標幾乎無法操作電腦……

[快速閃記]operation n. [C] &[U]①操作;工作;運轉 ②手術 ③作戰(zhàn)(行動)operator n. [C]話務員;操作員;經(jīng)營者;企業(yè)主


Ⅰ. ??紗卧~必背

1.annual adj. 每年的;年度的 n. 年刊;年鑒

Our school's annual sports day took place yesterday in 30-degree heat.昨天,學校一年一度的運動會在30度的高溫下舉行了。

2.witness vt. 目擊;當場見到 n. 目擊者;證人

The driving we have witnessed was beyond belief.我們親眼目睹的駕車場面令人難以置信。

3.opposite adj. (無比較級) ①對面的;相對的②(截然)相反的;對立的 n. [C]反義詞;對立面 prep.在……的對面

We have opposite views on politics.我們的政治觀點不同。

She observed a man walking on the opposite side of the way.她注意到一個人在路的對面走著。

4.pause n. [C]中止;停頓;暫?!i. 中止;停頓;暫停

She talked for an hour and a half without pause.她連續(xù)說了一個半小時,中間沒有停歇。

After you introduce the topic,pause to hear what your partner says.在你引入了這個話題后,停下來聽聽你的伙伴怎么說。

5.flee(fled,fled) vt. 逃離;逃避 vi. 逃走;逃避

Many of the people have fled to the mountains to escape the floods.許多人為躲避洪水都逃到了山上。

The smile fled from his face.他臉上的笑容傾刻時消失了。

6.drag vt. 拖拽;吃力地往前拉 vi.落后;緩慢前進 n. 拖,拉; 累贅

We all have a good laugh,so the time never drags.我們經(jīng)常笑得很開心,所以時間過得快。

She dragged herself out of bed,still half asleep.她掙扎著起了床,還是睡眼惺忪。

7.urge vt. 催促;極力主張;驅策

They urged me to eat (into eating) the strange food.他們慫恿我吃那種奇怪的食物。

He urged that we (should) take such steps.他極力主張我們采取這些措施。

8.abandon/?'b?nd?n/ vt. 放棄;遺棄 n. [U]放任;狂放

Don't abandon yourself to despair.不要自暴自棄。

[快速閃記](1)abandon...to... 把……遺棄給……with abandon 放肆地(2)abandoned adj. 被拋棄的;報廢的(3)abandon oneself to(to為介詞) 沉溺于;縱情

同義短語:apply oneself to,devote oneself to,resign oneself to等。

9.target n. 目標;靶子;受批評的對象

I aimed the gun carefully at the target.我小心地用槍瞄準了目標。

10.sharp adj. ①鋒利的;尖的 ②敏銳的;機警的 ③尖刻的;嚴厲的

Mary,who has sharp eyes,can see through others.瑪麗,目光敏銳,能看透別人。

[快速閃記]sharpen vt. 磨快;使敏捷;使尖銳sharpener n. [C]磨具;卷筆刀


Ⅰ. ??紗卧~必背

1.desire n.渴望;愿望;欲望 v.渴望;向往;要求

We all desire happiness and health.



(1)have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想要做某事

(2)have a strong desire for sth 急于想得到某物

desire to do sth 渴望做某事

desire sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

desire that主語+should+動詞原形,should可以省略。

(3)desirable adj. 令人滿意的

desired adj. 渴望的;想得到的

2.alarm n.警報;驚恐 vt. 使警覺;使驚恐;驚動

I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept.


They were alarmed by a sudden attack.


3.sympathy n.同情

I have a lot of sympathy for him;he brought up his two children on his own.



(1)feel/have great sympathy for sb 對某人深感同情

with sympathy 同情地

(2)sympathetic adj. 同情的;支持的

sympathize/sympathise vi. ①同情;憐憫 ②體諒;贊同

4.favo(u)r n.[U]喜愛;恩惠;贊同 vt. 喜愛;支持;贊成

The idea is beginning to gain widespread favour.



