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  Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, July 18, 1918 - December 5, 2013), was born in South Africa Terence Kay, has won the South African University Bachelor of Arts and Witwae University of Teslan. Former National Committee of the National Youth League National Committee, Chairman. From 1994 to 1999 served as president of South Africa, is the first black president, was known as the "father of South Africa."

  Before the presidency, Mandela was a leader of active anti-apartheid, and also a national leader of the armed groups of the African National Congress. When he led the anti-apartheid movement, the South African court convicted him with conspiracy to overthrow the government. According to the verdict, Mandela served in prison for 27 years. After his release in 1990, he turned to support mediation and consultation, and led the country in transition in the transition to democracy. Since the end of the apartheid system, Mandela has received praise from all walks of life, including former opponents.

  Mandela won more than 100 awards in 40 years, the most notable of which was the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. In 2004, it was chosen as the greatest South Africans.


  Early life

  Nelson Raleigh Herah la Mandela is the only member of the family to go to school, primary school teacher named him Nelson. When Mandela was 9 years old, his father died of tuberculosis. Tribe in the regent became his guardian, Mandela then went to leave the father of the palace not far from the school of the West school. According to Tengbu's habit, he was 16 years old from the industry. Mandela spent two years to complete the usual 3 years to complete the junior high school. Because of his father's status, he was designated as the successor of the dynasty.

  Mandela met at the University of Fordhar, met a good friend of life, good colleagues - Oliver Tambo. And in the first year of his career at Mandela, he was involved in activities that students would boycott school unreasonable policies. He was ordered to drop out and was told that he would not be able to return to school unless he accepted the election results of the student union. Since then, Mandela won a correspondence law degree at the University of London.

  After leaving Fordhar, Mandela arranged to marry with the heir of the Tengbu family. But he chose to escape, left his hometown came to Johannesburg. When he arrived in Johannesburg, he found a job in the coal mine. However, when the mine owner found Mandela is fleeing aristocracy after the rapid dismissal of him. Mandela then found a clerical work at a law firm in Johannesburg, where he completed his bachelor's degree at the University of South Africa, after which he began to study law at Jinshan University in Johannesburg. Mandela lived in Jakarta University in the north of Johannesburg and met his colleagues in the anti-apartheid period - Joslo Loew, Harris Watts and Ruth Foster.

  Join politics

  1944 participated in the non-violent struggle of the South African African National Congress (referred to as the ANC).

  In 1948, the South African Kuomintang, which was governed by the Boers, won the general election. As the party supported the policy of apartheid, Mandela began to actively join politics in his 1952 anti-Nationalist movement and the 1955 People's Assembly Played a leading role, the basis of these movements is the freedom of the Charter. At the same time, Mandela and his lawyer Oliver Tambo opened the Mandela Tanbo law firm, for the defense of black lawyers to provide free or low-cost legal advisory services, and has served as non-country Large executive committee, chairman of the province of Delaware, vice chairman of the country. At the end of 1952, he successfully organized and led the "contempt for injustice movement", won the respect of all blacks. To this end, the South African authorities have twice issued a ban on his participation in public meetings.

  September 2, 1958, Hendrik Frensie Vivold served as Prime Minister of South Africa, which during the administration of the "Bantustan law", the move will be more than 1,000 million African black only limited to 12.5% South African land, and at the same time in the country to strengthen the permit system, which intensified the South African black and white conflict, eventually led to the occurrence of the Chapelle Violent.

  March 21, 1960, the South African military police in Chapelle to the ongoing demonstrations of five thousand protesters fired, massacre led to 69 people were killed and 180 injured, Mandela was also arrested and imprisoned, But finally through the defense of the court for their own defense, and acquitted.

  In 1961 he led the strike movement to protest and boycott the "South African Republic" established by white racists; then moved into the underground armed struggle. Mandela created the ANC military organization: "the nation's spear" (Umkhonto we Sizwe) and served as commander-in-chief. He had secretly visited abroad and attended the anti-non-free movement conference held in Addis Ababa, calling for economic sanctions against South Africa.

