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【Section A】

News Report 1


M:Hello, Doctor.

W:Hello, please take a seat. I have your test results here, and it s good news. The blood test came back clear. There is no indication of any digestive issues.

M:So then, why do I feel so poorly all the time?

W:It s probably due to overwork and stress.

M:No, it can t be. I ve always been working hard, but I ve never felt stress. Other people suffer and complain about that, but I don t. It must be something else.

W:What you have just described is a common sentiment. Many people who suffer from stress fail to recognize it. You told me you often work long into the night, right?

M:Yes, most days in fact. But I ve been doing that for about 20 years now.

W:That doesn t matter. You could have been suffering from stress for 20 years without knowing it. And now it s catching up to you.

M:But what about my feeling tired all the time, and not being able to sleep well at night?

W:Those are common consequences of stress. And if you don t sleep well, then of course you will feel fatigued. I m going to prescribe some special sleeping pills for you. They have a soft, gentle effect, and are made from natural ingredients. So your stomach should tolerate them fine, and there shouldn t be any negative side effects. Take one with your dinner, and come see me after a month. If there is no improvement, I ll give you something stronger.

M:Thank you, Doctor.

W:That s not all. You should try and work less. Is there any way you can decrease your workload?

M:Um, I d have to think about it. I m a restaurant manager, and this industry is very competitive. There are many things to keep track of and stay on top of.

W:I recommend you think about delegating some responsibilities to someone else. I m not asking you to retire, just to slow down a bit. It s for your own health.


Q1: What do we learn about the man from his test results?

Q2: What does the woman think is a common phenomenon among many people?

Q3: What does the woman say she will do for the man?

Q4: What does the man say about the industry he is engaged in?

Conversation 2


W:Today on People in the News, our guest is John Williams. The name may not sound familiar to you, but John was once an acclaimed basketball player. John, you stunned fans by leaving the sport at just 25. Why did you retire so early?

M:Meg, I loved being an athlete, but I didn t love being a celebrity. I was in the limelight when I was still a high school student, and went professional right after high school graduation, which was a mistake. I was a shy kid, and I wasn t ready for all the media attention.

W:But walking away from millions of dollars at the height of your career? Most people wouldn t be able to resist the lure of such a high salary. When you left the sport, there was speculation that you were having issues with your teammates, or even an injury.

M:Not at all. It was hard to quit. I was tempted to stay in the game, because I loved basketball, and I loved my team. As for money, I turned professional at 18, so I d actually earned a lot and saved most of it, because I had great financial advisors. I knew basketball wasn t a career with a lot of longevity for most players. So I wanted to change careers while I was still young.

W:Okay, that was 20 years ago, and you re back in the news. You ve created a foundation that works to get more kids playing team sports. Why?

M:I went to university, and I studied public health and learned about the seriousness of the obesity epidemic, particularly among kids and adolescents in poor communities. I ve spent the last two decades trying to alleviate the problem. The Foundation is just the latest attempt.

W:The Foundation uses private donations to support basketball teams for girls and boys in primary school, right?

M:Actually, we support teams for secondary school students, too. And also has some public funding.


Q5: Why did John Williams leave the sport of basketball at just 25?

Q6: What does the man say about basketball as a career for most players?

Q7: What do we learn from the woman about John Williams 20 years later?

Q8: What has the man spent the last two decades trying to do?

【Section B】

Passage 1


Kate Atkinson was born in York, England in 1951. She worked hard to gain her credentials as an author. She studied English literature at University in Scotland. After graduating in 1974, she researched a doctorate on American literature. Later, she taught at the university she graduated from, and began writing short stories in 1981. She began writing for women s magazines after winning the 1986 Women s Own Short Story Competition. Her first novel, Behind the Scenes at the Museum, won the 1995 UK Book of the Year award. The book is set in Yorkshire and has been adapted for radio, theatre, and TV. She has written two plays for a theatre in Edinburgh. The first was called Nice and the second, Abandonment, performed as part of the Edinburgh Festival in August 2000. Whatever genre Atkinson writes in, her books touch on the themes of love and loss and how to carry on. They are always presented with ingenuity and a wicked sense of humor. Her books tend to be populated by odd, sometimes sinful, and generally flawed eccentrics who become credible by virtue of being so fully realized. Her books have frequently been described as comedies of manners. That is to say, comedies that represent the complex and sophisticated code of behavior current in fashionable circles of society. Where appearances count more than true moral character. A comedy of manners tends to reward its clever and deceitful characters, rather than punish their bad deeds. The humor of a comedy of manners relies on verbal wit and playful teasing.


Q9: When did Kate Atkinson begin to write for women s magazines?

Q10: What did Kate Atkinson s books touch on?

Q11: What do we learn about the clever and deceitful characters in a comedy of manners?

