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Name of the Proposed Study Chinese 從目的論探討中醫(yī)方劑名稱的英譯——以《傷寒論》為例
English C-E Translation of Chinese Medicine Prescription Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory---A Case Study of two English Versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases
Student Name 謝xxx Major English for Medine Grade 20xx
Supervisor xxx Professional Title Unit Guangzhong University of Chinese Medicine
Thesis Writing Time From 1st Feb.,2014 to 20th May, 2014
一、Background of the Proposed Study
Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) culture has a long history and formulas of Chinese medicine becomes one of the most important part in the foreign communication of TCM with the extensive opening up of China and more frequent exchanges with outer world in TCM aspect. In the translation of the formulas of Chinese medicine, the translation of prescription names is a question, which translators in medical field have being paid the most attention to. It has brought many problems to translation because of the complexity of naming rules of TCM prescription. Accurate English translation of TCM prescription name becomes particularly significant for the sake of convenient for academic exchange internationally.
In addition, more attention has been paid to the translation of TCM classics recently. Up to now, many TCM classics have different English versions respectively. Hence, the study on the comparison of those versions is developing quickly.
Taking the comparison of two English versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases for example, of which translators from different cultural background, this will explore the translation strategies of C-E translation on prescription name from skopostheorie aiming at presenting advice for a better translation of TCM prescription names.
Questions to be Investigated
1、the main content of Skopostheorie
2、the translation rule of TCM prescription name: conciseness、informedness、retroversion
3、correlational studies of the translation of TCM prescription names from the perspective of skopostheorie
4、the main naming rule of TCM prescription
5、The purposiveness cognition of TCM prescription naming
6、To study in the theoretical framework of skopos theory. Wei Naijie’s and Luo Xinwen’s English versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases will be selected respectively as object of the main text study to do some comparisons of translation on the TCM prescription names according to the different naming rules of TCM prescription and summarize some corresponding translation strategies.
Tentative Conclusion
1、to know the current situation of translation of TCM prescription names
2、to know the current translation situation of English versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases
3、Using skopostheorie to analyze the translation lf TCM prescription names in the two English versions of TreatiseonFebrileDiseases in order to affirm the function of skopostheorie in the current translation of TCM prescription name
Potential Difficulties
1、can not grasp the prescription in the original version of TreatiseonFebrileDiseases precisely
2、may unfamiliar with the application of skopostheorie
3、can not analysis explicitly examples of prescription names in the two English versions of TreatiseonFebrileDiseases
三、Theoretical Framework/Methodology and Data Collection
It will be studied in the theoretical framework of skopos theory. Wei Naijie’s and Luo Xinwen’s English versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases will be selected respectively as object of the main text study with relevant document research to do some comparisons of translation on the TCM prescription names according to the different naming rules of TCM prescription, from which to explore and summarize some corresponding treatment strategies of translation. please refer the details to the outline as following.
四、Outline of the Proposed Study and Time Arrangement
1 Introduction
1.1 Significance and Rationale
1.1.1 Significance of Translating TCM perscription names into English
1.1.2 Significance of the Perspective of the Skopostheorie
1.2 Research Questions
1.3 Research Methodology and Source of Data
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review on English Translation of TCM Perscription names
2.2 Review on English Translation Versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases
2.3 Review on Application of the Skopostheorie in TCM prescription names
2.4 Advancement and Weakness of the Existing Studies
3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 The Overview of the Skopostheorie
3.2 The Core Concepts of Skopostheorie
3.3 Summary
4 Case Analysis
4.1 The translation rule of TCM prescription name
4.2 The naming rule of TCM prescription
4.2.1 The purposiveness cognition of TCM prescription naming
4.2.2 The principal naming rule of TCM prescription
· 4.3 The Translation Comparison of the names of the prescriptions in the two English
· versions of Treatise on Febrile Diseases from the perspective of skopostheorie
· 4.3.1 The Attributing of the difference between the two English versions of Treatiseon
· FebrileDiseases from the perspective of skopostheorie Purpose of Version and Targeted Readers The two Translators’ Academic Cultural Background and their Subjectivity
4.3.2 The comparison of translation strategy on the two English versions according to
the major naming rules of prescription Translation of prescription naming based on ingredient Translation of prescription naming based on efficacy Translation of prescription naming based on numeric
4.4 Discusion
5 Conclusion
Time Arrangement of the Proposed Study
Total time:16 weeks (calculate from February 2014)
Schedule:from 1st week to 6th week: complete the first draft
from 7th week to 9th week: complete the second draft
from 10th week to 14th: complete the final draft
From 15th week to 16th week: prepare and complete the oral defense
五、References(≥10it must includes books and articles
1 、Zhang YS, Zhang WH. Discussion on the purpose and principle of naming Chinese medical formulae. Zhongguo Zhong Yi Ji Chu Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2006
2 、Wiseman N. English Chinese and Chinese English dictionary of Chinese medicine. Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Press. 1996. Chinese.
3 、Jin KH. Chinese English medical dictionary. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House. 2004. Chinese English.
4 、Maciocia G. The foundations of Chinese medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone Publishers Limited. 2005.
5 、Maciocia G. The practice of Chinese medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone Publishers Limited. 1994.
6、 Kang GS, Zhou HW. Discussion on the English translation of the name of traditional Chinese medicine recipes. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2008;
7、 張昀.中藥方劑名的英譯技巧與原則[J].中國(guó)中西醫(yī)結(jié)合雜志.2004
8、 李照國(guó).中醫(yī)英語(yǔ)翻譯技巧[M].北京:人民衛(wèi)生出版社.1997
9 、陳曉華,施蘊(yùn)中. 從翻譯目的論看Nigel Wiseman 的中醫(yī)英譯翻譯
思想[J]. 遼寧中醫(yī)藥大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 2008
10 、姚欣. 中醫(yī)英譯史[M]. 南京: 南京大學(xué)出版社, 2011: 224.
11 、張仲景. 傷寒論[M]. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社,2002
12、 Nigel Wiseman,Craig Mitchell,F(xiàn)eng Ye. Shang Han Lun ( on cold damage)
: translation and commentaries [M]. Massachusetts,USA: Paradigm
Publications,1999: 47, 218.
13 、羅希文譯. 大中華文庫(kù)( 漢英對(duì)照) : 傷寒論[M]. 北京: 新世界出版社,2007
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