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  畢業(yè)論文通常是一篇較長的有文獻(xiàn)資料佐證的學(xué)術(shù)研究論文; 主要目的是探索、討論或分析一個實際的或帶有理論性的問題。下文是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家整理的關(guān)于本科畢業(yè)論文英文版的范文,歡迎大家閱讀參考!



  Abstract The first Industrial Revolution happened in 1760s.Since that time, human have began to explore and conquer nature. Due to excessive development, and hunting for natural resources, which lead to a series of environmental problems. Men have to let themselves to reflect and reposition the relationship between man and nature. Marxist view of nature studying this work has great theoretical significance and practical significance for the relationship between human and nature. Marxism stressed that people who live in the nature must respect the development of objective law of nature. Men can play their own subjective initiative to transform nature, but the transformation is based on respect nature for the objective law of the premise. The relationship between man and nature is objective existence. It can not be transcended. Nowadays the ecological environment is cruelly destroyed by people, which promote the harmonious development of man and nature has become more and more concerned. Jack London is a famous American realism writer. All his life, he totally created about 50 works, most famous works are The Call Of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, The White Fang. And the most famous one should be The Call of the Wild, which is based on his personal experience in the big social background and creation of dog novels. Marxist view of nature in the novel is the avoiding of the crisis of human spiritual, human’s responsibility to nature, returning to the harmony of man and nature.,and how to create a harmonious relationship between man and nature. The development of human civilization should never dehumanize all kinds of animals. People should not be beyond all the laws of nature, and should respect animals, respect nature. Jack London condemns people who recklessly consume and despoil the nature, man should build a harmonious, equal, healthy, enduring relationship between man and nature.

  Keywords: man and nature; Marxism; The Call of the Wild; Jack London

  摘要:從十八世紀(jì)六十年代第一次工業(yè)革命開始,人類為了自己的利益開始探尋自然,征服自然。由于過度的開發(fā)和獵取自然資源,導(dǎo)致一系列環(huán)境問題,不得不讓我們重新思考和重新定位人與自然的關(guān)系。而馬克思主義自然觀研讀這部作品對于研究人與自然的關(guān)系具有很大的理論意義和現(xiàn)實意義。馬克思主義強(qiáng)調(diào),人生活在自然界之中,必須尊重自然界的客觀發(fā)展規(guī)律。人能發(fā)揮自己的主觀能動性去改造自然,但這種改造是以尊重自然界的客觀規(guī)律為前提的。對于如今生態(tài)環(huán)境遭到人們無情破壞,促進(jìn)人與自然和諧發(fā)展越來越成為現(xiàn)代人們關(guān)注的問題。杰克·倫敦是美國著名的現(xiàn)實主義作家。他一生共創(chuàng)作了約50卷作品,其中最為著名的有《野性的呼喚》、《海狼 》和《白牙 》 。而最具代表性的則是他根據(jù)自己的經(jīng)歷和所見所聞為素材并結(jié)合自身所處的社會大背景而創(chuàng)作的狗小說——《野性的呼喚》。本文闡述了人類和自然之間的關(guān)系,包括小說中馬克思主義自然觀的體現(xiàn),人類精神危機(jī)的避免,人類對自然的責(zé)任,回歸人類與自然的和諧,以及如何構(gòu)建人與自然和諧關(guān)系。人類文明的發(fā)展絕對不應(yīng)該殘害各種動物,人也不應(yīng)該凌駕于一切自然法則之上的,而應(yīng)是尊重動物,尊重自然。杰克·倫敦呼吁人類停止對自然的破壞,應(yīng)該建立一個和諧,平等,健康,持久的人與自然的關(guān)系。


  1 Introduction 1.1 The Brief Introduction of Marxist View of Nature The core of Marxist view of nature is the relationship between man and nature. Marxist view of nature is for the discussion of the ecological crisis and the reconstruction of the harmonious relationship between man and nature. These all reflect the nature to form a new view of nature. Base on Marxist view of nature, and the new view of nature can achieve integrated instructions. Marx and Engels in their writing explained the relationship between man and nature. In The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx is against using the abstract conception to talk about nature, but people should put nature into Society, and put the essential relationship of nature into people to understand. "Only in society, nature based on man, is the existence of the real life elements"(馬克思,2000) Therefore, in Marx's opinion. The relationship between man and nature mainly displays: Human is a natural product, at the same time, it is part of the nature; Human is through labor to contact nature. In general, it is harmonious coexistence for people and nature.(陳愛娟,2011)

  1.2 The Brief introduction of Jack London

  Jack London was a famous writer in the early 20thcentury in America. His stories were drawn mainly from his own experience. In his whole life, he wrote 19 novels in his life, many short stories and articles. 3 plays and 8 autobiographical and is sociological books. And London was especially famous for his north tales and animal tales.

  The publication that first brought Jack London worldwide fame and continues to be his best-known work is a short novel whose main character is a Yukon sled dog named buck. That work, begun in December 1902 and published in 1903,was entitled The Call of the Wild .In the novel, the protagonist is a dog; it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains many scenes of cruelty and violence, although, in the book, it has been considered children's books. So many literary scholars have argued that the novel's complexities warrant close analysis. As we known, the chief ones among the topics of interest to literary critics are the novel's relationships to the philosophy of the "survival of the fittest", which was in vogue at the turn of the 20th century.

  We know, "London was not only treating animals like human beings, but treating human beings like animals, recognizing no essential difference between man and animal."(Abraham Rothberg, 1984)1 , London's purpose on finding gold was unsuccessful, and he came back into his home. But he found that something was more important than gold. Which is what we will study in the latter? As Walker pointed out that "Talk he did. But the most important of all, he listened and observed during those times in the draughty cabins. He stored memories and felt the stirring of the creative artist. "Because of his experience in Klondike, he gained tremendous. Amount of insight and perspective and got an abundance of notes and memories of the northland. Therefore, London wrote his famous novel North Tales and Animal Tales on the basis of his experience during that time.