Passage 2


Why is adaptability an important skill to exercise in the workplace? Simply put, adaptability is a skill employers are increasingly looking for. When you spend time learning a new task rather than resisting it, your productivity goes up. You can also serve as an example to your co-workers who may be having trouble adapting, and can help lead your team forward. Strategy consultant, Dori Clark, explains it to us this way. I d say that adaptability is an important skill in the workplace because, frankly, circumstances change. Competitors introduce new products, the economy might enter a recession, customer preferences differ over time, and more. If you shake your fist at the sky and say why can t it stay the same, that s not going to do very much good. Instead, you need to recognize when circumstances have changed. So you can take appropriate action based on what is, rather than how you wish the world would be. That enables you to make more accurate inform and effective choices. Also, the workplace itself has been evolving. Today s work culture and management style is often based on teamwork, rather than a rigid hierarchy. Brainstorming, which requires creativity, flexibility, and emotional intelligence, is a typical problem solving technique. Employees who are unable or unwilling to participate will not easily move forward in the company. Employees who are flexible demonstrate other skills too. They can reprioritize quickly when changes occur and suggest additional modifications when something is not working. They can also regroup quickly when a setback occurs, adapting to the new situation confidently and without overreacting.


Q12: Why does the speaker say adaptability is an important skill to exercise in the workplace?

Q13: What does adaptability enable us to do according to strategy consultant Dory Clark?

Q14: What do we learn about today s work culture from the passage?

Q15: What are employees with adaptability able to do when changes occur?

【Section C】

Lecture 1


What makes humans different from other species? Some philosophers argue it s morals or ethics. While some scientists assert it s our greater cognitive development, but I argue that the main difference is our desire to combat routine. This makes being creative a biological mandate, as what we seek in art and technology is surprise, not simply a fulfillment of expectations. As a result, a wild imagination has characterized the history of our species. We build intricate habitats, devise complex recipes for our food, wear clothes that reflect constant changes in fashion, communicate with elaborate signs, symbols, and sounds, and travel between habitats on wings and wheels of our own design. To satisfy our appetite for novelty, innovation is key. But who innovates? Now, many people, both laymen and experts, believe that only geniuses innovate. But I believe that innovation is not something that only a few people do. The innovative drive lives in every human brain, and the resulting war against the repetitive is what powers the massive changes that distinguish one generation from the next. The drive to create the new is a trait of being human. We build cultures by the hundreds and tell new stories by the millions. We create and surround ourselves with things that have never existed before, while animals do not. But where do our new ideas come from? According to many, new ideas come from seemingly nowhere, to great minds. From this perspective, new ideas are almost like magic. They come in a flash of inspiration to a select few. However, the reality is that, across the spectrum of human activities, Prior work propels the creative process. We may think of innovation as being the result of inspiration or genius, but it s really the result of developing the ideas of others further. This happens in technology, where one invention enables or inspires further inventions. And it happens in the arts, as writers, composers, and painters. Use the work of previous artists in their own work. The human brain works from precedent. We take the ideas we ve inherited and put them together into some new shape. What is a true creator? Is a creator a genius who makes something out of nothing? No. Creators are simply humans who use what they inherit who absorb the past and manipulate it to create possible futures. Thus, humans are creators as a rule rather than as an exception.


Q16: What question does the speaker address in this talk?

Q17: What does the speaker believe about innovation?

Q18: How does the human brain work according to the speaker?

Lecture 2


[inaudible] tell you that their dog somehow knows when they re ill or upset, and, according to researchers who study dog cognition, those pet owners are right. Dogs do know when their human companions are having a rough time. Not only can your dog sense when you have a cold, but domestic dogs have shown an aptitude for detecting both much smaller mood fluctuations and far more serious physical conditions.

This is because dogs are extremely sensitive to changes in the people they re familiar with, and illness causes change. If a person is infected with a virus or bacteria, for example, their odour will be abnormal, and dogs are able to smell that change even if a human can t, because dogs have a much more powerful sense of smell than humans.

Researchers have also found that a person s mood, which can be an indicator of a larger illness, triggers a dog s sense of smell. Human emotions manifest physically in chemical signals that are emitted by the body, and dogs are able to smell those as well. Beyond smell, dogs gather information from a person s voice in order to sense changes.

In 2014, Researchers discovered that dogs have an area of the brain similar to one in humans that allows them to understand emotional cues in the tone of a speaker s voice, beyond what they d be able to pick up from familiar words alone. A person s voice can also carry indicators of illness. What s not understood quite so well is what dogs understand about these changes.

Humans send out lots of cues, but whether dogs know some of these cues mean illness isn t clear. What we perceive as concern on a dog s part might be more like increased curiosity or suspicion that something is wrong with us, and sticking close by is a great way to gather more information about the situation.

