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時(shí)間: 柳琪20 分享




Section A News Report

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports。 At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions。 Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D)。 Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A) Heavy floods.

B) Safety concerns.

C) Bad economy.

D) Workers' strikes.

2. A) It is competitive with its numerous tourist destinations.

B) It provides many job opportunities for French people.

C) It is the biggest concern of the French government.

D) It plays an important role in the nation's economy.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A) To carry out a scientific survey.

B) To establish a new research station.

C) To rescue two sick American workers.

D) To deliver urgent medical supplies.

4. A) The darkness and cold.

B) The heavy snow and fog.

C) The biting winds.

D) The ice all around.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A) By tying it to a door handle.

B) By shaking it back and forth.

C) With a remote control craft.

D) With a full-sized helicopter.

6. A) He has lots of fans on Facebook.

B) He has rich experience in flying.

C) He often suffers from toothaches.

D) He has learned to pull teeth from a video.

7. A) Spend more time together.

B) Tell them adventure stories.

C) Do something fun and creative.

D) Play with them in a safe place.

Section B Conversation

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations。 At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions。 Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question。 You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。 Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) To confirm an urgent appointment.

B) To collect a package from the woman.

C) To ask the woman to sign a document.

D) To arrange the delivery of a package.

9. A) She is doing shopping.

B) She is visiting a friend.

C) She is not at home.

D) She is not feeling well.

10. A) He will be off duty the whole day.

B) He will be working somewhere else.

C) He will have to have his car repaired.

D) He will be too busy to spare any time.

11. A) Sign her name.

B) Confirm online.

C) Pay a small fee.

D) Show up in person.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) Vacation in Italy.

B) Study abroad.

C) Throw a farewell party.

D) Go to a fashion show in Milan.

13. A) Quite sleepy.

B) Very excited.

C) Rather depressed.

D) Nearly exhausted.

14. A) He has to attend a party.

B) He has to meet a friend.

C) He has to make a presentation.

D) He has to finish an assignment.

15. A) Say goodbye to the woman at the airport.

B) Meet the woman at the Black Cat Cafe.

C) Drive the woman to the airport.

D) Have lunch with the woman.

Section C Passage

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages。 At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions。 Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) It has kept growing over the centuries.

B) Its top is hidden in clouds of volcanic smoke.

C) Its height changes with each volcanic eruption.

D) It has a recorded history of 1,500 years.

17. A) They are now a tourist destination.

B) They attract a lot of migrating birds.

C) They provide shelter for the farmers.

D) They make good fields for farming.

18. A) They nest on the volcano's slopes.

B) They feed on certain small mammals.

C) They compete with each other for food.

D) They match large mammals in strength.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) He is self-employed.

B) He is a career advisor.

C) He studies talent.

D) He owns a magazine.

20. A) Doing what they like best.

B) Loving the work they do.

C) Making no excuses for failures.

D) Following their natural instinct.

21. A) It does not come to anything without hard work.

B) It may prove to be quite different from hard work.

C) It is a natural gift only some special people can possess.

D) It does not come to you until something special happens.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) It is a bit difficult to learn.

B) It was popular in New Zealand.

C) It is a traditional type of ballet.

D) It evolved in the mid-1970s.

23. A) She wanted her to be a ballet dancer.

B) She used to be a ballet dancer herself.

C) She hated to see her idling about.

D) She was too busy to look after her.

24. A) After she started teaching English.

B) Before she left for New Zealand.

C) When she moved to New York City.

D) Once she began to live on her own.

25. A) It has renewed her passion for life.

B) It has made her happy and energetic.

C) It has helped her make new friends.

D) It has enabled her to start a new career.


1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. D

15. A

16. C

17. D

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. A

22. D

23. C

24. A

25. B


Part III Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.



A) He needs another week for the painting.

B) The painting was completed just in time.

C) The building won’t open until next week.

D) His artistic work has been wellreceived.


A) Go camping. B) Decorate his house.

C) Rent a tent. D) Organize a party.


A) She talked with Mr. Wright on the phone.

B) She is about to call Mr. Wright’ssecretary.

C) She will see Mr. Wright at lunch time.

D) She failed to reach Mr. Wright.


A) He is actually very hardworking.

B) He has difficulty finishing his project.

C) He needs to spend more time in the lab.

D) He seldom tells the truth about himself.


A) Rules restricting smoking.

B) Ways to quit smoking.

C) Smokers’ health problems.

D) Hazards of passive smoking.


A) He is out of town all morning.

