
學習啦 > 實用范文 > 辦公文秘 > 規(guī)章制度 > 最新企業(yè)名稱登記管理規(guī)定


時間: 惠燕962 分享


  為維護社會主義法制統(tǒng)一,修改了《企業(yè)名稱登記管理規(guī)定》有關(guān)規(guī)定,有看過英文版的《企業(yè)名稱登記管理規(guī)定》嗎?下面學習啦小編給大家介紹關(guān)于企業(yè)名稱登記管理規(guī)定 英文的相關(guān)資料,希望對您有所幫助。


  第一條 為了加強企業(yè)名稱管理,保護企業(yè)的合法權(quán)益,維護社會經(jīng)濟秩序,制定本規(guī)定。

  Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the administration of enterprise name, protect lawful rights and interests of enterprises, and maintain social and economic order.

  第二條 本規(guī)定適用于中國境內(nèi)具備法人條件的企業(yè)及其他依法需要辦理登記注冊的企業(yè)。

  Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to enterprises qualified as legal persons or required to be registered according to law within China's territory.

  第三條 企業(yè)名稱在企業(yè)申請登記時,由企業(yè)名稱的登記主管機關(guān)核定。

  Article 3 An enterprise name, when being applied for registration by an enterprise, shall be examined and approved by the competent registration authorities.


  An enterprise name can be used only after it has been approved and registered, and an exclusive right to its use shall be enjoyed within a prescribed scope.

  第四條 企業(yè)名稱的登記主管機關(guān)(以下簡稱登記主管機關(guān))是國家工商行政管理局和地方各級工商行政管理局。

  Article 4 The competent registration authorities of enterprise names (hereinafter referred to as "the competent registration authorities") are the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and its local administrations at various levels.


  The competent registration authorities may approve or reject an enterprise name registration application, supervise and administer the utilization of the enterprise name, and protect the exclusive right to the use of enterprise name.


  In accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises as Legal Persons, the competent registration authorities shall carry out gradation administration of registration of enterprise names.


  Names of enterprises with foreign investment shall be approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

  第五條 登記主管機關(guān)有權(quán)糾正已登記注冊的不適宜的企業(yè)名稱,上級登記主管機關(guān)有權(quán)糾正下級登記主管機關(guān)已登記注冊的不適宜的企業(yè)名稱。

  Article 5 The competent registration authorities are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names already registered. The competent registration authorities at higher level are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names registered by the competent registration authorities at lower level.


  Any unit or individual may require to the competent registration authorities to rectify an inappropriate enterprise name registered.

  第六條 企業(yè)只準使用一個名稱,在登記主管機關(guān)轄區(qū)內(nèi)不得與已登記注冊的同行業(yè)企業(yè)名稱相同或者近似。

  Article 6 An enterprise is permitted to use one name only which shall not be the same as or similar to the name of an enterprise already registered in the same trade within the jurisdiction of the competent registration authority.


  For special requirements, an enterprise may use a subordinate name within a prescribed scope after obtaining an approval from the competent registration authorities at or above the provincial level.

  第七條 企業(yè)名稱應當由以下部分依次組成:字號(或者商號,下同)、行業(yè)或者經(jīng)營特點、組織形式。

  Article 7 An enterprise name shall consists of the components in the following order: the shop name (or trade name, similarly hereinafter), trade or business operation characteristics and organizational form.


  An enterprise name shall be preceded by the name of the administrative area such as the province (including autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government, similarly hereinafter) or the city (including prefecture, similarly hereinafter) or the county (including district under a city, similarly hereinafter) where the enterprise is located.


  Any of the following enterprises may use an enterprise name not preceded by the name of the administrative area where it is located after obtaining approval from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce:


  (1) enterprises listed in Article 13 of these Provisions;


  (2) enterprises with long history and famous shop names; or


  (3) enterprises with foreign investment.

  第八條 企業(yè)名稱應當使用漢字,民族自治地方的企業(yè)名稱可以同時使用本民族自治地方通用的民族文字。

  Article 8 Enterprise names shall be in Chinese characters; besides, enterprise names in national autonomous areas may be simultaneously in the language commonly used in the locality.


  Where an enterprise also uses a name in foreign language, the name in foreign language shall conform to its Chinese name and also shall be registered with the competent registration authority.

