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  一個成功的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者英語作文篇1:What is leadership?

  What is leadership? Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along.


  Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.


  Good leaders aren't "lone rangers". They recognize that an organization's strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.


  Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what's already there. They want to move forward to create something new.


  Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with.


  Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they're supposed to.


  A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to show in order to get. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.


  一個成功的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者英語作文篇2:What Makes a Leader?

  A leader is the head of a school or enterprise. He is the guide and supervisor as well as a boss or manager. In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things. He is a pioneer and he blazes the trail for others to follow. Therefore he is braver faster and stronger than others.

  A leader comes from the masses. He has the mixure of charaeters from the masses. The leader shows the way to those led by him. He also needs support from the masses. He can earn this support only by his integrity and strength. He must show his ability to lead that is his leadership or managerial skills. Otherwise he will be looked down upon by his counterparts.

  A good leader has many followers or disciples. He is loved and respected by those led by him. But we should be aware not to let the black sheep take the lead.





  一個成功的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者英語作文篇3:How to be a leader


  Being considered a leader in our society is the ultimate compliment. "Leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill," says psychologist David Campbell of the Center for Creative Leadership in Colorado Springs, Colo. "People seem to want megadoses ."


  No wonder. Leadership bestows power, commands respect and, most important, fosters achievement. Unlike vitamins, though, leadership skills can't be easily gulped down. They must be carefully cultivated .


  Contrary to popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born. They hone their skills in their everyday lives. But which do they cultivate? How do they (and how can you) get others to follow?


  Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world. It is also an act of generosity that's never forgotten.


  Giving credit is more effective than even the most constructive criticism, which often hurts rather than helps. Kenneth Blanchard, co-author of The One-Minute Manager, agrees. "Catch people doing something right!" he says. Then tell everyone about it. The loyalty you will generate is arguably the most important currency a leader has.


  Take informed risks. "The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise," says management consultant Marilyn Machlowitz. "Sky divers don't go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes beforehand."


  Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us tend to wait for others to take charge. But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail-and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.


  Show the way. In 1965, Lee Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes . Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk.


  Finally Ducat managed to find three other mothers willing to share their experience, and from that beginning she went on to found and lead the Juvenile Diabetes foundation, which currently has 150 chapters worldwide. Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. Lee Ducat's secret? Being a role model.


  "Have you ever noticed that if you smile at people, they smile back?" she asks. "Well, if you're giving, people want to give right back. If you're sure-footed, they want to follow in your footsteps. If you're confident about reaching a goal, others echo that confidence and try to achieve it for you."


  "The best thing you can do is to get followers to mirror your actions by being what you wish them to be."


  Keep the faith. Successful leaders often say that if you trust others to do well, they will. If, on the other hand, you believe your people will fail, they will probably meet your expectations as well. Businessman-philanthropist W. Clement Stone suggests that you express your faith in a letter. He says the executive who writes of faith in and commitment to his salespeople can motivate them to break records; the teacher who writes individual notes of encouragement to students can lead them to extraordinary heights. Having faith in someone gives him self-confidence and pleasure. It may sound corny, but the experts agree it works.


  Get a compass. People don't follow leaders who lack direction. Estee Lauder, founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success. She claims that every business leader she knows puts a clear picture of what he wants to achieve in his mind and stays focused on the picture. "People want to follow those who promise-and deliver-success," she says.

  有明確的目標。人們不會跟從那些沒有方向感的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。埃斯蒂·勞德--埃斯蒂· 勞德化妝品公司的創(chuàng)始人引導(dǎo)了她的成千上萬的雇員走向巨大的成功。她說,她所知道的每一個商界領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人在心中都有一幅他想要達到的目標的清晰圖畫,并總是瞄著這一圖畫。她說:“人們愿意跟從那些許諾成功和帶來成功的人。”

  Act the part. Good leaders have learned to sound and look like winners. They may sometimes doubt themselves, but they don't show it, says management consultant Paula Bern. They act as if they know where they're going.


  Leaders also know that appearance and manners count. They are usually pleasant to be with; their speech is polished , their demeanor unruffled and assured.


  Be competent. Knowledge is power, the saying goes, and the best leaders know that their savvy and proficiency are part of their charisma . Competence galvanizes people, and will make them look to you for guidance and direction.