Some researchers assert dogs will one day help doctors diagnose diseases. As some dogs have already demonstrated the ability to detect an assortment of ailments, including diabetes and certain types of cancer. But those researchers concede that s probably in the distant future. For now, research suggests dog ownership can have an array of benefits in and of itself.

Keeping a pet dog has been shown to bolster health and boost mood. Dogs also help people relax, and they can be a particular comfort to those with chronic diseases.


Q19: What view of many dog owners wins support from researchers studying dog cognition?

Q20: Why can dogs detect their owner s abnormal odor, according to the speaker?

Q21: What does research suggest, for now, about dog ownership?

Lecture 3


Earlier this month, the think tank called Onward published a report A Question of Degree, which argues that degrees in the creative arts are not good value for money. Ministers, according to Onward, should crack down on courses that offer extremely limited value for money to students ten years after graduation, restricting the ability of such courses to recruit new students, if the average graduate earns below the student loans payment threshold.

Courses like science, technology, engineering, and math, and economics, where the average graduate earns a lot, should be favored.

The report provides insight into a government review which looks at how to reform technical education and how to ensure students get good value for money.

At first glance, it might even seem like Onward have a point. According to their data, the majority of creative arts students earn less than 25,000 pounds a year, ten years after graduation.

The average male creative arts students, indeed, apparently earn much less than they would had they simply never gone to university.

This isn t really good for anyone, and it s certainly no good for graduates, who are forced to endure a lifestyle where they can never save up, never buy a house, never hope to retire. Onward have identified a real problem. Creative arts graduates from top universities like Oxford, with a high proportion of privately educated students, have fairly good work prospects.

Well, 40 percent of all graduates, regardless of their degree, are on less than 25,000 pounds a year, 5 years after graduation.

This suggests that the problem isn t really to do with specific students studying specific degrees, but really with the economy as a whole. Regardless of what they ve studied, young people find it hard to get ahead, unless they re lucky enough to be born with successful parents.

If ministers want to make education pay for young people, they need to look beyond the higher education sector, towards the wider world. The rewards that education gives us are not measurable. They are not always instantly obvious, and certainly not always direct. An education makes you a different person from the one you would have been if you hadn t received it. We need to look at the value of education, not in the context of a bank balance, but of a life. If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted with talk of value for money, we will all be made poorer as a result.


Q22: What does Onward s report propose ministers should do?

Q23: What does the speaker think of Onward s arguments?

Q24: What do we learn about British college graduates five years after graduation?

Q25: What does the speaker say actually accounts for the problem identified by Onward?


【Section A】

Conversation 1


W:So, I ve been thinking, this summer, instead of our usual holiday rental, I d [1] like to try renting a camper van and exploring a bit more.

M:A camper van? You mean to spend the summer living out of a car?

W:Yes, a camper van. And no, it s nothing like living out of a car. These are proper vans with full size beds to sleep in. Some even have kitchens. This way, we wouldn t have to be locked into one place during our holiday. We d be able to visit so many more places and travel at our own pace. The rates of most hotels and holiday homes really soar in the summer anyway. We d probably save a lot of money as well.

M:[2] I think my grandfather had a van like that. It doesn t sound that appealing to me.

W:Today s camper vans are completely different. These days, they re equipped with all the modern comforts. I ve seen quite a few with solar panels that provide electricity for when you re stopped. This way, [3] you can still use your computer or charge your phone. And most even have Wi-Fi, so if the weather s not great, you could stream videos.

M:I m warming up to the idea. Keep talking.

W:Loads of people are committing to this trend full time. Check it out online. Lots of people stream videos of their alternative lifestyles and actually earn a salary. [4] Imagine having that kind of freedom to go anywhere you want and work from anywhere in the world.

M:Okay, we can consider it. As long as the basic needs like toilet and showers are covered, I m definitely in. Do you think there will be enough room for my mountain bike? What about food delivery? Will we be able to order to the van? Will there be enough space for the dog? We wouldn t want to leave him behind.

W:Slow down. Glad you re excited about it. Let s start by looking at what s available first.


Q1: What has the woman been thinking of doing for this summer?

Q2: What do we learn about the man s grandfather from the conversation?

Q3: What can many camper vans do nowadays according to the woman?

Q4: What idea does the woman find attractive?

Conversation 2


W:You wanted to see me?

M:Yes, I ll get straight to the point. [5] Over the past month or so, it has become apparent that your performance has dipped. You ve been late to work several times these past few weeks, which is very uncharacteristic of you. But what really concerns me is your curtailed output.

Lately, you seem to be constantly one step behind. What s going on?

W:I m sorry, [6] I m going through some unfortunate family issues at the moment. It s a personal matter, so if you don t mind, I much prefer we don t get into it. Nevertheless, I expect it to have all blown over in another month or so.

M:Do you need some time off?

W:Actually, yes. Would it be possible to take the next two Mondays off? I was deliberating whether I should ask for this, but now that we re here.

