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  Section B(24')

  Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Death is a serious theme worthy of great poets. For example, John Keats’s ‘When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be’ and John Donne’s ‘Death, Be Not Proud’ both discuss death in reflective ways. However, the imagery(意象) in these poems shows that while Keats believes that death can only destroy, Donne believes that death can be overcome.

  Keats is afraid of death, because to him death means the loss of those things that make his life worth living: ‘On the shore/ of the wide world I stand alone, and think/ Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.’ Earlier in the poem, Keats says that he hopes this ‘Love’ will be a ‘high romance’ with a ‘fair creature.’ He also says that he hopes the ‘Fame’ he seeks will be the result of the ‘high piled books’ produced by his ‘crowded brain.’ In other words, Keats’s fear is that death is a ‘nothingness’ that will arrive before he can finish his life’s work or find his true love.

  Donne has a different attitude toward death, and so the imagery in his poem is different, too. To Donne, death should ‘be not proud,’ because it is not ‘mighty and dreadful.’ Unlike Keats, Donne sees death as weak and merely a ‘slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men.’ He also says that death is like ‘rest and sleep’. Donne believes that we will all wake from the sleep of death to everlasting life, just as we wake from our normal sleep to our everyday lives. In fact, Donne believes that it is death itself that will die: ‘One short sleep past, we wake forever,/ And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.’

  Keats and Donne both know that death is a prat of life, and both poets use powerful imagery to talk about that difficult theme. The differences in this imagery show two very different attitudes toward the subject, one of which is much more positive than the other. Which poet to believe is up to the reader to decide.

  Not surprisingly, the readers’ own experiences may play a part in the way they respond to these poets’ approaches. Like the two poets and their beliefs, contemporary readers also may be divided on the subject. This may explain why Keats’s and Donne’s poetry remains fascinating years after their won deaths.

  66.According to the passage, ________ makes Keats’s life worth living.

  A. expressing his grand passion for poetry

  B. walking on the shore with a pretty lady

  C. defeating nothingness with his true love

  D. pursuing the fame of being a romantic poet

  67.In Donne’s poems he believes that death is ________ .

  A. generally powerful and terrible

  B. only a ceaseless sleep

  C. merely the loss of work and love

  D. hardly worth the fear

  68.Contemporary readers may view the two poets’ serious subject differently because ________.

  A. they are attracted to the two poets’ everlasting opposite beliefs

  B. they are divided naturally by their positive or negative personalities

  C. their own life experiences affect the understandings of the poems

  D. their preferences for the poets’ strong imageries are various

  69.Which of the following best describes the main writing style of the passage?

  A. Analysis. B. Argument. C. Comparison. D. Reasoning.


  Friends and fellow citizens:I stand before you tonight under accusation of the unproven crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen's rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution(憲法), beyond the power of any state to deny.

  Our democratic-republican government is based on the idea of the natural right of every individual member to a voice and a vote in making and executing the laws. We declare the duty of government to be to secure the people in the enjoyment of their unchallengeable right. We throw to the winds the belief that government can give right.

  ‘All men are created equal, and gifted by their Creator with certain undeniable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these, governments are established among men, gaining their just powers from the agreement of the governed.’

  Here is no shadow of government authority over rights, or exclusion of any class from their full and equal enjoyment. Here is pronounced the right of all men, and ‘therefore,’ as the Quaker minister said, ‘of all women,’ to a voice in the government. And here, in this first paragraph of the Declaration, is the declaration of the natural right of all to the vote; for how can ‘the agreement of the governed’ be given, if the right to vote be denied?

  The introduction of the Federal(聯(lián)邦的) Constitution says: ‘We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic peacefulness, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity(子嗣), do establish this Constitution for the United States of America.’

  It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; not we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people - women as well as men. And it is absolute ridicule to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government - the vote.

  70. The speaker was standing in front of the audience to ________.

  A. accuse the government of having denied treating her unfairly

  B. fight for the legal right to vote in the United States as a woman

C. share a recent victory on voting for the president of the States

  D. guarantee that they could better understand the National Constitution

  71. The expression ‘throw to the winds’ (Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to ‘________’.

  A. abandon B. emphasize C. shake D. spread

  72. Which of the following statements is true according to the speech?

  A. The Quaker minister holds conflicting opinions on women’s right to vote.

  B. Government authority has the right to bar some of the governed out of liberty.

  C. The policy is undeniably adopted that all the governed in America have the equal rights.

  D. There’s no way to the real agreement of the governed if women’s vote right is robbed.

  73. It can be inferred from the speech that ________.

  A. it’s more important to have liberty than have good wishes of it

  B. the Federal Constitution comes from the National Constitution

  C. it’s ridiculous that women enjoy liberty while their rights are not secured

  D. racial and gender issues are among the major social problems of the USA

  74.Which of the following might be the best title of the speech?

  A. For the Sake of Liberty and Happiness B. Vote on the Women’s Rights

  C. In the Name of Equal Right to vote D. Power of American Constitution


  LT123 Workshops

  ‘I’m pleased to say that 2015 is our third year sponsoring the IATEFL information desk. This year, we are running three workshops covering some of the key areas of our wide-ranging special skills: testing, editing and vocabulary. We how to see you.’