  第九條 企業(yè)名稱不得含有下列內(nèi)容和文字:

  Article 9 Enterprise names may not contain any of the following contents or words:


  (1) those being detrimental to the State and social public interests;


  (2) those causing fraudulence or misunderstanding to the public;


  (3) names of foreign countries (regions) and names of international organizations;


  (4) names of political parties, of party, government or army departments, of people's organizations, of social organizations or military designations of military units;


  (5) Chinese phonetic alphabet (except for those used in a name in foreign language) or figures; or


  (6) those being prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

  第十條 企業(yè)可以選擇字號。字號應當由兩個以上的字組成。

  Article 10 An enterprise may choose its shop name. The shop name shall be composed of more than two Chinese characters.


  An enterprise may use the name of the locality where it is located or that of another place as its shop name if it has proper reasons, but it may not use the name of an administrative area at or above the county levels.


  A private enterprise may use the name of its investor as its shop name.

  第十一條 企業(yè)應當根據(jù)其主營業(yè)務,依照國家行業(yè)分類標準劃分的類別,在企業(yè)名稱中標明所屬行業(yè)或者經(jīng)營特點。

  Article 11 An enterprise, based on its main business, shall indicate the sector in which it belongs or its business characteristics in its name according to the classifications specified in the national trade classification standards.

  第十二條 企業(yè)應當根據(jù)其組織結(jié)構(gòu)或者責任形式,在企業(yè)名稱中標明組織形式。所標明的組織形式必須明確易懂。

  Article 12 An enterprise shall indicate its organizational form, clearly and easily to be understood, in its name in accordance with its organizational structure or liability form.

  第十三條 下列企業(yè),可以申請在企業(yè)名稱中使用“中國”、“中華”或者冠以“國際”字詞:

  Article 13 Any of the following enterprises may apply for using "Zhongguo" or "Zhonghua" (both mean China) or "Guoji" (international) in its enterprise name:


  (1) national corporations;


  (2) large-size import and export enterprises approved by the State Council or by its authorized bodies;


  (3) large-size enterprise groups approved by the State Council or by its authorized bodies;


  (4) other enterprises determined by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

  第十四條 企業(yè)設立分支機構(gòu)的,企業(yè)及其分支機構(gòu)的企業(yè)名稱應當符合下列規(guī)定:

  Article 14 Where an enterprise sets up branches, the name of the enterprise and its branches shall comply with the following requirements:


  (1) When the word "general" is used in an enterprise name, the enterprise shall have three or more branches;


  (2) Where an enterprise's branch cannot bear independently its own civil responsibilities, its name shall be preceded by the name of the enterprise to which it is affiliated, contain the words "branch of company," "branch of factory" or "branch shop" and indicate the trade of the branch as well as the name of the administrative area where it is located. If the trade of the branch is the same to that of the enterprise, the trade indication may be dispensed with in the branch name;


  (3) Where a branch can bear independently its own civil responsibilities, it shall use an independent enterprise name and may use the shop name of the enterprise to which it is affiliated;


  (4) A sub-branch set up by a branch that can bear independently its own civil responsibilities may not include the general enterprise's name in its own name.

  第十五條 聯(lián)營企業(yè)的企業(yè)名稱可以使用聯(lián)營成員的字號,但不得使用聯(lián)營成員的企業(yè)名稱。聯(lián)營企業(yè)應當在其企業(yè)名稱中標明“聯(lián)營”或者“聯(lián)合”字詞。

  Article 15 The name of a joint operated enterprise may use any partner's shop name but not the partner's enterprise name, and shall include the words "joint operated" or "joint."

  第十六條 企業(yè)有特殊原因的,可以在開業(yè)登記前預先單獨申請企業(yè)名稱登記注冊。

  Article 16 With special reasons, an enterprise may apply separately for its enterprise name registration in advance before its business operation registration.


  When applying separately for the enterprise name registration in advance, the application signed by the head of the enterprise organizing group, the draft articles of association and the approvals issued by the competent authority or an examining and approving department shall be submitted.

  第十七條 外商投資企業(yè)應當在項目建議書和可行性研究報告批準后,合同、章程批準之前,預先單獨申請企業(yè)名稱登記注冊。

  Article 17 An enterprise with foreign investment shall apply separately for its enterprise name registration in advance after getting the approvals of its project proposal and feasibility study report, before getting the approvals of contract and articles of association.


  When applying separately for the enterprise name registration in advance, the application signed by the head of the enterprise organizing group, approvals of project proposal and feasibility study report and the certificate of its legal business operation issued by the competent authority of the foreign country (region) where the investor comes from shall be submitted.

  第十八條 登記主管機關(guān)應當在收到企業(yè)提交的預先單獨申請企業(yè)名稱登記注冊的全部材料之日起,十日內(nèi)作出核準或者駁回的決定。

  Article 18 The competent registration authority shall make a decision of approval or rejection within ten days from the date of receipt of all necessary supporting materials to the application submitted by the enterprise for a separate enterprise name registration in advance.