  1.3 Research Purposes and Significance

  With the economic and population's growth, the earth is facing the greatest problem, the area will disappear as a consequence many species die. Water pollution has been caused by human; industries has discharged a variety of pollutants in their wastewater including heavy metals,chemical and toxic substances cause disease in either human or animal. Massive destruction to the forest will boost warm temperature and accelerate global warming. Human activities is causing a big extinctions and threats the continuity of life. A clear environment is essential for human health and well-being, however, the interaction between man and nature health are highly complex and difficult to assess. People have got to start treating them that way. People may not have easy solutions, but the fact is, people simply can’t continue living our lives as if everything is peachy. These problems aren’t going to magically solve themselves. People should have begun acting generations ago, but they can’t go back in time, and that means people have to step up our efforts. If people want to keep this planet a healthy place for humans to live – for our grandchildren to enjoy – it’s time to buckle down and do everything in our power to reverse the damage people have done. In the thesis, using Marxist view of nature to explain the relationship between man and nature has great theoretical and realistic significance.

  2 Literature Review

  The relationship between man and nature has been researched by many famous ecologists, geographers, philosophers who come from different times and area. About people how to create and build a harmonious relationship between man and nature exerts lots of great contributions. Among them, the studies of some western and Chinese scholars deserve our special attention. 2.1 The Study of Context in the Western

  Bacon' slogan is knowledge is power. It seems to show that westerners had been master the core of the relationship between man and nature in that time. However, this is actually an illusion. The ancient Greek and medieval culture has not given the practical spirit with the core status. As the growth in the cultural background of the modern western, although there is demand and utilization of the impulse in the deep heart of nature, but also give it more fundamental position in scientific theory. Bacon's "To control nature will be required to obey the natural laws" (F·培根,1986)declared that modern western people about the thought of the relationship between man and nature. From the interpretation of the philosophy tree metaphor(笛卡爾,1959) ,to use the natural interpretation of results for knowledge, for the above statement ,Descartes for Bacon provided a foundation of the scientific theory. At this time, the nature of the relationship between knowledge is highlighted by people. About the relationship between man and nature, Marx made clear and scientific answer. The answer is a part of the important thoughts of the relationship between man and nature that is us to analysis the important theory basis of the relationship between man and nature. And Marx in The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844point out the person's development is inseparable from the object of his world (nature), man's all-round development is inseparable from the practice, they are a mutual restraint and promotion relation.(馬克思,2000) Marxist stressed that people living in nature, must respect the objective law of the natural development. One can play their own subjective initiative to transform nature, but the transformation is based on respecting nature for the objective law of the premise. Engels had pointed out: "Don't too intoxicate with our mastery of victory. For each such victory, nature will revenge on us."(恩格斯,1984)

  2.2 The Study of Context in the Chinese

  The Spring-Autumn and the Warring States periods were marked by the emancipation, the great leap forward the creative exploration of the ancient Chinese philosophies. In the relationship between nature and man there existed three schools of philosophy, the nature and man in unity‖ school, interrelated, the ―man distinguished from nature‖ school and the ―joining in the nature‖ school. The first school stressed that the law of human and the law of nature were interrelated and so were the behaviors of the human and the behaviors of the nature. The main exponents of this school were Maclius and Master Zhuang. Mencius proposed the theory of ―exerting the mind to understand the behaviors of man and nature‖. He advocated that human instincts and natural laws were interrelated, and that the mind was the subject to be affected. If man exerted fully his mind, he could understand his instincts, which was endowed by nature. So, to understand instincts was to understand nature. Nature was the ultimate dictator and the inexorable laws. Master Zhuang was another exponent of the ―unity of nature and man‖ school. He said, ―Nature grow with me,‖ and ―All things and I blending into one, represent the loftiest ideal state.‖ (莊子,2010) The second philosophical school advocating ―distinguishing man from nature‖ was represented by Master Xun. He emphasized the distinction between nature and man, and stated that positive human behaviors should be directed to change nature. He defied that nature had consciousness and could exert power over the auspiciousness and ominousness, the disasters and fortunes of man. Instead, he argued that nature was material and an objective existence. He wrote, ―Nature is progressing; earth has resources; and man should manage.‖( 荀子,2007)The third philosophical school advocating ―man joining in nature‖ pointed out that man could participate in the changes of nature since man and nature are both distinguishable and united . In the ―Book of golden Mean‖ it was stated: ―Exerting fully the mind leads to using fully all the things. Using fully all the things leads to contribution to the progress of nature. Contributing to the progress of nature is joining in the nature‖. This statement was a clear and systematic representation of the philosophy of this school.

  2.3 Comments on Views of Context

  So far we have got all overview of the study of context in both western and Chinese relationship between man and nature fields. From the above explanations, it could be noted that context is of great significance in the relationship between man and nature studies. In this thesis, we mainly discussed from the Marxist view of nature to analysis the relationship between man and nature.

  3 Analysis Marxist Natural View in The Call of the Wild

  Marxism believes that the relationship between man and nature has established with unity and consistency: one is the result of the long-term development of the nature, human is the product of nature. "Human is a part of nature", Marx said," the person directly is natural beings, is standing in the smooth solid on earth and breathe out breathe natural force all the people" (馬克思,1979)Engels said: "With our flesh and blood and mind all belong to nature. "(恩格斯,1984).Marxist view of nature is based on materialism, and his view of practice is predicted on the view of nature. Marx is against the anthropocentrism.

