
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初二學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 八年級英語 > 仁愛版八年級英語上冊期中考試復(fù)習(xí)資料(2)


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  133、stay in bed臥床休息

  134、have a sleep 睡覺 have a good sleep 睡個好覺

  135、look pale看起來臉色蒼白

  136、feel terrible感覺不舒服

  137、day and night日日夜夜

  138、have a rest 休息 have a good rest 好好休息

  139、have a sore throat (患)喉嚨痛 have a terrible sore throat喉嚨痛得厲害

  140、lie down 躺下來 [ 不能加賓語 ] 如:You’d better lie down and rest.

  141、hot tea with honey (帶有蜂蜜的熱茶)

  142、too much candy太多糖果 [ too much + 不可數(shù)名詞]

  143、so much candy 這么多糖果

  144、twice a day 每天兩次

  145、on the Internet 用因特網(wǎng),通過因特網(wǎng)

  146、so long 這么久, 那么久

  147、take care of 照顧 take good care of好好照顧

  148、build up 使……更強(qiáng)壯, 增強(qiáng)……體質(zhì) [ 及物動詞+副詞 ]


  build my friend up = build up my friend


  build me up

  149、check over給……做體檢/健康檢查;核對,檢查



  如check over Li Ming = check Li Ming over

 ?、诖~作賓語只能放中間 如 check him over


  150、worry about sth./sb. 擔(dān)心某事/某人



  如 worry about him/Li Ming 擔(dān)心他/李明

  worry about my weight 擔(dān)心我體重

  151、be glad to do sth. 樂意做某事

  152、make one’s bed 整理床鋪 如 make my bed

  153、keep doing sth. 繼續(xù)做某事 keep sb. doing sth.讓某人一直做某事

  154、at least 至少, 不少于

  155、boiled water 開水

  156、a symbol of… (……的標(biāo)志) 例a symbol of the Olympic Games

  157、take a pill 服藥片/藥丸

  158、nothing serious 沒什么嚴(yán)重的

  [“不定代詞(something, nothing, anything) +形容詞” (形容詞要放在不定代詞的后面 ),如 I have something important to say. 我有一些重要的事情要說。 ]

  159、return to +某地(回到某地) 如 return to Shanghai回到上海


  return home 回家,return here回到這里,return there回到那里

  160、call a taxi 叫出租車

  161、have an accident 發(fā)生一場事故

  162、take him to the hospital帶他去醫(yī)院

  take sb. to +某地 (帶某人去某地)


  如 take me home帶我回家, take me there帶我去那里


  I hurt my left leg. 我傷到我的左腿。 [hurt為及物動詞]


  My left leg hurts. 我左腿疼。 [hurt為不及物動詞]

  164、look after myself照顧我自己

  165、ask for two weeks’ leave 請兩天的假

  166、return to school 回到學(xué)校上課

  167、have a bad weekend 度過一個糟糕的周末

  168、after that 之后

  169、feel sleepy感到很困倦 [ feel +形容詞]

  170、eat too little 吃太少 eat too much吃太多

  171、take some medicine 服一些藥

  172、①have a big breakfast吃一頓豐盛的早餐

  [breakfast有big修飾可理解為種類,即什么樣的早餐,所以可以加a ]

  ②have breakfast 吃早餐 [ 不用冠詞 ]

  173、stay up late at night晚上熬夜

  174、go to bed early早睡 get up late晚起 get up early早起

  175、keep fingernails long 留長指甲 [ keep sth./sb. +形容詞 ]

  176、wash hands before meals飯前洗手

  177、play sports right after meals飯后立即運(yùn)動

  ①play sports進(jìn)行體育運(yùn)動

 ?、趓ight after… (……之后馬上……;就在……之后)

  178、go to school without breakfast 不吃早飯去上學(xué)

  179、brush teeth twice a day 一天刷兩次牙 [刷牙記得用復(fù)數(shù)形式teeth ]

  180、have a bath洗澡

  181、an article about smoking 一篇關(guān)于吸煙的文章

  [ 介詞后面的動詞要變成動名詞,才能作介詞的賓語 ]

  182、in the newspaper 在報紙上

  183、give up smoking戒煙

  184、read in the sun在陽光下看書

  185、throw litter around 亂扔垃圾

  186、enough water足夠的水 enough books足夠的書

  [enough作為形容詞,后面要接不可數(shù)名詞或可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,不可以接可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)形式。比如不可以說enough book ]



 ?、賅e have enough food for this week.


