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  人冀子孫賢,而不敬其師,猶欲養(yǎng)身而反損其衣食也。今天小編為大家?guī)淼氖切W四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文,希望可以幫助到大家。

  小學四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文一


  p38 Let’s talk


  1、聽、說、認讀主要語言結(jié)構(gòu):What are these? Are these...?并能根據(jù)實際情況進行簡略回答。



  認讀主要語言結(jié)構(gòu):What are these? Are these...?。




  句型What are these? Are these…?及其簡略回答。





  1、教師和學生聊一聊每個人喜愛的蔬菜。(I like…Do you like…?)

  2、教師說謎語,引導學生用Are they…?來猜猜是什么蔬菜。

  a、They are red. They look like apples, but they aren’t apples. What are they?

  b、They are tender and green. What are they?

  c、They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them. What are they?

  學生猜對了,教師回答Yes,they are.并拿出相應(yīng)的單詞卡片請學生拼讀;? 如果猜錯了,教師回答No, they aren’t. 再請其他人猜, 直到猜對為止。


  1、教師請學生將裝有蔬菜卡片的盒子蓋好放在桌子上,然后走到同學們中間,隨意指著幾個盒子問:Are these…?,并引導學生根據(jù)實際用Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.回答。如果學生回答的是No, they aren’t. 教師要繼續(xù)問:What are these?并引導學生用They are …回答。(教師在操作時應(yīng)多問幾名學生,以增加語言的輸入量。)教師適時板書句型框架。

  2、教師將自己帶來的蔬菜卡片分別放在幾個盒子里,請幾個學生過來邊摸邊問:Are these…?或What are these?教師做出相應(yīng)的回答。


  4、播發(fā)Let’s talk的錄音,學生聽錄音,后跟讀、模仿。



  1、完成Let's play部分,操練句型:What are these? Are these…?


  1、聽第38頁的Let’s talk 部分的錄音,讀給同伴、朋友或家長聽。

  小學四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文二


  pep小學英語四年級下學期Unit4At the farm Part A Let’s learn部分重點學習名詞的復數(shù)形式,包括一般變化(直接在詞尾加s的形式)和特殊變化(如sheep-sheep)主要句型是Are they… ?以及相應(yīng)的回答:Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. 以及How many.…?Look at…They are…等重點句型。


  1. 能夠聽、說單詞farm, duck , sheep .

  2. 能夠聽、說、認讀句型Are they…?How many… 并能在情景中進行運用。

  3. 能夠運用句型Look at…They are…對動物的特征進行簡單描述。

  4. 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛大自然,保護動物的意識。


  重點:1.掌握句型Are they…以及相應(yīng)的回答Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. 2. 能用How many…?Look at…They are…對動物進行詢問和特征描述。









  Step 1. Warm-up

  1. 課前,教師在黑板上布置好柵欄、云朵、太陽、小鳥,營造農(nóng)場的氛圍。

  2. Greetings;

  T: Hi, children. welcomg to my class. How are you today?

  Ss: Very well.

  3.Let's chant.

  【設(shè)計意圖】課前播放第一冊第四單元“Look at the cat. It is fat.”的chant,為后面學習新的chant “l(fā)ook at the cats. they are fat.”做好鋪墊。教師特意用“Hi, children. Welcome to my class”和學生打招呼,為文本第一句“Hi children. Welcome to my farm”作鋪墊。Let's chant.能調(diào)動學生的學習熱情,也能消除師生之間的距離感和緊張感,使學生能自然地融入到英語學習的狀態(tài)中,為師生間的互動創(chuàng)設(shè)了輕松愉悅的語言環(huán)境。

  Step 2. Presentation

  1. 猜謎語兩則。

  A:They can swim. They have big mouths.They can say “quack, quack”.(ducks)ppt中出示四只鴨子的圖片。T:What colour are the ducks? Ss: Yellow. 教師盡量引導學生能用“They are yellow.”表達。

  B:They can jump. They have long ears.They have red eyes. They like carrots.(rabbits)出示rabbits的圖片,引導學生能They are white/funny/cute .回答。出示句子They are… 。并粘貼在黑板上。

  2. 利用聲音猜出兩組動物。

  ppt分別出示cats和pigs的圖片,讓學生進一步用They are 回答。


  3. 造句Look at the … They are …

  4.Let’s chant.

  Look at the cats. they are fat.

  Look at the pigs. they are big.