  Was arrested and imprisoned

  In August 1962, under the auspices of the CIA, Mandela was arrested and imprisoned by the South African apartheid regime, when the government sentenced Mandela to imprisonment for five years with "incitement" and "unlawful transgressions". Della began his 27-year "prison career".

  On October 15, 1962, Mandela was detained at the Prefecture of Pretoria. There, Mandela was detained for the benefit of his own, with a length of 23 hours a day, only half an hour a day for the morning and afternoon. There is no natural light in the separate room, there is no writing, everything is isolated from the outside. Eventually, Mandela gave up some of his rights, and he wanted to be able to communicate with others.

  June 1964, the South African government to "attempt to violate the government to punish the crime" is serving a sentence of Mandela's life imprisonment, when he was transferred to Robben Island. Robben Island was the largest secret prison in South Africa from the mid-1960s to 1991, and the island had detained a large number of black political prisoners. Mandela in the island of the island of the island only 4.5 square meters, where he was treated by non-human. The prisoners on Robben Island were forced by the jailers to the quarries on the island. On the island, Mandela wants the prison to agree that he opened up a vegetable garden in the yard of the prison, the prison refused many times, but eventually agreed to Mandela's request. On the island, Mandela still insists on physical exercise, such as running in a cell, doing push-ups for exercise.

  In 1982, Mandela left Robben Island, where he was transferred to the Poers Moore Prison. Since then, Mandela has ended his 18-year imprisonment in Robben Island. He also opened a garden here, and planted nearly 900 plants.

  In May 1984, the official allowed Mandela to engage in "contact" visits with his wife, and when his wife heard the news that Mandela could be ill, when they were visiting, they hugged each other, "It was the first time that I had kissed my wife for so many years," said Dela, and for the past few years I have not touched my lady 's hand for 21 years.

  Regains freedom

  South Africa was subjected to severe sanctions by the international community during the period of the apartheid period, which eventually led to the dismantling of South Africa in 1990 and the achievement of national reconciliation.

  February 10, 1990, South African President De Klerk announced the unconditional release of Mandela, February 11, 1990, spent in prison for 27 years Mandela finally regained freedom. On the day of his release, he went to the Soweto football field, to 120,000 people published his famous "jail speech." In March 1990, he was appointed by the National Executive Committee of the National Assembly as vice chairman, acting chairman.

  Served as president

  In April 1994, the ANC won the first non-racial election in South Africa. On May 9, Mandela became the first black president in South African history after the first multi-racial election in South Africa was announced.

  In December 1997, Mandela resigned as chairman of the ANC and said he was no longer in the June 1999 presidential campaign.

  On March 12, 1999, he was awarded the honorary doctorate degree by the prestigious university of Leiden. In May, President Mandela was invited to visit China. He was the first South African head of state to visit China. Officially resigned in June.

  Sick hospital

  In March 2013 Mandela was re-admitted to hospital at midnight on 27th due to recurrence of lung infection, the third time that Mandela was admitted since December 2012 and his second hospital stay in March. At the time of the arrival of Easter in the West, the people of South Africa went to the church to pray for Mandela.

  June 8, 2013, Mandela due to lung infection recurrence was sent to Pretoria hospital treatment. In the same year on June 12, Mandela grandson Mandila issued a statement that Mandela's condition has improved, Mandela to South Africa and the world for the blessing of Mandela expressed gratitude. June 23, Mandela illness began to deteriorate. The medical team reported that in the past 24 hours, Mandela's condition was "critical".

  On September 1, 2013, the President of the South African Republic said former President Mandela had left the hospital and returned to the home in Johannesburg to continue to receive intensive care, but the condition was still very serious and the health was sometimes unstable.

