2.BFF(best friends forever閨蜜;
6.sworn brother結(jié)拜兄弟;
7.partner 搭檔;
8.companion 同伴;
9.pen pal 筆友;
10.comrade-in-arms 戰(zhàn)友;
11.bosom friend 知心朋友;
12.childhood sweetheart 青梅竹馬
◎我和他很合得來。I get along well with him.
*get along (well) with...“和……合得來”、“和睦相處”。
What's John like? (約翰是個(gè)什么樣的人?)
= I get on well with him. *英式英語。
◎我跟她合不來。I don't get along well with her. I don't get on well with her.
◎我很尊敬他。 I respect him.
= I highly respect him.
= I look up to him.
◎我瞧不起他。 I despise him.
= I look down on him.
◎我想和大家和睦相處。I want to get along with everyone.
= I hope I will get along with everyone. (我希望能和大家和睦相處。)
◎你跟她合得來嗎? Are you getting along with her?
*get along“合得來”、“和睦相處”。
◎她根本不搭理我。She ignored me.
What did she do? (她怎么了?)
She ignored me. (她不搭理我。)
= She gave me the cold shoulder.
= She didn't pay any attention to me (at all).
◎我不知道他在想什么。I don't know what he's really thinking.
= I'm not sure what he is thinking about.
= I don't really know what is on his mind.
◎我沒有理由讓人嫉妒。I have no reason to be envied.
= There is no reason to be jealous of me.
= There is no reason to envy me.
◎我討厭愛拍馬屁的人。I don't like brownnosers.
They're helping our boss again. (他們又去幫上司的忙了。)
= I don't like flatterers. (我不喜歡愛說恭維話的人。)
I don't like ass-kissers. *俚語,不太文雅的說法,使用時(shí)要注意場合。
◎我是個(gè)不顧家的人。I'm neglecting my family.
*這是種相當(dāng)嚴(yán)厲的說法。neglect 表示“對……玩忽職守”、“不盡義務(wù)”。
= I put my work before my family. (我是工作第一,家庭第二。)*比較溫和的說法。
= I should treat my family better. (我該重視我的家庭。)
◎你站在哪一方?Which side are you?
= Which side are you on?
= Who are you rooting for?
= Which side do you support? (你支持哪一方?)
◎我是站在你這邊的。I'm on your side.
*on one's side“站在……一方”。
Whose side are you on? (你是站在哪一邊的?)
= I'm on your side. (我是站在你這邊的。)
= I will support you. (我支持你。)
= I agree with you. (我同意你的意見。)
◎他對我很不客氣的。He's very hard on me.
*be動(dòng)詞+hard on...“蠻橫,野蠻”。
Do you like your boss? (你喜歡你的上司嗎?)
No, he's very hard on me. (不,他對我很嚴(yán)厲。)
= He treats me unkindly. (他對我一點(diǎn)兒都不友好。)
= He's mean to me. (他對我很刻薄。)
= He's very strict. (他很嚴(yán)厲。)
◎他總把我當(dāng)作眼中釘。He always treats me like an enemy.
= He was rude to say that. (他這樣對你說話也太無禮了。)
= He acts like I'm an enemy.
= He treats me as if I'm his enemy.
◎他對我很蠻橫。He treated me badly.
= I was badly treated by him.
= I received bad treatment from him.
= He treated me unkindly. (他對我很粗暴。)
◎我欠他的情。I'm obligated to him. *obligate“讓某人負(fù)有法律或道義上的義務(wù)”。
I'm under obligation to him.
I owe him. * owe“欠……的情”。
= I have an obligation to him.
I'm deeply indebted to him. (我非常感激他。)
I've received kindness from him. (他對我很好。)
= I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me. (我非常感謝他為我所做的一切。)
◎我們很熟,互相直呼其名。We're on a first name basis. *表示“之間關(guān)系好,很親密”。
= We're on first name terms.
1. We are responsible for our own emotional life.
If we are to experience comfortable, nourishing relationships, we have to relinquish the idea that someone else can make us feel a certain way. If we hold another person responsible when we are upset, we surrender our power, which makes us less capable of creating the outcome we seek. If there is something that is lacking in one of your core relationships, cast off the role of victim and commit to creating the love you deserve.
2. Healthy relationships are based upon a deep rooted conviction in equality.
Ego-rooted relationships reinforce insecurities. When one person criticizes, demeans, or asserts authority over another, it may temporarily improve the self-esteem of one by lowering another’s, but this assumption of power is always vulnerable. Relationships based upon mutual respect liberate energy that becomes available for creativity.
This principle is of particular importance when the relationship is between an adult and a child. It is essential for the parent to recognize the child’s equality on the level of the soul. If this intention is present throughout children’s upbringing, they will develop a sense of dignity and respect that will serve them throughout their lives.
3. Conscious communication builds nurturing relationships.
Determine what you need and ask for it. Teach the people in your family to identify their needs and express themselves in ways that increase the likelihood that their needs will be met.
Show your children how to get needs met without resorting to emotional escalation. Your behavior provides the most compelling lesson.
4. Give what you seek.
Human beings have four basic needs in a relationship: attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance. We give attention by making eye contact. We express affection by connecting physically with sensitivity and permission. We demonstrate appreciation by telling and showing people that they add value to our lives. We provide acceptance by cultivating an internal conversation of recognizing ourselves in the other and the other in ourselves.
Be generous with the people in your life and you will spontaneously see these expressions returning to you in kind. If you have children, shower them with attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance and watch them flourish.
5. Remember that life is short.
Enjoy what you have. Don’t waste time indulging in petty grievances. We sometimes avoid healing our relationships, because we anticipate there will be plenty of time in the future. Do what you can from your side to create peace now. Free your heart from grievances and regrets now. Do not allow your present to be trapped in the past.