  —— Russell Whitehead Director

  Vocabulary testing: why, what and how? By Felicity O’ Dell & Russell Whitehead

  Saturday 11th April 3:50-4:35 pm Charter 4

  Should vocabulary be one of the language features that we test and, if so, why? What vocabulary - and what aspects of vocabulary - should we focus on in our tests? What methods can we use to test vocabulary?

  We will discuss answers to these questions, considering the strengths and weaknesses of different types of vocabulary test for different teaching contexts.

  There’s something missing from your project - the editor! By David Baker & Fiona MacKenzie

  Sunday 12 April 10:25-11:10 am Charter 8

  Big publishing companies no longer offer the single route to publication. Whether you are self-publishing, a teaching institution developing its own materials, or a digital start-up, in a highly competitive environment it isn’t enough to write something and just put it out there.

  Quality still matters - you can’t afford to forget one of the key roles in successful publishing.

  Vocabulary levels: which words are at which level? By Stephen Bullon

  Monday 13th April 1:35-2:20 pm Charter 8

  While students develop their competence in the four skills and in their ability to master grammatical structures, they are together building their vocabulary.

  We will try to establish the standards involved in selecting appropriate vocabulary at the various levels students pass through: frequency, teaching requirements, and register are all factors that need to be weighed in the balance.

  LT123 is the new name for Language Testing 123, and we are proud sponsors of the 49th Annual

  International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition.

  Manchester, April 2015.

  75. To help improve vocabulary teaching and testing, the workshops will focus on ________.

  A. how to employ more scientific methods in vocabulary testing

  B. how to test vocabulary as the most important language feature

  C. what advanced standards to set for the students of different levels

  D. what to be concentrated on rather than four basic language skills

  76. From this handout we can know that ________.

  A. the audience are editors in the field of language teaching

  B. the director of LT123 will be talking in one of the workshops

  C. some publishing companies will sponsor similar workshops soon

  D. each workshop lasts 45 minutes in the same meeting room

  77. What is the purpose of this handout?

  A. To sell newly published books on language testing.

  B. To get the audience informed of the events

  C. To show the breakthrough in vocabulary teaching.

  D. To attract the attention of the host of 2015 IATEFL.

  Section C(8')

  Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

  Financial setbacks in the form of pay cuts are having a trickle-down effect(涓滴效應) as the depression persists. Families across America are cutting or even axing kids’ allowances(零花錢) to reflect what’s going on with household finances and the economy as a whole.

  Some jobless parents are doing it out of necessity. Other parents are using allowance adjustments to teach children about economic realities and how to budget in learner times.

  ‘Try to use relevant news to explain the reasons behind the depression and how it’s hitting home. If they see it obvious in their own allowance, they’ll feel the impact and see how it all ties in,’ says financial consultant Antwone Harris.

  Any reduction in allowance should be understood in age-appropriate communication, says Dr. Tony Meyer, a child psychiatrist(精神科醫(yī)生) and medical director of Aurora Psychiatric Hospital. Six- to 12-year-olds are mature enough for a frank talk, but don’t set them back with a lot of details. It’s sufficient to say their allowance is lower because Mom or Dad is getting paid less at work, so there’s less money for the family to spend. With 12- to 18-year-olds, you can broaden the discussion to include the banking crisis and other factors that contributed to the depression, Meyer says. Younger kids have the idea that they’re at the center of things, and adolescents by mature are especially self-concerned. ‘They’ll think they’re responsible,’ Meyer says.

A cut in allowance might seem punishing, so the message that the child is not at fault needs to come across. Depending on the child’s age, ‘You can also ask them to bring some income by working a job or helping more around the house so Mom or Dad can work more,’ he says. Kids can also contribute by means of taking over landscaping services previously done by a paid professional. ‘You’ll pay lower rates, and the money stays in the family,’ financial consultant Antwone Harris remarks. Meyer also suggests implementing a stimulant program to cut household expenses. Anyone who comes up with a cost-cutting idea get 10 percent of the savings.

  That way, they’ll come to understand that a paycheck only goes so far, and decisions and sacrifices are part of responsible money management.

  (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)

  78. _________________ is American families’ response to the financial depression.

  79. What are both jobless and other parents using allowance adjustments to teach their children about?

  80. When communicating with 12-to 18-year-olds about reduction in allowance, parents can broaden the discussion through ________.

  81. Besides ‘working a job or helping more around the house’, what are the other two suggestions put forward by Meyer to bring some income to kids?


  I. Translation(22')

  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

  1. 今年除夕你計劃在哪里過?(plan)

  2. 下雨天上海的道路總是比平時更擁堵。(than)

  3. 是一個外國人不顧自己的安危救了那個輕生的男子。(It)

  4. 那天傍晚我一走出校門就遇到了一個多年不見的小學同班同學。(No sooner)

  5. 無論誰想要成功必先明白這個道理“成功來自艱苦的付出和堅持不懈”。(Whoever)

  II. Guided Writing(25')

  Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.







Section B(24) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choos
