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  When people need to complain about a productor poor service, some prefer to complain inwriting and others prefer to complain in person.Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasonsand examples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  When I want to make a complaint about a defective product or poor service, I would rathermake my complaint in writing. Writing a complaint allows me to organize my points ofargument in a logical manner. If I’m really unhappy with the way I’m being treated, I want topresent my reasons clearly. I don’t want there to be any confusion about why I’m complaining.I like to list my complaints and then list supporting examples. That’s the best way of makingsure everyone is clear about what I;m saying.Putting my complaint in writing also ensures itwon’t seem too emotional. If you feel that you’re been treated badly or taken advantage of,it’s easy to lash out. Losing your temper, though, is a sure ways to lose your argument. Yellingis very satisfying at the moment, but it only makes the person you’re yelling at mad at you. Itdoesn’t get them to agree with you or to offer help.

  There’s also the issue of the person you’re dealing with. If you complaint in person, you haveto talk to whoever is there. Chances are that he or she isn’t the person responsible for thedefective product or the poor service. Often the people who take complaints are not the peoplein change, unless you’re dealing with a very small business. Yelling at them isn’t fair, anddoesn’t do anything to get a refund or satisfaction for you. You need to reach the person incharge. The best way to do that is in writing.

  Writing about your complaint and sending the letter registered mail also gives you writtenproof. It’s clear that you tried to settle the matter in a reasonable manner within a certaintime period. This way, if you need to take further action, you have physical evidence of youractions.

  Writing a complaint has the advantages of organization, effectiveness, and fairness. That’s whyI prefer to write rather than personally present my complaints.



  In the future ,students may have the choice ofstudying at home by using technology such ascomputers or television or of studying attraditional schools . Which would you prefer?Use reasons and specific details to explain yourchoice.

  Model Essay(范文):

  If I have a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in atraditional school setting, I’d choose the traditional setting . Maybe it’s just what I’m usedto ,but I don’t think that technology can replace teachers and classrooms.

  After all, technology can fail. Computers go down and computer programs crash. Televisionsbreak, and the electricity can suddenly go off. In those situations, who's going to teach me? IfI'm at school, and the television or the computers stop functioning, there's a teacher to step inand change the lesson plan. Teachers can draw on their teaching experience and be creative.Computers and televisions can't.

  I'd also miss the chance to interact with other students if I weren't going to school. I thinklearning to play and work with other people is one of the most important lessons we learn inschool. It prepares us for life, and for working with other people. Being with other people alsohelps us discover who we are.

  Another concern I have about studying at home is getting distracted. It's strange, but I thinkbeing home alone is more distracting than being at school with a lot of people. At school, we'reall focused on the same subjects. At home, it would be so easy to turn off the computer or thetelevision and go do something else. I might tell myself that it's okay to play a computer gamenow and make up the study hours later. Chances are, I'd never make up the study hours.

  I'm all in favor of using technology in the classroom. I think computers and television are greatways for students to have access to a lot of information. I just don't think they should be theonly tools I have as a student. I also need teachers and other students to help me get acomplete education.



  When famous people such as actors, athletes,and rock stars give their opinions, many peoplelisten. Do you think we should pay attention tothese opinions? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. When itcomes to opinions, though there’s a difference between the majority of people and celebritieslike actors, athletes and rocks stars . If you’ve an average person, only your family and friendscare about your opinion. If your famous ,the whole world listens, or so it seems sometimes. Isthis the way it should be ? I don’t think so.

  We shouldn’t pay attention to famous people’s opinions just because of who they are. Being afamous basketball player doesn’t make someone an expert on environmental issues. However,that basketball player has a better opportunity to be heard than most people do. If that playerfeels very strongly about an issue ,he can use his fame to draw attention to it and get otherpeople involved. That way they can draw attention and needed dollars to that issue.

  People who are rich put their money behind a cause.. In the same way, famous people are usingtheir most valuable asset. In their case, it’s not money, It’s their name recognition. Shouldpeople pay attention to what they think just because of who they are? I don’t think so. I alsodon’t think we should discount what they think just because of who there are. They have aright to their opinion. If their name draws people to that cause, all the better for the cause.

  I think too often we categorized people and try to keep them in their place. Celebrities havebrains and should be allowed to use them. When they ‘re advocating a cause, their opinionshould be just one of money factors we use to evaluate that cause.









我們看看有哪些英語寫作題目是我們在考研的時候是可以寫出來的?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的考研英語寫作題目及范文,供大家參閱! 考研英語寫作題目及范文:你愿意寫抱怨信嗎 Topic(題目): When people need to complain about a productor poor service,


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