
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 生活課堂 > 生活技能學(xué)習(xí) > 學(xué)做飯 > 關(guān)于環(huán)保的英語作文60詞


時(shí)間: 俊煌1020 分享




  Man is the product of nature, people rely on natural and survival, it is known. In the process of survival and development, people should live in harmony with nature. But now, due to the expansion of the population, especially the human greed, unchecked for the nature, nature is badly damage, polluted water, reducing the green, gone part of the life, even threatening the survival of mankind itself.

  Man is closely related to nature. The survival is dependent on natural resources. Drinking water. Heating of coal. The burning oil. Cooking gas... Notting have is not directly or indirectly derived from natural sources.

  Earth resources rich again, also have to do. Therefore, the human to the use of natural resources, especially non-renewable resources, must be reasonable exploitation, effective use, to protect natural resources, the parched and fishing, kill the limited horizon, just drink my thirsty, ultimately hurt will be human beings, between human and natural resources, should find a way of sustainable, to protect the natural resources.

  Should be in harmony between human and nature, and has been recognized by more and more people, accept and to practice, why want to harmony, this the truth clearly, intensive land for human beings with nature, nature will revenge on human, it has to be embodied from many natural disasters.

  Since many people praise, drunk and linger in the midst of them, with their spiritual pen, writing a succession of good poems. These, how many people have made amazing! Love nature, into the natural. Close to nature. Natural writing, it will be your best choice.







  Originally, the forest green trees, colorful grass ground , the flowers are in varied, the birds are flying freely, sing, a few small animals to play together, a murmuring flow, a vibrant forest painting. Until one day, a group of humans with a chainsaw into the forest, they cut down hits the trees, the birds home so are destroyed, so we have to leave, small animals are people killed, the grass and flowers have withered, human also build factories, sewage discharge into the creek, emission also disorderly, beautiful forest destruction.

  City would be much worse, car emissions many waste gas every day, green also is very little, people also have been a waste of paper, you know, paper is made from trees, waste paper is disorderly cut down trees, and in that way, the earth sooner or later destroyed by human hands.

  So how to protect the earth? Actually very simple, first of all, try not to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags, trees manufacturing disposable chopsticks, if the plastic bag will not melt buried underground in ten thousand. Then, more trees, more take good care of trees, trees absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen. And the factory not disorderly emissions, then have a diesel engine car, not paper, not random discharge of sewage. Finally, the sewage purification, protect forests, animals, will cut down trees and indiscriminate killing animals hunters brought to justice.

  As long as we try, we can succeed!

  本來,森林里綠樹成陰,小草 滿地爬 ,花兒們在爭奇斗艷,鳥兒自由自在地在飛翔、鳴叫,一些小動(dòng)物在一起玩耍,小溪潺潺地流動(dòng),好一幅生機(jī)勃勃的森林畫。直到有一天,一群人類拿著電鋸闖進(jìn)森林,他們砍掉了一棵棵的樹木,鳥兒們的家園就這樣被破壞,只好背井離鄉(xiāng),小動(dòng)物也都被列人捕殺,小草和花兒都枯萎了, 人類還建造工廠,把污水排放到小溪里,廢氣還亂排放,美好的森林就此毀滅。

  城市就更糟了,汽車每天都要排放很多廢氣,綠化也非常少,人們還一直浪費(fèi)紙,要知道,紙是用樹木做的, 浪費(fèi)紙等于亂砍伐樹木,在這樣下去,地球早晚會毀在人類手中。

  那要如何保護(hù)地球呢?其實(shí)很簡單,首先,盡量不要用免洗筷和塑料袋, 制造免洗筷也需要樹木, 如果把塑料袋埋在地底一萬年也不會化掉。接著,多植樹,多愛護(hù)樹木,樹木吸收二氧化碳,吐出氧氣。然后,工廠不亂排放廢氣,開有柴油引擎的車,不亂用紙,不亂排放污水。最后,把污水凈化,保護(hù)森林、動(dòng)物,將亂砍伐樹木的人和亂捕殺動(dòng)物的獵人繩之以法。
