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  丘吉爾曾受邀在某校畢業(yè)典禮上講話。在校長冗長的介紹后,他只說了一句話:”永遠,永遠,永遠不要放棄。”(Never, never, never give up.)就走下講臺。這被稱為歷史上最短的畢業(yè)演講。其實,這是一個誤傳。丘吉爾1941年在哈羅公學演講時提到過這句話,但過程卻并沒有這么傳奇。 每到畢業(yè)季,各大高校都會請來名人給畢業(yè)生做演講。當這樣的演講多了,其內(nèi)容不僅算不上傳奇,甚至可能難免俗套。本期我們就來一起看看吧。

  【名人演講第一招:套近乎】 演講之初先要營造輕松的氛圍,演講者們深諳這個道理,于是各種開場方式悉數(shù)登場。09屆的同學們!你們的掌聲在哪里?(拉里·佩奇) Class of 2009! I don‟t think I heard you. (Larry Page) 謝謝大家,謝謝弗吉尼亞(主持人)那么賣力地推銷我。我一度以為她在介紹別人呢。(蒂姆·庫克) Thank you for that nice reception and thank you Virginia for the incredible introduction. I thought some of them were about somebody else. (Tim Cook) 我想說的第一句話是”謝謝”。不僅因為哈佛給了我這樣非同一般的榮譽,還因為一想到今天的演講,我就緊張恐懼、茶飯不思,幾個星期下來竟然減肥成功。(J·K·羅琳) The first thing I would like to say is “thank you”. Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honor, but the weeks of fear and nausea I‟ve experienced at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight. (J.K. Rowling)

  我那時什么工作都做,剝過牡蠣、做過迎賓、酒保、服務(wù)員、粉刷房子、賣吸塵器,我完全不知道自己想做什么。我只想隨便找個工作糊口,能有錢付得起房租就行。(艾倫·德杰尼勒斯) I did everything. I shucked oysters, I was a hostess, I was a bartender, I was a waitress, I painted houses, I sold vacuum cleaners, I had no idea. And I thought I‟d just finally settle in some job, and I would make enough money to pay my rent. (Ellen DeGeneres)

  【名人演講第二招:挫折與抉擇】 幾乎每個成功人士的背后,好像都至少有一次面臨挫折和抉擇,然后絕處逢生的經(jīng)歷。[挫折篇] 我等待著希望聽到蔡爾茲教授告訴我我的論文寫得多么好。但他沒有。于是等了45分鐘后,我終于開口問,”那你怎么評價我的寫作呢?” “這么說吧,”他說。”千萬不要靠這個謀生。”(邁克爾·劉易斯) I listened and waited for Professor Childs to say how well written my thesis was. He didn‟t. And so after about 45 minutes I finally said, “So. What did you think of the writing?” “Put it this way,” he said. “Never try to make a living at it.” (Michael Lewis) 那一年,我被炒了魷魚。你怎么可能被自己創(chuàng)立的公司炒魷魚?是這樣的,在蘋果快速成長的時候,我們雇了一個我覺得很有天分的家伙和我一起管理公司,最初幾年,公司運轉(zhuǎn)得很好。但后來我們對未來的看法發(fā)生了分歧,最終吵了起來。面對不可調(diào)和的分歧,董事會站在了他那一邊。(史蒂夫·喬布斯) And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. (Steve Jobs) 那時我想,最慘的會是什么呢?也就是失業(yè)吧。結(jié)果,我真的失業(yè)了。我的節(jié)目在做了6年后,沒有告知我就停播了,我看了報紙才知道。家里的電話3年沒有再響過,沒人找我做節(jié)目,沒人愿意提及我。(艾倫·德杰尼勒斯) And I thought, “What‟s the worst that could happen? I can lose my career.” I did. I lost my career. The show was canceled after 6 years, without even telling me, I read it in the paper. The phone didn‟t ring for 3 years. I had no offers. Nobody wanted to touch me at all. (Ellen DeGeneres)

  【名人演講第三招:自嘲】 自嘲幾乎是大部分名人演講的必殺技。不過注意哦,這種自嘲有時候可能是一種變相的吹噓。我十分清楚你們現(xiàn)在坐在臺下的感受:聽我們這些老家伙絮叨,老生常談。(拉里·佩奇) I know exactly what it feels like to be sitting in your seat, listening to some old gasbag give a long-winded commencement speech. (Larry Page) 去年登上這個講臺的,是擁有億萬身家的小說家羅琳女士,她最早是一個古典文學的學生。前年站在這里的是比爾·蓋茨先生,他是一個超級富翁、慈善家和電腦高手(nerd)。今年很遺憾,你們的演講人是我。雖然我不像他們那么有錢,但至少我也算一個高手(nerd還有”笨蛋”的意思)。(朱棣文) Last year, J.K. Rowling, the billionaire novelist, who started as a classics student, graced this podium. The year before, Bill Gates, the mega-billionaire philanthropist and computer nerd stood here. Today, sadly, you have me. I am not wealthy, but at least I am a nerd. (Steven Chu) 我為今天在座的各位同學感到高興,你們拿到學位可比我容易多了。我值得稱道的也只有被哈佛的校報稱作”哈佛大學歷史上最成功的輟學生”了。我想這大概使我有資格代表我這一類學生發(fā)言……在所有的失敗者里,我做得最好。(比爾·蓋茨) I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I‟m just happy that the Crimson has called me “Harvard‟s most successful dropout”. I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class…I did the best of everyone who failed. (Bill Gates)

  【名人演講第四招:哭窮】 功成名就的演講者們肯定少不了要分享下自己過去辛酸的經(jīng)歷,好讓臺下的學子們”開心開心”。 (從里德學院退學后)我無法再住宿舍,所以只能借宿在朋友房間的地板上,我去撿5美分一個的可樂瓶,以此賺錢來購買食物,我會在每個周日走上7英里,穿過小城,到克利須那神廟,只為晚上那頓一周一次的美餐。(史蒂夫·喬布斯) (After I dropped out of Reed College) I didn‟t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends‟ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5-cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. (Steve Jobs) 畢業(yè)7年之后,我遭遇了徹底的失敗。我那極其短暫的婚姻走到了盡頭,再加上失業(yè),作為一個單身母親,我淪落到窮困潦倒的境地,就差無家可歸了。(J·K·羅琳) A mere 7 years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless. (J.K. Rowling)