


時(shí)間: 偉鑫1050 分享



  "9 · 11" (also known as "911", "9 · 11 terrorist attacks") , which is on September 11, 2001 in the United States the series of terrorist attacks.

  The morning of September 11, 2001 Two planes were hijacked by terrorists, passenger jet crashed into the United States New York, respectivelyOne world trade center towerAnd the world trade center, no. 2 building, two buildings have collapsed after the attack,The world trade centerThe rest of the five buildings collapse damaged by earthquakes;9 PM, another hijacked plane crashed into the Washington in the United StatesThe us department of defenseThe pentagonThe local structure damage and collapse, the pentagon.

  After the incident, the United States army shall enter the highest state of alert .althoughThe talibanSaid in a statement with terrorist eventsOsama bin ladenHas nothing to do , but the government still decided that bin laden is the number one suspect terrorist attacks .In response to the attack, the United States launched the"The war on terrorInvasion ",AfghanistanTo eliminate hiddenAl qaedaThe taliban terrorists and passedThe United States patriot act.On October 7, 2001, the President of the United StatesGeorge w. bushAnnounced to the Afghan military offensive 。

  "911" event is the most serious occurred in the United StatesterroristAttack, a number of victims as high as 2996 .Property damage for the event the parties have different statistics,The United NationsReported that the attacks to the U.S. economic losses of 0 billion, equivalent to 2% of GDP .The incident on the impact of the global economy even of about class="main">


時(shí)間: 偉鑫1050 分享

  The psychological impact of the incident to the American people is extremely far-reaching, the American people to economic and political security were severely weakened.


  Various arguments the ideological circle in the United States, "clash of civilisations" become the "9 · 11" event source One of the main arguments of .Many of the world's media is pointed out that the important root causes of terrorism is an American Middle East policy.And in the long-term military conflictIsraelPeople toThe PalestinianPeople killing and American bias in favor of "manufacture" against Israel out with determination of militants.The British broadcasting corporationBBC, France"Le monde"Pointed out that the problem lies in the Middle East policy in the United States."theThe guardian"To" the best defense is reasonable ", points out that americans must be "fair", "you can't really stop osama wide support in the Arab and Muslim society."

  Have a view that attack was a political conspiracy.Among the main suspects including aircraft crashed into the possibility of a skyscraper, at the pentagon and the diameter of the gap jet diameter, united airlines flight 93 pieces and life and death of the hijackers.Conspiracy theorists believe that the bush administration organization is in the targeted to preserve America's international status, to achieve hegemony peaceful purposes, in order to control the world.


  Hijacking to prepare

  In all of the 19 hijackers, seven people was originally a pilot, others are also involved in flight school in different places.13 people in 2001 on April 23 solstice on June 29, arrived in the United States.After arrival, they were prepared to scattered across the country, and generally live in more remote suburb, and changed the English name.During the next few months, they mainly eight states in the United States activities 。

  These hijackers pay a high price to get driver's license, they rented apartment, set up a bank account, join a health club.They buy tickets from the Internet, where are generally pay with cash 。


  American airlines flight 11

  The first hijacked plane isAmerican airlines,Flight 11.On September 11, 2001 on a 59 from at 7BostonLogan international airportTake off toLos Angeles,.8 PM, the plane climbed to 26000 feet, less than originally specified in the cruising altitude of 29000 feet.At the same time the plane with air tower last regular communication, confirm the receive navigation instructions.Superficial communication after 16 seconds, command the plane climbed to 35000 feet, but the information and all attempts to contact the plane information is not to be confirmed.Hijacking after operation, the hijackers soon took control of the plane, first class begins to release the excitant gas such as tear gas, hot fog, forcing passengers and crew to the plane, and claims that its bombs.Hijacking, about 5 minutes after the start of operations, crew on board, Betty Ong, southeast through the phone to the American airlines booking office, reported in-flight emergencies, calls for about 25 minutes.21 points at 8 o 'clock, after receiving the call, an employee of aa to American operations center immediately report to the police.25 points, at 8 o 'clock the hijackers attempted to talk with passengers, but mistakenly call channel switch to the tower.28 points, eight American dispatcher's alarm operation notice, report to the tower the anomalies of the plane.After the flight attendant, Betty Ong, and Amy Sweeney repeatedly to the tower and aa flight service office report on the situation: the hijackers stabbed two flight attendants, unable to contact the cockpit, the cockpit is equipped with bombs.38 points, 26 points and eight at 8 o 'clock, Betty Ong, both said the plane "irregular flight condition", and 44 points in eight interrupted conversation.At the same time, Amy Sweeney is American airlines flight services office to report to the plane in the "dramatically", "flying low.

