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英語勵志小故事17:No Complaint, No Maturation

In a restaurant, I met him.

He was grumbling continuously ever since he sat down, complaining hiscompany for little salary after eternally hard working; the unjust of his linemanager who merely promote the one ingratiate him with he; the unkind ofcolleagues for ganging up with and beating someone while

pretending to be wellwith? Finally, I caught the moment he stopped and enquired him cautiously: sinceyou are so unhappy with your work, why not changing ? he stupefied with aglance to me seemingly an alien “跳槽?Where should I go? You know that the economy isin the boom.” I have got it. Actually, his job was not so terrible.

After the dinner, he said good-bye to me heartily and left me

histelephone specially. However, I have never connected him ever. For me, it isout of consideration to make a friend with 一個怒氣沖天的人.

It reminds me 阿瑟·阿什, a well-know tennisplayer in America. He happened to catch the AIDS when he got a bloodtransfusion. A pile of his fans showed their sympathy and blamed the unjustGod. While 阿瑟·阿什 declared: “I get adeadly cancer, but a would not complain the God and myself because I know thatsomething we can not run away. I have no choice but to face when the daycomes.”

Genius! In his words, there is calmness, magnanimous, open-minded, aswell as the demeanors of a mature man. Unfortunately, we complaint everythingwhen we have to face the difficulty and setbacks in reality:

we alwayscomplaining that the God is unfair; the crucial fate, the grim human beings?Itis worth doing if his dissatisfaction go away, depression disappear, feelingsbecome motivational after complaint. But, the problem is, as a mass of shabbyand cool fog, the complaint is so misleading that confuses his mind and thendrops him deeper and deeper in the muddy.

Life is like a journey, from ignorant to mature. And I believe thattruly mature is start from no complaint.



一落座,他就喋喋不休地抱怨起來:怨公司不好,拼死拼活一個月,拿到手里的工資沒多少;怨上司不公,誰擅長拍馬就重用誰;怨同事不善,成天勾心斗角明爭暗奪??終于,在他暫停抱怨的間隙,我小心翼翼地問了一句:既然工作如此不稱心,為什么不跳槽呢?他一愣,奇怪地看了我一眼,似乎在看一個外星人。 “跳槽?現(xiàn)在經(jīng)濟(jì)這么不景氣,往哪里跳?”一這下我算明白了,原來他的工作并非一無是處啊。






英語勵志小故事18:Short Plank, Long Needle

The so-called “短板原理” sys the capacity of a wooden tub is not determinedby the long planks, but the shortest one. Applying to a person, the short plankis his shortcome or weak point. Or example, a versatile seems both文武雙全,能說會道,有能力有水平,but addicted in gambling, he is then, identifyinghimself not with those long planks, but the shot ones. Finally, he may 身敗名裂. This is maybe his “short plank”.

Among thebuilding forest with 避雷針, it is the highest one that truly make a differencein 避雷, and others made little. This is called “避雷針原理”. If, comparing to a person, the highest 避雷針 is hisspecial point and the method to make a living. A versatile without any specialpoints, his techniques are useless and just for decorating.

All human beingsare but the ones with shortcome; while a truly smart man is supposed to make uphis “short plank” with his all efforts. If impossible, he would better be carefulabout it and not let it be worse. It is so important to let he know that avoidto fail for this spot.

On the other hand,to make yourself the “highest避雷針” and never bother to compare with others. Instead,it is to be the best with your profession. In addition, never be the Mr.know-it-all, but a professor in a particular field. In this way, no short plankand having high避雷針, you will on your way to success.






英語勵志小故事19:Five Observation Ways to Just a Talent

The Chinese ancestors have accumulated a serious of experience to justand adopt talents, i.e., five observations.

To observation who to be with: Know more details about his companies. 重用 if e groups withtalents; be cautious if he together with villain.

To observe how to conduct with: See how he would conduct his fortune. Heis not supposed to (be) 重用 if he isjust satisfy himself, waste fortune and covet self-enjoyment.

To observe how to select: See how he select his potential sub-manager ina leading position. The man who is 任人唯賢,量才錄用 must be the promising ones who broad in mindand just in business.

To observe what to avoid: Know more about his integrity while introuble: 若雖身處困境,卻不做任何茍且之事,這樣的人就可以放心地委以重任。

To observe what to deny: Know more about his choice when he is in poverty.The ideal one is不取不義之財,甘守清貧,則品性高潔。若見錢眼開,如蠅逐臭,就萬不可重用。


古人在實踐中積累了一套識人、用夕、的經(jīng)驗,歸納起來為“五視”,即: 居視其所親。注意觀察一個人平時跟誰在一起。如與賢人相近,則可重用;相反,若與小人為伍,就要加以當(dāng)心。






英語勵志小故事20:The Counting Rule of Age

At the age of 79, the inventor Adisonannounced with pound and humor: “I am 135 years old.”

Seemingly, at the age of 40, the popularqueen Madana declared surprised that actually 35 years old might be morereasonable to her then.

Why Adison thought he was 135 years old butnot 79? This is because he accumulated the double working time than normalpeople: from

16-year-old to 60-year-old, Adison usually worked 18~20 hoursevery day. At some key point, he might worked all day and all night longwithout thinking of food and rest for several days in a row.; after 60 yearsold, he was suggested to decrease his work, but he insisted to work 16 hoursevery day; after his 80 years old, he still went to his lab

punctuately andworked all day with another three to five hours’ reading after going home. Thetime that Adison accounted and treasured, if counted as the time scheme thatnormal people, his lifespan has undoubtedly doubled. Therefore, his age was not79 but 135.

Why Mdana held that she should be aged 35but not 40? This is because she thought that sometime was be wasted in her lifeand of course should eliminated: the marriage time with her pre-husband waswasted in quarrels. This should be cut one year; the time she turned her back to her friend for something. Thisshould reduce two years; she once been a actress in a nonsense film for aworthless year. This should delete one year; she was spotted with enormous loveaffairs should be cut; in this way, she totally lost five years and from theage of 40 t 35. The counting rule of age, add the treasure time and reduce the wasteful;accumulate the meaningful and worthy years, while cut the meaningless andworthless moment. Good at counting rules, you can carding and check your pastin a wise way; good at counting rules, you can arrange yourself and make a planfor your future in a proper road..


















英語勵志小故事17:No Complaint, No Maturation In a restaurant, I met him. He was grumbling continuously ever since he sat down, complaining hiscompany for little salary after eternally hard wo


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