M:Sure thing. But if you needed some leave, why didn t you ask for it earlier?

W:I m not sure why. I guess I kind of felt bad asking for it.

M:You shouldn t feel bad asking for leave, especially if you need it.

W:I know. You re right. I m sorry.

M:You ve been with us almost five years, [7] and I personally really value your proficiency at your job. It makes my job far easier. In addition, I can assure you that management as a whole also holds you in high regard.

W:Thank you.

M:[8] What I need is for you to be back at your 100%. Are you sure taking two Mondays off will suffice?

W:It ll be enough. I m sure of it.

M:Okay, good. So this is what we re going to do. You will take those days off, and I expect that you will gradually come back to your usual self. Then, in two months time, we will catch up again to see how you are faring.

W:Sounds good. Thank you for your understanding.


Q5: What do we learn about the woman from the man s description?

Q6: What does the woman say she s experiencing at the moment?

Q7: What does the man say makes his job far easier?

Q8: What agreement have the speakers reached by the end of the conversation?

【Section B】

Passage 1


There are many factors that impact our health. These include our finances, our emotions, and the way we work. Education is one such factor. [9] Research suggests that higher levels of education can lead to better health and even greater longevity. But what about the education of your partner? New research seeks to answer this question. Researchers use data from a longitudinal study. The data came from surveys first administered to high school seniors in 1957. The surveys ended in 2011. The team found that a person whose spouse had a higher level of education tended to report better health. This remained the case when adjusting for other factors, such as participants own education, social background, and health status before and after marriage. The authors suggest that high levels of education provide shared social, intellectual, emotional, and financial resources. These include things like higher levels of emotional intelligence, particular skills or knowledge, or more money. [10] The researchers concede that an individual s own level of education is clearly important for their health, but they assert that individuals also can reap the benefits of their partner s education. It is noteworthy that the effects varied by gender. For women, health was more closely correlated to their spouse s education than for men. The team suggests this may be related to the time period of the study. [11] Women in this sample had lower levels of education and lower occupational achievements than the men. The researcher s hypothesis is that this made the husband s resources more likely to have a shared impact.


Q9: What does research suggest about a higher level of education?

Q10: What do we learn from the finding of the new research?

Q11: What does the passage say about the men in the sample of the new research?

Passage 2


Climate scientists predict that many parts of the world will be increasingly prone to floods. [12] This is a serious risk to human lives and property, so understanding and accurately forecasting flood risks is a key challenge for vulnerable cities around the globe. In 2017, Derek Roloftis of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science started a project called Catch the King.

It uses a smartphone app. to collect the data of ordinary citizens during high tides. [13] He ll use those data to validate and improve his mathematical flooding model called Tide Watch. Loftus mission is to know where the water goes before it goes there. But collecting necessary data and then processing that information quickly enough to make usable forecasts is anything but easy.

Accurate flood forecasts require an understanding of the situation on the ground. By the early 2000s, supercomputing had advanced enough that scientists could integrate weather forecasting models with such measurements. [14] But they still didn t have the critically important ability to forecast fast moving floods in real time.

[15] So, in 2017, Loftis and colleagues set up a group of 28 internet connected water level sensors throughout the flood risk community of Norfolk, Virginia. The new sensors relay rough measurements about water height and movement to a computer at the Virginia Institute. Along with those sensors, hundreds of local citizens take photos of rising tides and transmit them real time to the Institute.

Scientists hope that the data collected by these citizens can help sharpen the ability to forecast exactly when and where damaging floods will occur.


Q12: What is said to be a key challenge for cities prone to floods?

Q13: For what purpose does Derek Loftus collect the data of ordinary citizens during high tides?

Q14: What does the passage say is Derek Loftus mission?

Q15: What did Loftus and his colleagues do to obtain data about water height and movement?

【Section C】

Lecture 1


[16] Now, it s become something of a ritual to debate the value of a college degree, but as current population survey data show, there has been a sharp decline in employment among men without college degrees compared with those who have them. This decline began in the 1960s and has become more serious over time.

What has actually caused this decline? Well, economists have been working to ascertain the roots of the decline for decades and have come up with several theories. One popular theory is that it s a case of too low wages for jobs that don t require a degree. An alternate theory is that there were more jobs not requiring a college degree in the past than now.

A recent working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research reviewed those theories and put forward additional hypotheses about the causes of the problem. Let s look at that paper now. [17] First, the researchers considered the issue of wages. As the wage gap has grown between those with college degrees and those without, economists have suggested that men aren t as interested in taking some of the less lucrative jobs. While the authors of the paper found truth in this explanation, they assert that low wages can t be the only factor, as wages for men without college degrees, adjusting for inflation, haven t changed much since the 1960s, making it hard to see why fewer men seem willing to accept those wages.

