


時(shí)間: 銘陸0 分享



The meaning of travel is to find new things to me and the feeling of the pursuit of novelty. Is one of the great "engineers of human souls" - Anderson said: "only in the travel, you will feel that their life becomes full and vibrant." When we meet the expectations of our heart, naturally you will think this trip is very full, and life, with a new vitality.

There used to be a teenager, he was President when he at the age of 25, the tradeoff for these achievements but he works day and night, now the young have wealth, instead, he thinks his strangers only work, it seems lack of a lot of important things! Young racking their brains thinking, how to also can't think of themselves exactly what's missing, until one day the young asked butler said: "now I have the achievement, but I always feel less what things, what do you think is missing?" Housekeeper smiled said: "since then want to know the answer, then go travel! I'm sure you can find the answer you want!" Butler say that finish turned to leave, leaving only a face of youth. Butler's words appear in my mind, the next couple of days and young also decided to take care of the home to travel, he want to anyway as it is to relax!

So he play times the size of the place, to many famous travel scenic spot, see tomorrow will be over the trip, he sat in a chair watching the infinite sky that day, young closed his eyes and go back to the process of travel a few days, he suddenly thought that a few days he didn't upset, not confused; Instead, he is very happy, very full, then he truly comprehend what they lack is "full", young always work before, so just think what you're always missing, what now through this boy grasped the significance of travel "enrichment", will let the young in addition to work every day and outside to arrange entertainment.

Teenagers, is a good example, young to travel to relax, and the pursuit of new things, but for them to solve the hidden in the heart for a long time! Every trip is confounded, in the process of travel can get a lot of daily life all have no novelty. The significance of travel there are one thousand species, but when you look at in this article, do you agree with my statement? Or, you are also thinking about the meaning of "travel"?

旅行的意義對(duì)我而言就是尋找新鮮的事物,追求新奇的感受??胺Q是一位偉大的“人類靈魂工程師”——安徒生曾說(shuō)過(guò):“只有在旅行中,你才會(huì)覺(jué)得自己的生活變得充實(shí)而有活力?!碑?dāng)我們滿足了我們內(nèi)心的期望后,自然而然你就會(huì)認(rèn)為這趟旅行十分充實(shí),并且生活有了嶄新的活力。   曾經(jīng)有一位青少年,他在二十五歲時(shí)就當(dāng)上總裁,這些成就可是他夜以繼日工作所換來(lái)的,如今少年擁有了榮華富貴,他反而認(rèn)為自己的生人只有工作,似乎自己缺少了很多重要的東西!少年絞盡腦汁的思考,卻怎么也都想不出自己到底少了什么,直到某天少年問(wèn)管家說(shuō):“現(xiàn)在我有了成就,但我總覺(jué)得自己少了什么東西,你認(rèn)為是缺少了什么?”管家笑了笑回答說(shuō):“既然那么想知道答案,那就去旅行吧!我相信你一定可以找到你要的答案!”管家說(shuō)完變離開(kāi)了,只留下一臉不解的少年。接下來(lái)幾天管家的話不停出現(xiàn)在腦海中,而少年也決定照管家的話去旅行,他想反正就當(dāng)作是放松一下!




Sometimes, suddenly between, just want to start a simple travel, not far, also need not how long, a person, a bag, a way, a journey, one kind of mood, without any bondage, without any fetter.

Maybe the meaning of travel is not that you see how much scenery along the way, also is not whether you reach the desired destination, but the mood changes in your travel and rich experience.

I want to travel to our eternal temptation is: can't stop, no end. And the places where we have reached, perhaps is the most beautiful scenery in our heart at that time, but deep down he was sometimes have another voice told himself, perhaps next place will make us be dead set to stop. Because the road ahead forever full of unknown and challenges.

Life is a no end of travel. People born and keep running forward, racing against the clock, and their own race, will life in the unconscious sparse inside hua lost along the way, and time is like a necklace of off-line, lost along the way the feel of reality, these feelings only to the elderly can find they are a shining pearl. Then understand experience is true, is their own, adorn them empty heart, melting in life.

