1. What is an astronomer?(天文學家)? 答案:A night watchman with a college education.
2. How can you tell clocks and watches are shy? 答案:Because they always have their hands in front of their faces.
3. What is wind? 答案:Air in a hurry.
4. What comes after the letter "A"? 答案:All the other letters.
5. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T? 答案:Teapot.
6. What word can you make shorter by adding to it?答案:Short.
7. What person does every man take his hat off to? 答案:A barber.
8. Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?Because he wants to go to high school.
9. What can you swallow that can also swallow you?Water.
10. What's the difference between a hill and a pill?A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.
1. Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?Because he's dead.
2. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?Nothing. Because I'm a woman.
4. What always travels on foot?A shoe.
5. Where can happiness always be found?In the dictionary.
6. What is higher without a head than with a head?A pillow.(枕頭)
7. Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?答案:He can't read.
8. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?The outside.
9. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather? 答案:Cool!
10. What is never used until it's broken? 答案:An egg.
1. 兩個棋友一天共下了盤棋,在沒有和局的情況下他倆贏的次數(shù)相同,怎么回事? 【 答案:盤不全是他們兩個人一起下的 】
2. 小王是一名優(yōu)秀士兵,在站崗值勤時,明明看到有敵人悄悄向他摸過來,為什么他卻睜一只眼閉一只眼? 【 答案:正在瞄準 】
3. 什么牛不會吃草?【 答案:蝸牛 】
4. 你能做,我能做,大家都做;一個人能做,兩個人不能一起做。這是做什么?【 答案:做夢 】
5. 市里新開張了一家醫(yī)院,設備先進,服務周到。但令人奇怪的是:這兒竟一位病人都不收,這是為啥?【 答案:獸醫(yī)院 】
6. “水蛇”“蟒蛇”“青竹蛇”哪一個比較長?【 答案:青竹蛇”最長,有三個字 】
7. 某個人到外國去了,可是,周圍全是中國人,這是怎么回事?【 答案:在中國 】
8. 世界上最難的一道題是哪道題?【 答案:這道題 】
9. 老劉一個人睡覺,醒來為什么屁股上竟出現(xiàn)深深的牙印?【 答案:睡在自己的假牙上了 】
10. 一只螞蟻從幾百萬米高的山峰落下來會怎么死?【 答案:餓死 】
11. 在一個寒冷冬日清晨,有一位西裝革履的先生在河里拼命游水,你說這是為什么? 【 答案:不小心掉下去的 】
12. 為什么買一頭牛只要一萬元,而買三頭牛卻要五萬元? 【 答案:三頭牛當然比一頭牛貴 】
13. 最堅固的鎖怕什么? 【 答案:鑰匙 】
14. 一個離過五十次婚的女人,應該怎么形容她? 【 答案:前“公”盡棄 】
15. 先有男人,還是先有女人? 【 答案:先有男人,因為男人是先生 】
16. 報紙上登的消息不一定百分之百是真的,但什么消息絕對假不了? 【 答案:報紙上的年,月,日 】
17. 家有家規(guī),國有國規(guī),那動物園里有啥規(guī)? 【 答案:有烏龜 】
18. 什么官不僅不領工資,還要自掏腰包? 【 答案:新郎官 】
19. 妻子:“糟糕,親愛的,你送給我的鉆石戒指,落到紅茶里去了……” 結果,戒指又平安回到妻子的手上,而且一點也沒有弄濕的痕跡。這難道是奇跡嗎【 答案:因為是戒指掉到紅茶的茶葉罐中了 】
20. 紙上寫著某一份命令。但是,看懂此文字的人,卻絕對不能宣讀命令。那么,紙上寫的是什么呢? 【 答案:紙上寫著“不要念出此文” 】
21. 什么情況一山可容二虎? 【 答案:一公一母 】
22. 要想使夢成為現(xiàn)實,我們干的第一件事會是什么?【 答案:醒來 】
23. 哪一個月有二十八天? 【 答案:每個月都有案可天 】
24. 么英文字母讓人們喜歡聽而且聽的人最多?●CD
25. 人的長壽秘訣是什么?●保持呼吸,不要斷氣