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  一、 聽對話,從下面各題所給的A、B、C三幅圖片中選擇與對話內(nèi)容相符的圖片。


  1. A B C

  2. A B C

  3. A B C

  4. A B C

  二、 聽對話或獨白,根據(jù)對話或獨白的內(nèi)容,從下面各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選擇最佳選項。每段對話或獨白你將聽兩遍。(共12分,每小題1分)


  5. What does the girl buy for her father?

  A. A watch. B. A shirt. C. A tie.

  6. How much does the girl pay?

  A. $ 15. B. $ 50. C. $ 80.


  7. Where is Mark going now?

  A. To a cinema. B. To a library. C. To a park.

  8. What does the woman want to do on her holiday?

  A. Visit the museums. B. Read some book s. C. Go to a camp.


  9. What do Jack and Kitty both like playing?

  A. Basketball. B. Golf. C. Tennis.

  10. When do they plan to play together in Sunshine Club?

  A. On Wednesday afternoon. B. On Sunday evening.

  C. On Saturday morning.


  11. What’s the matter with Tom in fact?

  A. He can’t sleep at night. B. He is overweight.

  C. He catches a bad cold.

  12. What does Tom probably do?

  A. A student. B. A soldier. C. A doctor.

  13. What does the doctor advise him to do?

  A. Get up a little earlier and drink more water.

  B. Stay in bed and take the medicine on time.

  C. Do exercise and eat less food with high fat.


  14. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

  A. How they get on well with the elderly people every day.

  B. Why they like to work as volunteers in their community.

  C. What they are doing as volunteers for their community.

  15. Why does the speaker make the speech?

  A. To tell us about the experience of doing volunteering.

  B. To ask us to go to work as volunteers in the community.

  C. To make us know how to relax ourselves in our free time.

  16. What conclusion can we draw from the speech?

  A. We need to come into the society and take more practice.

  B. Elderly people should be respected by us in the society.

  C. We must stay at school instead of going into practice.

  三、 聽獨白,記錄關(guān)鍵信息。獨白你將聽兩遍。(共10分,每小題2分)


  The Introduction of our Library

  Floor Used for Activity

  1 The service center 17. Get your reading ________

  2 18. All kinds of ________ Enjoy the works of Mo Yan

  3 Two large reading rooms 19. Borrow books or read the___magazines

  4 Children’s books Play games or have activities

  5 20. A large ____________ Have talks on different topics

  6 A restaurant 21. Eat ________food


  四、 單項填空(共13分,每小題1分)


  22. ---Would you please send ______best wishes to Joe?

  ---Yes, I’d love to.

  A. I B. my C. me D. mine

  23. ---_____are your twin sisters, John?

  ---They have been to the Great Wall.

  A. Where B. How C. Why D. What

  24. Ms Smith is careful enough to get ________ready before her trip.

  A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

  25. ---Do you often write____ your pen pals?

  ---Yes, I do.

  A. for B. to C. at D. on

  26. ---How are you feeling now?

  --- I’m feeling much ______than before. Take me to the hospital, please.

  A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst

  27. Peter wants to be a scientist _______he grows up.

  A. though B. if C. when D. after

  28. Mike is good at high jump. He _____jump over 1.7 meters high.

  A. can B. need C. must D. should

  29. ---Sam, your brother _______in the next room. Don’t make a noise!

  ---All right. I’ll go and play outside.

  A. sleeps B. slept C. will sleep D. is sleeping

  30. Tom _______in New York since he went abroad two years ago.

  A. lived B. will live C. was living D. has lived

  31. Everyone will put on weight if he _____too much each meal.

  A. will eat B. has eaten C. eats D. ate

  32. ---I’m sorry to keep you _______for a long time.

  ---It doesn’t matter. I’ve jus t arrived.

  A. to wait B. waiting C. waited D. wait

  33. Susan’s money ______in the street the day before yesterday.

  A. was stolen B. is stolen C. will steal D. has stolen

  34. ---Do you know ____________a volleyball match next Monday?

  ---Sorry, I don’t know. Let’s go and ask our monitor.

  A. whether we will have B. whether we have

  C. whether will we have D. whether do we have

  五、 完形填空(共12分,每小題1分)


  Jim was good at playing football. His father was sent tickets during the football season and cheered for him. Although Jim was on the name list of the team, his coach always 35 him as a “walk-on” because he had a skinny, small build. As a result, Jim had no chance to play in a game. But he 36 missed any practice.

  At the end of the football season, Jim 37 a letter about his father’s death. He asked the coach if he could stop his practice and go back home. The coach put his arms around his shoulder and said, “Take the 38 of the week off, you may come back at weekend.”

  During the third quarter of the game, which was not going well for their team, Jim quietly slipped(溜) 39 the empty locker room and put on his football clothes. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were 40 to see Jim come back so soon. “Coach, please let me play. I’ve just got to play today,” said the young man. Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands(看臺) could not believe their 41 . This little unknown, who had never 42 before, was doing everything right. He ran, passed, blocked like a star. In the closing seconds of the game, Jim intercepted(攔截) a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. His teammates 43 up and lifted him over their heads.

  After the game, the coach noticed Jim sitting quietly in the corner alone. He came to him and said, “Kid, I can’t believe it. You were 44 !”

  He looked at the coach with tears in his eyes and said, “Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know my dad was blind? Dad came to 45 my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!”

