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  聽力部分 (一至四題)






  ( ) 6. What sports does the man like?

  A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Soccer.

  ( ) 7.What is the man’s hobby?

  A. Playing sports. B. Collecting stamps. C. Playing soccer.

  ( ) 8. What does the man think of collecting stamps?

  A. Very boring. B. Very exciting. C. Very interesting.


  ( ) 9. What does the man want to do?

  A. He wants to spend his holiday.

  B. He wants to study English.

  C. He wants to go skiing.

  ( ) 10. What’s the weather like in Australia all the year round?

  A. It’s cold. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s rainy.

  ( ) 11. Which country does the man want to go finally?

  A. England. B. Switzerland. C. Australia.


  ( ) 12. What’s wrong with the boy?

  A. He has a cold. B. He has a match. C. He feels hot.

  ( ) 13. Who has taken the boy’s temperature?

  A. The doctor. B. The boy. C. The boy’s mother.

  ( ) 14. How many days should the boy stay in bed?

  A. Several days. B. Two or three weeks. C. Two or three days.

  ( ) 15. What is the doctor’s advice?

  A. The boy can go to the football match.

  B. The boy’s body is more important.

  C. The boy’s mother is a member of the school team.



  ( )16. Which season is good for the holiday?

  A.Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.

  ( )17. How is the weather in July?

  A. It’s warm. B. It’s cool. C. It’s very hot.

  ( )18. How long does the holiday last?

  A. One month. B. Two months. C. Three months.

  ( )19. How do the people go to the foreign country?

  A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By car.

  ( )20. If a family live near the sea, what will they do during the holiday?

  A.Stay at home. B.Go to the beach. C.Go to the foreign country by ship.



  Birthdays are more interesting when you 21 them with your friends.

  Sam asks his animal friends for 22 .

  The pig takes some 23 .

  The dog goes to shop to buy some sugar.

  The chicken takes flour(面粉).

  The cat takes milk.

  The monkey gets red apples 24 trees.

  They work hard to make a 25 cake.

  筆試部分 (五至十二題)



  ( ) 26. —Are these ______ T-shirts?

  —No. They are ______.

  A. your; her B. your; his C. yours; hers D. yours; his

  ( ) 27. Hurry up! There will be a movie ______ three minutes.

  A. in B. at C. on D. for

  ( ) 28. —Did you buy the bike eight years ago?

  —Yes. ______ it’s old, it still runs well.

  A. But B. Because C. Although D. Since

  ( ) 29. Tony, tell me the end of the story ______ you saw in the cinema.

  A. where B. which C. whom D. who

  ( ) 30. When you read, don’t ______ every new word in the dictionary. Try to guess its meaning.

  A. give up B. put up C. look for D. look up

  ( ) 31. Lucy______ this book for nearly two weeks.

  A. has bought B. has borrowed C. has lent D. has kept

  ( ) 32. —I feel tired and sleepy.

  —Why not stop ______ for a while?

  A.rest B.to rest C. resting D.rested

  ( ) 33. Look at the photo of the Smiths. ______happy they are!

  A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

  ( ) 34. —How’s it going?

  — .

  A. You are welcome B. Thanks a lot

  C. Good luck D. It’s great

  ( ) 35. I can’t understand ______Apple’s Ipad 4.

  A. how are they so mad about

  B. how they are so mad about

  C. why are they so mad about

  D. why they are so mad about



  ( A )

  Did your parents have jobs?

  My father went out to work. He was a factory worker, and he often  36 12 hours a day. My mum wanted to work. She was a teacher  37 she met my father. Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home. Today it’s normal for  38 women to go out to work, but it was less common  39 . My father had the same job the whole of his working life. These days people change  40 jobs much more often.

  ( ) 36. A. played out B. went out   C. worked out D. looked out

  ( ) 37. A. after B. before C. but D. while

  ( ) 38. A. young B. old C. married  D. unmarried

  ( ) 39.A. in the past B. in the future C. at present D. now

  ( ) 40. A.our B. their C. his D.her

  ( B )

  I have a twin sister. When we were babies, my dad always said that we were mirror-image twins (鏡像雙胞胎),  41  nobody would listen. As we were growing up, it became clear that we  42  mirror-image twins. I like to use my right  43  for writing, throwing, etc and my sister likes to use her left hand. We can always finish off each other’s sentences and know what  44  is thinking.

  As twin sisters, we always  45  when the other is in trouble or hurt. When I was 15 years old, I had to have an  46  on my stomach. When my dad called my  47  from the hospital, she said she had the pain (疼痛) as well. One year later,  48  had the same operation and I also felt her pain.

