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  圣誕節(jié)就要到了,今天就給大家講講Christmas Day的故事。

  Christmas day had to arrive, today gives everybody to speakChristmas Day the story.

  Christmas是Christ(基督)和Mass(凱撒)的縮寫, 愷撒是教會的一種禮拜儀式。圣誕節(jié)是一個宗教節(jié)日,是徒紀(jì)念耶穌誕生的日子,因而又名“耶誕節(jié)”。

  Christmas is Christ (Christ) and Mass (Caesar) the abbreviation,Caesar is the church one kind of week ceremony. Christmas day is areligious holiday, is the Christian commemorates the day which Jesusis born, thus also names "Ye Danjie".


  Every year on December 25, the world all Christian church can hold thespecial week ceremony. To 19th century, the Christmas card has beenpopular, Santa Claus's appearance, Christmas day also starts popularlyto get up. Has very many Christmas days to joyfully celebrate theactivity and the religion and the non- least bit connection. Somepeople said Jesus in at the end of the summer 秋初 birth, by nomeans on December 25. However, Christmas day actually whether date ofthe Jesus birthday regarding the modern people did say already notthat was important, it liked our Spring Festival to be same, everybodypoly a hall, the exchange gift, sent the Christmas card, ate theturkey western-style food, was a worldwide celebration day!


  The western person take red, green, is white tricolor as the Christmascolor, Christmas day approaches when each and every family all mustuse the Christmas color to decorate. Red has the Christmas flower(poinsettia, poinsettia) and the Christmas candle. The green is aChristmas tree. It is the Christmas day main ornament, with fells thecedar, a cypress kind which assume 塔形 the evergreen decoration tobecome. Above is being hanging the colorful colored lantern, the giftand the artificial flower, but also is lighting the Christmas candle.

  紅色與白色相映成趣的是圣誕老人,他是圣誕節(jié)活動中歡迎的人物。西方兒童在圣誕夜臨睡之前,要在壁爐前或枕頭旁放上一只襪子(Christmas stocking),等候圣誕老人在他們?nèi)胨蟀讯Y物放在襪子內(nèi)。在西方,扮演圣誕老人也是一種習(xí)俗。

  Red forms a nice contrast with the white is Santa Claus, he is thecharacter which the Christmas day moves most receives welcome. Westernchild in Christmas night just before going to sleep before, must putsa sock nearby the fireplace or the pillow (Christmas stocking), waitsfor Santa Claus to go to sleep after them puts the gift in the sock.In the west, acts Santa Claus also is one kind of custom.


  The Origin of Christmas

  Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

  According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

  Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

  Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into B.C. (Before Christ )and A.D. ( a Latin phrase, Anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord.")For the first 300 years, Jesus’ birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose December 25 as his birthday.


  西元紀(jì)年創(chuàng)制于西元5世紀(jì),后來圣誕節(jié)這一天就按格里高利歷法,即西元紀(jì)年的“公歷”來確定了,而日歷按著假定日期把時間分為公元前(耶穌基督誕生前)和公元后(A. D. 是拉丁文縮寫,意思是“有了我們主--耶穌的年代”)。后來,雖然普遍教會都接受12月25日為圣誕節(jié),但又因各地教會使用的歷書不同,具體日期不能統(tǒng)一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定為圣誕節(jié)節(jié)期(Christmas Tide),各地教會可根據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)鼐唧w情況在這段節(jié)期之內(nèi)慶祝圣誕節(jié)。西方教會,包括羅馬天主教、英國圣公會和新教,確定的圣誕日是公歷的12月25日。東正教會確定的圣誕日是公歷1月7日(實際上是叫“主顯日”),這與東正教沒有接受格里高利歷改革和接受修正后的儒略歷有關(guān),因此把圣誕節(jié)在1900年到2099年的這一段時間內(nèi)將延遲到1月7日。保加利亞和羅馬尼亞也是東正教區(qū),但圣誕節(jié)日期上遵循西歐習(xí)慣為12月25日,但復(fù)活節(jié)則遵從習(xí)慣。而最古老的會亞美尼亞使徒教會確定的是公歷1月6日,同時亞美尼亞教會更關(guān)注主顯節(jié),而不是圣誕節(jié)。圣誕節(jié)也是西方世界以及其他很多地區(qū)的公共假日,例如:在亞洲的香港、馬來西亞和新加坡。世界上的非只是把圣誕節(jié)當(dāng)作一個世俗的文化節(jié)日看待。



  12月25日是西元274年羅馬皇帝奧勒良指定的慶祝羅馬帝國官方慶祝敘利亞太陽神蘇里耶和伊朗太陽神米特拉的節(jié)日Dies Natalis Solis Invicti(意為“不可征服的太陽”生日),這一節(jié)日一直持續(xù)到 圣誕樹被定為國教之后被禁止。敘利亞太陽神崇拜最早是古羅馬國王安東尼努斯(Marcus Antoninus)引入古羅馬帝國還取代了主神朱庇特,并在奧勒良國王時期成為國家節(jié)日。這一天是為了慶祝太陽的重生或回歸,因為那一天是一年中白天最短的日期,用中國的概念表示就是指羅馬歷法的冬至節(jié)。

  December 25th is the year 274 Rome emperor aurelian specified celebrate Rome imperial official celebration of Syria sun god Surya Lille and Iran sun god Mitra festival in Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (meaning "unconquered sun" birthday), this festival has continued to the Christmas tree was designated as prohibited in Christian church. Syria sun god worship is the earliest ancient king of Rome Antoninus (Marcus Antoninus) into the ancient Rome Empire also replace the Jupiter, and become a national holiday in the aurelian king period. This is a day to celebrate the rebirth of the sun or regression, because that day is the shortest day of the year to date, refers to Rome calendar Winter Solstice Festival with Chinese conceptual representation.