  The coach was deeply moved and 46 to accept Jim as a real player on his team.

  35. A. described B. regarded C. avoided D. appreciated

  36. A. never B. even C. sometimes D. still

  37. A. wrote B. posted C. heard D. received

  38. A. start B. score C. rest D. event

  39. A. behind B. under C. into D. above

  40. A. regretted B. surprised C. worried D. satisfied

  41. A. ears B. noses C. brains D. eyes

  42. A. played B. invited C. failed D. practiced

  43. A. cheered B. gave C. sped D. looked

  44. A. polite B. funny C. fantastic D. honest

  45. A. many B. other C. every D. all

  46. A. expected B. agreed C. forgot D. continued


  六、 閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。(共26分,每小題2分)


  This is a mystery story book. Two children called Calder and Petra try to find out who stole an expensive Vermeer painting. Look at each picture in the book carefully. There is something hidden in each one.

  This game is good for your thumbs(拇指) and fingers. You have to press the lights when they light up. Do you think it sounds easy? Well, think again because it’s very difficult. If you miss a lot of lights, you’ll lose the game.

  This might look like a toy, but it’s a talking Internet p hone. Just connect the Verballs to your USB port on your computer and you can phone all your friends all around the world. You’ll have fun with it!

  T his is a colorful set which will help you to paint. Each color has a number and the numbers are on the picture for you to follow. Painting beautifully has never been easier. Everyone will think you are the next teenager genius.

  47. We can find something in __________of Chasing Vermeer.

  A. its background B. its pictures C. its writer D. its covers

  48. ________can be used to talk on the Internet.

  A. Chasing Vermeer B. GYA-II

  C. Painting by numbers D. Verballs

  49. How does the writer feel about GYA-II?

  A. Difficult. B. Wonderful. C. Popular. D. Boring.


  As Tony walked with his family along the river, he saw a man playing a saxophone(薩克斯管) by the river . The man was wearing a hat with a leather strap(皮帶) around his neck. He danced with the beautiful music from his saxophone. There was a large crowd of people around him. Tony’s family walked on up the river but he stayed there dreaming of playing a saxophone one day.

  Two weeks later, it was Tony’s birthday. When he opened his present from his parents, he was glad to find it was a saxophone! He put it to his lips to play, but it wouldn’t make a sound. Then Dad told him to read the instrument book to find out what to do. After about 15 minutes, he raised it slowly to his lips as his family watched. But still there was no sound. He blew and blew but he couldn’t get the saxophone to play. He was almost crying when suddenly the saxophone made the most beautiful sound which made him think of the music of the man by the river. He blew again, he moved his fingers on the saxophone and he made more sounds. Some of them were loud and clear but many of them weren’t. He was happy because he was playing very interesting sounds. But he wasn’t playing music yet.

  Then he began to take lessons. His teacher taught him how to play it. He started to improve and at last he could play music. Now Tony is in the TV studio with his saxophone strapped to his neck and his cap on his head. He is waiting to be called to the stage to play his first ever saxophone solo(獨奏曲) on TV. He remembers the man playing the saxophone by the river.

  50. What caught Tony’s attention by the river?

  A. The music from a saxophone. B. The boats in the river.

  C. The hat on the man’s head. D. The nests in the trees.

  51. Who had a great influence on Tony’s life?

  A. His teachers at school. B. His own parents.

  C. The man by the river. D. A famous TV star.

  52. What can we know from the passage?

  A. Tony used to call on the man to learn music from him.

  B. Tony has already become a famous saxophone player.

  C. Tony asked the man to play on the same stage politely.

  D. Tony took the place of the man successfully in the end.


  I cycle to work almost every day, but I have to admit that I sometimes take the car in bad weather. Now I share an office with Jimmy who lives near to me. He drives to work every day and, quite often, at the end of the day, he drives to a gym. I don’t see the logic(邏輯). It’s much easier to cycle to work so that you have some exercise as part of your daily routine.

  I wanted to persuade(勸說) him to cycle to work, so I did some research on a few websites about the benefits of cycling to work. Cycling has some obvious(明顯的) advantages over driving. It is cheaper, it is better for the environmen t, and you don’t have to find a parking space. The point about the parking space is an important one as the car park behind our office building is often full. I know that my colleagues(同事) usually spend nearly half an hour looking for a parking space! It is true that cycling is a little slower than going by car, but at the rush hour it doesn’t make much difference. The time it takes to cycle is generally easier to predict than the time it takes to drive. The reason for this is that when there is heavy traffic, people on bicycles can get past, while people in cars have to wait. Strong winds affect(影響) cyclists badly though.

  There are clear health benefits of cycling even if you only cycle a short distance each day. According to one expert, if you cycle regularly, you should be as fit as a person 10 years younger. As well as being good for your health, cycling can reduce stress. I certainly find that I feel better after my riding on the road. I also find that when I can’t solve a problem at work, the answer often comes to me when I am cycling. Sometimes the harder you think about a problem, the harder it is to find the solution(辦法) and you actually need to concentrate less on the problem and relax the mind. Cycling can help to relax our minds.

  I’m going to say to the people around me until they get on their bikes!



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  • 2017黃岡英語中考模擬試題及答案


  • 2017淮安中考英語練習試題及答案


  • 2017淮北中考英語模擬試題及答案


  • 2017湖州中考英語練習試卷及答案
