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  做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答 案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。 第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分7. 5分) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最 佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小 題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

  1. What are they talking about?

  A. Buying a gift.

  B. Buying a house.

  C. Holding a party.

  2. What does the man mean?

  A. Traditional schools will be replaced.

  B. Online education has a bright future.

  C. Traditional schools won’t disappear.

  3. What is the woman doing?

  A. Complaining. B. Apologizing. C. Smoking.

  4. What is the man’s job?

  A. Cleaning the house.

  B. Looking after his children.

  C. Working in the supermarket.

  5. What have the two speakers done?

  A. They have set the date.

  B. They have booked the hall.

  C. They have sent the invitations.

  第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分22. 5分)



  6. What is the man’s problem?

  A. The copies were sold out.

  B. He damaged the book cover.

  C. There is only one copy left.

  7. When will the man buy the book?

  A. Tomorrow.

  B. In three days.

  C. In four days.


  8. Why does the boy want to go to Egypt on vacation?

  A. He loves hearing history.

  B. He got room number 13.

  C. He loves the mountain view.

  9. Why does the boy think the girl failed the test?

  A. She had a bad luck.

  B. She didn’t study hard.

  C. She was in poor health.


  10. What is the man going to do in Los Angeles?

  A. Do business. B. Have a holiday. C. Visit his family.

  11. How many members are there in the man’s family?

  A. Two. B. Four. C. Five.

  12. What does the man bring With?

  A. Some duty-free items.

  B. Some fruit.

  C. Some plants .


  13. Who is the man probably?

  A. The woman’s friend.

  B. The woman’s brother.

  C. The woman’s husband.

  14. Where will they have lunch tomorrow?

  A. Near the museum.

  B. Near the library.

  C. At the downtown area.

  15. How did the man learn about the city?

  A. From a friend.

  B. From a book.

  C. From the Internet.

  16. Where does the man want to go after lunch?

  A. To a square.

  B. To a temple.

  C. To a library.


  17. What does college life mean?

  A. Joining in social groups.

  B. Studying hard alone..

  C. Experiencing new things.

  18. Who directed all the activities and events?

  A. Parents. B. Students. C. Teachers.

  19. What do we know about clubs at a university?

  A. Ski clubs are the most popular.

  B. There are quite a few clubs.

  C. There are no clubs on religions.

  20. What can students do if no club interests them?

  A. Find an advisor.

  B. Form a new one .

  C. Study hard.


  第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。


  Someone recently put the question to me,which is the most 'human' machine I own. This got me thinking; after all we use machines all day every day in our modern life.

  It took me a long time to consider this,about five seconds actually, and the answer? I blame my mother. My father was a mechanic (技工)before he retired. My mother was a homemaker and a terrific cook,but mechanically challenged. She perfected learned helplessness. Whenever anything mechanical went wrong,she asked my father for help. Unfortunately, this learned helplessness was passed on to me. I unconsciously accepted the fact that women called for men to fix things? and men fixed things. It was one of the basic laws of nature. Then I married a man,who, like my father,was in my eyes, a mechanical genius. It was the normal thing for me to yell out “Peter,the oven won’t go!” Then he would walk in and in a short time the oven would then happily running along doing its job.

  Today, machines know things. They have a sense of who is using them. They can tell the difference from a woman carefully lifting it out of the cupboard and onto a tidy bench to use,and a man pulling it off the shelf and throwing it down somewhere. And they will not work for a woman.

  I have had so many experiences with machines, where I tried to use something,and it sat there,showing passive resistance,not talking,just refusing to turn on. If you are a woman,how many times has the man in your life come to 'fix' a machine,only to find that it works perfectly the first time he tries it? Frequently, I am sure.

  So,after this rather lengthy explanation I have to say that I do not own any 'soulful' or 'human-like' machines. I am the product of my parenting,and have gradually developed the necessary female art of learned helplessness, and I blame my mother for this.

  21. When a machine went wrong,the author would_.

  A. leave it alone B. call her husband for help

  C. help her husband to fix it D. manage to repair it by herself

  22. The author owes her learned helplessness in terms of machinery to_.

  A. her mother B. her husband

  C. her teacher D. her father

  23. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Stupid Machines B. Soulful Machines

  C. Special Machines D. Smart Machines


  An American photographer is making copies of great artwork available for blind people and those with very poor eyesight. At least 285 million people worldwide are either blind or considered visually impaired (有缺陷的).They are unable to see or enjoy visual fine art.

