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  第I卷 (共103分)

  I. Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  1. A. In the kitchen. B. At home. C. In a fashion shop. D. In a net bar.

  2. A. 50 francs. B. 150 francs. C. 250 francs. D. 500 francs.

  3. A. It's his turn to pay for the lunch. B. Sue likes Japanese food very much.

  C. He doesn't like Japanese food at all. D. Both of them should treat Sue to dinner.

  4. A. Boss and employee. B. Doctor and patient.

  C. Teacher and student. D. Interviewer and interviewee.

  5. A. She doesn't have time to find a new flat. B. She has paid three months' rent in advance.

  C. She is unlikely to find such a satisfactory flat. D. She doesn't like the idea of decorating an empty flat.

  6. A. Mike. B. Sandy. C. An unexpected friend. D. A handyman.

  7. A. Make a recovery plan. B. Find a full-time job.

  C. Drop out of school. D. Resign from her present job.

  8. A. The woman was fully absorbed in the music.

  B. The woman couldn't understand the music very well.

  C. The woman lost her way to the concert that evening.

  D. The concert was no better than what the woman imagined.

  9. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance.

  C. Travel arrangements. D. Courage and safety.

  10. A. She is talkative. B. She is quiet. C. She is active. D. She is sociable.

  Section B

  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

  11. A. 28 billion copies. B. 567 million copies. C. 1953 million copies. D. 2015 million copies.

  12. A. Interviewed the vice-president of the Commercial Press in China.

  B. Completed data investigation, collection and examination for the records.

  C. Compared the sales volumes of the Secret Garden and Harry Potter series.

  D. Delivered enough Xinhua dictionaries to the presentation ceremony.

  13. A. It is the best-selling book in the world.

  B. It is the world's most popular dictionary.

  C. It is a useful tool for learners of the Chinese language.

  D. It has influenced several generations of Chinese people.

  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

  14. A. Over a billion people do not have enough safe drinking water.

  B. Diseases and bacteria in the water kill millions of people every day.

  C. People in rich countries take their clean drinking water for granted.

  D. Clean, bottled water is expensive to transport to poor rural villages.

  15. A. It is a plastic straw. B. It uses batteries or electricity.

  C. It can be used for one year. D. It's portable and cheap.

  16. A. Appeal to the government to supply clean water for everyone.

  B. Provide easy access to clean water to destroy the bacteria.

  C. Offer The WaterTube free to people in developing countries.

  D. Sell The WaterTube to every person who needs one.

  Section C

  Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following passage.

  Kingsley's view on starting a small business

  Advantages • Be your own boss

  • Make your own __17__ decisions

  • Closer relationship with customers

  Disadvantages • Higher risk of __18__

  Threat from bigger businesses

  Ways to get the start-up money • Personal __19__

  • A grant from a private organization

  • __20__ from the bank

  Questions __21__ through __24__ are based on the following passage.

  What is the ad in the school newspaper about? The __21__ needs more hands.

  What kind of job is it? It's __22__

  Why does the man apply for the job? To gather __23__ job for the future

  What is the man's major? __24__

  II. Grammar and Vocabulary

  Section A


  Salt is a must-have seasoning in our homes. But having too much of it may cause health problems, from strokes to heart disease. So should we just give it up? Well, for salt lovers who also like to look after their health, the good news is that Japanese scientists (25) ________ (give) us a guilt-free way of enjoying the seasoning. They've created an electric salt-flavored fork. The Electro Fork, which (26) ________ run for six hours without charging, can give food a salty taste. It was developed by Tokyo University (27) ________ part of the No Salt Restaurant project, (28) ________ aims to offer low-salt or salt-free food. The restaurant opened its doors for a trial on April 10. How do you get to taste salt? All you have to do is to press the button on the fork. Then it releases (29) ________ electrical current, which stimulates your tongue. In addition to stimulating the tongue (30) ________ (make) you taste saltiness, this device can also be used to make you taste sourness. It is based on the fact (31) a human tongue feels salty or sour when electricity (32) ________ (apply) to it, according to The Telegraph newspaper.


  One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. A young couple ahead of me chattered nonstop between (33) ________. I watched them a moment and decided she was doing all the talking. I admired his patience for putting up with her constant parade of words. (34) ________ (disturb) by their noise, I moved on.

  I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase (35) ________ the couple approached the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He extended it into a long cane and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wife's jacket.

  "He's a brave man," the clerk at the counter said. "Most of us would give up (36) ________ we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a vow his life wouldn't change. So, as before, he and his wife come in (37) ________ there's a new art show."