  3.1 Unhealthy Relationship between Man and Nature in The Call of the Wild

  In primitive society, human beings respect for nature and live harmoniously with nature. However, with the development of human society, the relationship between man and nature has deteriorated. In order to satisfy their own needs and to possess more wealth, human beings begin to exploit nature, conquer nature and consider nature as belonging of mankind. Their mistreatment of animals and unlimited exploitation of natural resources are suggesting human's unhealthy relationship with nature. This relationship is strongly loathed by Jack London in the call of the wild. In The Call of the Wild, Jack London not only criticizes the unhealthy relationship between human and nature, but also discloses some ugly and evil sides of human beings which are also manifestations of anthropocentrism.

  3.1.1 Human Desire To Conquer Nature

  Marx stresses that men should respect natural laws, or men will be published by nature. But men are just temerarious enough to break the rules of nature for their own sake. The Yukon gold rush of 1897is a part and parcel of Buck's story. The second sentence of the novel refers to the" Arctic darkness," where men look for "a yellow metal." By 1840,a few miners had come to the Yukon looking for gold, Gradually the search for metals began to replace the hunt for furs in this area rich with natural resources. In 1886,a promising lode of gold was discovered in the Forty Mile Greek area. Ten years latter, thousands of miners came to the Yukon at that time, hoping to strike it rich. Jack London himself was also one of them. Although the gold rush did not make London rich, he witnessed that the great Klondike gold rush brought unrestrained exploitation of nature and expansion of territory. Hordes of gold miners came to the originally peaceful and pure Klondike area in swarms. The gold rush led to nature "cruelly misused by man at his most rapacious"(Johnson,2007) Gradually, nature has begun to be destroyed by human beings for their own interest.

  3.1.2 The Ugly and Evil Side of the Humanity

  In The Call of the Wild, Jack London discloses some ugly and evil sides of the humanity. One ugly side which London condemns is human beings' greed. Greed in psychology is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth. Throughout the whole novel, greed, to some extent, determines the lives of both men and animals (nature).

  The mania for gold in a part of the world where travel is feasible only by dogsled places a premium on all robust dogs: they have an incredible commercial value; they can be stolen, traded and carried off up there. Buck, because he is big and thick coat of fur is a natural target. Manuel, one of the gardener's helpers on Judge Miller's estate where Buck lives cozily, steals Buck and sells him to dog traders for money to pay his debts:

  Manuel had one besetting sin. He loved to play Chinese lottery. Also, in his gambling, he had one besetting weakness--faith in a system; and this made his damnation certain. For to play a system requires money, while the wages of a gardener's helper do not lap over the needs of a wife and numerous progeny. (Jack London,1992:5)

  Manuel's greed for profit from the sale of an exceptional dog hurls Buck out of paradise and takes him so far from home that he can never return. Through the character Manul, London tries to tell us that human beings are even more greedy and cunning than animals.(姜成鶴,2010)

  Mercedes, the only female character in the novel, has a kind heart at the beginning, but greed finally makes her virtue vanish. She feels sympathy for Buck when they are in miserable conditions. When Hal Lashes out at the dogs with the whip, Mercedes interferes, crying,"Oh, Hal, you mustn't," as she catches hold of the whip and wrenches it from him. The poor dears! Now you must promise you won’t be harsh with them for the rest of the trip, or I won't go a step"(Jack London,1992:54).Sometimes, Mercedes sees Buck being beaten by Hal, and she drops on her knees before Buck, with tears in her eyes, and puts her arms around his neck. In the time when the dogs are underfed, Mercedes, "with tears in her pretty eyes and a quaver in her throat, could not cajole him into giving the dogs still more, she stole from the fish-sacks and fed them slyly"( Jack London,1992:57).

  However, Mercedes does not cry for the dogs anymore. On the contrary, she cries when her clothes-bags are thrown out because the sled is too heavy for the dogs to pull. Mercedes becomes more and more capricious. The worst of all, Mercedes persists in riding on the sled, adding her own 120 pounds to the already heavy load because she is tired:

  She was pretty and soft, but she weighed one hundred and twenty pounds--a lusty last straw to the load dragged by the weak and starving animals. She rode for days, till they fell in the traces and the sled stood still. Charles and Hal begged her to get off and walk, pleaded with her, entreated, the while she wept and importuned Heaven with a recital of their brutality.(Jack·London,1992:59)

  On the way of pursuing gold and desire, Mercedes' attitude to animals changes from kindness to torment. It indicates that greed controls her and smothers her virtue.

  The novel suggests that it is important to understand and abide by the rules which nature or the wild has set up, nd it is only when those rules are broken that we see the savagery and disrespect for life. Mercedes, Charles, and Hal enter the wild with little understanding of the rules one must follow to become integrated and survive. As a result, the wildness institutes a natural consequence for their actions. The novel seems to say that the wild does not allow chaos or wanton behavior but instead constitutes a strict social and natural law for everyone to obey.

  3.2 Harmonious Relationship between Man and Nature in The Call of The Wild

  Jack London was against not only man's hegemony over man, but also man's hegemony over animals. Most of his novels and short stories displayed true humanitarianism containing the deep love between men and animals. In London's opinion, animals were not man's assistants, but man's close friends and fellows. Man's kind and just qualities would develop animals' good nature, while man's maltreatment would make animals become vile and vicious and even man's foe. In this story, the author depicted two kinds of relation between man and dog. One is represented by the Judge Miller's and John Thornton, who looked after Buck and won Buck's trust; and the other is represented by Manuel and the Hal's, who brought misfortune to Buck. By comparison, the author praised the former one while denied the latter one and advocated the equal and harmonious relation between men and animals. Meanwhile, Jack London vividly portrayed Buck's bravery, wisdom gratitude, which let readers see animal's inner value.