This leads to the second theory, that more jobs require a college degree today than in the past. Indeed, that theory seems valid, because in America today, 2/3 of jobs are filled by workers with at least some college education. However, the authors of the paper argue that there are other factors amplifying the problem. They identified two new potential explanations. [18] The first being the tremendous decline in marriage among men without college degrees since the 1960s.

And the second, being the increase in women participating in the workforce that was concurrent with the decline in marriage. These two changes mean that men might not have families to support, or if they do, their wives might be doing more of the providing, both of which might remove the financial incentive to work. The authors of the paper concede that research on the subject isn t complete, but they argue that their work supports the value of a college education.


Q16: What does the speaker say has become something of a ritual?

Q17: What did the researchers of a recent working paper consider first?

Q18: What did the recent paper identify as a new potential explanation of the problem concerning men s employment?

Lecture 2


While an increasing number of people are trying to eat less meat, a market research team has found in its latest fashion and sustainability report that the trend is now spreading from kitchen to closet.[19] It found animal welfare came top of a list of issues that people considered before buying clothes, with 42% saying it was important to them. The researchers of the team predicted that the next year would see a boom in animal free shoe collections, since they heard shoppers of all ages say they would buy footwear designated as vegan, meaning the goods were produced without using any animal or animal part. As well as being on trend, and with a much better ring to it than synthetic leather, the vegan label does convey an important extra distinction. If you label something as vegan, then the whole product needs to be animal free. That means checking things like the glue that holds the shoe together, for example, and the chemicals used for finishing them. [20] At the top end, some of the world renowned fashion designers have avoided leather and fur for some time.In fact, some of the companies are now exploring a leather substitute and a silk replacement made from mushrooms. The Animal Free Product Society says they ve seen a boom in products registered with the vegan trademark. In 2018, there were 119. So far this year, it says, an unprecedented 1, 956 have been registered. New products are being added daily. There are fur coats that are vegan. Plastic vegan belts and shoes made from tree bark or natural rubber labelled vegan. These new products aren t coming at an extra cost to consumers though. Vegan boots cost the same as the leather originals. New Look, one of the first reputable store chains to use the vegan trademark, prices ballet shoes at 7.99 and the vegan laptop handbag at 29.99, comparable with its other products. This signifies a change. In the past, ethical products, whether they were fair trade or organic, came at a premium. [21] However, it is unclear whether these new products can be considered ethical. The debate over durability, crop growing impacts, pollution and recyclability is a complicated one. Not to mention the ethics around the working conditions for people making the products, whatever the component materials. Environmental campaigners advise that the best approach is to buy less, never mind what the item is made of.


Q19: What has a market research team found in its latest fashion and sustainability report?

Q20: What have some world renowned fashion designers done for some time?

Q21: What does the speaker say is unclear concerning vegan products?

Lecture 3


By the end of 2016, anyone who had been paying even passing attention to the news headlines was highly likely to conclude that everything was terrible, and that the world was going to hell.

It was easy to feel depressed by the wars in different parts of the world, the spread of deadly viruses, or terror attacks. Yet, 2016 was the best year in the history of humanity. Child mortality was roughly half what it was as recently as 1990. And 300,000 more people gained access to electricity each day.Every single measure of material and environmental welfare in America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the world as a whole has improved rather than deteriorated.

[22] We are living in history s most peaceful era, with violence of all kinds in steep decline. Those are the facts. So why aren t we all optimists?

In a 2015 survey for YouGov, 65% of British people and 81 % of the French [23] said they thought the world was getting worse. However, according to numerous sensible statistics, these people are simply wrong. Nobody in their right mind should wish to have lived in a previous century. Yet people do. Why?

Our prevailing mood of despair is irrational. It says more about us than it does about how things really are. [24] It is best explained as the result of various psychological biases that served a purpose for our evolutionary ancestors.

But now, in a media saturated era, constantly mislead us. Once upon a time, it was of great survival value to be worried about everything that could go wrong. This is what makes bad news especially compelling. In our evolutionary past,[25] it was a very good thing that our attention could be easily seized by negative information, since it might well indicate a dangerous risk to our own survival.

The caveman who always assumed there was a lion behind the next rock would usually be wrong, but he d be much more likely to survive and reproduce than one who always assumed the opposite. But that was all before newspapers, television and the internet. In today s hyper connected times, our addiction to bad news just leads us to vacuum up depressing or enraging stories from across the globe. Whether these news stories threaten us or not, we conclude that things are much worse than they actually are. Really good news, on the other hand, can be a lot harder to spot in a newspaper because predictable daily events by definition aren t news.


Q22: What is one of the facts stated by the speaker?

Q23: What do we learn about most British and French people in a 2015 survey for YouGov?

Q24: What does our prevailing mood of despair indicate?

Q25: What was a very good thing in our evolutionary past?



1.C) Their brains work in harmony.

2.A)It can work both ways.

3.D)Find out more about their ancestry.

