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  以下是小編整理的關(guān)于高中英語必修1 Unit 1 Friendship語言點(diǎn)總結(jié),旨在提供綜合運(yùn)用所需材料,希望能夠幫到你!能有一個好的開頭,就是成功的一半,高一新生步入高中,開始新的高中生活。

  Unit 1 Friendship語言點(diǎn)總結(jié)

  Word usage

  1. add (to) v. 1) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, or importance; 2) to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.

  eg: The fire is going out; will you add some wood?

  The snowstorm added to our difficulties.

  Add up these figures for me, please.

  2. ignore v. to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to

  eg: His letters were ignored.

  Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.

  My advice was completely ignored.

  3. concern v. 使擔(dān)心;使不安 (+about/for); 涉及,關(guān)系到;影響到

  eg: The boy's poor health concerned his parents.

  He is concerned for her safety.

  The news concerns your brother.

  He was very concerned about her.

  4. loose adj. not firmly or tightly fixed.

  She wore loose garments in the summer.

  I have got a loose tooth.

  Some loose pages fell out of the book.

  5. purpose n. [C] an intention or plan; a person’s reason for an action.

  What is the purpose of his visit?

  The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals.

  Did you come to London to see your family, or for business purpose?

  6. series n. (of) a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order.

  Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.

  This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.

  They carried out a series of experiments to test the new drug.

  7. cheat. 1) v. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win an advantage;

  2) n. a person who cheats; dishonest persons

  They cheated the old woman of her house and money.

  The salesman cheated me into buying a fake.

  He never cheated in exams.

  I see you drop that card, you cheat!

  I never thought that Sam is a cheat.

  8. share 1) vt.&vi. (in\with\ amount\between) to have, use or take part in something with others or among a group.

  2) n. (in\of) the part belongs to, owed to or done by a particular person.

  The money was shared out between them.

  Sam and I share a room.

  We shared in his joy.

  They always share their happiness and sorrow.

  I have done my share of the work.

  9. crazy adj. 1) mad ; foolish 2) [+about] wildly excited; very interested

  You're crazy to go out in this stormy weather.

  John's crazy about that girl.

  She is just crazy about dancing.

  10. dare v.& v.aux.. 1) + to do; 2) + v

  to be brave enough or rude enough (to do sth. dangerous, difficult or unpleasant).

  How dare you accuse me of lying!

  How dare you ask me such a question?

  My younger sister dare not go out alone.

  He did not dare to leave his car there.

  11. trust 1) n. [U] (in) form believe in the honesty, goodness or worth etc, of someone or something

  2) v. to believe in the honesty and worth of someone or something; have confidence in

  I have no trust in him.

  I don’t place any trust in the government’s promises.

  Why do you trust a guy like him?

  I trust your wife will soon get well.

  12. suffer v. (for) to experience pain, difficulty or loss

  I cannot suffer such rudeness.

  He suffered from poverty all his life.

  My father suffers from high blood pressure.

  They suffered a great deal in those days.

  13. advice n. [U] opinion given to someone about what they should do in a particular situation

  →v. advise to give advice to

  I want your advice, sir. I don't know what to do.

  I asked the doctor for her advice.

  I f you take my advice, you won’t tell anyone about this.

  He gave them some good\ sound advice.

  14. communicate v. 1) (to) to make (opinions, feelings, information etc. ) known or understood by others. e.g. by speech, writing or body movements;

  2) (with) to share or exchange opinions, feelings, information etc.

  Our teacher communicates his idea very clearly.

  He had no way to communicate with his brother.

  Did she communicate my wishes to you?

  We learn a language in order to communicate.

  Deaf people use sign language to communicate.

  15. calm 1) adj. free from excitement, nervous activity or strong feelings; quiet

  2) n. [U] peace and quiet

  3) v. to make calm

  You must try to be calm.

  The high wind passed and the sea was calm again.

  The police chief advised his men to stay \ keep calm and not lose their tempers.

  There was a calm on the sea.

  She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.

  We calmed the old lady down.

  Useful expressions:

  1. add up

  to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.

  Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12.

  Add up your score and see how many points you can get.

  If we add these marks up, we'll get a total of 90.

  2. calm down

  to make or become calm

  Calm down, sir. What's the trouble?

  Just calm down, there’s nothing to worry about!

  We tried to calm him down, but he keep shouting.

  3. be concerned about \with

  to worry or interest

  My parents are concerned about my studies.

  Don’t concern yourself about \ with other people’s affairs.

  She’s concerned about his son’s future.

  4. go through

  1) to suffer or experience; 2) to look at or examine carefully;

  3) to pass through or be accepted

  The country has gone through too many wars.

  The new law did not go through.

  Let’s go through it again, this time with the music.

  5. set down

  1) to make a written record of; write down 2) put down

  I have set down everything that happened.

  I will set down the story as it was told to me.

  Please set me down at the next corner.

  6. a series of + pl. & n 做主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)


  There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing.

  These days I have read a series of articles on reading.

  A series of TV play is on Channel 1 these days.

  7. on purpose

  intentionally; with a particular stated intention

  He did it on purpose.

  “I am sorry I stepped on your toe; it was an accident.” “It wasn’t! You do it on purpose.”

  I came here on purpose to see you.

  8. according to

  as stated by sb. or sth.

  They divided themselves into three groups according to age.

  Please arrange the books according to size.

  According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.

  According to her, grandfather called at noon.

  9. fall in love

  begin to be in love (with sb.)

  They fell in love at once; it was love at first sight.

  What will he do if his daughter falls in love with a poor man?

  They fell in love with each other for years.

  10. join in

  to take part in (an activity)

  They are going to join in the singing.

  She started dancing and we all joined in.

  Would you like to join in my birthday party?