  3.2.1 Man's Affection for Dogs

  The author portrayed such animal rights activists as the Judge Miller's and John Thornton. They built a harmonious relation and deep emotions with Buck. They could equally treat Buck, and got Buck's dependence and trust, also Buck's loyalty and gratitude.

  In the Judge Miller's, Buck received love and respect. "Buck was neither house-dog nor kennel-dog. The whole realm was his. He plunged into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judge's sons; he escorted Mollie and Alice, the Judge's daughters, on long twilight or early morning rambles; on wintry nights he lay at the Judge's feet before the roaring library fire; he carried the Judge's grandson on his back, or rolled them in the grass, and guarded their footsteps through wild adventures down to the fountain in the stable yard, and even beyond, where the paddocks were, and the berry patches."( Jack London,1992:4)

  This is a fine picture where Buck lived happily with the men in the civilized world. Here he felt the Judge Millers' love for him. He wasn't the hunting tool, or children's toy. He was children's fellow. He experienced happy things and adventure with children. This nice life played a vital role in Buck's life. Buck knew man, human nature, civilization and rules of communication in the human world, and built moral consideration. Buck's heart was planted with civilization. These experiences left a deep impression upon Buck's mind. Though suffered from the law of club and fang, Buck still could think of men's love for him, but this memory was vague. "Sometimes he thought of Judge Miller's big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley, and of the cement swimming-tank, and Ysabel, the Mexican hairless, and Toots, the Japanese pug. . . "( Jack London,1992:31) This nice memory was so unforgettable because Buck still pinned his hope on man's love for him.

  Canadian couriers Perrault and Francois treated Buck not too bad. "They were fair men, calm and impartial in administering justice, and too wise in the way of dogs to be fooled by dogs."( Jack London,1992:9) Men and dogs went through thick and thin together. These people understood and respected Buck, but were different from that of the Judge Miller's. These people treated Buck friendly only for the sake of interests. In their opinion, Buck was only a dog, their traveling tool. Thus the relation between them just likes the relation between slave and master without too much emotion.

  John Thornton's appearance lightened again Buck's trust and love for man. He rescued Buck from the rain of heavy lashes and blows. When he witnessed the scene of Hal misusing Buck, he cried in a choking voice "If you strike that dog again, I'll kill you."( Jack London,1992:44)Thornton's anger indicated his care and love for animals. He saved Buck, and then he sat down beside Buck and tenderly touched Buck for broken bones with rough hands. He was a perfect animal rights activist. Facing a strange dog, Thornton showed a broad and unselfish love. His love for animals also embodied author's love for animals. During the days staying with Thornton, Buck's love was expressed in adoration. "Love that was feverish and burning, that was adoration, that was madness, it had taken John Thornton to arouse."( Jack London,1992:46) The harmonious relation between men and animals were sublimated. The readers would exclaim that what an intelligent and emotional animal Buck is. Do we have any reason to use club and whip to deal with such cute animal? John Thornton, who stimulated Buck's love, was quite different from other so-called civilized men: "Other men saw to the welfare of their dogs from a sense of duty and business expediency; he (Thornton) saw to the welfare of his as if they were his own children, because he could not help it."( Jack London,1992:46) He talked with dogs for a long time, and he respected them. He marveled at the strength, wisdom and wild beauty of Buck. He was the ideal master.

  John Thornton could lighten Buck's inner strong love because he didn't demand much from nature like other civilized men. He "asked little of man or nature... With a handful of salt

  and a rifle he could plunge into the wilderness and fare wherever he pleased and as long as he pleased."( Jack London,1992:56) He knew nature, respected the laws of nature, and learned all skills for living in nature. He, bringing with Buck, led an unrestrained life in the nature. And in the kingdom of nature, Buck felt boundless happy, here the harmony between men and animals mounted to a climax. Here the animal rights activists with their actions tell the readers that harmonious coexistence between men and animals is built on the basis of love and understanding.

  3.2.2 Dog's Love for Man

  Marxist ecological thought reflected on not only harmonious man-dog relation, but also on his praise for Buck. In the novel, the author incisively and vividly depicted dog's thought and emotion from several angles, and eulogized dog's intelligence and virtue. The cute, sensible image of Buck appeared glaringly. The author uncovered the mystery of Buck's intelligence from dog's perceptual world: animals have the ability to challenge agony, long for happiness and yearn for life. The author also affirmed Buck's inner value: he was courageous, intelligent and grateful. Virtue is not only owned by man, it is also a quality of animal. The Call of the Wild stressed Buck's trust and loyalty to man, more importantly, it displayed that Buck learned "how to love". When staying with the Judge Miller's, Buck was treated cordially, hence he reciprocated with his docility and loyalty: he protected Judge Miller's children, and played with them, he trusted in men he knew and gave them credit. In the amicable circumstance, the human nature in Buck overweighs the wild nature in him.

  In the fierce Northland, under the supervision of calm and impartial Perrault and Francois, though the life on trail was very rough, and task was arduous, men and dogs shared joy and sorrow together. To make the snow trail easier for dog team, Perrault traveled ahead of the team, packing the snow with webbed shoes. To protect Buck's soft feet, Francois rubbed Buck's feet for half an hour after supper, and sacrificed one of his own moccasins to make four little moccasins for Buck. In reciprocation, Buck led the team working hard and made the record trip of the year in Yukon. The pride had gripped dog-drivers. "For three days Perrault and Francois threw chests up and down the main street of Skagway and were deluged with invitations to drink."(Jack London,1992:65)

  4 Use the Marxist View of Nature to Solve the Problems of Relationship between Man and Nature

  Marx considers that the mode of capitalist production caused the sharp opposition between man and nature, and the source of ecological crisis. To basically solve the problem of the comprehensive and coordinated development between human and the nature, only destroy capitalist system, establish the socialist society. Marx points out: "Communism as a complete natural socialist, equal to the humanitarian, and as a complete humanitarian, is equal to the natural socialist. It is one of the conflicts between the real solutions. (馬克思,1979)"However, as a communist in the primary stage of socialism society has a long primary stage. Therefore, we must carry out to build up a harmonious relationship between man and nature and the sustainable development strategy.