  46 minutes and 40 seconds at 8 o 'clock, American airlines flight 11 into at a speed of about 490 miles per hourOne world trade center tower(also referred to as "the north tower"), the impact position for building the north from 94 to 98 between layers, lead to all the staff and the unknown number inside the building personnel immediate death.

  United airlines flight 175

  The United StatesUnited airlinesFlight 175 was fromBostonLogan international airportFly toLos Angeles,In 2001, on September 11, 14 points off at 8 o 'clock.33 points, eight reserve cruising altitude of 31000 feet.At 8 o 'clock 42 points to eight points between 46 points, the hijackers start hijacking.47 points at 8 o 'clock, the aircraft change the lighthouse code twice.51 points at 8 o 'clock, the aircraft off the book highly.After 1 minute, tower started trying to contact the plane were unsuccessful.8 42 points, when the aircraft radio communications and transponder closed, the plane off course.52 points at 8 o 'clock, a passenger on board, Peter relates to his own father, said the hijackers to assassinate the two captains, control of the aircraft cockpit, also stabbed a flight attendant, "flight very odd" Peter said.58 points at 8 o 'clock, the aircraft to fly to New York.9 o 'clock, Peter went to the second call to dad, report to the "on board is very bad, the plane flying" unstable "and" falling ".

  9 3 minutes 11 seconds, united airlines flight 175 crashed into the world trade center, no. 2 floor (also referred to as "the south tower"), the tower of crew and cause all the unknown number of people were killed immediately.

  American airlines flight 77

  American airlines flight 77 on September 11, 2001 from 20 points at 8 o 'clockWashington, dc,DullesTake off toLos Angeles,.46 points, eight of the plane climbed to 35000 feet due to cruising altitude.51 points, eight aircraft last send regular radio communications.54 points at 8 o 'clock, the aircraft off course, turned to the south.Two minutes later, the airplane pilot frequency radar transceiver is shut off, the tower with American operator attempts to communicate with aircraft, but didn't succeed.9, executive vice President of American Gerard Arpey learned that the 77th flight condition, because this is American lost in the second plane, he ordered all the American airlines flight lifted off the northeast is not stay on the ground.9 10 points, American headquarters doubt flight 77 was hijacked, decided to implement bans across the country.9 12 points, a passenger on board relates to his mother, allegedly have been 6 people hijacked plane, and transfer the passengers to the plane.9 16 points, the other passengers on board Barbara Olson linked to her husband, then us deputy procurator-general Ted Olson.Olson report to the hijackers held a knife and out of the knife, and all the passengers are transferred to the plane.29 points at 9 o 'clock, the aircraft autopilot was cancelled, flying height about 7000 feet, in 38 miles west of the pentagon.9 34 points, Washington's Reagan national airport to the secret service department report says one direction unknown aircraft is flying to the White House.At the same time, the 77th flight WSW 5 miles at the pentagon, in a 330 - degree turn, down to 2200 feet, towardsThe pentagonSubduction.

  9 37 minutes 46 seconds, united airlines flight 77 crashed at up to 530 miles an hour in the United States department of defenseThe pentagon, lead to all personnel and building a large number of officers killed on board.