  When the application for a separate enterprise name registration in advance is approved, the competent registration authority shall issue to the enterprise a Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration.

  第十九條 預先單獨申請登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱經(jīng)核準后,保留期為一年。

  Article 19 The period of reservation for a separate registered enterprise name in advance is one year after it has been approved.


  An enterprise whose preparatory period has been approved may retain its registered name until the end of the preparatory period.


  During the reservation period, the enterprise may not use the reserved name for carrying out its business for profit.


  The enterprise name shall automatically cease to be effective if the enterprise fails to go through the formalities for its business operation registration. The enterprise shall hand back its Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration within ten days after the expiry of reservation period to the competent registration authority.

  第二十條 企業(yè)的印章、銀行帳戶、牌匾、信箋所使用的名稱應當與登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱相同。

  Article 20 The name used for seal, bank account, signboard and correspondence papers of an enterprise shall be identical with the registered enterprise name.


  The signboard of an enterprise name of commerce, public catering or service trade may be duly simplified, only the simplified name shall be reported to the competent registration authority for record.

  第二十一條 申請登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱與下列情況的企業(yè)名稱相同或者近似的,登記主管機關(guān)不予核準:

  Article 21 The competent registration authority shall not approve the registration of an enterprise name if the name applied for registration is the same as or similar to any of the following enterprise names:


  (1) that of an enterprise which has been dissolved for less than three years;


  (2) that of an enterprise whose business licence has been revoked for less than three years; or


  (3) that of an enterprise whose registration has been cancelled for less than one year for the reasons not specified in Items (1) and (2) of this Article.

  第二十二條 企業(yè)名稱經(jīng)核準登記注冊后,無特殊原因在一年內(nèi)不得申請變更。

  Article 22 An enterprise name which has been approved and registered may not be applied for a change within one year without special reasons.

  第二十三條 企業(yè)名稱可以隨企業(yè)或者企業(yè)的一部分一并轉(zhuǎn)讓。

  Article 23 An enterprise name may be assigned with the enterprise or parts of the enterprise.


  An enterprise name may only be assigned to one enterprise. The assignor and assignee of the enterprise name shall sign a written contract or agreement which shall be reported to the original competent registration authority for approval.


  The assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprise name after the assignment.

  第二十四條 兩個以上企業(yè)向同一登記主管機關(guān)申請相同的符合規(guī)定的企業(yè)名稱,登記主管機關(guān)依照申請在先原則核定。

  Article 24 Where two or more enterprises apply for registration of one same enterprise name which is in conformity with the provisions to the same registration authority, the authority shall examine and verify the application according to the principle of earlier application. thereupon.


  The enterprises shall make an agreement between them through consultation if they submit their applications on the same day; if they fail to reach an agreement, the competent registration authority shall make its decision


  Where two or more enterprises apply for registration of the same enterprise name to different registration authorities, the registration authorities shall examine and verify the applications according to the principle of earlier acceptance of the application.


  The enterprises shall make an agreement between them through consultation if the applications are accepted on the same day. If they fail to reach the agreement, the relevant registration authorities shall report to their common higher registration authority for a decision.

  第二十五條 兩個以上的企業(yè)因已登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱相同或者近似而發(fā)生爭議時,登記主管機關(guān)依照注冊在先原則處理。

  Article 25 Where two or more enterprises dispute over one same or similar enterprise name already registered, the competent registration authority shall make a decision according to the principle of earlier registration.


  Where a Chinese enterprise and an enterprise of a foreign country (or region) dispute over an enterprise name in China's territory and appeal for an adjudication to a competent registration authority, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall make a decision in accordance with the principles specified in the international treaties which China has concluded or participated, or these Provisions.

  第二十六條 違反本規(guī)定的下列行為,由登記主管機關(guān)區(qū)別情節(jié),予以處罰:

  Article 26 Any of the following acts in violation of these Provisions shall be punished by a competent registration authority according to the seriousness of the case:


  (1) In the cases of the use of an unregistered enterprise name in production or business operation, the cessation of operation shall be ordered, the illegal income shall be confiscated or a fine of more than 2,000 but less than 20,000 yuan (RMB) shall be imposed; for serious cases, the above punishments may be concurrently enforced;


  (2) In the case of an unauthorized change of an enterprise name, a warning shall be issued or a fine of more than 1,000 but less than 10,000 yuan (RMB) shall be imposed and a time limit to handle change registration procedures shall be set;


  (3) In the case of assigning or leasing an enterprise name without authorization, the illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine of more than 1,000 but less than 10,000 yuan (RMB) shall be concurrently imposed;


  (4) In the case of the use of an enterprise name for production or business operation during the period of its reservation or the failure to hand back the Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration to the competent registration authority within the time limit at the expiry of the reservation period, a warning shall be issued or a fine of more than 500 but less than 5,000 yuan (RMB) shall be imposed;


  (5) In the case of a violation of Article 20 of these Provisions, a warning shall be issued and a fine of more than 500 but less 5,000 yuan (RMB) concurrently shall be imposed.

