On October 1 in 1949, it is the anniversary that new China establish.The here should explain 1:00, in many persons' impression, Tienanmen Square of l day at Peking of October of 1949 holds to count the People's Republic of China that 100,000 armed forces and people attend to found a nation the big .In fact, this impression within people's brains prohibits also indeed.Isn't to found a nation the big because, the ceremony that hold in Tienanmen Square on October 1 was central people's government of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to establish the prosperous ,。Actually, the People's Republic of China" found a nation", also is to say that the People's Republic of China establish, as early as that year previous week of October 1 has already declared.Also don'ted call at that time" founded a nation the big ", but call" founded a nation the prosperous ".Time is September 21 in 1949.This day, the Chinese domestic affairs cures to negotiate the meeting to prepare and plan the meeting director the hair 澤 east helps the first batch meeting in the 政 up with the result that of open to have already announced new naissance of China in the phrase.
So a day of great occasion of nation is what is the row again October?Cure to negotiate the national committee of the meeting first batch in the Chinese domestic affairs meeting for the first time up, wide the even speech say:" MA3 XU4 LUN2's member of committee asks for leave and can't come, he gives me to say, the People's Republic of China establish, should have the great occasion of nation for day, so hope to will decide to settle October 1 to celebrate the day for the country originally." The hair 澤 east say" we should make on suggest, suggest toward the government, decide from the government." On October 2 in 1949, central people's government pass 《 concerning resolution of the People's Republic of China great occasion of nation day 》 《關(guān)于中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)慶日的決議》, provision every year October 1 celebrates the day for the country, and be the day that announce the People's Republic of China's establish this day. From now on, October 1 of every year became the festival that national and each with solemn and impressive clansmen people celebrate.
1. 讓快樂(lè)作你的主心骨,開心不已;讓幸福作你的主旋律,美好連連;讓吉祥作你的主導(dǎo)者,好運(yùn)不斷;讓祝福作你的主題詞,情誼綿綿。愿你國(guó)慶開心,幸福永久!
2. 丹桂飄香國(guó)慶到,祖國(guó)上下齊歡慶,人人笑容臉上掛,家家都把祖國(guó)頌,祖國(guó)昌盛民安定,普天同慶暢九州,趕忙把我祝福送,愿你國(guó)慶樂(lè)開顏,幸福生活萬(wàn)年長(zhǎng)。
3. 在你的眼睛充滿了笑聲,在你的世界里有蜜一般的甜,看到你的樣子實(shí)在是喜歡我的溫柔,愿快樂(lè)的心情陪在你的左右,我給你的愛(ài)將永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)舊!國(guó)慶節(jié)我為你祝福。
4. 我是你的鮮花一朵,你給我陽(yáng)光一抹,我是你的水珠一顆,你給我天空廣闊,我在你的土地勞作,你給我幸福生活,今天我要為你高聲放歌,祝福你——偉大的祖國(guó)生日快樂(lè)!
5. 假期終究是要過(guò)完的,工作終究是做不完的,所以明天還是要上班的。但健康是生命的本錢,身體是不可以累垮的,所以愿你好好享受假期的最后一天,備足精神才可以去挑戰(zhàn)明天。
6. 泱泱華夏五千年,中秋聚滿團(tuán)圓心;綿綿河山千萬(wàn)里,國(guó)慶匯聚和諧情。中秋國(guó)慶喜相逢,各族兒女齊歡騰,歡歌熱舞禮花鳴,龍騰虎躍鑼鼓敲,繁榮盛世國(guó)康泰,魅力東方和最美。
7. 炎黃子孫,當(dāng)知千秋家國(guó),以大局為重;龍族傳人,務(wù)曉萬(wàn)里江山,皆育英之園。有國(guó)有家,家國(guó)本為一體;無(wú)國(guó)無(wú)家,有家亦無(wú)寧日。百川朝海,東海乃有洋洋壯觀;萬(wàn)民歸國(guó),祖國(guó)方有煌煌風(fēng)度。
8. 龍飛鳳舞迎國(guó)慶,鵬程萬(wàn)里賀中秋。國(guó)運(yùn)昌盛生祥瑞,喜慶中秋桂花香。紅顏知己好朋友,飲料香檳桂花酒。休閑國(guó)慶度長(zhǎng)假,喝酒賞月話桑麻。雙份祝福雙份喜,國(guó)慶中秋甜蜜蜜。國(guó)慶快樂(lè),中秋快樂(lè)!
9. 101國(guó)慶號(hào)幸福游輪正式招募,請(qǐng)你踏上平安的碼頭,走上富貴的船梯,吹響成功的號(hào)角,掌握富貴的舵輪,進(jìn)入快樂(lè)的頭等艙,我們將駛?cè)胄腋5母蹫?。愿你旅途無(wú)限驚喜,快樂(lè)無(wú)處不在。祝你國(guó)慶快樂(lè)!
10. 月到中秋分外明,節(jié)到國(guó)慶喜氣盈,煙花漫天綻彩虹,節(jié)日喜氣伴你行。國(guó)逢盛世碩果香,人逢喜事精神爽,人團(tuán)家圓事業(yè)成,金風(fēng)明月皆有情。祝我們偉大的祖國(guó)越來(lái)越強(qiáng)大,愿你的生活幸福,圓圓滿滿!
11. 我有一種思念,很少對(duì)你傾訴,但卻深藏在了我的心底;我有一種等待,很少對(duì)你呼喚,但卻在心里默默堅(jiān)守著;我有一份祝福,很少對(duì)你提及,但卻發(fā)自我的肺腑。我只是想表達(dá)我對(duì)你的祝福,國(guó)慶節(jié)快樂(lè)!
12. 金秋風(fēng)景如畫,十月天高云淡。良辰陽(yáng)光燦爛,吉時(shí)熱鬧非凡。喜慶楓葉紅遍,千山層林盡染。大街小巷快樂(lè)彌漫,東南西北煙火璀璨,國(guó)慶佳節(jié)綻放笑顏,祝愿朋友幸福平安,好運(yùn)永伴身邊,健康天天相風(fēng)。
13. 秋風(fēng)送爽獻(xiàn)國(guó)慶,秋菊怒放添美好;張燈結(jié)彩心歡喜,中華大地同歡慶;人人臉上展笑顏,喜上眉梢樂(lè)陶陶;美酒佳肴同來(lái)賀,齊聲共祝祖國(guó)好;放飛祝福添精彩,情誼綿綿在其中;祝君國(guó)慶享幸福,開心快樂(lè)樂(lè)逍遙!
14. 十一,專一,愛(ài)情不容易,我會(huì)一心一意,十一,堅(jiān)毅,時(shí)間不經(jīng)意,我會(huì)堅(jiān)持到底,十一,飄逸,浪漫不放棄,我會(huì)努力讓你滿意,十一,愛(ài)你,希望今生今世有你給我加油打氣,親愛(ài)的,愛(ài)你,要和你在過(guò)十億個(gè)十一。國(guó)慶節(jié)快樂(lè)!
15. 把日子折疊,折疊,再折疊,折疊成對(duì)你厚厚的思念;把快樂(lè)放大,放大,再放大,放大成你無(wú)比的幸福;把關(guān)愛(ài)攪拌,攪拌,再攪拌,攪拌成香醇的情誼;把問(wèn)候融化,融化,再融化,融化成節(jié)日盈盈的祝福。恭祝國(guó)慶佳節(jié)合家歡樂(lè),幸福安康!