  4.1 Human’s Responsibility to Nature

  As a part of society, human beings have their corresponding social responsibilities. As a part of the nature, mankind has their or ecological responsibilities. Today's ecological crisis is caused by humans and they have to take responsibilities. They should help relive ecological crisis and regain ecological balance to make sure that all species can exist safely and healthily.(吳恒,2011)

  Every aspect of nature, including humans, serves a distinct purpose in the intricate biosphere. We are as much a part of nature as the trees, the animals and the insects. Yet as we have transformed into an industrialized society, we have separated ourselves from the natural world around us. This blind submission into a technologically advanced age could lead to a devastating future for our planet. To turn around the current environmental crisis, a change must be made on two different levels. Once we return to the ideals of a holistic approach that incorporates religion, nature and spirit into our lives, we will be able to decrease our need to mass consume. We as individuals need to transform societal attitudes back towards a holistic approach incorporating mind, morality and nature into one. Second, for immediate impact, government leaders of developed countries must be willing to change decision making

  policies regarding third world countries and environmental pollution by looking towards long term cost-benefits and redefine the positive outlook of growth. Man should respect the rules of nature and build a harmonious relationship between man and nature.

  Thoreau once wrote, "the so-called wilderness is in fact a more civilized world."(Thoreau, 1971)It is wild but pure and gracious. Buck finally returns to the wild. It reveals the power of wilderness which can help man to live harmony with nature. This is why we should protect wildness.

  4.2 How to Create a Harmonious Relationship between Man and Nature

  Marxist philosophy analysis the relationship between human and nature is the most important thing in human nature. If there is no nature, man can't breathe; if there is no nature, man can't drink. So man will be destroyed. It is time to create a harmonious relationship between ma and nature.

  At first, popularizing the education of the environmental knowledge, and establish the concept of sustainable development. The sustainable development idea is the human to correctly understand their own educational foundation about hundreds of years of history; the important conclusion is based on the reflection of the Industrial Revolution. Human cannot only pursue its own profits anytime. At the same time, man should consider the long-term and overall needs of the development.

  Second, promoting the progress of science and technology, and the reasonable use of natural resources. Technical progress is not only the main power of economic growth, but also is the basic means of improving the ecological environment. "The machine is improved, so that those can not use material in the original form which is a new production. In the progress of science, especially chemical progress, found it in those waste of useful properties." (馬克思,1971)This is the best use of raw materials and materials in production system, and maximize to use resources; On the other hand, it will make waste resources that wastes are to be minimized emissions. Therefore, it should be first to develop science and technology in the development of social economy.

  Finally, to control the growth of population and improve population quality for sustainable development. Since The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,our country has carried out sustainable development, and improving the people's living quality to achieve great success. .Continuing to take the path of sustainable development and promoting a coordinated development of the economy, population, resources and the environment.

  5 Conclusion

  Marx criticizes the ugly modern western people, especially the Capital Countries who are greedy, merciless, foolish or hypocritical, and the weakness of the western people, which are human-orientated thought and endless lust for material wealth. It is the alienation of man from nature that destroys the dog's world (nature). Dogs even become fierce and bloodsucking. Nature is our mother and if it is to be commanded, it must be obeyed. Nature binds truth, happiness and virtue together as by an insoluble chain but man’s ignorance of this immortal nature is the only source of his unhappiness. Ever since his appearance on this planet, man has been using the priceless gifts of nature without restraint. This is an unhealthy relationship between man and nature. "Human attention directed only toward human culture results not only in unjustifiable 'domination' of 'nature', but also in a particular malaise in human society"(Smith,1998).In the novel ,Jack London condemns that people recklessly consume and despoil nature; he criticizes that people mercilessly torment animals; he complaints that people regard beings in nature as "others" not as ethical equals.

  Thus, Jack London appeals a harmonious relationship between man and dog (nature). Actually, man's attitude towards dog can influence dog's reaction to man. The relation between man and dog, a main line of the novel, changes as man's attitude towards dog changes. When man equally treats Buck, the latter repays with the good qualities. When man maltreats Buck, the latter also retaliates the man, and doesn't obey the man. Besides, dogs also have their inner value: they are man's good friends and partners, and they have need for emotion. Animals as well as man are equal sections in the ecosystem.

  The ending shows human’s responsibility to nature and how to create a Harmonious relationship between Man and Nature .Man should pay close attention to from the nature's value to the nature entity, and realize a leap in thought from natural value to natural essence. The same time, man should respect the laws of nature. Don't destroy nature optionally. To build a completely organic and natural, social and spiritual system of ecology. Continuing to take the path of sustainable development and promoting a coordinated development of the economy, population, resources and the environment. To popularize the education of the environmental knowledge, and establish the concept of sustainable development. To promote the progress of science and technology, the reasonable use of natural resources. to control the growth of population and improve population quality for sustainable development. To create a harmonious, equal, healthy, enduring relationship between man and nature.