  "But what does he get out of the art?" I asked. "He can't see."

  "You are wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do," the clerk said. "His wife describes each painting (38) ________ ________ he can see it in his mind."

  I learned something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife (39) ________ (describe) paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to alter his life. And I saw the (share) between two people as I watched this couple walk away with their arms intertwined.

  Section B

  A. issue B. imposed C. desire D. awareness

  E. accidental F. suffered G. capture H. risky

  I. unnecessary J. responsibility K. unavoidable

  The smartphones that can take selfies (自拍照) have set us free. We can now document every moment of our life and instantly share it with the world through the Internet. However, some believe that it's also causing people to take __41__ risks that sometimes prove to be deadly!

  According to recent reports, the __42__ to take a breathtaking selfie killed 12 people last year. Though that may not seem like a lot, it's 33% more than the death from shark attacks.

  While the __43__ has been known for a while, it came to a head on September 21, 2015, following the __44__ death of Hideto Ueda at the Taj Mahal in New Delhi. It turned out that the 66-year-old Japanese and his companion were trying to take a selfie with the Royal Gate as the background when they fell down some stairs.

  Other fatal accidents this year include a 21-year-old Russian woman who fell off a bridge while trying to __45__ an exciting selfie. Three Indian students __46__ a similar fate after they were run over by a train while taking a selfie on the railway tracks.

  The rising number of injuries is forcing officials to take measures. Russia has begun a nationwide __47__ program to make its young citizens realize the dangers of this hobby. The campaign's slogan is: Even a million "likes" on social media are not worth your life and well-being.

  Though no other country has followed their lead, many are banning the selfie sticks! The Museum of Modem Art in New York and the Getty Center in Los Angeles are among those to have __48__ a ban on the selfie sticks, claiming concerns over the safety of their artwork as well as visitors.

  While these measures may help reduce the incidents, the only way to stop selfie-related injuries and deaths is to take __49__ - not just for themselves but for their friends. So next time you decide to take a selfie that appears a little __50__, be sure to stop and ask yourself: is it worth it?

  III. Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  Healthy self-esteem is like a child's armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who know their strengths and weaknesses and feel good about themselves seem to have a(n) __51__ time handling conflicts and __52__ negative pressures. They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic. In contrast, kids with low self-esteem can find challenges to be sources of major anxiety and __53__. Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems. If given to self-critical thoughts such as "I'm no good" or "I can't do anything right," they may become passive, __54__, or depressed. Faced with a new challenge, their immediate response might be "I can't."

  Self-esteem is __55__ to self-worth (how much a person values himself or herself). This can change from day to day or from year to year, but __56__ self-esteem tends to develop from infancy and keep going until we are adults.

  Self-esteem also can be __57__ as feeling capable while also feeling loved. A child who is happy with a(n) __58__ but does not feel loved may __59__ experience low self-esteem. Likewise, a child who feels loved but is hesitant about his or her own abilities can also develop low self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem comes when a good __60__ is maintained.

  Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life. The concept of success following effort and __61__ starts early. Once people reach adulthood, it's harder to make changes to how they see and define themselves. So, it's wise to think about developing and __62__ self-esteem during childhood. As kids try, fail, try again, fail again, and then finally succeed, they develop ideas about their own capabilities. At the same time, they're creating a self-concept __63__ interactions with other people. This is why parental __64__ is key to helping kids form accurate, healthy self-perceptions.

  Parents and caregivers can promote healthy self-esteem by showing encouragement and enjoyment in many areas. __65__ focusing on one specific area, for example, success on a spelling test, which can lead to kids feeling that they're only as valuable as their test scores.

  51. A. hard B. good C. easy D. enjoyable

  52. A. resisting B. appreciating C. supporting D. concealing

  53. A. puzzle B. frustration C. impression D. ignorance

  54. A. proven B. grown C. withdrawn D. mistaken

  55. A. contrary B. senior C. similar D. familiar

  56. A. overall B. global C. whole D. thorough

  57. A. treated B. evaluated C. considered D. defined

  58. A. passion B. cooperation C. achievement D. endurance

  59. A. generally B. eventually C. immediately D. incredibly

  60. A. record B. balance C. attitude D. pace

  61. A. enthusiasm B. preparation C. diligence D. persistence

  62. A. promoting B. displaying C. polishing D. exploring

  63. A. exposed to B. composed of C. based on D. applied for

  64. A. investment B. implement C. punishment D. involvement

  65. A. Escape B. Avoid C. Deny D. Excuse

  Section B


  Life for Ron and Joanne Wickham used to be full of soccer games, birthday parties, school plays, and parent-teacher conferences. For most of the past 20 years, they spent their evenings reminding their children to do homework and helping them complete it. Now the evenings are empty except for TV, and the weekends seem to last forever. The children whose activities used to fill their time have moved away and have left empty spaces. The Wickham parents have what is usually called Empty-Nests Syndrome.