  United airlines flight 93

  At 8 o 'clock 42 points, united airlines flight 93 fromNew JerseyNewark liberty international airportTake off, fly toSan Francisco, the flight has been delayed for more than 25 minutes at this time.23 points and 9 o 'clock flight no. 93 received united flight dispatchers sent warning: "watch out for any against the invasion of the cockpit, existing the two planes crashed into the world trade center".September 28 points, when the hijackers to start attacking, the plane is flying at a height of 35000 feet, a sudden drop of 700 feet.Decline in 11 seconds, tower in Cleveland twice received from the aircraft radio communications, communication contained in the airport or vice captain shout "Mayday" SOS call (plane), accompanied by fighting.9 32 points, a hijackers as a captain to (or to) passengers in a statement, said the plane carrying bombs and motioned for passengers to sit down, the flight recorder that aircraft autopilot system will turn around and flew to the east.39 points, 9 o 'clock in the cliff LanKong traffic control center received the hijackers released the second statement, there was a bomb on board, the statement said the plane was flying back to the airport, asked passengers to sit down, but with united flight 175 is the same, the statement did not published to the passenger channel but issued directly to the control center.At this time, the passengers and crew has already started to contact with the ground, at least 10 passengers and two crew and ground personnel contact, report on the hijackers hidden handkerchief, forcing passengers transfer to the plane.At the same time, the part of the machine through the ground personnel know the news of the world trade center attack.57 points, 9 passengers back to start, a passenger on the phone said: "everyone rushed to the first class, I also have to go, bye."9 59 52 seconds, recorder, off the plane in huge blow, whomp, shouts, shattering glass and plate.10 points in 26 seconds, a passenger said: "into the cockpit, or we will die!"After 16 seconds, a passenger shouted: "ah!"

  2 at 10 minutes 23 seconds, the plane started down and turned over, with passengers continue to fight back, united airlines flight 93 crashed in at 580 MPHPa.Sweet, a clearing, only about 20 minutes from Washington, d.c., flight time.

  The initial relief

  8 am 46 points, two U.S. air forceF - 15 hawk fightersfromMassachusetts,Air force base, scrambled to intercept the American airlines flight 11, but the air force pilots don't know the correct position of the American airlines flight 11, the northeast air defense command (NEADS) in the next few minutes trying to locate on the plane.

  New York fire department to respond to attacks is at 8 am 46 points, which is the first plane struck at that moment the first world trade center tower.First New York fire department fire brigade captains in neighborhood witnessed the first crash, he is also the first on the scene commander.Around 8 am 50 points, he shall, in accordance with the fire department of New York City plan, the first in the world trade center towers of hall set up fire command 。

  When the television lens push in one corner to the world trade center, the faintly visible distress the smoke in 。

  Medical action

  About 9 in the morning, the fire chief took over as commander.Because off the debris and other safety factors, he will put out the fire command from the world trade center tower hall 1 to west street opposite of a place, an eight-lane highway.Commander took into account the tower may be limited and partial collapse, but didn't think they will be completely collapsed 。

  Extinguishing headquarters moved to west street, there are still some fire commander in the no. 1 tower hall, formed in extinguishing fire fighting unit within the construction headquarters, they stay in the hall is very necessary, so that they can use some important construction system, such as alarm, elevator control system and communication system 。

  Within a few minutes, the fire commander decided to concentrate on the rescue and evacuation.They sent the firemen entered the building to help hundreds of trapped in elevators, stair and inside the room, and personnel to evacuate of the injury.They also ordered firefighters evacuated, each layer is determined 。

  At the same time, emergency medical service organization commander also started to designated areas, gathered the ambulance, to identify classification, treatment and the injured to hospital.Emergency medical assistant service field commander in the fire fighting command as a command of all emergency medical services, report to the fire fighting command situation 。

  At 9 am 3 points, the second plane hit 2 towers, another fire brigade commanders immediately mobilized note 3, and seconded from no. 1 tower fire brigade 。