B) He is tied up in family matters.

C) He has been writing a report.

D) He has got meetings to attend.


A) He is not easy-going.

B) He is the speakers’ boss.

C) He is not at home this weekend.

D) He seldom invites people to his home.


A) Take a break.

B) Refuel his car.

C) Ask the way.

D) Have a cup of coffee.

Questions19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) They are as good as historical films.

B) They give youngsters a thrill.

C) They have greatly improved.

D) They are better than comics on film.


A) The effects were very good.

B) The acting was just so-so.

C) The plot was too complicated.

D) The characters were lifelike.


A) They triumphed ultimately over evil inthe battle.

B) They played the same role inWar of the Worlds.

C) They are popular figures among youngpeople.

D) They are two leading characters in thefilm. 

Questions22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) It is scheduled on Thursday night.

B) It is supposed to last nine weeks.

C) It takes place once a week.

D) It usually starts at six.


A) To make good use of her spare time inthe evening.

B) To meet the requirements of herin-service training.

C) To improve her driving skills as quicklyas possible.

D) To get some basic knowledge about carmaintenance.


A) Participate in group discussions.

B) Take turns to make presentations.

C) Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

D) Answer the teacher’s questions.


A) Most of them are female.

B) Some have a part-time job.

C) They plan to buy a new car.

D) A few of them are old chaps.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


Passage One

Questions26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) She is not good at making friends.

B) She is not well off.

C) She enjoys company.

D) She likes to go to concerts alone.


A) Their similar social status.

B) Their interdependence.

C) Their common interest.

D) Their identical character.


A) Invite Pat to a live concert.

B) Buy some gifts for Pat’s kids.

C) Help take care of Pat’s kids.

D) Pay for Pat’s season tickets.


A) It can develop between people with a bigdifference in income.

B) It can be maintained among people ofdifferent age groups.

C) It cannot last long without similarfamily background.

D) It cannot be sustained when friends movefar apart.


Questions 30to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) Priority of students’ academicachievements.

B) Equal education opportunities to allchildren.

C) Social equality between teachers andstudents.

D) Respect for students’ individuality.


A) Efficient.

B) Complicated.

C) Lengthy.

D) Democratic.


A) To help them acquire hands-onexperience.

B) To try to cut down its operationalexpenses.

C) To provide part-time jobs for needystudents.

D) To enable them to learn to takeresponsibility.


Questions33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) The best way to work through a fingermaze.

B) Individuals doing better in front of anaudience.

C) Researchers having contributed greatlyto psychology.

D) Improvements on the classification ofhuman behavior.


A) When you feel encouraged by theaudience.

B) When you try to figure out a confusinggame.

C) When you already know how to dosomething.

D) When you complete with other people in agroup.


A) Practicing constantly.

B) Working by oneself.

C) Learning by doing.

D) Using proven methods.


A) It is part of everyday life. B) It is a unique human trait.

C) It is yet to be fully understood. D) It is beyond ordinary people.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.


Americans today have different eatinghabits than they had in the past. There is a wide (36) ______ of foodavailable. They have a broader (37) ______ of nutrition (營(yíng)養(yǎng)), so theybuy more fresh fruit and (38) _______ than ever before. At the same time, Americans(39)______ increasing quantities of sweets and sodas.

Statistics show that the way people live(40) ______ the way they eat. American lifestyles have changed. There are nowgrowing numbers of people who live alone, (41) ______ parents and children, anddouble-income families. These changing lifestyles are (42) ______ for theincreasing number of people who must (43) ______ meals or sometimes simply gowithout them. Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparingfood. (44) _________________________________. Moreover, Americans eat outnearly four times a week on average.

It is easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that people consume.(45) ___________________________________. This information not only tells uswhat people are eating, but also tells us about the changes in attitudes andtastes. (46) __________________________________. Instead, chicken, turkey andfish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatly increased inrecent years.







36. selection

37. knowledge

38. vegetables

39. purchase

40. determines

41. single

42. responsible

43. rush

44. Partly as a consequence of this limitedtime, over half of all American homes now have microwave ovens

45. The United States Department ofAgriculture and the food industry collect sales statistics and keep accuraterecords

46.Red meat, which used to be the most popular choice for dinner, is no longer anAmerican favorite




W: Have you finished that painting for the new student center?

M: Just this morning, I've been working extra hours all week. You know the building opens tomorrow.

Q: What does theman mean?


M: Do you sell camping gear?

W: Yes, we have tents, sleeping bags, just about everything you might need, including stoves.

