personal details
name: xuexila
nationality: china (mainland)
current place: guangdong province
height/weight: 173 cm?65 kg
marital status: single
age: 31 years
career objective
application type: jobseeker
preferred job title: quality management/testing engineer/( qa/qc engineer): inspector 、 quality inspector/test controler: 、 industrial design /product designer:
working life: 7 title: no title
job type: full time expected start date: in a week
expected salary: ¥3,500--¥5,000 preferred working place: zhongshan guangzhou guangdong province
work experience
company's name: hunterfan company(usa) asia operationbegin and end date: 2005-06-2009-06
enterprise nature: soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: machine building & equipment
job title: quality auditor
job description: 1.to follow up new project with our company’s project engineer and technical staffs of supplier, help supplier conduct function and safety tests of new product before massive production, finish product review report and submit to quality engineer, ensure the quality of new product can meet our company’s specifics.
2.as a quality inspector to do pre-shipment inspection, require supplier to rework the defective product, demand supplier to analyse the root cause of defect and provide corrective action and preventive action.
3.to do process audit on site, validate corrective action and preventive action, help supplier perfect its quality system, help supplier pass agency audit.
4.finish daily report、weekly report and monthly report. according to the defect analysis of quality reports, demand supplier to make an improvement on significant defects.
5.to follow up customers’ complaints, analyse and verify the root cause of defect, and reply the complaints on time.
reasons for leaving: private reason
company's name: yakuai spa and pool equipment co.,ltdbegin and end date: 2005-02-2005-06
enterprise nature: soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: machine building & equipment
job title: pe engineer
job description: writing working instruction; designing working tools; developing process technique; monitoring technical discipline of process; to help factory reduce manufacturing cost; to help factory improve both efficiency and quality of manufacture.
reasons for leaving: private reason
company's name: wonderful household appliance co.,ltdbegin and end date: 2004-09-2005-02
enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: machine building & equipment
job title: engineer
job description: assisting the general engineer to design new product, writing process technical document; formulating inspection standards of new product.
reasons for leaving: factory suspension
company's name: toyo denki(zhongshan) co.,ltdbegin and end date: 2002-05-2004-09
enterprise nature: sino-foreign joint venturesindustry: machine building & equipment
1) 長句:沒有人愿意看太冗長的句子,而且切記YRIS原則,雇主只是在掃描您的簡歷。
2) 縮寫:因為外行人往往很難看懂。不要想當然的認為這是人所皆知的事情。前面我們講了"user friendly"的原則,所以不要先入為主的認為別人能猜到或者能查到你用的縮寫。
3) "I" (我):因為正規(guī)簡歷多用點句,以動詞開頭,是沒有"我"的。當然若在公司簡介中一定要用到一兩次,也不是完全不可以。
4) 不利因素:我們講過簡歷的原則是不要撒謊,但不寫不等于騙人。"簡歷中的任何字句都可能成為面試中的話題"。揚長避短的道理,大家都是知道的。
5) "Reference available upon request":這個短語的意思是如需證明,可提供見證人。這在許多英式、港式簡歷范文中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn),但是美式的簡歷則不要這樣寫。因為在現(xiàn)實生活中,招聘人員認為任何人都能隨便抓來一兩個見證人應急。而且如果您在簡歷中也沒有寫上他們的名字及聯(lián)系方法,這句話則完全是多此一舉了。