  As to mobilize the upgrade, the dispatcher command all the response of the fire brigade to senior commanders designated rally near the world trade center site report note 4.However, when the fire brigade designated area, close to many, who did not report to the designated area to the hall or accident area directly into the twin towers of other sites.As a result, senior commanders can't accurately grasp all the location of the fire brigade.In addition, the rally failure led to the fire brigade before entering the tower hall, can't get the necessary information and accurate orientation 。

  Commanders of the world trade center tower hall 1 and they sent into the building of the communication between team is sporadic.Commanders can sometimes reach some squads, sometimes not.Some team also confirmed that sometimes can receive wireless communication, sometimes not.Commanders do not know if their message is sent, the unit is not confirm receipt information because of busy bailouts, or team responded, capable of transmitting messages without.Because of frequent reports about the people in danger to relief headquarters of the hall, so the commander decided to continue to try to evacuate and rescue people, despite the communication difficulties 。

  The world trade center commanders in the no.1 and no.2 hall also don't know what happened outside the tower.They don't have a reliable source of news, no external information about the accident area overall situation, the tower and the development of the fire.For example, they can't receive television coverage and from the helicopter hovered over the tower of the New York police department's report.Lack of information limits their ability to estimate of the overall situation [15] 。

  Commander emergency medical services and the ambulance also because wireless communication congestion and communication problems, in part of the reason for this phenomenon are the two emergency medical service channel on the same frequency.Usually command channel is commander dedicated, city covered channel is used to send an ambulance and emergency medical services.A large number of the ambulance was repeated requests sent to the world trade center, traffic problems intensified [15] 。

  Wireless communication difficulties is the emergency medical service dispatcher on September 11th, inundated with one of the factors.In addition to want to contact the ambulance and commander, the dispatcher based on by phone or computer information coming from the 911 call center and New York City police department requests for help and take action.They must send the ambulance, will move into the computer, monitoring information from many sources and other telephone answering.Large, complex information about the world trade center attack makes the dispatcher from numerous sources to verify the they received everything and quickly is very difficult to take appropriate action [15] 。

  46 when 8-10 am 29 points: at least 20 (mainly concentrated in the north tower) was besieged by the fire and smoke in the building's top floor personnel jumping from high altitude.

  The building collapsed

  In the world trade center collapse at 9 am and 59 minutes, led to the deaths of many citizens and first out of the firemen.Of the world trade center towers 1, however, firefighters and commanders initially did not know what's happening.Many people think that is undergoing partial 1 tower collapsed.When no. 1 tower hall filled with rubble and debris, and hall headquarters in 1 first brigade commander quickly through mobile wireless communication given the order to retreat, but many firefighters not received this order, some people are able to leave because other fighters told they command has been given the order to retreat 。

  When the commander of fire fighting and emergency medical services in the surrounding buildings looking for shelters, the collapse of world trade center tower 2, destroyed the west street across from the accident rescue headquarters, weakened the command and control mechanism.Fire chief and other commanders at 10 am 29 points 1 died in the collapse of tower, the accident rescue temporarily in a state of no command.In addition, after the occurrence of collapse, many emergency medical services personnel don't know who the agent ems commander 。

  At 11 in the morning, planning department, a senior official, replace commander emergency medical services, but in the next nearly half an hour, the whole accident rescue command is still not very clear.During this time, some of the senior fire commanders are active reconstruction headquarters, sometimes led to multiple command.11 when 28 points, 4 c city shift commander note 6 succeed fire marshal as the scene of the accident rescue commander, comprehensive recovery of on-site command 。

  Clean up the ruins

  Event on May 28, 2002 staff in ground zero cleared a total of more than 1.8 million metric tons of debris, are sent to a special field, in addition, there are people there continue to look for clues and relics victims 。








911事件,是2001年9月11日發(fā)生在美國本土的一起系列恐怖襲擊事件。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理的911事件英文簡介,希望對你有用! 911事件簡介 9 11 (also known as 911, 9 11 terrorist attacks) , which is on September 11, 2001 in the


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