Q: What is the man probably goingto do?


M: Hi, Jenny! Have you talked to Mr. Wright about the new sports program?

W: Well, I contacted his office half an hour ago, and his secretary said he was out for lunch until 2:00.

Q: What does the woman mean?


M:Bill says he's not working so hard on his biology project.

W: But he spends a lot of time inthe lab, doesn't he?

Q: What does the woman imply about Bill?


M: I have to say I find the newsmoking regulations too strict.

W: Well, they are for everyone'shealth. I have no complaints.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


W: Jack asked me to drop off this report. He's tied up in meetings all morning.

M: I was hoping he'd bring ithimself. I need to talk with him about it.

Q: Why can't Jack come in person?


M: Should we invite Mr. Smith tojoin us for dinner this weekend? He's just come back from England.

W: You can have a try. But as faras I know, he seldom accepts invitations from his employees.

Q: What can we infer about Mr.Smith?


W: This place doesn't look familiar at all. We must be lost.

M:Yeah,it seems so. Let's pull in here. WhileI'm filling in the tank, you go ask the way and get me something to drinkplease.

Q: What is the man going to do first?


Conversation One

M: Well, did you enjoy it?

W: Yes, I enjoy it much more that I thought I would.

M: Really?

W: Yes, I don't usually go to science fiction films; I don't think they are much better than comics on film,if you know what I mean.

M: Yes, sure. And a few years ago, they were certainly like that. But they've got a lot better now.

W: Yes, and historical films,that's what I really like. I never miss a good film set in the middle ages. Oh,and love stories, I never miss one on TV.

M: Funnily enough, I don't likethose kinds of films at all. But to come back to this one, I personally didn'tthink it was very good. It certainly wasn't as good as other science fictionfilms I've seen.

W: Wasn't it?

M: No, not at all. Oh, theeffects were very good.

W: Yes, I thought they weremarvelous, especially the battle in space, incredible.

M: Yes. But I was going to say Ithought the acting was terrible.

W: Yes, I suppose Jason was toogood to be true. And what was the name of the baddy?

M: Cargon?

W: Yeah, Cargon was really evil,wasn't he? But I suppose that's what these films are all about—good triumphingover evil. And the characters have to be black and white.

M: Well, yes, but not always.Warof the Worldswasn't like that, for example. Anyway, you enjoy the film.That's the most important.

W: Yes, I did. Thanks for taking me.

Questions 19-21 are based on theconversation you have just heard.

19. What does the man say aboutscience fiction films?

20. What opinion do the speakersshare about the film they have just seen?

21. What to be learned about Jason and Cargon?


Conversation Two

M: Can I ask you about yourevening class? What class do you go to?

W: Car Maintenance.

M: What night of the week is iton?

W: Wednesday night.

M: And how long does it last?

W: Well, it supposed to start at6:00, but that’s a bit of problem because people have difficulty gettingthrough the traffic. So we start at 6: 30 and it goes on until 9 o'clock.

M: And what was your reason forwanting to do the class?

W: Well, I just bought my firstcar and I don't know anything about cars. So I thought it was a goodopportunity to learn. I guess most people in the class are in the samesituation.

M: Um, and what do you actuallydo? Do you bring the car along to the class?

W: Yes, we do. And in the firstpart of the lesson, the first half hour, the man who runs the class will gothough some particular part of the car, and we'll learn about it. And then wespend the rest of the time actually working on our own cars, the same problem.

M: And how many people are therein the class?

W: Mm, I think 16, but 3 quartersof them are women. It's quite interesting because the man is obliviously usedto teaching man. And he always starts his sentence by saying, "Wow, youchaps, hello." And then he stops and says "Oh, and you woman, ur, youladies, but...ur..."

M: Huh huh... sounds funny.

Questions 22-25 are based on theconversation you have just heard.

22. What does the woman say abouther evening class?

23. Why did the woman want toattend the class?

24. What do the people who attendthe class do in the first part of the lesson?

25. What do we learn about theparticipants in the class?


Passage 1

We don't choose friends on thebasis of how much money they have, of course, but vast differences can bedisturbing to both sides. Aaron, for example, is single, and earns a very goodsalary. Her friend, Pat, a divorced mother of three, is struggling to make endsmeet. "We are both frequent theatergoers," Aaron explains, "andI'll gladly pay for two tickets, just to have Pat's company at plays andconcerts. But she won't go anywhere unless she can pay her own way. I hate togo alone. So we both stay home. It all seems so silly." Pat sees thesituation differently. After an unhappy marriage to a man who tried to controlher without considering her wishes and feelings, she says, "It's very importantto me to carry my own weight. I'm not comfortable in any relationship where allI do is take."