  Romeo Edmead lost his eyesight when he was only two years old. But that has not stopped him from living life to the fullest. He went to college and studied journalism. He now lives in New York. He depends heavily on his other senses. But he cannot experience the great works of art in the City. He remembers a visit to an art collection with his grandmother. “So we went to this museum and I just wandered off somewhere and I started touching something, and all of a sudden alarm went off. And a guard came running over,and my grandmother was all ashamed.

  Romeo is now able to use his fingers to feel art paintings. He can get an idea of the appearance by following the markings.

  John Olson once worked as a photographer for LIFE magazine. He developed a printing process to make the art of Da Vinci and Van Gogh touchable for visually-impaired people. "I began to realize how important images(影像)have been to me,and what they have allowed me to do. And it caused me to wonder what it was for the blind, not having access to images."

  Olson’s company is called 3D photoworks. It produces copies of artwork in three dimensions: height,width and depth. The whole process can take up to four weeks.

  Thanks to new technology,3D art may soon hang in art museums all over the world. It gives the visually-impaired the chance to experience the beauty of visual art.

  24. From the passage,we know Romeo Edmead_.

  A. had failing eyesight when he was two years old

  B. has become a journalist since graduation from college

  C. is unable to live an active life because of his blindness

  D. shamed his grandmother by setting off the alarm in a museum

  25. Thanks to John Olson,blind people_.

  A. are able to live their life to the fullest

  B. don’t need to depend heavily on their other senses

  C. can have the chance to feel the beauty of visual art

  D. have free access to museums without any difficulty

  26. What motivated John Olson to make 3D art for blind people?

  A. His kindness to the public.

  B. The benefit of his company.

  C. His appreciation to blind people.

  D. The importance of images to people.

  27. We may learn from the passage that_.

  A. 3D art is produced based on height and depth

  B. it takes a month or so to produce a3D artwork

  C. 3D art is displayed in art museums all over the world

  D. John Olsonis rich for what he has done for the blind


  Every year That’s Mandarin holds a Chinese Summer Camp for Kids & Teens! Between the months of June and August your children can join us at our Shanghai or Beijing campuses(校園)for some Chinese language learning. Our programs have been carefully designed to offer a fantastic fun and education balance.

  As well as our professional Chinese classes,our students will get the chance to explore their chosen city and develop a good understanding of Chinese culture through our exciting outings and activities. The Shanghai & Beijing summer camp courses come in a variety of packages to suit the needs of both children and their parents,including full-time camp,day camp and morning camp. In addition to the convenient schedule all children are put into groups arranged by age and language level. We guarantee you will see a huge improvement in your children’s Chinese after their camp experience! Full campers get accommodation included. Please visit our site for all the details!

  View Program Information

  You can find the Application Form below. If you have any difficulty downloading the application form,please email us.

  Beijing Campus Shanghai Campus

  + 86 10 5218-6432 +86 21 6152-0017

  info@thatsmandarin. com info. shanghai@thatsmandarin. com

  28. What’s the aim of Chinese Summer Camp?

  A. To offer trip opportunities.

  B. To experience Chinese life style.

  C. To improve Chinese in a fun way.

  D. To free parents from looking after their kids.

  29. If two sisters attend a morning camp and a full camp separately for two weeks, they need_.

  A. 29,000 RMB B. 25,000 RMB C. 14?000 RMB D. 29,200 RMB

  30. Who is the Summer Camp intended for?

  A. College graduates. B. Primary school kids.

  C. Teens and parents. D. High school students.

  31. From the advertisement we know that_.

  A. the participants have to go to the program in groups

  B. the participants will explore both Beijing and Shanghai

  C. the Chinese Summer Camp for Kids & Teens is held annually

  D. participants have no choice but to stay in hotels and homestays


  Hoverboards(電動滑板)were among the most popular Christmas gifts of 2015. They may have also been most dangerous gifts of 2015.

