學(xué)習(xí)啦【QQ英文網(wǎng)名】 編輯:曉斌 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-01-19
離心怨 丶 Ac° ♥ 冷心語(yǔ) 丶 Ac°
失心控、Triste ♥ 情緒控、Triste
Emotiona°這段情 ♥ Emotiona°要珍惜
my heart/ 為沵癡迷- ♥ my world/ 為沵顛覆
Lifetime 約定 ♥ Lifetime 承諾
各自安好゛Elope ♥ 互不打擾゛Elope
摯愛/Sunsgne° ♥ 執(zhí)念/Sunsgne°
L°tatrium 左心房° ♥ R°ventric 右心房
愛或毀 Extreme。 ♥ 恨或厭 Extreme。
I am you 我是你 ♥ you are me 你是我
Sweet nothings 情話 ♥ falsehood 謊話
He was still 他還在 ♥ She also loves 她還愛
First met him初遇他 ♥ First met her初遇她
受傷疲憊的°■heart ♥ 跌蕩起伏的°■Mood
Have you now、陪伴 ♥ Have you now、疼噯
With a long 伴與久 ♥ Love and understand愛與懂
She is in trouble 她在鬧 ♥ He was laughing 他在笑
If have no you 如果沒有你 ♥ If there is no me 如果沒有我
I can only love you 只許我愛你 ♥ Only you accompany me 只許你陪我。
Don't treat me as air 別把當(dāng)我空氣 ♥ I will take you as my breath 我會(huì)把你當(dāng)呼吸