 ?、赪e have food enough for this week.



  warm enough 足夠暖和

  carefully enough 足夠仔細(xì)

  187、during the day 在白天 [ 相當(dāng)于 in the daytime ]

  188、get headaches患頭痛 get a headache患頭痛

  189、a pain in your head 在你的頭部的疼痛

  190、work too hard工作太努力

  191、get enough sleep 獲得足夠的睡眠 [sleep在這里是不可數(shù)名詞]

  192、exercise for a long time 做運(yùn)動很久 [exercise在這里作動詞]

  193、exercise on an empty stomach 空腹鍛煉 [exercise在這里作動詞]

  194、get into the human body 進(jìn)入人體

  195、cause diseases 引起疾病

  196、through the nowe通過鼻子 through the mouth通過口腔

  197、through the skin通過皮膚

  198、have an illness 生病 [ illness和disease都可作可數(shù)名詞]

  區(qū)別:disease指具體的某種疾病 illness泛指不健康的狀態(tài)

  199、keep the air fresh保持空氣清新

  200、tidy our rooms整理我們的房間

  201、sweep the floor掃地 注意與clean的區(qū)別:


  202、in public當(dāng)眾,公開地 spit in public在公共場所吐痰

  203、as we know眾所周知

  204、help make us strong有助于使我們強(qiáng)壯

  205、become sick 生病 [ become +形容詞]

  同義:be ill [ 強(qiáng)調(diào)生病的狀態(tài)]

  have an illness, fall ill, become sick [強(qiáng)調(diào)從健康到生病的轉(zhuǎn)變]

  206、every night每天晚上 every day每天 every week 每周

  207、less than… (少于…… ) 例 less than 7 hours 少于7小時

  more than… (超過……) 例 more than two days 超過2天

  208、less than three times a week 每星期少于3次

  209、once一次 twice兩次 three times 三次 four times四次 ……

  210、on TV在電視上播放 例 Dad is on TV!爸爸上電視了!

  211、go ahead開始做,著手干

  212、among people在人們之間 注意與between的區(qū)別:

  among三者或三者以上的人或物之間, between兩者之間

  213、these days這幾天 those days 那幾天

  214、keep our rooms clean保持房間干凈

  215、all the time一直,始終

  216、take one’s advice接受某人的建議 如 take your advice

  217、keep away from crowded places 遠(yuǎn)離人多擁擠的地方

 ?、賙eep away from… 遠(yuǎn)離…… ②place是可數(shù)名詞

  218、drink lots of boiled water喝許多開水

  219、take some cold pills 吃些感冒藥

  220、lie down and take a good rest 躺下來好好休息

  221、go to crowded places去人多擁擠的地方

  222、examine a patient 檢查病人

  223、ring up 給……打電話 [及物動詞+副詞]

  ①名詞做賓語,可中可后 ring up John = ring John up

 ?、诖~作賓語只能放中間 ring him up

  224、an hour later一小時以后

  225、phone his father’s office往他父親的辦公室打電話

  [ phone sb./ call sb./ring sb. 打電話給某人:phone用在英國語語比美國英語普通,call美國英語和英國英語都常用,ring比phone和call不正式]

  226、leave a message 留口信 take a message 捎口信

  227、give him the message = give the message to him

  228、call him back 給他回電話 [ call sb. back 給某人回電話 ]

  229、give a talk 做報告 have a talk聽報告

  230、on time按時,準(zhǔn)時

  231、give a talk to the students給學(xué)生們做報告

  232、make you fat使你/你們肥胖 make you unhealthy使你/你們不健康

  233、stay safe 保持安全 [ stay +形容詞,意為“保持……”]

  234、first aid 急救 [名詞]

  235、on the other hand另一方面

  236、avoid smoking and drinking遠(yuǎn)離煙酒

  [ ①avoid sth. ②avoid doing sth. 避免……]

  237、[ make sb./sth.+動詞原形]

  make something happen使某事發(fā)生

  make sb. do sth.使某人做某事

  238、try to do sth. 設(shè)法做某事,努力做某事,試圖做某事 [可能不成功]

  try not to do sth.設(shè)法不做某事

  239、talk in groups分組討論

  240、break out爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生 [不加賓語]

  241、lose one’s life 喪生 例lose his life 注意:lose過去式為lost

  save one’s life 挽救某人的生命

  242、stay at home待在家

  243、learn by oneself 自學(xué) [相當(dāng)于teach oneself]

  例 I learn English by myself. = I teach myself English. 我自學(xué)英語。

  244、take an active part in… 積極參加……

  246、care for sb. 照顧某人 [不及物動詞+介詞]