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  The Symbolish of Moby Dick 《白鯨》的象征意義

  《白鯨》是美國偉大的象征主義大師麥爾維爾的一部重要作品,發(fā)表于1851年。但是當(dāng)時并沒有引起人們的重視,直到1919年以后才被文學(xué)界重視。我覺得《白鯨》之所以受到如此重視,不僅在于它生動細(xì)致的描寫了捕鯨的壯觀場面和過程,以及對人物內(nèi)心世界的深刻挖掘,在很大意義上還取決于它的象征意義,從而展現(xiàn)了作者對人類文明和命運(yùn)的獨(dú)特反思。小說捕魚的過程就是善與惡、人與自然之間無休止的戰(zhàn)爭的最好說明。本文將對各個要素的象征意義進(jìn)行探索分析。實際上,小說里的多種人和物看似是作者編纂的,其實他們都具有一定的象征意義,都蘊(yùn)含著作者對社會、對人生的獨(dú)特見解。對于小說的象征意義眾說紛紜,有人認(rèn)為白鯨是善的象征,有人又把它看作是惡的體現(xiàn),還有人認(rèn)為它代表著大自然,代表著資本主義,“一千個讀者就有一千個哈姆雷特”,在作者的筆下白鯨頗有神秘色彩。小說中所使用的象征手法還有很多,例如船長,船,伊什梅爾等,這種寫作手法的使用使這篇小說意義深遠(yuǎn),令人回味無窮。所以它被稱為是一部“可以讓讀者任意理解的”巨著,深受讀者和現(xiàn)代評論家的贊美。本文將對Moby Dick、Ahab、Ishmael and Pequod、 Queequeq and the sea六個素材的象征意義進(jìn)行探索分析。



  Moby Dick, published in 1851, is one masterpiece of Melville who is the noticeable symbolist master of American. But it failed to bring him the fame he had acquired in the 19th. There is no denying that Moby Dick attracted so seriously attention, not only lies in its vivid and detailed description of the spectacular process of whaling, as well as the deep excavation of the inner world of characters, to a great extent, it also depends on its symbolism which show unique reflection of human civilization and the fate. The course of whaling is the embodiment of the ceaseless conflicts between good and evil, of nature’s indifference to man.

  This thesis will explore the symbol of the various elements in the novel. A variety of elements in this novel appears to be made up by the author, in fact, they have a certain symbolic significance, which contains the unique insights into life and society. Melville makes this conflict live for the reader using symbols which invite various interpretations. The white whale, Moby Dick, some think it symbolizes good, the other regard it as embodiment of evil, while more insist it represents the nature, even the capitalism. “There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes”, in author’s pen, Moby Dick is quite mysterious. There is a plethora of symbolic using, for instance, Captain Ahab, the ship, Ishmael, and so on. This writing techniques lead to a far-reaching significance. So it is known as “a book which readers can understand arbitrarily”, praising by the readers and modern critics, I will analyze the symbolism of Moby Dick, Ahab, Ishmael and Pequod, Queequeq and the sea six material here.

  Key Words:Moby Dick,symbolism, nature



  1.1 Background of Herman Melville

  Herman Melville was born in New York, and his childhood was happy to the age of eleven when his father died in debt. He had little education and began to work early. He had be a bank clerk, a salesman, and a school teacher, and when these all failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea at about twenty. He was a Whaler, about the lowest of sailors. In that capacity he saw life from the bottom as did Mark Twain. He went to Liverpool, England, and the South Pacific, spending most of his young manhood on the sea. From his experiences and adventures on the sea would come the material for his Moby Dick.

  1.2 The plot of Moby Dick

  Moby Dick, from which we can get to know the nineteenth-century American mind and American itself, is first a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against overwhelming odds indifferent and even hostile universe. And it is a sprawling colossus into which the author kept dumping everything he saw as necessary to prove his point.

  The story goes roughly as follows. Ishmael, feeling depressed,seeks escape by going out to sea on the whaling ship, Pequod. The captain is Ahab, the man with one leg. Moby Dick, the white whale, had sheared off his leg on a previous voyage, and Ahab resolves to hunt him to the kill. He hangs a doubloon on the mast as a reward for anyone who sights the whale first. The Pequod makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it. On the first day the whale overturns a boat; on the second it swamps another. When the third day comes, Ahab and his crew manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod along with it to its doom. All on board the whaler get drowned, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.

  Moby Dick is a highly symbolic work .If we only come to see the story from the surface, the novel is no genius, but if we can see the structure under the story deeply, we can recognize the meaning is significant.


  2.1The Symbolic meaning of Moby Dick

  Moby Dick is the White Whale; the world’s largest creature. Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals.

  To character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil. Indeed, in the novel the whale is described as a destructive, hostile and mysterious being which is difficult to conquer. But such evil is not just totally in form. So, to some degree, the white whale is metaphor for the industrialization of the capitalism. In the 19th century, whaling is a very dangerous vocation, which can “being one into the abyss of future and time”. Only those impoverished and desperate would risk their life in such dangerous. The author makes a mysterious atmosphere in the novel and express human’s incapability in face to the fate. On one hand, it shows the fear and panic of Melville to the newborn capitalism, and the strength of capitalist social productivity. On the other hand reflects his sympathy and concerns to the fate and situations of people at this time.

  It symbolizes nature to human beings, for it is powerful, complex, mysterious, and dangerous. It swims peacefully in the sea until disturbed by humans, then shows a terrible fury and anger. Melville tries to convey to us such a faith: man cannot triumph over nature. In order to live a better life, one must follow certain principles, rather than doing absurd things like Ahab, who is obsessed with revenge. Ahab has no chance of killing Moby Dick, yet he engaged in his suicide plan to kill the whale. In the end the ship sank with the flag enfolding a sky-hawk from its natural home among the stars, indicating that if American keeps revenging on and going against nature, it is ironically seeking its own destruction. So when Ahab desperate to kill the white whale, the white whale also strike the crew. Symbolically, this is punishment of the nature. Ahab’s plan make the tragic fate for himself and the crew of the Pequod. Facts speak louder than words. A series example proved that while we are disrupting the order of the nature world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge.

