


時間: 劉惠25 分享



  第I 卷



  第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)


  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. £ 19.15.

  B. £ 9.15.

  C. £ 9.18.


  1. What is the time now?

  A. 11:00 p.m.

  B. 10:00 p.m.

  C. 9:00 a.m.

  2. Where will the man go first this afternoon?

  A. To a bookstore.

  B. To a flower shop.

  C. To a supermarket.

  3. How does the man usually relax on Sunday?

  A. He has a big lunch at home.

  B. He plays soccer with his friends.

  C. He goes to a park with his family.

  4. What is the man doing?

  A. Eating some cheese.

  B. Mending a camera.

  C. Taking a photo.

  5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. An injury.

  B. A fire.

  C. A machine.

  第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)



  6. Where does the man live now?

  A. In London.

  B. In New York.

  C. In Paris.

  7. What class do the speakers both have?

  A. Chemistry.

  B. English.

  C. French.


  8. What is the relationship between the speakers?

  A. Colleagues.

  B. Husband and wife.

  C. Salesman and customer.

  9. What does the woman want to do?

  A. Paint the wall.

  B. Buy a computer.

  C. Get some furniture.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。

  10. Why does the man choose the Park Hotel?

  A. It is near the airport.

  B. It is in the city centre.

  C. It is much cheaper.

  11. How much does the man need to pay?

  A. .

  B. 0.

  C. $ 150.

  12. How will the man probably go to the airport>

  A. By taxi.

  B. By underground.

  By bus.


  13. What does the man like about his present job?

  A. It always has different tasks.

  B. It includes much research.

  C. Its salary is satisfactory.

  14. What does the man think of the daily task in his work?

  A. Boring.

  B. Necessary.

  C. Challenging.

  15. Why would the man like to work for the woman’s company?

  A. He wants more challenges and learns more.

  B. He has more chances to get promoted.

  C. He can manage his own team there.

  16. How does the man describe himself?

  A. He is creative.

  B. He is patient.

  C. He is competitive.


  17. What is the speaker’s wish?

  A. To own a karaoke center.

  B. To have a good singing voice.

  C. To teach more children to sing.

  18. How does the speaker feel at Karaoke?

  A. Relaxed.

  B. Embarrassed.

  C. Bored.

  19. Where does the speaker come from?

  A. The US.

  B. Japan.

  C. Thailand.

  20. What can we learn from the speaker?

  A. He sings a lot in front of his students.

  B. He is sure to be a good singer some day.

  C. He thinks singing is important for children.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)




  Monthly active users of WeChat, a popular social networking App run by Internet Tencent Holdings Ltd, rose to 889 million last year, up 28 percent year-on-year, according to a report on Thursday.

  The report said the number of active WeChat users last year helped directly drive 174.3 billion yuan of information-sector(信息產業(yè))spending, an increase of 26.2 percent on the previous year.

  The government has urged to expand consumption to create new sources(來源)of economic growth and to help drive industry upgrading.

  The report added that the popular message App, which provides a wide range of services, created jobs for 18.81 million people in 2016, up 7.7 percent year-on-year.

  It found that the percentage of older WeChat users gradually increasing. Those aged over 55 using voice messages accounted for 22 percent of the total, while their average length of time spent on audio and video calling service reached 82 minutes, higher than other groups of users.

  The report also found that WeChat has quickened the transmission(傳送) of information, changed people’s paying habits because they only need to take their mobile phones when going out to shop, and create the channels with which people get information.

  Ma Shicong, an analyst at Beijing-based Internet Consultancy Analysis, said: “WeChat has accumulated a large number of faithful users by providing various services, from instant messaging, information to mobile payments. WeChat helps make lives easier and more convenient.”

  The report also showed the WeChat official accounts were favored by users, with 36.1 percent of them following or subscribing to accounts related to in news and information.

  21. What’s the desire of the government according to the text?

  A. To expand consumption.

  B. To create more jobs.

  C. To support WeChat App.

  D. To balance spending.

  22. Who uses voice messages most frequently?

  A. The youths.

  B. The analysts.

  C. Shop owners.

  D. The aged.

  23. How does WeChat win its faithful users?

  A. By subscribing to the official accounts.

  B. By creating mobile payments.

  C. By offering varieties of services.

  D. By sending in news and information.B

  In many cases they have built their reputations over hundreds of years, and they have become names that millions of Chinese love, respect and most of all buy.

  At least once a year, Meng Wei visits several shops in Beijing that specialize in traditional goods, longing to buy something for his family in Xi’an.

  “It’s a routine I go through before I head home for big holidays such as the Spring Festival,” Meng says.

