很多學(xué)生使用的都是死記硬背的方法。這種方法固然好,記得快。但也有它致命的問題:忘得也快。有的同學(xué)可能寄希望于利用中文諧音來記憶單詞。如ambitious -”俺必勝“這種方法有趣,記得牢。但無奈涵蓋單詞量較小,僅占百分之二。所以其實最有效的方法就是利用詞根詞綴來記單詞。它的優(yōu)勢在于記得快,記得牢。
以cede,ceed,cess詞根為例。它們的含義是“走”。所以succeed, exceed, proceed, recede都有“走”的意思,但是因為前綴不同,所以意思上也有所差異。其中”suc,sub,sus”表示“向下”,所以成功的秘訣就在于“一直向下走”,即只有一直走下去才能成功。
其實正因為”suc,sub,sus”表示“向下”,這個單詞還可以表示“走在后面”即“繼承”的意思;”ex”表示“外面,出來“,所以exceed的含義就是“從平庸中走出來—超越”;”pro”表示“向前”,所以exceed的含義就是“向前走—前進”;”re”表示“再一次;回來”,所以recede表示“走回來—撤退”。而且這四個單詞其實揭示了考研的真諦“要想成功succeed,必須超越 exceed; 不斷前進 proceed; 永不后退 recede!”
英語文章的行文特點一般是相對固定的,結(jié)構(gòu)類型也相對固定。比如往年一套MBA英語閱讀理解試題的第二篇文章為例來說明觀點論證型文章的行文特點。因為所有的文章都是來自現(xiàn)實生活,因此作者的文章必定圍繞著一個主題:“biomedical researches,animal rightsadvocates”;作者通常會以引言或事例引出要議論的話題:“To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, all that isneeded for the triumph of amisguided cause is that good people do nothing”;然后作者必定要提出自己的觀點:“Scientists need to respondforcefully to animal rights advocates,whose arguments are confusing the publicand thereby threatening advances inhealth knowledge and care”。接下來筆者會用舉例等方法來論證自己的觀點:1.For example,agrandmotherly woman……2.Scientistsmustcommunicate their message to the public in a compassionate,understandableway———in human terms,not in the language of molecular biology。
在文章的結(jié)尾處,作者還會提出解決問題的方法Muchcanbe done。不難看出,熟知文章的行文思路,對解答文章的主旨大意題、段落內(nèi)的推理判斷題以及作者的觀點態(tài)度題都是極有幫助的。建議考生朋友們在做了一定量的歷年真題之后,回過頭來總結(jié)一下文章的結(jié)構(gòu)特點,這對以后的閱讀和解題都會大有裨益。
閱讀文章當中常常有一些舉例的地方,其所設(shè)涉及的人物往往有很長的定語,比如Nancy Dubler、director of Montefiore Medical Center、contends that…George Annas、chair of the health law department atBostonUniversity、 maintains that…對于這些細節(jié),我們一般不用對人名后的限制說明部分太注意,重點是看這個人他/她有什么觀點。
區(qū)分事實和觀點是閱讀理解能力最為重要的一環(huán),表明作者觀點的句子一般為判斷句,如There are reasons to be optimistic. Sad to say、this projecthasturned out to be mostly low level findings about factual errors…、I believe that the most important forces behind the massiveM&Awave are the same that underlie the globalization process…All these are beneficial、not detrimental、to customers。文章中事實細節(jié)往往帶有更加明顯的標志,如For example、For instance、In America,還有一些數(shù)據(jù)等都是事實細節(jié)的標志。
文章中的連詞和副詞是解題的線索。連詞和副詞是文章當中的重要連接詞,它們使文章的各種內(nèi)容成為一個邏輯整體,需要大家注意的詞有but、however、nevertheless、while、though、although、and、on one hand——on the other hand、consequently、as a result、consequently、thus等等,這些詞表達著文章當中的并列、因果、轉(zhuǎn)折等邏輯關(guān)系,往往是作者表明自己觀點的依據(jù)。
From the bar chart above we can see that people in cities are doing less exercise than before. In 2006, 80 in every 100 people take regular exercise, but in 2011, the number has declined to only 10. As I see it, there are mainly 2 reasons contributing to this phenomenon.
For one thing, the stressful life of the modern society has made it hard for young people to find time to do exercise. /People don’t do exercise because they don’t have time./ Owing to the one-child policy of our country, the young couples have to take care of four parents, which take up most of their spare time. Besides, the competition in the labor market gets more and more fierce, and they have to work hard in order to survive.
For another, many young people have lost their interest in sports because they have various/ diversified entertainment. In the past, young people didn’t have many choices to relax, so many choose to play basketball, volleyball, badminton, football, and so on. But now, they can stay indoors playing computer games, which is very time-consuming.
Modern entertainment is very enjoyable, but they are not physically beneficial. In my opinion, young people should go outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and the fun of sports, rather than stay indoors all day long. When they lose their health, they will regret.