  Look at the ducks. they are small.

  Look at the rabbits. they are funny.

  【設(shè)計意圖】讓學生描述ppt中動物的特征,發(fā)散學生的思維。chant 的作用在于把學生分散的句子整合起來,在教師的帶領(lǐng)下做活動,進一步調(diào)動學生的學習熱情。

  5. “猜猜房子里的動物”

  T:There is a big yellow house. What animals are in the house?

  Ss: Dogs, pigs, cats, birds. ducks and so on.

  【設(shè)計意圖】利用課件中的房子,讓學生猜猜里面有什么動物,激發(fā)學生的好奇心和求知欲,并為后面引出句型“Are they ? ”作鋪墊。

  (1)利用“狗”和“鴨子”的腳印,引出句子“Are they?”并用狗和鴨子的圖片呈現(xiàn)肯定或否定回答Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

  (2)利用馬和驢的卡通圖片進行“Are they horses/ducks?”替換問答。


  Horses, horses, are they horses?

  Yes. yes. yes, they are.

  Ducks, ducks, are they ducks?

  No. no. no, they aren’t.

  【設(shè)計意圖】利用腳印讓學生來猜動物,再用句型Are they ?進行提問,這樣設(shè)計顯得比較真實。chant 的創(chuàng)編是為了讓學生能很輕松地掌握重點句型Are they … ?進一步激發(fā)學生學習英語的積極性。

  Step 3. Practice

  1. 操練句型“Are they… ?”

  (1)S: hens are very hungry. they are looking for food. where are they now?

  ppt 中出示母雞在大樹下的圖片。Are they on the tree?

  Ss: They are under the tree.

  (2)T:Look, what’s on the tree? There are two big eyes on the tree.

  ppt中出示一張有“一雙眼睛”在樹上的圖片,讓學生發(fā)散思維猜一猜,引導他們運用句型“Are they goats?”來猜。

  (3)最后出示答案They are sheep. 教授單詞sheep.


  T: How many sheep can you see?

  Ss: Five sheep.

  T: Let’s count: one sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep.

  T: ppt中出示圖片,Is that a sheep?

  Ss: Big big wolf.

  T: Big big wolf says: “so many sheep.Ha, ha, I can eat.”

  (5) 在黑板上粘貼綿羊圖片,并板書單詞sheep.



  T: The animals are at the farm now. Let’s watch.

  T: What can you see at the farm?

  Ss: I can see pigs, dogs, sheep, horses, cows and so on.

  T: Are the pigs big? Is the farm funny? Do you want to visit the farm?



  (1)ppt出示農(nóng)場情景以及人物Mike, John and Sarah。

  T: Let’s go to the farm. now,依次呈現(xiàn)課文文本三段對話,讓學生聽音回答問題。

  A: Is the farm big or small?

  B: Are the hens fat?

  C: How many cows?


  (3)分角色朗讀對話。教師當farmer, 女生當 Sarah, 男生當Mike/John.



  Step 4. Consolidation

  1. 看圖說話,幫助農(nóng)場主Sam介紹他的農(nóng)場,ppt中呈現(xiàn)六幅圖片。


  Hi, children. My name is Sam. I have a big farm. There are many animals at my farm. They are goats, hens and sheep. Look at hens,They are fat. Oh! look at the sheep.They are funny. I have ten pigs. They are big and strong. Welcome to my farm!

  3.Design and show your farm. 六人小組合作設(shè)計農(nóng)場,秀一秀農(nóng)場,給學生框架,強調(diào)語言的輸出,其他學生傾聽并可以現(xiàn)場提問農(nóng)場的情況。


  (1)Read the text.

  (2)Show the farm better.

  5. 結(jié)語

  Hi, children. Do you love animals? Animals are our good friends. Please love them.


  Unit4 At the farm

  Are they…?

  Yes, they are/No, they aren’t.

  How many…?










  小學四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文三

  一、教學目標與要求 1、能夠聽、說和認讀單詞:tomato, green bean, potato, carrot 及其復數(shù)形式。 2、能夠正確使用上述單詞和 these 介紹各種農(nóng)場蔬菜。 3、掌握句型:Are these carrots? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. what are these? They are…。 二、教學重點及難點 重點: 掌握單詞: tomato, green bean, potato, carrot 及其復數(shù)形式。 并掌握句型: Are these carrots? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. What are these? They are…。 難點:能夠在情景中運用句型:What are these? They are…詢問和回答各種蔬菜 的名稱。 三、教學準備 課本、 錄音機、磁帶及單詞卡片。 四、教學過程 1、Warm-up (1)日??谡Z交流:T:What’s the weather like today?