  2. 2Moby Dick’s Whiteness

  To some degree it is also symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness. Its whiteness is a paradoxical color, too, signifying as it does death and corruption as well as purity, innocence, and youth. It represents the final mystery of the universe which man will do well to desist from pursuing, as Howard P.Vincent observes. The white whale has lived a happy life in the nature and never intentionally hurt man. But the sailors want to conquer and kill it while at last be killed by it. At the same time, white symbolizes the mystery of the universe. To human, the secret of universe is white; people could see nothing except the white. This is one of the author's permissive opinions: man is so little in front of the strong nature that he could never know about the secret of the nature. We must realize that we are not the master of the earth. Men and nature are supposed to coexist in great harmony. Just as Darwin said “only obey nature, can conquer nature”.

  2.3The Symbolic Meaning of Ahab

  Ahab, the captain of the ship Pequod, is the other central character and the primary focus of the novel. Ahab is a typical Melvillean “isolato”. He cuts himself off from his wife and kid to hunt Moby Dick which makes him loss his leg. He hates Moby Dick which is an embodiment of nature. After the wound of his pride in his encounter with the white whale, he seems to hold God responsible for the presence of evil in the universe.

  He is an opponent of the white whale. He is a Symbol of solipsism.In order to settle his personal avengement, Ahab alternated kindness with profit, ignoring the crew’s interests and life, persist the sailors to hunt the white whale. At last the staffs except Ishmael are all buried in the sea. Ahab became a devil who is more exposed than Moby Dick here. He is the embodiment of the evil and darkness of human’s consciousness. What he doing is not in a rational and moral principle but chain by instinct and impulse, this is bound to lead to tragedy.

  The name Ahab in Moby Dick is symbolic and taken from the Bible, in which Ahab is described as a king who turns vile, having had someone killed so he could be

  king. This suggests that the Ahab of this novel will be a similarly conflicted leader. Melville many times in Moby Dick makes Ahab’s association with evil forces in the world apparent. He was called the Anti-Christ by the church Fathers. Ahab sets sail on Christmas Day, leaving when Christ’s life begins, symbolizing Ahab’s opposition to Christ like values.

  Ahab, on behalf of the evil, attempts to destroy the beauty and goodness. And he considers that Moby Dick bite off his leg out off a sinister motivation, is deliberately against him. Therefore, he must fight a decisive battle with it to get the psychological balance. For the sake of revenge, he can go against the interests of the owner to kill whales; in order to revenge, he spared no expense to reward, using sweet words to confuse personnel. To revenge, he threats the whole seaman bowing to his will absolutely ; To revenge, he even putting all the crew's lives in danger , betting all on a single throw, refusing to mend his way . He and his sailors' crazy seek for the white whale just means people whose state is out of control. When man is in such state, he will be controlled by the vicious side and destroy others, even himself. He is like a crazy beast, meeting the tragic ending step by step.

  However, he is also a man dare to against the gods, against the old custom rules, a man fear nothing, never gives up, and he is an experienced sea captain. Having fight with the terrible sea for forty years, He has a" noble soul, great and simple heart ".He exercises fish gun agile and accurate, he was stabbed numerous large whales .He suffered a contusion setbacks, but he will never be defeated. At this time, he is a Promethean Man, just like Byron's Cain rebelled against god's will, risked danger in desperation.Like Gerd's Faust, never satisfied, and explore with no end; He also likes Hamilton's Samson, proceeding without hesitation to perish together with the enemy. In the novel, the sailors spend nearly three years to complete the voyage, and during this period, they living in the shabby canvass in the ship, are merely on stocked food and seawater. They are exposed to the freezing storm from the polar areas, and their life is always on the verge of death. Even Ahab himself is ripped off one leg.With the above analysis, Ahab's character is multiple, contradictory. This image of the symbolic meanings is also complex, vague, difficult to grasp .To him, good, evil coexist, and beauty and ugly exist side by side.

  Chapter Three OTHER SYMBOLIC

  3.1The Symbolic Meaning of Ishmael and Queequeq

  Ishmael is schoolteacher and part-time sailor; a Presbyterian, like Melville, he projects Calvinistic thinking tempered by his background in literature and philosophy. He discusses such issues as free will, predestination, necessity, and damnation. He is the sole survivor of the Pequod. He was controlled by a feeling of loneliness and estrangement, which is between man and man, nature and soul, which is one of the themes of the novel. The author thought that in 19th century, American was under the control of such loneliness. So He escaped from his living environment and got on the Pequod just want to find a new life that could make him feel happy and fulfilled. In this voyage, he gradually know the importance of love and friendship, which the author through is the guarantee of human life. This perspective we can see from the relationship between Ishmael and Queequeq.