  December 6, 2013 (South Africa time 5), Mandela died in Johannesburg residence, at the age of 95 years. South Africa held a national burial for Mandela, the national half flag.


  At 10:00 on December 10, 2013, Mandela's official memorial service will be held at the National Bank Gymnasium in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  December 11, 2013, Mandela's body will be transferred to Pretoria's federal building for three days for the public to pay tribute.

  Every morning from 11 to 13 December 2013, Mandela's coffin will be patrolled on the main road in Pretoria for the final farewell to their country's father.

  December 15, 2013 morning, Mandela's funeral ceremony in Mandela children living in Kunu village was held, the specific location is Mandela's family cemetery. Leaders from multiple countries attended the funeral ceremony and spoke, nearly 5,000 people to send Mandela last journey.


  family background

  Mandela is a member of the non-eldest son of the kingdom of Thembu, which dominates the Turanje area of Cape Town, South Africa. He was born in the small village of Mouvizo, located in the area of Mttata, the capital of Trentac. His father's great-grandfather, Ngubengcuka, died in 1832, ruled the Tengfu people with the position of the king (Inkosi Enkhulu). One of the sons named Mandela, became Nelson's grandfather, was also the origin of his surname. However, since his mother came from the Ixhiba family (the so-called "left royal family"), according to tradition, his descendants were not qualified to inherit the throne of Tengbu.

  Mandela's father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, served as tribal chief in the town of Mouvizo. However, due to the incompatibility between the colonial authorities, they took the status of Meng Fanking Islam and moved his family to Kunu. In spite of this, Meng Fanken Ishwa is still a member of the king's Privy Council and served as the corner of the throne of the throne of the emperor of the emperor.

  Life partner

  Mandela's life left the traces of three women. They are: first love lover Evelyn, "black mother" Winnie and "old friend" Graza.

  23 years old first love

  In 1941, 23-year-old Mandela met the anti-apartheid people Sisu Lu, and with his deep friendship, it is Sisu Lu introduced Mandela to join the ANC. Sicily is not only Mandela's lead, or "old man", Mandela's first love and the first lady Evelyn Metz is the cousin of Sicily. In 1944, Mandela took Evelyn to marry. Evelyn gave birth to three children. But because Mandela devote themselves to anti-apartheid movement, rarely take into account the family, the couple widened, and finally sadly broke up.

  Mother of the fall

  Mandela's second marriage is the most popular. In 1958, Mandela and young beautiful Winnie at first sight, soon into the marriage hall. "Winnie Mandela" is a well-known name in South Africa. Wynne, who grew up in the struggle against apartheid, won the love of war, loyalty and maternal love, and enjoyed the "black mother" in South Africa.

  But later, with the status of the continuous improvement, Winnie character insider despotic, brutal overbearing side gradually exposed in front of the world. She advocates violence, life corruption, also occurred extramarital affairs. Mandela was released from prison and found that the South African newspaper was full of Winnie's scandal. Mandela has repeatedly tried to persuade, but can not restore his wife's heart, he had painfully confessed, since the release, with Winnie living together that time, he became the world's most lonely people. In 1996, Mandela divorced Winnie.

  In the later years,

  In 1996, Mandela was staggering: "I fell in love again." July 18, 1998, Mandela 80-year-old birthday, 53-year-old Mozambican former president Marshall widow Graza became the bride of Mandela. Scottish, German, French, Spanish and English are the only women in the first 11 years of the post-Mozambican Liberation Front. Mandela laughed: "From now on, the most important content of my life is two, the first is Graza, the second is to eat prawns in Mozambique.

  Make a child

  Mandela has a total of six children, two men and four women.

  He and his first wife symbiotic two men and two women, but the daughter died after birth. Mandela's eldest son, Madiba Sambekiel, died in a car accident in 1969, and his second son, Mark Jato Mandela, died of AIDS on January 6, 2005.

  Mandela and his second wife, Winnie, had two daughters.