  His shopping list includes Daoxiangcun pastries and Niulanshan Erguotou. “My mother has a sweet tooth and she always has a preference for Daoxiangcun, and my uncles love the kick of Erguotou,” Meng says.

  A trust in quality and a desire for things of the past are among the reasons why many people buy these time-honored brands.

  However, with such brands one characteristic stands out above all else: Their popularity has endured for years, decades and in many cases centuries. That popularity was evident in the attention the public gave to them in a survey(調查) of time-honored brands in Beijing last year, which drew more than 4 million respondents.

  Yili, a century-old pastry brand, came out on top as the favorite. There are some old brands, too, that have been bywords for older generations, faded from view but then made spectacular comebacks.

  One of these is Beibingyang (Arctic Ocean) a soft drink that was the first commercial beverage many Beijingers tasted. It disappeared from the market for 15 years but resurfaced in 2010. It again proved to be a hit, many people saying it took them back to the 1960s and 1970s, and was a natural reference point as older people started recounting childhood stories to their children.

  "Such brands are the product of market competition and real quality," says Yin Jie, an official with a committee of experts charged with revitalizing Chinese time-honored brands. These brands are 230 years old on average, and some were highly popular back when the country enjoyed great prosperity(繁榮) hundreds of years ago, Yin says. "To this day what China contributes to these brands is certain rare natural ingredients(成分), and that keeps them going."

  24. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

  A. Big holidays.

  B. Time-honored brands.

  C. The respondents.

  D. The older generations.

  25. What does Meng Wei usually do in the Spring Festivals?

  A. He runs several shops selling traditional goods.

  B. He shops traditional brands for his family.

  C. He misses the things of the past very much.

  D. He buys various sweeties and drinks.

  26. What can be learned about the time-honored brands?

  A. They are not trusted in quality and competition.

  B. Many disappeared and never made comebacks.

  C. They enjoy a long time of popularity.

  D. They are the childhood stories of the aged.

  27. What does Yin Jie think important in keeping time-honored brands going?

  A. China’s prosperity.

  B. Historic influence.

  C. Certain rare natural ingredients.

  D. Bywords for older generations.C

  Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting and great fun? Certainly, it is a new experience, one that brings the opportunity(機會) to discover amazing things and a feeling of freedom. But do remember that there are also some challenges you will meet, for your views may disagree with the different beliefs, norms(社會準則), values and traditions of different countries. This is called “culture shock”. The following are the stages of adjusting.

  The first stage is called ”the honeymoon”, where you are excited about living in a different place, and everything seems to be fantastic.

  Eventually, however, the second stage of culture shock appears, “the hostility stage”. You begin to notice that not everything that seemed so wonderful initially is now awful, making you feel distressed and tired. Usually at this point, you use some defense mechanisms(機制) to help you cope(應付) and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock. Two of them are “repression”, which happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you, and “regression”, when you start to act like a child, sometimes careless and irresponsible. The third kind is “isolation”. You don’t want to communicate with anybody, cutting yourself off the world. The last type is “rejection”, where you think you don’t need anybody, feeling you are coping fine alone.

  After you deal with your hostile feelings, next comes the stage, “recovery”, when you begin to see things of a different culture you can learn to appreciate.

  The last stage is “adjustment”. In this stage, you have reached a point where you actually feel good because you are able to understand the new culture.

  Culture shock is not something you can avoid in a foreign country. Actually, you learn how to interact with other people, and you learn a considerable amount about life in a new culture. Eventually, you learn more-about yourself.

  28. How many stages of culture shock does the text mention?

  A. 4.

  B. 6.

  C. 7.

  D. 8.

  29. Which mechanism does a person apply if he pretends to accept everything in a new culture?

  A. Repression.

  B. Regression.

  C. Isolation.

  D. Rejection.

  30. What’s the writer’s attitude towards culture shock?

  A. Serious.

  B. Positive.

  C. Cautious.

  D. Scared.

  31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A. A New Experience

  B. Stages of adjustment

  C. Culture Shock

  D. Defense MechanismsD

  Kitchen waste refers to deserted or uneaten refuse produced by household kitchens. It is heavy in weight and can not easily be disposed(處理)of like other garbage due to dampness.

  Separating kitchen waste from other waste can help to reduce organic matter in landfills, reducing smell and waste liquid and protecting disposal equipment. It is therefore necessary to perform garbage classification when disposing of kitchen waste.