4.B)They were born to the same mother.

5.B) The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.

6.C) A passerby.

7.A) It was tourists, not natives who were cleaning up the beach.

8.D)He is physically unfit for it.

9.D)To give her little nephew a treat.

10.D)He spends most of his time in the gym.

11.B)Concentrating on reading.

12.B) It is attracting many people's attention.

13.C) One should have one million dollars to retire.

14.A) It doesn't need to be permanent.

15.D) By investing half of one's monthly income.

16.C)They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.

17.A) When an unknown student from another university was present.

18.B) By advertising its social benefits.

19.D) The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.

20.A) Their executive functioning.

21.B) Add to some students' stress.

22.A) Work hard and plan carefully.

23.D) Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.

24. B) Learn from our failure and forge ahead.

25.D) Less competition.


1.C Thought something wrong with the driver.

2.A Buy a sports car.

3.B Alter human skeleton.

4.C lt hardens.

5.D Hold a birthday party for him.

6.B Regular visits to the village shop.

7.A Fond of luxury food.

8.D Where to launch.

9.C Sandwich place on Cameron street.

10.A There is to be a conference call.

11.B She doesn't think his wife cooks well.

12. C Receptions.

13.B Difficulty getting up downstairs.

14.D Compare price.

15.B Go on a boat trip.

16.D Increasingly more important.

17.A Effect on the way we negotiate.

18.C Use deceptive strategies.

19.B Six months after the course.

20.D Eat more vegetable and fruits.

21.A Gender

22.D Varying in size.

23.A Makes us feel uncomfortable.

24.A Personal space.

25.D Enter our teen.




開頭: Our brains respond to language...

答案速查: 26-30 EDBMG 31-35 OCFAL

26. E) differentiate

27. D) deliberate

28. B) aggravated

29. M) speculative

30.G) evokes

31.O) uncertainty

32. C) ascertain

33. L) scenarios

34. A) activated

35. F) discourse


文章開頭 Modern US cities were designed to makeexercise unnecessary.

答案速查: 26-30 GMAFE 31-35BIKDC

26 G) impose

27 M) sprawl

28 A) correlation

29 F) imperative

30 E) foster

31 B) dense

32 I) longevity

33 K) recreational

34 D) equity

35 C) deter


文章開頭: The desert is deceiving. At first glance it is...

答案速查: 26-30 DAFCB 31-35 NLHMO

26. D flat

27. A apt

28. F overflowing

29.C extremes

30. B burning

31. N synonymous

32. L stimulate

33. H probably

34. M sturdy

35. O unique



答案速查: 36-40 EHBGC 41-45FIADJ

36.E [定位] “Farm productivity hasn't improved in many parts of Africa for 100 years.

37.H [定位] One way of spreading knowledge is to link farms to big buyers of their harvests. When Diageo, a British drinks giant, built a brewery in western Kenya, it wanted to use local crops to make a beer cheap enough to compete with illicit home brew.

38.B [定位] Parts of the continent are already warming much more quickly than the average: temperatures in southern Africa have increased about twice the global rate over the past 50 years.

39.G [定位] Better techniques help, too.Small coffee farmers in Kenya are able to increase their incomes by 40% by following a few simple guidelines on caring for their bushes, such as trimming all but three of their stems.

40.C [定位]Africa is particularly vulnerable, in part because it is already struggling to feed itself and it will have to vastly increase yields and productivity if it is to put food on the plates of a fast-growing population, even without climate change.

41.F [定位] Much of the focus has been on getting small farmers to use fertiliser and, more important, better seeds. The results can be impressive.

42.I [定位] An even more important change is the move from traditional farming to building businesses that can profitably bring technology and investment to small farms.

43.A [定位] Climate change is an issue that will affect everyone on the planet. For Africans, its consequences will be particularly bitter.

44.D [定位] And although output per worker hasimproved by more than half over the past 30 yearsin Africa, that is still far behind the 2.5 times improvement in Asia.

45.J [定位] Illuminum's success shows how technology can help even small farms become more productive. But over the longer run, small-scale farming can go only so far, especially in the face of climate change and population pressure.


文章標(biāo)題Can Learning a Foreign Language Prevent Dementia?

答案速查:36-40 DFAKE 41-45ICGBH

36.D [定位] However, research suggests that although this type of training may improve one’s ability at the tasks themselves, they don’ t seem to improve other abilities.

37. F [定位] In fact, it has been estimated that there are fewer monolingual speakers in the world than bilinguals and multilinguals.

38.A[定位] Dementia refers to the loss of cognitive abilities, and one of its most common form is Alzheimer’s disease. At this time, the causes of the disease are not well understood, and consequently, there are no proven steps that people can take to prevent it.

39.K[定位] So we can’t really say whether beingsocially active prevents the onset of dementia, or if people who don’ t have dementia are more likely to be socially active.