  相當(dāng)于 look after, take care of

  247、most students 大多數(shù)學(xué)生

  248、during those days 在那些日子里

  249、be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某物/某人

  250、give me another one給我另外一個

  251、pass the exam通過考試 fail the exam考試沒通過

  252、this time這次,next time下次,last time上次

  253、get a cold 得了感冒 相當(dāng)于have a cold

  254、buy her a pen = buy a pen for her 給她買了一支鋼筆

  255、break the window打壞窗戶

  256、hand in 交上…… [及物動詞+副詞]


  hand in your homework = hand your homework in交家庭作業(yè)


  hand it/them in

  257、look for 尋找 [強(qiáng)調(diào)找的動作和過程]

  find找到 [強(qiáng)調(diào)找的結(jié)果]

  258、bring it to me 把它帶來給我 [bring sth. to sb.把某物帶來給某人]

  bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth.

  例 bring a book to me = bring me a book

  注意:我們可以說bring it to me,但不可以說bring me it

  即帶來的某物是代詞時,只能用bring sth. to sb.的句型。

  259、some of his classmates 他的一些同班同學(xué)

  260、have a look看一看 have a look at sth./sb.看一看某物/某人

  261、do the same sports 做同樣的運(yùn)動

  the same的用法:① +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞② +復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞③+不可數(shù)名詞

  例 the same book, the same things, the same quality (相同的品質(zhì))

  262、learn to skate學(xué)會滑冰 [learn to do sth.學(xué)會做某事]

  263、every four years 每四年一次


  264、the most popular sport最受歡迎的運(yùn)動

  265、put away 把……收起來放好 [ 及物動詞+副詞]


  put medicine away = put away medicine


  put it/them away

  266、since then從那時起

  267、hurry up趕快,快點(diǎn)

  268、just a moment請稍等,稍等一會兒

  269、a kind of… 一種……

  270、do sth. by mistake 錯誤地做某事

  271、on business 出差

  272、in different ways 以不同的方式

  273、talk with sb. 和某人交談

  274、catch the flu 患流感


  1、be going to+動詞原形,be為am,is或are時,為一般將來時態(tài),表示將來某個時間要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。


  如I am going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.


  如Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain.

  2、①see sb. do sth.意為“看見某人做某事”。


  表示經(jīng)常看到某人做某事也要用see sb. do sth.

  如I saw her cross the road.

  I often see you play basketball after school.

 ?、趕ee sb. doing sth. 意為“看到某人正在做某事”


  如 I saw her dancing at this time yesterday.



  如 I hope our team will win. 我希望我們的隊會贏。

  4、Me, too. 我也一樣。

  5、— Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?


  — I prefer rowing.

  6、— Do you row much? (你經(jīng)常劃船嗎?)

  — Yes, quite a bit/quite a lot./ No, seldom .


  7、I like Yao Ming best. 我最喜歡姚明。(三個或三個以上在比較)

  I like Yao Ming better.我比較喜歡姚明。(兩個在比較)

  8、Do you know anything about him?

  ①肯定句用something,如I’d like to have something to eat.


  如 I don’t want to eat anything.

  Do you know anything about him?


  如 Would you like something to drink?

  What about something to eat?

  9、He and McGrady both play for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.


 ?、?play for a team為某球隊效力

  in a team(英式英語)在某球隊打球

  on a team(美式英語)在某球隊打球

  10、I’m going to be a basketball player like him. [ like him作后置定語]


  11、What are you going to be when you grow up? 你長大以后想當(dāng)什么?

  “When+一個句子”,英語里把它稱為“由when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句”,用來表示什么時候。 當(dāng)主句是一般將來時態(tài)時,時間狀語從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時來表示將來。如本句中的“when you grow up”用的是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),來表示將來(長大以后)。

  【注意】有些個別單詞(如 want, can等等)雖然用的是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),但表示的也是將來的事,這時候時間狀語從句也要用一般現(xiàn)在時來表示將來。

  如:I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

  (相當(dāng)于I am going to be a doctor when I grow up.)

  He hopes to be a singer when he grows up.我們長大以后就可以開車。

  12、He is one of the best runners in the world.

 ?、賝ne of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,意為“……之一”

 ?、?ldquo;one of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式”作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。如 One of the students is my good friend.

  【解析】 有的同學(xué)看到the students是復(fù)數(shù)的,就以為要用are,其實(shí)應(yīng)該用is才對。為什么要用is呢,因為介詞短語of the students是作后置定語(修飾one),one才是主語,所以要用單數(shù)的is。

  再如:One of them plays basketball every day.