As travel has become a rogue, we see life as a kind of real life. Remember once said: yu street is a kind of farewell, farewell, some put it into words, words can't describe others, real tramps mostly belongs to the latter, is forced to describe, just fobbed off. I thought, so had been simply wandering, this is also a way of life and state!!!! The quiet joy, enron to heart, can let a person is very comfortable.

Sometimes we always aspire to the lines of travel hand in hand, bloom all the way, all the way singing, so in the course of the journey will not feel lonely. But perhaps a person's travel, can let us learn to grow up more. Some people say that loneliness is the self-supervision of mind, girl lonely, because of good boy excellent because of loneliness. When you are a person carrying luggage, stepping a solid pace, towards the unknown distance, maybe we'll want maybe we will feel dejected, but these perhaps is the necessity of life. When you had the so-called arduous journey. You may suddenly know: originally all already doomed, but inadvertently learn to grow up, learn to strong. Like tea, if there is no water soak, it can only be huddled in a corner. And if there is no fate we scour, life will only turgid. Then put a person's trip as a soul relief and self heart dialogue. Then we can accept on the wind and rain on the road.

The meaning of travel is always from the heart. I don't want don't eager to see many places of interest in the journey of life, how many sites, can only hope that there is a under their feet. Even if the eyes are endless fields, I can still smile on the safety flower...






有時(shí)候我們總向往那種結(jié)伴而行的旅行,一路花開(kāi),一路歡歌,這樣在旅途中就不會(huì)感到孤寂。但或許一個(gè)人的旅行,更能讓我們學(xué)會(huì)成長(zhǎng)。有人說(shuō)寂寞是心靈的慎獨(dú),女孩因優(yōu)秀而寂寞,男孩因寂寞而優(yōu)秀。當(dāng)你一個(gè)人背著旅行包,踏著堅(jiān)實(shí)的腳步,走向未知的遠(yuǎn)方時(shí),也許我們會(huì)觸景生情,也許我們會(huì)黯然神傷,但這些也許是生命的必然。當(dāng)你度過(guò)了這段所謂艱辛的旅程。你也許會(huì)突然頓悟:原來(lái)一切已注定,而在不經(jīng)意間學(xué)會(huì)成長(zhǎng),學(xué)會(huì)堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。就像茶葉,如果沒(méi)有水的浸泡,它只能蜷縮一隅。而我們?nèi)绻麤](méi)有命運(yùn)的沖刷,人生只會(huì)索然寡味。那就把一個(gè)人的旅行當(dāng)作一次靈魂的釋然與自我心靈的對(duì)話。那時(shí)我們就能坦然接受前行路上的風(fēng)雨跋涉。 旅行的意義,從來(lái)都是由心而定。我不奢求也不渴望能在人生的旅程中觀賞多少名勝,多少古跡,只希望有一條能在腳下延伸。即使眼前是漫無(wú)邊際的田野,我依然能微笑著陌上花開(kāi)……


Travel is a good way to refresh and broaden our horizon. During your travel, you can turn off your cellphone and keep far from the Internet. You can forget your work, your study or your family, and just enjoy the leisure time. From the moment when you start your journey, all the trifles should be locked at your house. During the travel, you can kill your time slowly to have a good rest, and you can contact with different people. They may be a window for you to know a different world. Meet various people, experience things, which make your world bigger. You just clean up your entire mind and you can get the true meaning of travel.



After Labour's drive, you finally reached his destination. If you don't want to be like the usual tourist hotel, sofa guest is also a good choice. When you are with a new identity in a new environment new step, you will be surprised to find: the original, travel and tourism is very different. The travel just to look at the scenery, is to look at themselves. In the strange place every inch of land is sending out the fresh enough to attract your attention, everyone is you never meet, meet by chance, so you will more cherish the time with them. Don't know why people always don't have much passion on their original life, perhaps because the familiar place without a view.

Such travel can not last too long, up to a month you are going to have to turn back. Is you life also need you to run; Because the time is long you will travel to voice tiredness. Because of a brief separation, go home after you will find your life and that kind of lovely forehead.

Many people like to travel, of course, I was no exception. I love to travel on a green train, roaming between different cities. As to the meaning of travel, who CARES? Happy is good.





