4. "What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"
This question is quite a tricky one. There is a fine line between criticising yourself too much and sounding boastful. When talking about your weaknesses, focus on how you have overcomethose weaknesses to become a better employee. This way you're sneakily talking about strengths without sounding too big-headed.
For example, if you're a naturally disorganised person, tell the interviewer how you devised a system to organise all of your workload as efficiently and clearly as possible. Or maybe one of your weaknesses is a lack of experience in a certain area of work? Tell the interviewer how you are enthusiastic about plugging that gap by working more in this area.
Language to use:
Used to/no longer do: I used to have problems organising my workload until I came up with a system for clearly categorising all my tasks.
Present perfect with “always”: I've always been very good at communicating ideas to people.
5. "What did you like best and least about your last job?"
You may have hated your last job and everyone who worked there, but this is not the place to reveal that. Prospective employers want to hear positivity and good vibes from you. So remember to focus on work-related aspects that you enjoyed; for example, you could say you enjoyed opportunity to learn from more experienced employees and the supportive environment created by the managers.
When talking about what you liked least, use it as an opportunity to show how enthusiastic you are about new challenges you would face in the new job (see question two). For example, talk about how you would have liked to work on more varied projects or to have been given more responsibility. This will make you sound ambitious and proactive.
Language to use:
Past simple: I really enjoyed working with such experienced colleagues. They taught me so much.
Would have + past participle: I would have loved to work on bigger projects that pushed my abilities more.
6. "Give an example of a problem you faced at your last job and how you solved it."
This is the opportunity you've been waiting for to show the interviewer you really know the job inside and out. Give concrete, real-life examples of when you've used your skills to solve a problem. Try to focus on something which shows you as resourceful (creative and flexible),dynamic (proactive and engaging) and full of initiative (actionable and self-driven).
If you are applying for a job in the same industry you work in now, feel free to use technical language to explain the problem and the solution. If it's a different industry, remember that your interviewer may not know what you're talking about; so instead use common every-day terms to explain what you did.
Language to use:
Past simple: I worked out a way of reducing waiting times for our customers.
I analysed the problems with the ordering system and came up with a better alternative.