40.E[定位] However, there is some reason to believe that learning languagesmight be different. The best evidence that foreign language learning confers cognitive benefits comes from research with those who are already bilingual.

41.I [定位] 最后一句: Crucially, Bialystok suggested that the positive benefits of being bilingual were only found in those who used both languages all the time.

42.C[定位]第四句: Unlike muscles, the brain is always active and works even during periods of rest and sleep.

43.G[定位] 第三句: In fact, bilingual individuals outperform their monolingual counterparts on a variety of cognitive tasks,such as following complex instructions,and switching to new instructions.

44.B[定位] 第四句: lt is also important to remember that dementia is not the same thing as normal forgetfulness...People with dementia have more serious problems, like feeling confused or getting lost in a familiar place.

45.H [定位] 第一、二句: If the benefits of being bilingual spill over to other aspects of cognition, then we would expect to see a lower incidence of Alzheimer' s disease in bilinguals than in monolinguals, or at least a later onset of Alzheimers for bilinguals. In fact, there is evidence to support this claim.


文章標(biāo)題: Treasure Fever

答案速查: 36-40 FBIDG 41-45LCJEK

36.[F] Exploration of shipwrecks on the seafloor is crucial in updating our understanding of humanity’ s past.

37.[B] Quite a number of majestic ships sailing from Europe to America were wrecked off the Florida coast over the centuries.

38.[I] Pritchett suffered a heavy loss when a US district court ruled against him.

39.[D] Recently, people who found treasures in shipwrecks have been sued over their rights to own them.

40.[G] Pritchett claims he got support of millions of dollars from investors for his shipwreck exploration.

41.[L]One pioneer marine scientist thinks archaeologists should make greater efforts to publish their findings.

42.[C] With technological advancement in recent years, salvors now can detect the invaluable man-made objects lying buried under the sea.

43.[J] According to a lawyer, many treasure hunters are susceptible to loss because they are unaware they face a financially stronger opponent in court.

44.[E] Salvors of treasures in sunken ships and marine archaeologists are now hostile to each other.

45.[K] Archaeologists want to see artifacts helping humans understand their past instead of being sold to private collectors at an outrageous price.



Passage One


One of the great successes of the Republican Partyin recent decades is the relentless propagation of a simple formula for economic growth: tax cuts.

答案速查: 46-50 BCABA

46. Why does the formula of tax cuts remain popular though ineffective?

B) There seem to be no other options available to replace it.

47. What does the author think is a more effective measure for driving economic growth in the US.?

C) Increasing the compensation for labor.

48 What is the author's viewpoint?

A) The growth of workers’ paychecks ultimately boosts the nation’ s economy.

49. What is the basis for higher wages according to conventional wisdom?

B) Increase in productivity.

50. What do we learn about things in the real world in America for the past 50 years or so?

A) People have failed to see a corresponding increase in wages and in productivity.

Passage Two


Journal editors decide what gets published and what doesn't, affecting the careers of other academics and influencing the direction that afield takes.

答案速查:51-55 DCBAD

51.What would we expect an editorial board of an academic journal to exhibit in view of its important responsibilities?

D) Diversity.

52.What do we learn from the study in Nature Neuroscience?

C) The editorial boards of the most important journals in psychology and neuroscience are male-dominated.

53.What fact does the author highlight concerning the gender differences in editors of psychology journals?

B) The number of female editors was simply disproportionate to that of women engaged in psychology research.

54. What can we infer from the conclusion drawn by the team of the new study on the basis of their findings?

A) Women’ s views are under represented in the editorial boards of top psychology and neuroscience journals.

55. What does the author suggest we do instead of simply blaming the inequality of editorial boards on tradition?

D) Implement overall structural reforms.


Passage One

文章開頭: Research is meant to benefit...

答案速查:46-50 DABAC

46.D) With its findings properly communicated beyond the academic circle.

47.A) They cannot understand the academic language used for reporting these results.

48.B) Their top consideration is to win tenure.

49.A) By helping them to identify new research directions.

50.C) To make their publications correctly understood by the public.

Passage Two


Spiders make their presence felt in late August and through early autumn...

答案速查: 51-55 ABCBD

51. A They have been generally misconceived

52. B Evil.

53. C Chemicals used for killing insects.

54. B Certain species of spiders are endangered due to loss of their natural homes.

55. D There would be more people appreciating spiders’ splendour.


Passage One

文章開頭: Could you get by without using the internet for four and a half year?


46. What do we learn about singer and actress Selena Gomez in the past four and half years?

C) She has refrained from using social media.

47. Why does actively opting out of using the internet become a matter of privilege?

C) Most people can hardly get by without the internet due to growing digitization.

48. Why does the author say “witnessing companies...feels particularly irritating” (Lines3-5, Para. 6)?

D) Most families in the UK do not have stable broadband connections.