  That day, the days grow longer, the pagan sun god worship of all this day as the spring of hope, the beginning of recovery in all things. At the same time to celebrate the return of the sun that day, different cultures in the world are as important festivals celebrating. The existence of the sun god of culture, this day has become the sun was born after days of personification. The early Christian Church in order to use this day holiday, also tried to Christian and pagan customs and habits, put the birthday of Jesus in the specified on this day. So remove imposed religious significance, Christmas Day is actually western "winter solstice day".


  The earliest in late Neolithic, this day is the original human used to celebrate the harvest and kill livestock and fermentation alcohol day. Nordic indigenous Sami people in this day sacrifice their Helios NWCS (Beiwe). The Sumerian, Babylon, ancient Mesopotamia on this day to celebrate the sun god Mar Duke defeat the dark. Hinduism in this day of worship the sun god Sulye (Surya). Iran ethnic and religious ane over darkness Festival "Gerda Festival on this day to celebrate the sun god Mitra (Yalda)", Iran is also the first day of the first October calendar, marking the beginning of winter. Ancient Slavs think old sun god Holls (Hors) in the longest night of the year December 22nd defeat by dark god after death, so the Slavs therefore jumped Huo Luo dance (Horo/Khoro

  哈爾濱百年老街 流光溢彩迎圣誕(12張)vod),一天后,即23日太陽神霍爾斯死而復(fù)生,成為新太陽神古例大(Koleda)。在愛琴文明里,這一天被稱作例納節(jié)(Lenaia),也是希臘提洛歷的第一天,是紀(jì)念酒神狄奧尼索斯被女祭司美娜德撕碎并吃掉又轉(zhuǎn)生成嬰兒。而這個節(jié)日影響到了古羅馬共和國并成為了紀(jì)念酒神的布魯馬利亞節(jié)(Brumalia,拉丁文意為最短日)。同時,古羅馬也在12月17日至23日的一周里以紀(jì)念羅馬神話的農(nóng)業(yè)神薩圖爾努斯(Saturnus)的名義進行聚餐。因此這些關(guān)于太陽的印歐神話被近現(xiàn)代耶經(jīng)學(xué)者們認(rèn)為才是耶穌信仰的起源。不僅僅是紀(jì)念農(nóng)業(yè)神的聚餐和太陽神的生日,也在于早期耶穌形象借鑒自米特拉神像以及同樣出身于處女,以及取材于其他神話死而復(fù)生的故事。不僅牛頓認(rèn)為 圣誕節(jié) 就是按冬至日確定的,而且16世紀(jì)的法國修辭學(xué)教授杜樸斯(Charles Dupuis)和哲學(xué)家伏爾尼(Constantin-François Volney)則指出 圣誕節(jié) 耶穌的一生都是按太陽通過黃道的軌跡塑造的,這一點與敘利亞、埃及和波斯的太陽神一致,都是在冬至日出生,隨著處女座上升,再隨著牡羊座出現(xiàn)直到春分日復(fù)活,瑪利亞就是附會處女座,耶穌有羊的比喻實則是暗示太陽經(jīng)過牡羊座。

  Harbin 100 years old Ambilight Christmas (12) VOD), a day after 23 days, the sun god halls revive, became the new God of ancient cases (Koleda). In the Aegean civilization, this day is called cases receiving section (Lenaia), the first day is a Greek mention Los calendar, is a memorial of Dio Nirsos was Matsuriji Minade girl pieces and eat again to generate the baby. And this festival affected the ancient Republic of Rome and become a commemoration Bacchus blue Maria (Brumalia, Latin for the shortest day). At the same time, the ancient Rome in December 17th to 23 in the week to commemorate the Rome myth of agricultural God Sasha tuor garadar Yunus (Saturnus) under the dinner party. Therefore these about the sun and the Indo European myth is the modern scholars believe is the origin of Jesus's faith. Not only is the memorial agricultural God's dinner and the sun god's birthday, but also in the early Christian Jesus image reference since Mitra gods and also was born to the virgin, and the story is based on other mythology revive. Not only Newton think Christmas is determined according to the winter solstice, and sixteenth Century French rhetoric Professor Du Pusi (Charles Dupuis) and philosopher Fuerni (Constantin-Franç OIS Volney) pointed out that Christmas Jesus's life all is according to the sun through the ecliptic trajectory shaping, this point and Syria, Egypt and the Persian Sun God, all was born at the winter solstice, with Virgo rising, with Aries until the Vernal Equinox Day of resurrection, Maria is attached to Virgo, Jesus sheep metaphor is actually implied by Aries sun.