  Ron and Joanne both work for the Heritage Insurance Company in Ukiah, California. In their mid-50s, they have two children, Anne and Josh. Anne just graduated from California State University — Fullerton and is looking for a banking job in the Bay Area. Josh is still a junior at Claremont McKenna College near Los Angeles, but he can only rarely make the 460-mile trip home to visit his parents. Back in Ukiah, Ron and Joanne often feel the house is too big. "It doesn't really echo," says Ron, "but it feels like it should. Where is everybody?"

  Empty-nesters everywhere know the feeling. They are entering a new stage of life, but they remain tied to their former stage. They are typically between the ages of 48 and 60 - still working, still involved in their communities, still rooted. This means they aren't free to travel for entertainment or to pull up stakes and move elsewhere. Generally, they live in the homes where they raised their children. Their daily routines may still echo their full-nest days, with wake-up times meant for driving kids to school or meals that include the children's favorite foods. Therapists point out that Empty-Nest Syndrome doesn't last forever. "Eventually, a so-called empty nest starts to feel normal and new routines develop," says UCLA psychology professor Jaswant Singh. "Most parents complete this journey just fine, but it usually feels pretty lonely."

  66. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ron and Joanne?

  A. Their house is so big that it echoes when their children are not at home.

  B. Their health condition doesn't allow them to eat steak and move elsewhere.

  C. They can now do nothing to kill time but help Josh complete his homework.

  D. Their son, a college student, occasionally travels a long distance to visit them.

  67. The underlined word "This" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.

  A. having entered middle age B. their former stage

  C. their community D. being tied to a place

  68. People with Empty-Nest Syndrome ______.

  A. usually feel fine when they are on a journey

  B. usually lead a normal life but feel quite lonely

  C. need psychologists' help to develop new routines

  D. can hardly recover from it without taking medicine

  69. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. Ungratefulness of Grown-up Children

  B. Adjustment to Brand New Life

  C. Emptiness of Empty-Nesting

  D. Sacrifice Made for Children


  Spellmasters Spelling Competitions

  Spellmasters Spelling Competitions are open to all school children aged 15 years old or younger. There are two divisions: Junior and Senior.

  • Words used in all competitions will be chosen from The Macquarie Dictionary.

  • The competition is conducted orally. Once the pronouncer has given the speller the word to spell, the speller should say the word aloud so that the judges can hear it clearly.

  • Once the speller has repeated his word, he has one and a half minutes to complete the spelling. At the 60-second mark, the speller will be informed (e.g. ring of a bell) that he has 30 seconds left to complete the spelling. A second ring of the bell at 90 seconds will show that time is up. If the speller hasn't completed the spelling of his word at the 90-second mark, he is immediately disqualified.

  • The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech or provide the language of origin. The pronouncer shall accept all such requests until the judges agree that the word has been made clear to the speller. Root word questions will not be accepted.

  • Once a speller starts to spell the word, each letter he says can't be changed. The speller may choose to pause and then continue with the spelling of the word.

  • Upon confirmation by the judges, the speller will be advised of a correct or incorrect result. The pronouncer will spell the word correctly immediately following an incorrect judgement.

  • Winners, 2nd and 3rd places will attend Final Championships.

  70. In the competition, students are advised to ______.

  A. look up The Macquarie Dictionary B. ring a bell to spell their words

  C. give their answers within 90 seconds D. pause to change the incorrect letter

  71. If a speller doesn't understand what the pronouncer says, he can ______.

  A. ask him to speak aloud B. turn to judges for help

  C. let him make a sentence with the word D. require him to show the root word

  72. Who will correct students' mistakes?

  A. The judges. B. The pronouncer. C. The spellers. D. The winners.

  73. The purpose of the text is mainly to ______.

  A. introduce the rules of a spelling competition

  B. tell the popularity of spelling competitions

  C. advise people to pay attention to spelling words

  D. improve people's spelling skills


人不把自己狠狠的逼一把,永遠(yuǎn)不知道自己有多優(yōu)秀。為高考好好奮斗,祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的廣東高考英語歷年真題,僅供大家參考! 廣東高考英語歷年真題 第I卷 (共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A 1. A. In the kitchen. B. A


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