  People always mistake me for my twin sister. We worked together a few times  49  waitresses. She would serve (招待) a customer and then I would go and ask the customer the  50  thing. The customer would feel so strange.

  ( ) 41.A. or B. but C. so D. if

  ( ) 42.A. were B. had C. knew D. liked

  ( ) 43.A. leg B. arm C. foot D. hand

  ( ) 44.A. another B. the other C. others D. the others

  ( ) 45.A. forget B. hate C. leave D. know

  ( ) 46.A. operation B. experience C. examination D. accident

  ( ) 47.A. friend B. mum C. sister D. teacher

  ( ) 48.A. she B. he C. I D. we

  ( ) 49.A. with B. for C. as D. at

  ( ) 50.A. new B. right C. small D. same


  ( A )

  We can see some overhead bridges(天橋) in Nanning City. There is one over Chaoyang Road. Another is near People’s Park. As we all know, it is not safe to cross a busy road. These bridges can help people cross the roads safely. Overhead bridges have the same use as street crossings.

  Many people think it great trouble to go through overhead bridges. The old and the young think it’s difficult for them to climb up and down the steps of the overhead bridges. But why does the government build so many overhead bridges? That’s because old people and young children walk slowly. And when they cross a busy road using a street crossing, the traffic will be held up or maybe stopped, or even a traffic accident may happen. With the help of the overhead bridges, people and the traffic can move at the same time.

  A lot of money has been spent building these overhead bridges. People, old or young should always use them. This can help stop traffic accidents from happening.


  ( )51. There is only one overhead bridge in Nanning City.

  ( )52. It is dangerous for people to cross a busy road.

  ( )53. All the people like using overhead bridges instead of street crossings.

  ( )54. Overhead bridges help people and the traffic move at the same time.

  ( )55. An overhead bridge can help stop a traffic accident from happening.

  ( B )

  Last summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: “Everyone sees our school’s cleaner every day. What’s her first name?”

  Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?” “Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important.You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.”

  Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman’s first name. It was Kathy.

  ( )56. What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?

  A. Maths. B. Chemistry. C. English. D. History.

  ( )57. What did Mark know about his school’s cleaner?

  A. She was a little special. B. She was tall with dark hair.

  C. She often talked with the students. D. Mark knew her first name.

  ( )58. What did Mark’s teacher think of the last question?

  A. It was fun. B. It was interesting. C. It was boring. D. It was important.

  ( )59. What does the sentence “You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” mean?

  A. We should respect (尊重) the hard-working people.

  B. We should believe in the hard-working people.

  C. We should help the hard-working people.

  D. We should learn from the hard-working people.

  ( )60. What’s the right order (順序) about Mark?

  a. He saw the cleaner some times. b. He got to know the cleaner’s first name.

  c. He became a middle school student. d. He had a test.

  A. b,a,c,d B. d,c,a,b C. c,a,d,b D. a,b,d,c

  ( C )

  Gold and Glory

  The Wonders from the Inner Mongolia Museum Collection

  Date: Feb. 6th ~ May 16th, 2013 (Closed on Mondays)

  Time: 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm (One can’t enter after 4:30 pm)

  Place: National Palace Museum

  Tickets: Grown-ups (成人): NT$ (新臺幣) 250

  Students: NT$ 200

  The old above 65: NT$ 150

  Children under 115 cm and the handicapped (殘疾人): free;

  A group over 10 people can get 10% off

  Rules: No pets.

  No food or drinks.

  Don’t take your camera into the show place.

  Don’t touch any exhibits.

  Keep quiet when seeing the show.

  For more information, please call us at (022) 2882-6232.

  ( ) 61. How long does the show last?

  A. About a month. B. Less than three months.

  C. About half a year. D. A little longer than three months.

  ( ) 62. You can go to see the show    .

  A. on Monday B. at 4:45 pm on Tuesday

  C. on July 1st D. at 10:00 am on Saturday

  ( ) 63. Twenty-four students with their teacher went to the show on May 13th. How much did they pay for the tickets?

  A. NT$ 4,800. B. NT$ 4,545. C. NT$ 5,050. D. NT$ 4,320.

  ( ) 64. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. If you want to know more about the show, you can call the museum.

  B. No one can take their pets to the show.

  C. An old man has to see the show along with his son or daughter.

  D. You shouldn’t make much noise when you see the show.

  ( ) 65. What can we learn from the poster?

  A. The show place is open ten hours a day.

  B. The show is held at the Inner Mongolia Museum.



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