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  想要真正掌握英語,詞匯是必不可少的必備條件,所以詞匯教學(xué)是英語學(xué)習(xí)中的關(guān)鍵。以下是小編整理的關(guān)于人教版高中英語必修二單詞及語言點(diǎn)總結(jié):Unit 1 Cultural relics,旨在提供綜合運(yùn)用所需材料!


  Unit 1 Cultural relics

  Word usage:

  1. survive vi.

  1) continue to live or exist;

  2) vt. Continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by sth.

  3) vt. Remain alive after sb., live or exist longer than

  eg: He is the last surviving member of the family.

  Few buildings survived the earthquake.

  The man survived his sister by three years.

  2. remain v.

  1) vi. Be left or present after other parts have been moved or used or dealt with

  2) vi. Be left to be seen, done, etc.

  3) vi. Stay behind, stay in the same place.

  4) (link-v.) continue to be

  Eg: After the fire, very little remained of my house.

  Much work remained to be done.

  I’ll remain to see the end of the game.

  He remained silent after class.

  3. gift n. [C] 1) sth. given; 2) natural ability

  eg: ----Please accept these flowers for your birthday.

  -----Oh. Thanks a lot for your beautiful gift.

  He is a student who has a gift for music.

  He is a man of many gifts.

  4. design 1) vt. & vi. plan, intend; make arrangement of sth. make drawings for…; 2) make designs for

  eg: Was it designed, or did it just happen?

  He designs for our dress department.

  The experiment is designed to text the new drug.

  5. fancy 1) adj. not plain or ordinary; made to please the eye 2) vt. Imagine 3) imagination

  Eg: I don’t feel like making a fancy meal.

  Don’t fancy that you can succeed without hard work.

  She took a fancy to the boy.

  6. light vt. & vi. (lit, lit; lighted, lighted)

  1) cause to burn or shine 2) cause to be shine 3) (cause to ) become bright

  Eg: He lighted his cigarette and sat down.

  We lit a candle and the candle lit the room.

  Her face was lighted by happiness.

  7. wonder v. & n.

  1) n. feeling caused by sth. unusal, surpring.

  2) vt. don’t know and want to know

  3) vi. be filled with wonder

  Eg: The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.

  I wonder why he came.

  It’s not to be wonder at.

  8. remove 1) vi. take to another place; 2) get rid of 3) take off 4) move

  Eg: Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.

  His name was removed from the list.

  The child refused to remove his trousers.

  The removed into the new house soon.

  9. doubt

  1) v. feel uncertain about, question the truth of

  2) n. uncertainty of mind, feeling of uncertainty.

  3) vt. doubt sb. / sth.

  Eg: Your life is in danger. There is no doubt about it.

  I have no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you.

  I doubt that you are honest.

  10. apart adv. 1) away from each other; 2) separately

  Eg: Let’s keep the two things apart.

  The boy took the watch apart to see how it ran.

  They look almost the same; it’s hard to tell them apart.

  11. consider vt. 1) think about 2) think

  Eg: He is considering the problem now.

  I’m considering buying a new house.

  He is considered to have stolen the picture.

  12.besides adv. & prep.

  1) adv. Also, what’s more 2) prep 常與other, also, else others等連用

  Eg: Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.

  I have three other hats besides this one.

  Does he know any other foreign language besides French

  Useful phrases:

  1. look into : 1) examine; investigate; 2) look at the inside of

  eg: The police are looking into all the records of the man.

  He looks into her face with great interest.

  I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little patience.

  2. belong to 1) be the property of; 2) be a member of

  eg: The house belonged to an old lady.

  China is a country belonging to the Third World.

  As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century.

  3. in search of : looking for

  eg: The boys went in search of something to eat.

  4. in return 1) in return for 作為……的報(bào)答

  Eg: I wish I could do something for you in return.

  He bought her a gold watch in return for you in return.

  5. think highly of : speak highly of / think much / well of

  Eg: He was not well thought of by his boss.

  The leaders spoke highly of what he had done for the company