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  Everybody will have failure.The failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement.Really, the successful man is very happy, they own fresh flowers, applause.But the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented.In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of[with] failures.Because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement.

  Fail don't mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven't succeeded; Fail don't mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; Fail don't mean you are a stupid person who don't know to improvise, failing to mean you have Attic faith; Fail don't mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying.......

  This is the failure, precious failure.


  失敗并不表示你是一為失敗者,失敗只是表示你尚未成功; 失敗并不表示你一無所成,失敗表示你得到經(jīng)驗; 失敗并不表示你是一個不知變通的蠢人,失敗表示你有堅定的信念; 失敗并不表示你必須一直壓抑不快,失敗表示你樂意嘗試.......



  There are failures and there are Failures, but the differences between bankruptcy and financial diminishment, divorce and marital strife, spiritual crisis and anomie are distinctions of degree, not kind. And they are connected. Woe in one sphere strains the seams of others. It's not pretty. And that's why failure is something you wouldn't wish on your least agreeable relative.

  Or would you?

  A theory is gaining momentum that looks at failure differently. Failure, it says, is at worst a mixed blessing: It hurts, but can pay off in the form of learning and growth and wisdom. Some psychologists, like the University of Virginia's Jonathan Haidt, go even further, arguing that adversity, setbacks, and even trauma may actually be necessary for people to be happy, successful, and fulfilled. "Post-traumatic growth," it's sometimes called. Its observers are building a solid foundation under the anecdotes about wildly successful people who credit their accomplishments to earlier failures that pushed them to the edge of the abyss.

  We do know that learning is error-driven—probably as a result of the brain trying to be efficient. Failures grab our attention. So many things happen the way we expect them to that mistakes register disproportionately. We're forced to integrate that new information. Researchers have found that the more wildly wrong our prediction was, the quicker we learn. The brain, you might say, feeds on failure. We are acutely sensitive to negative feedback, and this "negativity bias" drives learning, at least from teenagehood on up.


  As the saying goes: "failure is the mother of success." This seems to have become a commonplace talk of an old scholar, but the actions and words are sometimes not consistent. When you report "red light", or the difficulties encountered in the work, your heart is in addition to upset, the other nothing? Are you aware of this failure is pregnant with the seeds of success! In this regard, everyone's answer is certainly not the same! This is quite necessary to talk about: failure is the mother of success.

  There everything is going smoothly. Things, yet failure is always there, otherwise, the "inventor", "literary giant" reputation will not easily fall everyone's head? Throughout history, those who rise above the common herd men can succeed, it is because they can treat correctly failure, learn from failure to kick in, fail this stumbling block, set foot on the road to success, such as the great inventor Thomas Edison, too many to count - successful students, life is too many to count the failure. He was an invention has undergone eight thousand failed experiment, but he does not think it is a waste, but said: "why should I sad? This failed eight thousand times at least, so I understand the eight thousand experiments is not feasible." Edison's attitude towards failure. He often draw lessons from failure, sum up experience, thus achieved at a failed many times in the basis of inventions. Failures will bring pain, but it can also make people gain; it is pointed out to us that the errors and shortcomings in work, but also inspire us step by step to success. Failure is the success of negation, and is the foundation of success, that is to say: "failure is the mother of success."

  However, in reality the success not failure accumulation, but failed to summary and beyond. If you don't understand this point, will cause the "absurd conclusion failure of more and more successful". Such as mathematics famous parallel axiom, from its inception, has always been suspicions. For thousands of years, countless mathematicians committed to proving the parallel axiom, but failed. The mathematician Porie engaged in the parallel axiom that there is no success, eventually died a painful death in despair. While the problem like a bottomless pit, gobbling up the people's wisdom and gives nothing in return, LObachevsky after seven years of verification without results, find out the reasons of failure. LObachevsky after numerous failures, summarizes and analyzes the failure of the antecedents and consequences, from the understanding of the problem, which was a success. Thus, "failure is the mother of success" is an objective law, but really want to transition from failure to success may become a reality, but also must pass through the analysis of exploration and scientific constantly, draw lessons from failure, to guide future work, so it is not "in vain" failure.

  Young people prone to failure in the work, also easy to lose heart, therefore, we only remember "failure is the mother of success." this saying, to establish a strong self-confidence, can see the hope from the disappointment, from failure to success.

  "Failure is the mother of success" should not only be our favorite motto, it is more important to be our guide to action. "Bao Jianfeng from sharpen out, the plum blossom incense come from the bitter cold", benefit from the failure, rising from the hard work, this is the youth road.

  俗話說:";失敗是成功之母。";這似乎已經(jīng)成為老生常談,但行動和言語有時是不一致的。當你報告";紅光";,或者工作中遇到的困難,你的心是除了沮喪,其它什么也沒有?你知道這失敗是孕育著成功的種子!在這方面,每個人都# 039;的回答肯定是不一樣的!這是相當必要的說:失敗是成功之母。

  那里的一切都很順利。的東西,而失敗是永遠存在的,否則,";發(fā)明家";,";文學巨人";的聲譽將不易被人# 039;的頭?縱觀歷史,那些出類拔萃的人才能成功,這是因為他們能正確對待失敗,從失敗中學習踢,這次失敗的絆腳石,踏上成功之路,如偉大的發(fā)明家托馬斯愛迪生,太多的數(shù)-成功的學生,生活太多計數(shù)失敗。他是一個發(fā)明,經(jīng)歷了八千次失敗的實驗,但他不認為這是一種浪費,但是說:";我為什么要悲傷呢?這一失敗了至少八千倍,所以我理解這八千個實驗是不可行的。";愛迪生& # 039的對待失敗的態(tài)度。他經(jīng)常從失敗中吸取教訓,總結經(jīng)驗,從而實現(xiàn)在一個失敗了很多次,在發(fā)明的基礎。失敗會帶來痛苦,但它也可以使人獲得;指出我們工作中的錯誤和缺點,但也啟發(fā)我們一步步走向成功。失敗是成功的否定,是成功的基礎,也就是說:";失敗是成功之母。”;

  然而,在現(xiàn)實中的成功而不是失敗的積累,但未能總結與超越。如果你#039;t明白這一點,將導致";越來越多的成功”的荒謬結論的失敗;。如數(shù)學著名的平行公理,從成立以來,一直懷疑。千百年來,無數(shù)數(shù)學家致力于證明平行公理,但失敗了。數(shù)學家porie從事平行公理,是沒有成功,最后死的很痛苦絕望。而像個無底洞問題,吞噬人# 039;的智慧而不給予任何回報,羅巴切夫斯基后七年沒有結果的驗證,找出失敗的原因。羅巴切夫斯基經(jīng)過無數(shù)次的失敗,總結分析前因后果的失敗,從問題的理解,這是成功的。因此,";失敗是成功的母親";是客觀規(guī)律,但真的想從失敗到成功轉型可能成為現(xiàn)實,但也必須通過不斷的探索和科學分析,從失敗中吸取教訓,以指導今后的工作,所以它不是";在徒勞的";失敗。






3.失敗乃成功之母 作文