49. What is worth bearing in mind concerning social media platforms?

B) They help many people feel connected with others.

50. What does the author think is really important for those living in digital exclusion?

A) Having access to the internet.

Passage Two

文章開頭: Psychologists have long been in disagreement as to whether competition is a learned or a genetic component of human behavior.

答案速查: 51-55 DDCBD

51.D) The impact of competition

52.D) Satisfy their own desires while observing social conventions.

53.C) It is free from the rational intervention of humans.

54.B) Struggles for survival do not exclude mutual support.

55.D) People’ s attitude towards competition isactually culture-bound.




As we all know, mastering good basic knowledge is an important step that every student must go through in the learning process, and it is crucial for students to master any subject. Therefore, we should fully realize the importance of mastering basic knowledge. Here's why.

First of all, without a solid foundation, it is impossible to understand more profound theories of knowledge, and it is impossible to advance to a higher level. Take English learning as an example, if we do not have a solid grasp of English grammar and vocabulary, we will not be able to effectively understand literary works and understand higher-level English concepts. Second, just as a building needs a solid foundation to support its structure, our academic success requires a solid grasp of the basics. From personal experience, I clearly remember a deep understanding of foundational concepts paving the way for my success in challenging courses. Finally, no foundation, no progress. For the system of knowledge is interlinked, without a solid foundation, the knowledge system will be full of holes.

Therefore, I think it is very important for students to get a good basic knowledge.



With their valuable skills and experiences, elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society. This view is accepted by more and more citizens as they witness firsthand the capabilities of these experienced individuals.

First of all, the older generation, especially highly skilled workers, is still irreplaceable for jobs that require extensive skills and expertise. Without them, it is highly possible that work quality and efficiency will be seriously affected. In addition, these senior citizens play a significant role in training or cultivating the young generation by passing down their valuable skills and experiences. Young people, benefiting from this mentorship, can directly contribute to their organizations and country. Finally, the elderly can even be part of think tanks, offering precious advice or suggestions to the management teams of firms or to the government, thus promoting development.

Therefore, recognizing the significance of elderly people and encouraging their active participation in society is crucial, rather than merely viewing them as individuals who should retire from active life.



Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence on social media, it is common to see many youngsters who are independent and confident, a trait often attributed to autonomy in their childhood development.

The importance of autonomy can be explained as follows. Firstly, children who are given more freedom can cultivate critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and resilience. As they navigate challenges and learn from their mistakes, children become more self-reliant and resourceful which in turn bolsters their confidence and self-esteem. Second, granting autonomy to children nurtures their creativity and curiosity. When children are allowed to pursue their passions, they are more likely to discover new talents and develop a lifelong love of learning. If they graduate and enter the workplace in the future, they are more likely to create a good impression on their boss and thus are more likely to receive a pay raise or a promotion quickly.1. A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.

To sum up, the increasing awareness of the importance of autonomy in childhood development is crucial. It not only helps foster children's independence and confidence but also contributes to their overall well-being and future career success




With the development of economy and society, there has been a significant change in the population structure in China, gradually transitioning into an aging society. It is expected that China's elderly population will continue to increase, and the trend of population aging will become more obvious. To cope with various challenges brought about by population aging, the country is actively taking measures to strengthen support for elderly care. Through the reform of the social security system, the government has continuously increased social security funds and gradually expanded the coverage of social security in order to benefit more elderly people. Furthermore, the government encourages various social organizations to provide services for the elderly. Through the collaborative efforts of the government and social organizations, the elderly will live a happier life.



As China is facing an ageing society, there is a widespread concern over the issue of elderly care. What kind of care model for the elderly should be adopted is the most debated topic. The majority of people believe that the care model for the elderly should be diversified. More and better elderly service institutions can be established, community service centres can be improved, and self-care for the elderly at home can be encouraged through government guidance and social participation. It is also possible to promote a model of the elderly that combines family and social care. The continuous increase in government and social investment in services for the elderly will bring further improvements in care facilities, gradual enhancements in the quality of services and a more convenient and comfortable life with health and happiness for the elderly.



In recent years, China's elderly population has continued to grow. The Chinese government is taking various measures to promote the construction of a service system for the elderly, so that the elderly can live a healthy and happy life in their later years. Various service institutions for the elderly have been built across the country. In order to improve the service quality of elderly care institutions, the government has issued a series of standards to strengthen the supervision of elderly care institutions. In order to make it easier for the elderly to eat, many cities have opened community canteens to provide them with affordable meals. Me als on wheels are also available for the elderly with limited mobility. At the same time, China is also actively exploring other old-age care models, such as home-based and community old-age care, to ensure that all elderly people have adequate old-age support.




第一步 將文中復(fù)雜的語(yǔ)句,先用自己的白話重新組織一遍。

第二步 將重新組織后的話用基本句式(主謂賓之類的)表述出來(lái)。