  Ss: It’s cloudy.

  T: Yes, it’s cloudy, and it’s not so hot. So, let’s go to the farm. 2、Preview Bb: Unit4 At the farm. T: Turn to P36. Look at this picture. This is a farm. What do you see at the farm? Do you see any animals? Do you see any vegetables? What kind of vegetables? 3、Presentation Let’s learn (1) 教師出示 carrot 卡片,T:carrots, they’re big, they’re red. Bb: carrots They’re red. They’re big. 教師帶讀以上詞句。 (2)教師西紅柿的圖片,教學單詞 tomato, tomatoes. 教師引導學生用句型: Look at the tomatoes, they’re red, they’re yum. 描述西紅柿。 (3)一同樣的方法教 potato, potatoes(They’re big.)/ been, green beans(They’re long.)。 (4)填字母:教師板書:_o_a_o, _o_a_o T:聽我讀單詞,按順序填上字母。tomato,potato。 學生分別填出三個輔音字母。師生拼讀 tomato,potato. (4)哪個字母不見了:Bb: c_rr_t, green b__n 學生填出字母,師生拼讀 carrot, green bean. (5)教師快速閃現(xiàn)單詞卡,學生快速說出對應(yīng)單詞。 Let’s talk (1)教師出現(xiàn) carrots 單詞卡片。 T: What are these?引導學生說出:They’re

  carrots. Bb: What are these?They’re carrots. 教師解釋 these,并帶讀這些句子。 (2) 教師繼續(xù)呈現(xiàn) potatoes , green beans ,讓學生操練句型: What are these ? They’re… (3)教師再次呈現(xiàn) carrots 單詞卡片, T: Are these carrots? 引導學生說: Yes, they are. 教師呈現(xiàn) tomatoes, T:Are these carrots? Ss: No, they aren’t. 繼續(xù)呈現(xiàn)其他單詞, 用同樣的方法的方法操練句型: Are these…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. (4)讓學生翻開 38 頁,看 Let’s talk 部分的圖片, T:Who is at the farm? What do you see at the farm? 引導學生看圖回答問題。 (5)學生聽錄音并跟讀,教師板書對話內(nèi)容。解釋“try some” ,帶讀對話,齊讀 對話,角色扮演。背誦對話。 4、Sum up 5、Exercise (1)學生獨立完成《創(chuàng)維新課堂》對應(yīng)習題。 (2)教師講解部分較難的練習題。 6、Homework (1) 抄寫單詞 tomato,green bean, potato, carrot 和句子 Are these carrots? What are these?各五遍 (2)完成《學習指導》對應(yīng)習題。

  小學四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文四

  Teaching content: Part A Let’s spell

  Teaching content analysis:

  Unit4 At the Farm has 6 periods. This lesson is the period3. The main teaching content of this lesson is Part A Let’s Spell. This part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. And students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

  Students’ learning analysis:

  As the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. In this lesson, I will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”.

  Teaching objectives:

  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  l Master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /?:/, /??::/.

  l Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

  l Read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.

  l By the learning of pronunciation can make the students notice the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations, which can improve students speech recognition ability and reading ability.

  Important and difficult points of teaching:

  Make the students to master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”. And make them to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

  Teaching process:

  I Warm-up

  1. Free talk.

  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.

  T: Today we’ll learn Unit 4 At the Farm PartA Let’s spell.

  2. T: Before our class, let’s enjoy two chants.

  (Teacher plays the chants about the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur” and “al”, which they have learned before.)

  3. Teacher shows the words which contain “ir”, “ur” and “al” to recall the knowledge they have learnt.

  4. Teacher asks students whether they remember the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher can naturally introduce “or” to students.

  [Design idea:Recall the knowledge they have learned. Use “ir” and “ur”, which pronounce /?:/, and “al”, which pronounces /??::/, to make connection with “or”.]

  II Presentation

  1 . Presentation “or”: /?:/

 ?、臫eacher shows 3 words, which are work, homework, world map, and asks students to read it.

 ?、芓eacher asks students to discuss the pronunciation rule of “or”.

  [Design idea:Let students perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. ]

 ?、荰eacher presents the pronunciation rule 1 of “or”: or在w后通常發(fā)/?:/,與ir,ur同音.