  A true hoverboard looks like a skateboard without wheels. To "hover" means to float in the air without moving much in any direction. The popularity of hoverboards began in the 1980s,with the “Back to the Future” movies. Characters in the second and third films used hoverboards as transportation.

  This year’s popular hoverboards,however, do not actually hover. They have wheels. And,as it turns out, they are not easy to use.

  Adults and children around the world suffered hoverboard-related injuries over the weekend. Many posted pictures of the damage on social media. Twitter user David Douglas posted a photo of both him and a young girl with the broken arms they suffered on Christmas Day. And another user Erin Rafferty uploaded a video of her mother falling off a hoverboard? with the caption, “Who let mom on the hoverboard?”

  Falling is not the only risk with some hoverboards. They are also a fire risk. At one store in Texas, an employee tried to fix a hoverboard a customer brought in. The hoverboard then caught fire.

  Studies suggest that some hoverboard brands have defective batteries or plugs.

  Many major airlines worldwide have banned hoverboards because of the fire risk. But some passengers did not hear the news. Australian actor Russell Crowesaid on Monday about his disappointment that Virgin Australia Airlines did not permit his children to take their hoverboards on the plane.

  Major retailers (零售商)are also taking steps to improve the safety of the hoverboards they sell. Amazon in the United States now only sells hoverboards from brands that have submitted safety standard documents. The UK's Amazon no longer sells hoverboards. It has also advised customers who bought unsafe brands of hoverboards to throw them away.

  32. What’s the problem with this year’s hoverboards?

  A. They don’t have wheels. B. They catch fire in the sun.

  C. They are difficult to handle. D. They can’t move in any direction.

  33. We can infer from the passage that_.

  A. the number of hoverboard-related injuries is declining.

  B. hoverboards are still enjoying equal popularity as before.

  C. hoverboards are still sold on Amazon in the United States.

  D. passengers are forbidden to get on planes with hoverboards.

  34. The underlined word "defective" in the sixth paragraph probably means_.

  A. faulty B. spare C. dead D. dry

  35. We can probably read this passage in a_.

  A. newspaper B. textbook C. science fiction D. movie review



  If you’ve ever been to a social gathering where you’ve felt uncomfortable, chances are that you are not alone. Sometimes we find ourselves wishing we were someplace else. We may even feel like everyone else is having a good time except us. 36 If you can remember that other people might also be feeling awkward, you might find the thought of speaking to them less frightening.

  37 Spend some time with your eyes closed and breathe deeply. When you feel ready,create your own zone of comfort by imaging yourself in a warm white light that is protective yet accepting of others. Imagine people at the event being drawn to you because of the open and warm feelings.

  When you arrive at the event, take a moment to spread this same light of loving acceptance to everyone around you. Smile and greet people warmly. Try going up to someone who is standing alone and introduce yourself. 38

  Focus on how we can make other people at a social gathering feel comfortable. 39 In the process,we end up making the very connections that we seek. The next time you attend a social gathering, invite people to join you in your zone of comfort that you have so lovingly created. 40

  A. People at the event are mostly friendly.

  B. Friends play an important role in our life.

  C. It can in turn help us forget about our own worry.

  D. Yet the truth is that everyone has felt shy sometimes.

  E. Let yourself enjoy staying in the warmth of their friendship.

  F. When you show openness people will respond to you in kind.

  G. The next time there is a social event you may want to try the following exercise.


  第一節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白 處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。

  James Bender, in his book How to talk well tells the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he 41 his corn in the state fair where it won a prize.

  One year a newspaper reporter 42 him and learned something interesting about 43 he grew it.

  The reporter discovered that each year the farmer 44 his seed corn with his neighbors.

  “How can you 45 to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in 46 with yours each year?” the reporter asked. The farmer’s reply made everything 47 .

  "Why sir," said the farmer, "didn’t you know? The wind 48 corn pollen (花粉)and blows it from field to field. If my neighbors grow poor corn,cross-pollination (異花授粉)will 49 reduce the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn,I must 50 my neighbors grow good corn."

  He is very much 51 of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve 52 his neighbor’s corn also improves.

  So it is in other 53 . Those who choose to live well must help 54 to live well,for the value of a life is 55 by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find 56 ,for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.

