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時間: 詩琪0 分享



  She just wants to be beautiful 她只是想變漂亮

  She goes unnoticed 她并不引人注意

  she knows no limits 她知道這不會改變

  She craves attention 她渴望得到注意

  she praises an image 她渴望女神形象

  She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor 她祈求能被雕塑家完美雕刻

  Oh, she don't see the light that's shining 噢,她沒有看見那閃耀的光芒

  Deeper than the eyes can find it 隱藏在深處,肉眼無法看見

  Maybe we have made her blind 也許是我們讓她迷失了自我

  So she tries to cover up her pain and cut her woes away 所以她試圖掩藏痛苦,擺脫困境

  Cause covergirls don't cry after their face is made 因為那些封面女郎整容之后,怎么樣都不會哭

  But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark 但是在黑暗中仍有一絲希望為你閃爍

  You should know you're beautiful, just the way you are 你應(yīng)該知道,你本來就很美

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>

  She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving 她夢想著被人羨慕,她每天饑腸轆轆

  You know, covergirls eat nothing 你知道的,封面女郎是不吃東西的

  She says, 她說,

  "beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything" “愛美不怕痛,外表勝于一切”

  "What's a little bit of hunger?" “餓點(diǎn)算什么?”

  "I can go a little while longer" “我想我還可以再撐一會”

  she fades away 她隕落了

  She don't see her perfect 她看不見自己完美的一面

  she don't understand she's worth it 她不知道自己也值得擁有

  Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface 或者真正的美麗隱藏于膚淺的外表下

  So to all the girls that's hurting 所有受過傷的女孩們

  Let me be your mirror 讓我成為你們的鏡子

  help you see a little bit clearer 幫你們看到更清晰的自己

  The light that shines within 發(fā)現(xiàn)那內(nèi)在閃耀的光芒

  There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark 但是在黑暗中仍有一絲希望為你閃爍

  You should know you're beautiful, just the way you are 你應(yīng)該知道,你本來就很美

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>

  No better you than the you that you are 沒有什么比做真實(shí)的自己更美好

  No better life than the life we're living 沒有什么比我們現(xiàn)在的生活更美好

  No better time for your shine, you're a star 沒有什么比你閃耀的那一刻更激動人心,你一直都在閃耀

  Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful 你是如此美麗,你是如此美麗

  And there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark 但是在黑暗中仍有一絲希望為你閃爍

  You should know you're beautiful, just the way you are 你應(yīng)該知道,你本來就很美

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>

  And you don't have to change a thing 你不需要任何改變

  The world could change its heart 世界會因你而改變

  No scars to your beautiful 你的美沒有瑕疵

  we're stars and we're beautiful 我們?nèi)绶毙前忝利悇尤?/p>


  She goes unnoticed 她并不引人注意 unnoticed是個形容詞,意思是:被忽視的;不引人注意的;未被注意的。




  decided 確定的;堅決的

  undecided 未定的;猶豫不決的

  important 重要的;重大的;(指人)有很大影響或*的

  unimportant 不重要的;瑣碎的

  certain 某一;必然的;確信;無疑的;有把握的

  uncertain 無常的;含糊的;靠不住的;遲疑不決的

  comfortable 舒適的;充裕的

  uncomfortable 不舒服的;不自在的

  fortunate 幸運(yùn)的;僥幸的;帶來幸運(yùn)的 n. 幸運(yùn)的人或事物

  unfortunate 不幸的;令人遺憾的 n. 不幸的人

  intentional 存心的;故意的

  unintentional 非故意的;無心的

  She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor 她祈求能被雕塑家完美雕刻 sculpt既可以作動詞,也可以作名詞:

  v. 雕刻

  n. 雕刻;雕塑;雕刻品;雕塑品





  doctor 博士;醫(yī)生

  tutor 家庭教師;導(dǎo)師

  director 董事;經(jīng)理;導(dǎo)演;主管,總監(jiān);指揮者

  compositor 排字工

  collector 收藏家

  instructor 教師,教員;講師

  actor 演員,表演者;男演員

  editor 編輯;主筆;主編;編輯部主任

  professor 教授;老師;專家

  So she tries to cover up her pain and cut her woes away 所以她試圖掩藏痛苦,擺脫困境 cut away 這個詞組主要有兩個意思:


  They cut away all the dead branches from the tree. 他們把樹上的枯枝通通砍掉了。 ②走開;跑開,逃走

  As soon as he saw the policeman, he cut away. 他一看見警察,就趕緊溜掉了。 woe是個名詞,表示“悲哀;苦痛;不幸;困難”。


  weal and woe 禍福(幸或不幸)...

  for weal and woe 無論在順境或逆境

  in weal or woe 無論是禍?zhǔn)歉?/p>