 ?、萒eacher shows the words: word, worth, worm, worse. And then requires students to spell them according to the pronunciation rule 1.

  [Design idea:make students be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule 1.]

  2 . Presentation “or”: /??::/

 ?、臫eacher shows students the word “horse” and ask them a question that whether this word pronounce /h?:s/.

  ⑵Teacher asks students to find out the pronunciation of the word “horse” and pay attention to the other words that has “or” in a chant.

  Chant: The story about a horse

  I like to read the story.

  The story about the horse.

  The horse likes to work.

  He works hard of course.

 ?、茿fter listening to the chant, teacher asks students to read the words: horse, story.

  ⑷Teacher shows 4 words, which are horse, fork, story, morning, and asks students to read it.

 ?、蒚eacher asks students to conclude the pronunciation rule of “or”.

 ?、蔜eacher presents the pronunciation rule 2 of “or”: or在單詞中一般發(fā)/??::/,與al 同音.

 ?、薚eacher asks students to make brainstorm about the words that contain “or” that pronounce /?:?:/.

  3. Summary

  Teacher asks students to summary the pronunciation of “or”:


  發(fā)音規(guī)則2:or在單詞中一般發(fā)/??::/,與al 同音

  III Practice

  1. Listen and number

  [Design idea:First of all teacher will help students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”: / ? :/, /??::/ by listening.]

  2. Read and sort

  [Design idea:Secondly, through speaking, teacher helps students to be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

  3. Look. Listen and write

  Teacher asks students to write down the important words.

  [Design idea:Thirdly, though writing, teacher helps students to be able to write down the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

  IV Production

  Teacher make a summary with students that the pronunciation of “or”,

  “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher will guide students to be aware that the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations.

  V Homework


  把查找到的相關(guān)單詞根據(jù)/?:/ 和/??::/來歸類并記錄。



  Blackboard design

  Unit 4 At the Farm

  Part A Let’s spell

  小學四年級英語下冊《Unit 4 At the farm》教案范文五

  一、教學目標與要求 1、復習鞏固單詞:tomato, green bean, potato, carrot 及其復數(shù)形式。 2、綜合運用型:Are these…? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. What are these? They are…。 3、能夠理解、跟讀歌謠。 4、能夠掌握字母組合 or 的發(fā)音規(guī)則

  二、教學重點及難點 重點: 綜合運用型: Are these…? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. What are these? They are…。字母組合 or 的發(fā)音規(guī)則 難點:能夠讀出符合 or 發(fā)音規(guī)則的單詞,能根據(jù)讀音拼寫符合 or 發(fā)音規(guī)則的單 詞。


  課本、 錄音機、磁帶及單詞卡片。

  四、教學過程 1、Revision and leading in 教師分別出示單詞卡片:tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, carrots,

  T:What are these? Are these…? 教師引導學生回答。 T:About these vegetables, what do you like to eat? 教師引導學生回答:I like to eat…/I love to eat… 2、Presentation Let’s chant (1)讓學生看 Let’s chant 的圖片,

  T:How about onions? 引導學生說:I like onions./ I don’t like onions. T: 切洋蔥時眼睛會被辣到,會流眼淚,So, onions make me cry. (2) 播放歌謠,學生聽音模仿。帶讀歌詞理解意思。 Let’s play (1) 教師拿出課前準備的水果或蔬菜圖片。請兩名學生與教師進行對話示范, 利用句型:What are these? Are these…? Yes./No. (2) 讓全班學生三人一組進行對話。 (3) 請三組學生上臺演示對話。 Let’s spell (1) 教師板書: horse, fork, homework, world map, 將 or 字母組合標上音標, 帶讀這些單詞,引導學生注意 or 的不同發(fā)音。 (2) 引導學生朗讀“Read and number” 中的單詞,播放錄音,學生聽音排序。 (3) 教師讓學生觀察“Look and write” 中的圖片,并找出圖片中可能含有 or 的單詞。播放錄音,學生寫出所缺單詞。 4、Sum up 5、Exercise (1) 聽寫單詞 tomato,green bean, potato, carrot 和句子 Are these carrots? What are these? (2)學生獨立完成《創(chuàng)維新課堂》對應(yīng)習題。 (3)教師講解部分較難的練習題。 6、Homework 完成《學習指導》對應(yīng)習題。