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  卡夫卡說,“受難”是這個(gè)世界和積極因素之間惟一的聯(lián)系。當(dāng)我們用不屈服的人生態(tài)度面對(duì)生命中的磨難時(shí),我們才不會(huì)在生命的快樂中缺席。 是的,只要堅(jiān)持,希望的翅膀終有一天會(huì)張開,飛翔天上。

  A little girl—the 20th of 22 children, was born prematurely and hersurvival was doubtful.

  When she was 4 years old, she contracted double pneumonia andscarlet fever, which left her with a paralysed left leg.  At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had been dependenton and began to walk without it.  By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, which doctors said was amiracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. She entered arace and came in last.

  For the next few years every race she entered, she came in last.Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running.

  One day she actually won a race, and then another. From then on shewon every race she entered.

  Eventually this little girl—Wilma Rudolph, went on to win three Olympic gold medals.

  Winner never quit!


  An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer (contractor) of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.


  The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and usedinferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.


  When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."


  What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.


  So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized, we would have done it differently.


  Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and withdignity. The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."


  Who could say it more clearly? Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.


  “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~Henry David Thoreau


  Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream.


  I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood.


  We all have a dream. It might be explicitly defined or just a vague idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue.


  We become so comfortable with the life that has been planned out for us by our parents, teachers, traditions, and societal norms that we feel that it’s stupid and unsafe to risk losing it for the small hope of achieving something that is more fulfilling.


  “The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru


  Taking a risk is still a risk. We can, and will, fail. Possibly many, many, many times. But that is what makes it exciting for me. That uncertainty can be viewed negatively, or it can empower us.


  Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more resilient to the aspects of life we have no control over. The fear of failure, although, is what makes us stagnant and sad. So even though I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would come out feeling more alive than ever before.


  If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be turning point of finding out who you truly are, and what you truly want to do.









有空的時(shí)候多看些勵(lì)志的短文可以提高自己的英語寫作水平哦。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的高一英語勵(lì)志短文,供大家參閱! 高一英語勵(lì)志短文:勇者無畏 卡夫卡說,受難是這個(gè)世界和積極因素之間惟一的聯(lián)系。當(dāng)我們用不屈服的人生態(tài)度面對(duì)


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    分享關(guān)于高二的勵(lì)志語文作文,多看別人的作文可以提高自己的寫作水平哦。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的高二勵(lì)志語文作文,供大家參閱! 高二勵(lì)志語

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    會(huì)考是指綜合考核官吏政績。那么關(guān)于會(huì)考勵(lì)志的標(biāo)語有哪些?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的高二會(huì)考勵(lì)志標(biāo)語,供大家參閱! 高二會(huì)考勵(lì)志標(biāo)語精選

  • 感情勵(lì)志語錄

    每個(gè)人都有自己的感情,無論好壞都要積極的面對(duì)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的感情勵(lì)志語錄,供大家參閱! 感情勵(lì)志語錄精選 1. 有誰不曾為那暗戀而