The difficult situation finally changed when Aaron moved recently. Pat's childrenwere with their father, so she took a picnic lunch to her friend's new place,and then spent the day helping her unpack and get settled. "I was sograteful," Aaron says, "but I persuaded Pat to let me return thefavor in my own way with season tickets to our little theater group. I thinkshe's beginning to recognize that she contributes as much to our friendship asI do.".

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passageyou have just heard.

26. What do we learn about Pat?

27. What draws Aaron and Pat together?

28. What does Aaron do to return Pat's favor?

29. What do we learn aboutfriendship from the passage?

Passage 2

Sun School, in the town of Ashburton,England, is a day school for children aged 10 to 18. It is based on the valueof social equality between students and staff, and has few rules. Sun Schoolbelieves that the healthy growth of a child is more important than academicsuccess. It offers a variety of lessons and activities for students to choosefrom and free time for children to follow their own interests. Classes aresmall and based on the individual needs of each child. The timetable is fixed,but democratically decided and students are expected to attend. The weeklyschool meeting is at the center of the way. Sun school is organized. It makesall the decisions that affect the school, including rules, the timetable andaccepting or rejecting new students and teachers. Participating in thesemeetings gives the children an understanding of democratic decision-making andhelps them develop their skills of argument and persuasion. The most importantadvantage of the school meeting is that it shows the children that the schoolis really theirs. They have the right to decide on changes. And the school'ssuccess or failure depends on their decisions and their behavior. Sun Schoolemploys no cooking or cleaning staff, these jobs are done by the students andteachers. Decorating and simple repairs are also done by the students, it isbelieved that for the school to truly belong to those who use it, they musttake responsibility for its maintenance.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passageyou've just heard.

30. What value is Sun Schoolbased on?

31. What is characteristic of theschool’s decision-making process?

32. Why does Sun School askstudents to do the maintenance?

Passage 3

Well, to continue, as I mentionedearlier, there is also research that demonstrates that individuals performworse, not better on tasks when other people are there. R.W.Hubbert did aninteresting experiment. He had his subjects learn a finger maze. This is a gamein which you indicate with your finger the way through a complex system ofpassages or paths. The subjects who had an audience did worse than the subjectswho did alone.

Nowhow can we explain these very different results? It seemed very confusing for along time. Social psychologist John Roberts finally cleared up the confusionabout why people sometimes perform better and sometimes worse in front of anaudience. Roberts found that the presence of an audience facilitates what youalready know how to do. That is, if you know what you are doing, having anaudience helps you do it better. But if you don’t already know how to dosomething, you will probably make some mistakes and you will make mistakes fora longer time if you have an audience. That’s exactly what happened to thesubjects who were learning the finger maze.

Soif you are doing well, having an audience increases the chances that you willcontinue to do well. If you are doing badly, having an audience seem increasesthe chances that you will continue to do badly. Roberts cleverly pointed outthat when you are first learning something, you are better off working alonethan practicing with other people.

Question 33 to 35 are based on the passageyou have just heard.

33. What did the speaker probablydiscuss before coming to this part of the talk?

34. When does the presence of anaudience facilitate your performance according to Roberts?

35. What does Roberts think is abetter way to learn new things?


Americans today have differenteating habits than they had in the past. There is a wide(36)selectionof food available. They have a broader(37)knowledgeofnutrition(營(yíng)養(yǎng)), so they buy more fresh fruit and (38)vegetablesthan everbefore. At the same time, Americans (39)purchaseincreasing quantitiesof sweets and sodas.

Statisticsshow that the way people live (40)determinesthe way they eat.American lifestyles have changed. There are now growing numbers of people wholive alone, (41)singleparents and children, and double-incomefamilies. These changing lifestyles are (42)responsiblefor the increasingnumber of people who must (43)rushmeals or sometimes simply go without them.Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food.(44)Partly as aconsequence of this limited time, over half of all American homes now havemicrowave ovens.Moreover, Americans eat out nearly four times aweek on average.

Itis easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that people consume. (45)TheUnited States Department of Agriculture and the food industry collect salesstatistics and keep accurate records.This information not onlytells us what people are eating, but also tells us about the changes inattitudes and tastes. (46)Red meat, which used to be the most popular choice fordinner, is no longer an American favorite.Instead, chicken,turkey and fish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatlyincreased in recent years.