  13、She won two gold medals twice.


  14、Liu Xiang took part in both the Athens and Beijing Olympics.

  “both…and…”用來連接兩個并列成份。當(dāng)它連接兩個并列主語是,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如 Both Li Ming and I are students.

  15、She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.

  ⑴spend…(in) doing sth. 花費(fèi)……(時間/金錢)做某事

 ?、苨pend…on sth. 花費(fèi)……(時間/金錢)在某事物上

  例:①She spends half an hour (in) doing exercise in the gym every day.

  = She spends half an hour on exercise in the gym every day.

 ?、赟he spends a lot of money (in)buying clothes.

  =She spends a lot of money on clothes.

  16、Now she plays baseball pretty well. 現(xiàn)在她棒球打得相當(dāng)好。

  [pretty well用來說明打棒球打得怎么樣]

  17、She is good at jumping.

  be good at sth. / doing sth.

  如 ①She is good at English. 她擅長英語。

 ?、贖e is good at playing basketball. 他擅長打籃球。

  相當(dāng)于 He is good at basketball. 他擅長籃球。

  18、There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.


  [ 此句是there be句型用于be going to句型中。這里的there be句型是表示某時有某物,初一年我們常見there be句型表示某地有某物。]

  19、They are sure that she will win. 他們確信她會贏。

  20、It helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy.


  [ help to do sth. 有助于做某事]

  21、The team is going to play against China’s national team tomorrow.


  [ 把the team看成一個整體,所以謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式is ]

  22、It’s too bad that the players aren’t going to stay for long.


  [此句中的it是形式主語,真正的主語是后面that引導(dǎo)的“the players aren’t going to stay for long”這件事。]

  23、They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.


  [此句是用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表示將來。但并不是任何動詞都有這種用法,英語中,表示位置移動的動詞 go, come, leave, fly, start, arrive等,可以用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表示將來。其中come, leave和arrive要記得去e再加ing變成現(xiàn)在分詞,當(dāng)然現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時別忘了動詞be ]

  24、— Could you please do me a favor? 請幫我個忙好嗎?


  — Sure.

  25、— Will you join us? 你愿意加入我們嗎? [ will表示意愿 ]

  — I’d be glad to.

  26、I am not very good at it. 我不是很擅長它(足球)。

  [ be good at sth. / doing sth. ]

  例:① I am good at English.

 ?、?I am good at playing basketball.

  = I am good at basketball.

  27、— Would/Do you mind teaching me? 你介意教我嗎?

  — Not at all. 一點(diǎn)也不介意。

  [ ①用would比用do委婉 ② mind doing sth.介意做某事]

  28、— Would/Do you mind if I open the window?


  — Of course not./Certainly not. Please do.當(dāng)然不介意。請打開吧。

  You’d better not. 你最好不要(打開窗戶)。

  29、— Would/Do you mind not putting your bike here?


  — Sorry. I’ll put it somewhere else.

  30、— Would you mind not throwing bottles around?

  — I am sorry about that. I won’t do it again.

  31、— Don’t be late next time. 下次請不要遲到。

  — Sorry, I won’t. 對不起,我下次不會遲到了。

  32、— Would you mind making your bed?

  — Sorry. I’ll do it right away.

  33、What do you mean by saying that? 你那么說是什么意思?

  34、I didn’t want to miss the goal, either.

  ① 肯定句要用also或too:



  as well也放在句末,但一般不用逗號與前面隔開。

  例 I am also a student.

  I am a student,too.


  35、— I didn’t want to miss the goal, either. 我也不想失去這個球的。

  — But you did. 但是你確實(shí)失掉了這個球。

  [相當(dāng)于But you missed the goal.]

  36、I am sorry for what I said. 我為我所說的話感到抱歉。

  I am sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的書丟了。

  [ be sorry for sth. / doing sth. 為某事感到抱歉/后悔/遺憾 ]

  37、It’s nothing. 沒關(guān)系/不要緊。

  同義句:①Never mind. ②It doesn’t matter. ③That’s OK.

  [ 別人道歉時的答語。That’s OK.還可用來回答別人的道謝。]

  38、We believe you’ll do better next time. 我們相信你下次會做得更好。

  39、Keep trying! 繼續(xù)努力!

  40、We are sure to win next time. 我們下次一定贏。

  [ be sure to do sth.確信/肯定要做某事(表將來)]