  There are special garbage trucks to process kitchen waste. Labeled “Kitchen Waste”, the beds of the trucks are covered in a hermetic(密封的) metal topper to contain the smell of the rotting organic waste. There are two sizes of the trucks—the smaller ones are designed to move through narrow streets, especially in the old-fashioned hutong, the larger ones are for wider streets.

  Everyday, they stop at the residential(居住的) communities in Xicheng district, pick up their kitchen waste and carry it to the kitchen waste transfer buildings nearby. And Fengrongyuan residential community is one of them. It has 10 residential buildings and 606 families. In the afternoon. Two garbage trucks arrive at the community to collect its kitchen waste. The community now has 31 sets of garbage cans. Every set has three cans in different colors, green for kitchen waste, blue for recyclable waste and grey for other garbage.

  Yang Kun, an official of Financial Street office, said that if residents in the community can respect the waste regulations and make it a standard practice in their daily life, they could be rewarded for their efforts.

  After the two trucks are loaded with kitchen waste at Fengronfyuan, they will leave for the Xibianmen garbage storage building, where they are weighed before driving to an area to unload. The building has six big boxes to contain the kitchen waste.

  To save resources and promote the disposal of household waste, the first step is garbage classification as conducted by residents.

  32. What can be learned about kitchen waste from Paragraph1?

  A. It is too damp and heavy to easily dispose of.

  B. It can be as easily disposed of as other garbage.

  C. It helps to reduce organic matter in landfills.

  D. It is necessary for garbage classification.

  33. What is needed to prevent the organic waste letting out smell?

  A. Trucks with a hermetic metal popper.

  B. Trucks labeled “Kitchen Waste”.

  C. Wider streets for garbage trucks.

  D. Waste transfer buildings nearby.

  34. Where is the kitchen waste weighed before being unloaded?

  A. Old-fashion hutong.

  B. Xicheng district.

  C. Fengrongyuan residential community.

  D. The Xibianmen garbage storage building.

  35. What’s the main idea of the text?

  A. Kitchen waste does harm to the disposal equipment.

  B. It’s a practice to respect the waste sorting regulations.

  C. The disposal of kitchen waste is aimed to save resources.

  D. The disposal of household waste begins with garbage classification.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


  How to Draw a Mind Map

  Mind mapping relates to writing down a central idea and thinking up new and relevant ideas which radiate out from the center.

  Look for relationships

  Use lines, colors, arrows, branches or other ways of showing connections between ideas on your mind map. 36 . Personalizing the map with your own symbols and designs will assist in your recall and understanding.


  All of these things promote linear(線性的)thinking while the idea of mind mapping is to think creatively and in anon-linear manner. There will be plenty of time for polishing the information later on. But at this stage, the most important thing is to get every possibility into the mind map that may be the key to your knowledge of a topic.

  Write down key ideas

  Some students find that using capital letters encourages them to get down only the key points. 38 .You may, however, wish to write down some explanatory notes in lower cases. Some students do this when they revisit the mind map at a later date while others write such things as assessment criteria in this way.

  Put the main idea in the center

  Most students find it useful to turn their page on the side and do a mind map in “landscape” style. They put the main idea or topic in the middle of the page. 39 .

  Leave lots of space

  40 .After the initial drawing of the mind map you may wish to highlight things, add related information or questions right up.

  A. Capitals are also easier to read in a diagram

  B. Make a list all your ideas you need

  C. This helps them assess the related information

  D. Draw quickly without pausing, judging or editing

  E. This gives the maximum space for other ideas to radiate

  F. Some most useful mind maps are those adds over a period of time

  G. These relationships may be important in understanding new information第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分30分)


  For over 30 years my father has been serving as a senior minister in several churches. Whenever I 41 the world “hero”, I’ll think of him.

  He has taught me about compassion(同情)and the need to 42 others. Whatever he does, he 43 efforts to be a blessing in others’ lives. Each 44 , he greets every church member and visitor with a big hug and a smile. This 45 is unlimited to Sundays only. Each person he crosses paths 46 , he greets with a big smile and a “howdy”. His gestures of 47 are completely sincere and heartfelt. His occupation is 48 work for him. He is on call around the clock every day and will never 49 anyone in need. He has sacrificed so much as to be a(an) 50 of those in his community.

  Through tours he 51 people around the world. He teaches them about acceptance, peace, and staying 52 to their own beliefs. I’m 53 at the long reach his vision and caring have.

  It’s impossible for me to 54 the number of lives he has touched. I can tell you, 55 , that he’s a cornerstone for many and a friend to all. Because of the way he has lived his life, I’m 56 to make changes in our world to make sure that 57 life will also have a significant influence, 58 his has. While I don’t have all the words to tell you what a big 59 he makes each day, I hope this will help to explain why he’s a 60 to me.