Travel, is life's most luxurious enjoyment. We always constantly looking for their roles in society, forget he is lives in nature, and while we are looking for the process of self, but we have gradually lost in his own heart. Slowly, we focus on the car, house, tickets. So, always someone said when he was young, our dream is to travel around the world, but because they had no money and give up; Middle age, we have the money, but no time; When we are rich and leisure, you already old. Zhang ai-ling said: early. I want to say, to travel, also early.

A lot of people think the trip as a religion, travel is a sacred thing, for example, they take to go to Tibet as a goal. , of course, I also think that Tibet is a beautiful place, snow-capped mountains, blue sky, Tibet is a symbol of the holy. But, what is the meaning of the trip, don't just to appreciate the scenery along the way? Travel is also a process of looking for actually. I want to say, I love to travel, I like the freedom, the soul is the feeling of the wind. Whenever I'm on a whim, however, want to go to see a look at the world, there will be a lot of concerns. I want to, I'm not a real passion for travel. True love to travel, not only empty have a heart to say come away, they will be put into action at the right time. : doing the rounds online recently is no excuse for travel can find one hundred bad such as passport, visa is so difficult, English is not good, language, academic and the water, no companion, work too busy, family and lovers against is not assured, safe and no guarantee and recent purchase often-expensive, vigor...

But only an excuse to travel, go!

Any restrictions, all begins with his own heart. When you have all sorts of excuses that's because you don't want to enough, when you have enough to want to you is only a word: go! Some things, don't do now, never do it, while now, we have to waste of youth.

"More to life than a house, car, still should have another possibility. Freedom and dream, although seemingly out of reach, but as long as insist, is not a castle in the air. You may not want to become a professional travelers, but as long as there is dream, willing to keep trying. Will be in his own see the rainbow in the sky." This is author of backpack for ten years, xiao peng said in the book. Actually, dreams and travel in my eyes can be equal sign off, because travel is a kind of dream. Said to myself, I am a tangle of Gemini, often hesitant. But it has to travel a steadfast love, although some scenery never walked, but good things always take root in my heart. I like Tibet, like the snowy mountains, blue sky, pure white hada, holy; Like to lijiang, like the running water, Bridges, the cause of emotional appeal; More like xi 'an, like xi 'an ancient and modern organic combination. We are young, there is always a rebellious mood, always want to carry a bag, one people, come away. But who is this fearless courage? Every young people should go to travel, for the rebellious spirit to find an outlet.

Is not only a busy busy life there are many confused, just like the author xiao peng, I knew as a child on a good primary school is to a good school, on a good high school is to a good university, a good university is to find a good job. Step-by-step routine work, this is when I was a child I have been in mind life route. However, there are also a lot of a lot of choice in life, each choice is a wonderful life, conformity is not bad, just slowly will feel confused. Remember our dormitory in my freshman year opulent ride to the mouth, on the day of the day is blue, the wind is not dry, the sun, but not warm, so the mood also is very good. So, from that day on, I gradually realized that the meaning of travel is not the destination, but along the way our wonderful mood. While we are young, be crazy once.

I believe that many young people, including me had such a dream, eager to this kind of pure and natural close contact with the world to be able to travel. But also just think about, really it is out of step. So very admire the author's courage and determination! Swim in the book as if in a different way to realize their own that a wish, pure close nature, simply enjoy the trip! In the numerous and complicated, the competition pressure great reality, can have a small chance, get out of here, stop, and see the world with your heart! Travel, how nice!




任何的限制,都是從自己的內(nèi)心開(kāi)始的。 當(dāng)你有各種借口的時(shí)候那是因?yàn)槟氵€不足夠想,當(dāng)你已經(jīng)足夠想的時(shí)候,你就只有一個(gè)字:走! 有些事,現(xiàn)在不做,一輩子都不會(huì)做了,趁現(xiàn)在,我們還有可以揮霍的青春。















人生最好的旅行,就是你在一個(gè)陌生的地方,發(fā)現(xiàn)一種久違的感動(dòng)。一起來(lái)看看旅游的意義英語(yǔ)演講稿5篇中小學(xué)生,歡迎查閱!旅游的意義英語(yǔ)演講稿1The meaning of travel is to find new things to me and the feeling of the pursuit of novelty. Is one of the great engineers of human souls - Anderson said: only in


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