(1)in favour of 贊同;支持

in sb 's favour 對某人有利

do sb a favour/do a favour for sb 幫某人一個忙

ask sb a favour=ask a favour of sb 請某人幫忙

(2)favourable adj. 贊同的;有利的

favourite adj.&n.特別喜愛的(東西)

5.pile n.[C] ①一堆②大量 vt.&vi. 堆積;積聚

The leaves had been swept into huge piles.



a pile of 一堆

piles of 一堆堆的

pile up 堆積

6.absurd adj. 荒謬的;可笑的

He felt it was absurd to be filled with hatred for someone he had never met.


7. accompany vt. ①陪伴;伴隨 ②伴隨發(fā)生(with) ③伴奏(+on/at)

Friends,in this time of happiness,joy and goodwill to accompany you! 朋友,在這幸福的時光里,讓快樂和美好永遠陪伴著你!


(1)accompany sb to someplace 陪伴某人去某地

accompany sb on/at 用……給某人伴奏

accompany...with/by 與……同時存在或發(fā)生

(2)keep sb company 陪伴某人

in company with 與……一起

8.declare v.宣布(聲明);申報;聲明

He declared that he would fight for his right.



declaration n.宣言,布告,公告,聲明

declare against 聲明反對

declare sth to sb/sth 向……表明自己的觀點

declare...open/close 宣布……開始/結束

declared war on 向……宣戰(zhàn)

9.talent n.天才;特殊能力

Which of them has more musical talent is open to debate.


10.obey vt.&vi.服從;聽從;遵守

disobey v.不服從;違抗

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings.


obey the rules 遵守規(guī)則


Ⅰ. ??紗卧~必背

1.ambition n.雄心;野心ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的

His only fault is that he lacks ambition.他唯一的不足是志向短小。

2.beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的benefit vt. 有益于 vi.受益;得到好處 n.好處;益處

Your medicine has benefited me much.你的藥對我大有益處。

[快速閃記]benefit from 從……中受益be of benefit to 對……有益(=be beneficial to)for the benefit of 為……(的利益)

3.clumsy adj. 笨拙的

4.adapt vt.&vi. ①(使)適應②改編;改寫

I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.我認為他應該使自己適應新的情況。

[快速閃記](1)adapt(oneself) to(doing) sth (使某人)適應(做)某事adapt...from... 根據(jù)……改編……be adapted for 為……而改編(2)adaptation n.[C] & [U] 適應;改編;改寫本;改編的作品

5.absence n.①[C] & [U]缺席;不在②[U]缺乏

A stranger brought you this letter during your absence.你不在時,一個陌生人給你捎來了這封信。

[快速閃記](1)absence of mind 心不在焉in sb's absence 某人不在時in the absence of sth 缺乏某物(2)absent adj. ①缺席的;不在的 ②缺乏的be absent from 缺席……absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的

6.resign vi. 辭職;放棄 vt. 辭去;放棄;把……交付(給)

All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.因為老板太不講理,雇員全體辭職。She resigned her baby to the care of her neighbour.她把嬰兒托付給鄰居照管。resign from a job 辭職

7.adequate adj. ①足夠的②恰當?shù)?勝任的

[快速閃記]be adequate for 足夠……be adequate to do...... 勝任做……;足以做……

8.access n.①接近/進入的方法;到達/進入的權利②通道;入口

Only a few people have access to the full facts of the incident.只有幾個人可以知道事件的全部真相。

[快速閃記]have/gain/get/obtain access to 可接近;可進入;可使用accessible/?k'ses?bl/ adj. 容易取得的;容易接近的;容易受影響的be accessible to 能接近……,可使用……

9.approval n.[C] & [U]贊成;同意;批準

Do the plans meet with your approval?這些計劃你贊成嗎?

[快速閃記](1)approve vt. 贊成;同意approve of sb's doing sth 同意某人做某事(2)without approval 未經(jīng)許可give one's approval to 同意;批準

10.profit n.[C] & [U]利潤;收益;利益;益處 vt.&vi.有益(于);有利(于)

A company whose profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.一家在國內市場利潤下降的公司可能會去國外謀求機會。It will profit us nothing to do that.做那事對我們沒有任何好處。







人教版高三英語選修7Unit 4期末單元復習試題






此書名為“知識不是力量”,目的不是要宣揚知識無用論,而是希望借此名重新思考學習的本質。下面小編給大家分享一些高中英語選修七的單詞知識,希望能夠幫助大家,歡迎閱讀!高中英語選修七的單詞知識1Ⅰ. 常考單