  The 57 for each of us is this: If we co-operate and help each other out,life can get 58 for everyone,and the 59 can be shared by all. But if we think only of ourselves, our 60 will not only hurt others but it may come back to hurt us.

  41. A. received B. entered C. raised D. sold

  42. A. delivered B. addressed C. interviewed D. rewarded

  43. A. how B. why C. where D. whether

  44. A. mixed B. exchanged C. connected D. shared

  45. A. demand B. afford C. hesitate D. prepare

  46. A. agreement B. contact C. competition D. association

  47. A. fresh B. natural C. powerful D. clear

  48. A. takes in B. puts away C. sets aside D. picks up

  49. A. steadily B. hurriedly C. quietly D. rarely

  50. A. push B. help C. drive D. observe

  51. A. tired B. fond C. worthy D. aware

  52. A. unless B. since C. when D. though

  53. A. positions B. problems C. aspects D. incidents

  54. A. some B. others C. any D. another

  55. A. measured B. followed C. recognized D. discovered

  56. A. experience B. relief C. happiness D. possibility

  57. A. business B. lesson C. excuse D. dream

  58. A. richer B. better C. stronger D. less

  59. A. beliefs B. hobbies C. benefits D. chances

  60. A. selfishness B. curiosity C. expectation D. independence




  第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分15分) 閱讀下面材料,在空白處填人適當?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

  Bad teeth can be painful—and worse. They can even be very dangerous. Infections (感染)of the teeth can set bacteria free into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chances of a heart attack and 61 (worse) the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones 62 risk.

  For example,in 2007,a boy died in Washington when a tooth infection spread to his brain. It might have been prevented 63 he had received the dental (牙齒的)care he needed. He was 12 years old.

  Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth. Breast milk,they say,is the 64 (good) food for the healthy development of teeth.

  Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid 65 (produce) in the mouth.

  But dentists say a baby’s early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding. Use 66 cloth with a little warm water. Do the same if a baby 67 (feed) with a bottle. Experts say if you decide 68 (put) your baby to sleep with a bottle,give only water.

  When baby teeth begin to appear,you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say 69 is important to find soft toothbrushes made specially for babies and to use them very 70 (gentle). And babies should be examined when their first teeth appear—usually at around 6 months.



  假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中 共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。






  A big storm destroyed two villages in South Africa on last Friday, causing 4 death. Over 200 people became homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer said the storm began early in the morning and last one hour. He said,"I was in the kitchen with my wife and children while we heard a loud noise. A few minutes late,our house fell down. I managed to climb out,but much to my shocking,one of my boys were missing. I quickly went back inside and found them safe but frightened." Soldiers came to rescue those burying under the ruins, and the government provided food,clothes, and shelters for homeless.


  假如你是李華,參加某英文網(wǎng)站征文活動,請根據(jù)以下要點介紹你們社區(qū) (community)的兒童之家(Children's Home):







  A Children’s Home was founded in our community last year.



  1-5ACABA 6-10 CBABA 11-15 CAACC 16-20BCBBB


  21-23 BAB 24-27 DCDB 28-31CBDC 32-35 CCAA 36-40 DGFCE


  41-45 BCADB 46-50 CDDAB 51-55 DACBA 56-60 CBBCA


  61. worsen 62. at 63. if 64. best 65. production 66. a

  67. is fed 68. to put 69. it 70. gently





  A Children’s Home was founded in our community last year. It aims to help people here handle difficulties and enrich the children’s life.

  The Children’s Home offers a variety of services, benefiting children both physically and mentally. Many children are left alone at home, especially on vacation. The Children’s Home takes care of them, which helps relieve the anxiety and burdens of their parents. Additionally, the volunteers here are ready to help the children with their academic problems. Moreover, various activities are organized, such as sports games, singing competitions and so on, to satisfy their different needs and tastes.

  In conclusion, the Children’s Home has been running smoothly since its foundation. And we all love our Children’s Home.









學習與坐禪相似,須有一顆恒心。高考加油!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的成人高考英語模擬題,僅供大家參考! 成人高考英語模擬題 第I卷 第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答 案轉(zhuǎn)涂


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    試試就能行,爭爭就能贏。祝高考成功!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的成人高考英語考試試題,僅供大家參考! 成人高考英語考試試題 第Ⅰ卷(選擇題,共