  Queequeq was the first man that Ishmael met in his adventure. He was the son of a chief of a tribe. He represented the ancient society. He learned the knowledge of civilization from those passing ship then he began to imagine and yearn for the civilized world. To search for happiness and joy for his people, he landed on a ship whose purpose was to search for whale. When Ishmael first met Queequeq , he is afraid of that this black man must eat human. But with deep contracts with Queequeq, the first impression is quickly replaced by the impression of noble and trustworthy friend. What’s more, his behavior of saving a sailor established his heroic image in Ishmael’s heart. And he is the only man Ishmael want to sleep with. Their friendship proved that man can be happy and acceptable with his peers:

  It was a humorously perilous business for both of us. For, before we

  precede any further, it must be said that the monkey rope was fast at both ends; fast to Queequeg’s broad canvas belt, and fast to my [Ishmael’s] narrow leather one. So that for better or for worse, we two, for the time, were wedded; and should poor Queequeg sink to rise no more…while earnestly watching his motion, I seemed distinctly to

  perceive that my own individuality was now merged in a joint stock company of two;….. But handle Queequeg’s monkey-rope heedfully as I would… Nor could I possibly forget that, do what I would, I only had management of one end of it. (魏玲玲.《白鯨》的象征意義.第16頁)

  To Queequeq’s disappoint he has found the so-called civilized man is hypocrisy and insincerity until he is died. The contrast of the attitude of Queequeq towards the western world before and after he got on the ship was a bitter taunt from Melville. Melville used the form of words to criticize and reconsider the western civilization which centered on materialism. as novel went on, when the Pequod and the crew all died, Ishmael was saved by Queequeq’ coffin, which symbolized the remains of the ancient culture. On one aspect, Melville showed his wish to the development of western culture. On the other aspect, the passage proves that Ishmael and Queequeg are close enough that we are willing to die for each other. Melville emphasizes the importance of the friendship and the beauty of human’s soul, and also shows how the interdependency of mankind is unavoidable and how no person can control it. Melville asserts that life interwoven, whether it be one human connects to another human or one action connects to another action; everything it ultimately interdependent.

  3.2 The Symbolic Meaning of Pequod

  "Moby Dick" is a description about a whale catcher named Pequod led by the Capitan Ahab hunt the whale. On the surface, it seems that the whole book focus on the implacable hatred between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick, however in fact it is not only an odd adventure novel. The whole staff of Pequod approached to the whales step-by-step and their ultimate demise, which symbolized the fate of human beings in the society, nature and even the universe. And the author used symbolism to express his sense of concern for the fate of mankind.

  Obviously, the tragic fate of the Pequod and the crew was destined from the beginning. First of all, the ship's name itself is a symbol of death. Pequod is the name of a tribe in American Indian. After the white occupy American, many local Indian tribes and ethnic were killed by the white in their conflicts and Pequod was one of them. The author used it to name the ship just indicated the misery fate. Thus we can move naturally to the second aspect that, the narrator Ishmael of the whole story was the only survivor of this ship, he just retold the disaster. Just as Ishmael said: “The sailors have made great efforts to go through the wide sea only to run to their death. They searched and pursued, only to look for the thing that finally destroyed them.”Melville used this kind of arrangement, only one survivor to tell the whole story, just imply the tragedy of the ship.

  Furthermore, the voyage of Pequod, in another word, represents the spirit of expansion of capitalism. Melville’s time is in the expansion oriented era, and whaling contributes to the affluence of people and the accumulation of capital. Even the development of capitalism depends on the whaler’s toil and blood on the expansive sea. And at this time, the great Westward Expansion is so hot, especially the famous dictate “go west, young man” spreads all over the American nation. Industry gradually become the majority apart of American, and is the key to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people.

  3.3Symbolic Meaning of the Sea

  The author in the novel describes a fascinating and calm of the sea. It is quiet, magnificent and full of temptation. It is a stark contrast to the thick earth. It attracts people on this land with its extraordinary glamour. Just like a famous people says: Water is always linked with thought and the sea is the best place where Ishmael could think and explore life. It gives the tender call day and night with the crew back to its bosom.

  The sea has a charming and gorgeous scenery during the day and night. Its beautiful makes them feel amazing. The crew was deeply attracted by the unique charm of the sea. Of course, the sea is not always calm. It is also turbulent. Its

  indignation makes the crew feel that death comes. The sea evokes the sadness of their lives and great hope for the future. In the description of the sea, the author not only points out that the unique charm of the sea, also showed the deep connotation of the sea represent. The sea is the call of the mother gives to her children far away, is the teacher to students carefully cultivated, and is the love of the land given by autumn leaves. It also like human's soul, have nothing to fear.

  The sea in the novel shows a mysterious force, that is the power of nature, powerful and irresistible. This power is endowed from the White Whale, but is presented by the unpredictable sea. It is sometimes calm dignity, sometimes sweet, sometimes gives a terrible storm. He let people like and unpredictable. No matter sunny day or night, under the calm seas are the unknown astonishing destructive power and deadly whale.

  At the end of the novel, the sea calm again, suggesting that it should be peaceful coexistence between human and other species. Human beings should live in harmony with nature, respect each other. At the same time, water represents the source of life, human cannot break away from water. So, the ocean is also a symbol of the unpredictable fate for the human. In our lives, we often have to face the challenge of life, the fate of the tease. Ocean represents the danger in our real life, ship is a symbol of our life protection. Sometimes people have to face life's challenges and unpredictable risk. We need to do is accept challenge bravely, take out your courage, struggle for ever.

  If we know these, we might have a better understanding of life. We should get rid of the old thought to learn to know the ocean again.


  Moby Dick is a comprehensive summary of the author’s understanding of society and life; it describes the whaling workers hard work and wisdom, revealed the cruelty Exploitation of capitalism. Since half a century of oblivion, Moby Dick Nowadays, becomes the first-class novel work in nineteen century around the world, and its influence is still far-reaching, even it has been adapted into movie and plays. The permanent charm and the transcend space’s value of it cannot be separated from the complex symbolism of the novel. And the symbolic meanings are still applicable in the modern society. In recent years, Moby Dick is so hot that many scholars committed to study it from every aspect. The symbolism of Moby Dick has been excavated multiple, however, it need to explore constantly. I believe more people can find illumination in it, and will attract by its charm.



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