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SBIA Unit 6 Good manners



考點(diǎn)1. interrupt vt.& vi. 打斷;中斷;插嘴

May I interrupt you for a moment?

Don't interrupt me when I speak.


interrupt vt. & vi. 阻斷;中斷

interrupt vt. & vi. 打岔;插嘴;打斷(別人談話)

get in 插嘴

disturb vt. 打擾

(1)I apologized for ______________(打斷)you.

(2)He _____________(中斷)college to serve in the army.



(4)I had to _______ the meal to answer the phone.

A. disturb B. puzzle C. get D. interrupt

D。interrupt 此處的意思是"中斷"。disturb用作及物動(dòng)詞,意思是"打擾"。



He interrupted our talk rudely.

考點(diǎn)2. apologise vi. 道歉

Learn to apologise to people.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologise for the delay to your service.


apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 向某人為某事(為做了某事)道歉

apologize for oneself 為自已解辯或辯護(hù)

make/offer an apology to sb. for sth. 為某事向某人道歉

(1)I __________(道歉)to her for stepping on her foot.

(2)I have come to __________(道歉)to you.

(3)I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him.(英譯漢)


(4)我因遲到向老師道歉。(寫作小練筆:主謂+介詞;be late)


考點(diǎn)3. forgive vt.(forgave, forgiven)原諒;饒恕

Forgive me. I'm very sorry.

She never forgave him for his lies.



I apologized to the teacher for being late.

forgive vi. 原諒

forgive sb. /sth. 原諒某人/某事

forgive sb. for sth. 原諒某人某事

forgive one's debts 免除債務(wù)等


(1)I'll never __________(原諒)you for what you have done wrong

to your parents.

(2)Please ____________(原諒)me ----I didn't mean to be rude.

(3)Forgive me for asking, but where did you get that dress?

(替換) ___________



考點(diǎn)4. behave vt. & vi. 舉動(dòng);舉止;行為表現(xiàn)

Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.

It's hard to train children to behave well at the table.

培養(yǎng)兒童用餐時(shí)舉止得體是很困難的。forgiveforgiveExcuseWe forgave him his rudeness.

behave vi. 行為;舉止

behave vt. & vi. 守規(guī)矩;舉止適當(dāng)有禮

behave oneself 舉止(有禮)

behaviour n. 行為;舉止;習(xí)性

(1)The little boy ___________(表現(xiàn))with great courage in the

face of the robber.

(2)The young lady ___________(表現(xiàn))bravely in the face ofdanger.(3)The children do not know how to ___________(舉止)

themselves politely.


(寫作小練筆:主謂+介詞;get sb. disliked)


考點(diǎn)5. advice n.忠告;建議

For drinking during a dinner, the best advice is never to drink too much.behavedbehavedbehaveIf you behave like that, you'll get yourself disliked.

Tell me the reason why he refused to listen to my advice.


advice n.(用作不可數(shù)名詞)勸告(美語中advice也可用作動(dòng)詞)

advice /advise sb to do 建議

advise sb. against sth. 勸某人不干某事

advise sb that 通知;告知

(1)I asked the teacher for her ________(建議).

(2)The doctor ___________(建議)me to take more exercise.

(3)They _________(建議)her against marrying quickly.

(4)我勸你立刻出發(fā)。(寫作小練筆:主謂賓+賓補(bǔ)(to do);start)


考點(diǎn)6. stare vi. 凝視;盯著看

Don't laugh at, stare at or make jokes about disabled people.

If you stare at people like that, you might upset them.


stare at sb. or sth. 凝視;盯住adviceadvisedadvisedI advise you to start at once.

stare into the distance 凝視遠(yuǎn)方

stare sb. into silence 把某人盯得沉默

fix one's eyes upon 專注;凝視

glare at 怒目而視

(1)Standing still, he __________(凝視)into the distance.

(2)She __________(瞪)him into silence.

(3)He __________(盯著)at the word trying to remember whatit meant.(4)我們驚奇地注視著他。

(寫作小練筆:主謂+介詞;in amazement)


(5)He ________at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.

A. glared B. stared C. fixed his eyes D. watched out

B。stare at盯著看。staredstaredstaredWe stared at him in amazement.

考點(diǎn)7. leave out 省去;遺漏;不考慮

The extra information can be left out.

I think this paragraph can be left out.


leave out 省去;刪去; 遺漏

leave over 留下, 剩下

leave behind 丟棄;留下;忘記攜帶

leave alone 不管,不理會(huì);不打擾

leave sth. as it is 聽任某事自然發(fā)展

leave sb. to himself 對(duì)某人不加干涉

(1)Make sure that nothing ____________(漏掉)of the matter.

(2)If you can't think of the answer to the question, ________

(略去)it out.

(3)The printer _____________________ (遺漏了兩行)from thisparagraph.(4)我把一些重要的細(xì)節(jié)漏掉了。(寫作小練筆:主謂賓;details)


is left outleavehas left out two lines

I left out some important details.


The teacher stressed again that the students should not ___________any important details while retelling the story.


A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out


【解析】此題考查動(dòng)詞短語辨析。leave out"遺漏;省略",即要求講故事時(shí)不應(yīng)遺漏細(xì)節(jié)。bring out"提出"; let out"泄

露"; make out"辨認(rèn)出"。

考點(diǎn)8. In China you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in western countries.



Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.


which 引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,代替整個(gè)句子,且不能在句首;as也可引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,指大家熟悉的事情或常理,可以


用as, which填空:

(1)He turned out very successful, ________ was more than we

could expect.

(2)He said that he had never seen her before, _______ was nottrue.(3)_____ is known to all, she is one of the best students.

(4)______ we had expected, he won the game.

(5)He won the game, _________ we hadn't expected.


They've won their last three matches, ________I find a bit surprising actually. (2009年高考遼寧卷)

A. that B. when C. what D. which





高二英語教案No smoking, please!