  41. A. reflect on B. make up C. mark out D. figure out

  42. A. entertain B. acknowledge C. serve D. accompany

  43. A. makes B. takes C. spares D. gets

  44. A. way B. step C. Sunday D. day

  45. A. criterion B. custom C. tradition D. practice

  46. A. with B. to C. at D. on

  47. A. delight B. success C. kindness D. politeness

  48. A. equal to B. similar to C. nothing but D. far beyond

  49. A. leave B. condemn C. blame D. bother

  50. A. volunteer B. servant C. ambassador D. neighbor

  51. A. drives B. gathers C. leads D. greets

  52. A. opposed B. exposed C. deaf D. true

  53. A. frightened B. amazed C. disappointed D. disgusted

  54. A. count B. delete C. enlarge D. predict

  55. A. besides B. therefore C. otherwise D. however

  56. A. forced B. inspired C. forbidden D. annoyed

  57. A. your B. his C. my D. our

  58. A. which B. as C. what D. where

  59. A. difference B. choice C. fortune D. breakthrough

  60. A. dishonor B. trouble C. friend D. hero第Ⅱ卷

  第三部分 第二節(jié) (共10小題;每小題1.5分, 滿分15分)


  In Canada, volunteering is extremely common among people of all ages. They believe that being helpful is one of the most important 61 (quality) to have. There are many forms of voluntary work and opportunities to help are everywhere, 62 (include) schools or people’s gardens.

  I’m volunteering for a foundation to assist the teacher there. I’m in charge of 63 preschool class, where students are aged from 3 to 6. When I first started, I was quite nervous as I’d never worked with little kids before. As time went on, I 64 (become) more familiar with them. One teacher asked me to help the 65 (young)girl in the class draw a picture 66 (base) on the word “grateful”. As I was drawing and talking with her, I 67 (gradual) felt warm and peaceful, and I realized 68 was not that difficult to work with children. When the class was over, I felt really excited and even a bit proud of 69 had been done.

  Volunteering gives us not only an opportunity to change someone’s life but also the satisfaction of helping others. It is also a great way to develop social skills and 70 (value) experience for our future.第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)








  Dear Peter,

  I am writing to offer my sincere congratulation to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As you friend, I just want you to know how gladly I am at your success.

  For years, you’ve stayed highly interesting in Chinese chess but kept on practicing it every day.

  Not only have you read much books about Chinese chess strategies, but also you have participated all kinds of Chinese chess competitions. Finally, you succeed in winning the online competition! I’m so happy that you’ve become the champion of this network challenge.

  At last, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make the progress together. Please telling me when you take time.


  Li Hua

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  假定你是李華,想申請加入你校留學生俱樂部,以幫助外國學生學習漢語并了解中國文化。請給俱樂部負責人Mr. Blake 寫一封郵件。內容包括:

  1. 目的;

  2. 個人情況。


  1. 詞數100左右,郵件開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數;

  2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。

  Dear Mr. Blake,




  Li Hua



  1-5ABBCA 6-10BCBCB 11-15CCABA 16-20ABBAC

  21-25 ADCBB 26-30CCAAB 31-35CAADD 36-40GDAEF

  41-45ACACD 46-50ACDAB 51-55 CDBAD 56-60BCBAD

  61. qualities 62. including 63. a/one 64.became 65. youngest

  66. based 67. gradually 68. it 69.what 70. valuable

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

  Dear Peter,

  I am writing to offer my sincere congratulation to you on your winning the first prize in the


  Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As you friend, I just want you to know how gladly I am at

  your glad

  your success.

  For years, you’ve stayed highly interesting in Chinese chess but kept on practising it every day.

  interested and

  Not only have you read much books about Chinese chess strategies, but also you have participated∧

  many in

  all kinds of Chinese chess competitions. Finally, you succeed in winning the online competition! I’m


  so happy that you’ve become the champion of this network challenge.

  At last, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make the progress together. Please


  telling me when you have time.

  tell Yours,

  Li Hua

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  Dear Mr. Blake,

  I’m Li Hua, a girl student in Grade Two. I’m writing to apply to join the Foreign Students Club to help the foreign students learn Chinese well and get a good understanding of Chinese culture.

  I’m sure I can be a qualified member. First, I’m easy-going and love to make friends throughout the world. Secondly, my family has so far hosted five foreign students, so I’m experienced in communicating with foreigners. Besides, I can speak English fluently as well as having a rich knowledge of Chinese culture. I do hope you can accept my application and I promise to do all I can to help them.

  Looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua








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