  第二十七條 擅自使用他人已經(jīng)登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱或者有其他侵犯他人企業(yè)名稱專用權(quán)行為的,被侵權(quán)人可以向侵權(quán)人所在地登記主管機關(guān)要求處理。

  Article 27 Where the registered name of one enterprise is used without authorization by another enterprise or the former's exclusive right to use of its registered name is infringed in any other way, the infringed party may apply to the registration authority of the area where the infringer is located for handling the case.


  The registration authority has the power to order the infringer to cease the infringement and compensate the infringed party for the loss thus incurred, and to confiscate the illegal income and impose concurrently a fine of more than 5,000 but less than 50,000 yuan (RMB).


  The infringed party may bring a suit directly in the people's court for handling a case of infringement on the exclusive right to use of a registered name.

  第二十八條 對登記主管機關(guān)根據(jù)本規(guī)定作出的具體行政行為不服的,當事人可以在收到通知之日起十五日內(nèi)向上一級登記主管機關(guān)申請復議。

  Article 28 Any party dissatisfied with the specific administrative act taken by a competent registration authority under these Provisions may, within 15 days from receipt of the decision, apply to the competent registration authority at the next higher level for reconsideration.


  The competent registration authority at the next higher level shall make a decision of reconsideration within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application. Any party dissatisfied with the decision of the reconsideration made by the said authority may file a suit in the people's court according to law.


  If no application for reconsideration is made up to the expiration of the said period, or the decision of the reconsideration is not accepted after the reconsideration and no suit is filed in the people's court, the registration authority may force the enterprise to change its name, revoke its business license and notify the bank to withhold the fine or the confiscation involved from its account according to stipulated procedure.

  第二十九條 外國(地區(qū))企業(yè)可以在中國境內(nèi)申請企業(yè)名稱登記注冊。

  Article 29 An enterprise of a foreign country (region) may apply for registration of its name in the territory of China.


  A foreign (regional) enterprise shall apply to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for its name registration with the submission of an application signed by its legal representative, its articles of association and a certificate of its legal business operation issued by a competent authority of the country (region) where the enterprise comes from.


  The competent registration authority shall make a preliminarily examination thereof within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the papers necessary for the registration. If the application is preliminarily approved, an announcement shall be published.


  The period of announcement for a foreign (regional) enterprise is six months. If no objection is filed within the period or if the objection is not justified, the registration shall be approved and the period of reservation of the registered enterprise name shall be five years.


  After a foreign (regional) enterprise name registration is approved, a Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration shall be issued by the competent registration authority.


  Where a foreign (regional) enterprise intends to make a change after the registration of its enterprise name or to extend its reservation period on its expiry, a new application for registration shall be made.

  第三十條 在登記主管機關(guān)登記注冊的事業(yè)單位及事業(yè)單位開辦的經(jīng)營單位的名稱和個體工商戶的名稱登記管理,參照本規(guī)定執(zhí)行。

  Article 30 The registration and control of the name of an institution, business unit operated by an institution or an individual industrial or commercial household which is to be registered with a competent registration authority shall be handled with reference to these Provisions.

  第三十一條 本規(guī)定施行前已經(jīng)核準登記注冊的企業(yè)名稱,準予繼續(xù)使用,但嚴重不符合本規(guī)定的,應予糾正。

  Article 31 The continuous use of an enterprise name that has been approved and registered prior to the effectiveness of these Provisions shall be allowed. However, a rectification is required for any such name which is in serious discord with these Provisions.

  第三十二條 《企業(yè)名稱登記證書》由國家工商行政管理局統(tǒng)一印制。

  Article 32 The Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration shall be uniformly made by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

  第三十三條 本規(guī)定由國家工商行政管理局負責解釋。

  Article 33 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce is responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

  第三十四條 本規(guī)定自一九九一年九月一日起施行。

  Article 34 These Provisions shall enter into effect as of September 1, 1991.


  The Interim Provisions on the Registration of Names of Industrial and Commercial Enterprise, approved on May 23, 1985 by the State Council and promulgated on June 15, 1985 by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, shall annulled on the same date.

企業(yè)名稱登記管理規(guī)定 英文相關(guān)文章:




