


時間: 謝樺657 分享

13.4 Registration of the Contract and Maintenance of Patent

13.4.1 The Buyer shall, after the Contract is signed between both parties, make sure that the Contract is registered with or filed to the competent authorities in the Buyer’s country if it is required by law.

13.4.2 The Seller shall, during the validity period of the Contract, make all reasonable efforts to maintain Patent in force in the territory as stipulated in Article 3.4.1 and bear the costs thus incurred. The Buyer shall not make any action or inaction which may lead to invalidation or compulsory licensing of the Patent.

13.5 Improvement and Grant-back

13.5.1 Should any Improvement be made by the Seller on Patent and/or Know-how within the validity period of the Contract, which shall be the e_clusive property of the Seller, the Seller shall grant the Buyer a non-e_clusive license to e_ploit such Improvement at latest __________months from its improving, provided that the license fee is agreed upon between both parties.

13.5.2 The Buyer shall be entitled to make Improvement on Patent and/or Know-how within the validity period of the Contract. The Seller shall have the right to obtain and make use of the Improvement. The license fee shall be discussed between both parties in due time.

13.5.3 Both parties shall keep Improvement confidential. Neither party shall be entitled to grant any third party a sub-license on Improvement made and provided by the other party without previous written consent of the other party.

Article 14 Confidentiality

14.1 After signing of the Contract, both parties shall keep secret all the contents, terms, conditions of the Contract.

14.2 The Buyer shall take proper measures to keep strictly confidential of Know-how, Technical Documentation, Improvement and any other secret information obtained or accessible to from the Seller. The Buyer shall not disclose any of them to any third party, and shall not make use of them without prior written consent of the Seller e_cept otherwise stipulated in the Contract.

14.3 The Buyer may disclose the secret information as described in Article 14.2 to the personnel of its own, or of any related parties engaged in the performance of the Contract subject to Article 14.2, strictly to the e_tent as essential for the implementation of the Contract, provided that the individuals and/or parties accessing or may access such secret information are engaged to undertake in written form the same confidential liability of the Buyer to the Seller. Any breach of confidentiality obligations by any personnel from the Buyer or the Buyer’s related parties shall be deemed as breach of the Contract by the Buyer.

14.4 Notwithstanding this Article 14, the Seller may furnish to its sub-contractor such documents, data, and other information received from the Buyer to the e_tent required for performing the Contract, in which event the Seller shall obtain from such sub-contractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Seller under the Article 14.

14.5 This Article 14 shall survive the e_piration or termination of the Contract.

14.6 The confidential obligation shall not apply to the information which:

A. now or hereafter enters the public domain; or

B. can be proved to have been in the possession of the Party at the time of disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other Party hereto; or

C. otherwise lawfully becomes available to either party from a third party under no obligation of confidentiality.

Article 15 Ta_es and Duties

15.1 All ta_es and duties in connection with the signing and performance of the Contract, levied by Governments of the People’s Republic of China, including but not limited to customs duties, income ta_, sales ta_, value-added ta_ etc., shall be borne and paid by the Seller.

15.2. All ta_es and duties in connection with the signing and performance of the Contract levied on the Buyer and Seller by the Buyer’s Governments, including but not limited to customs duties, income ta_, sales ta_, value-added ta_ etc., shall be borne and paid by the Buyer. The Buyer shall pay in due time and full amount and hold the Seller harmless from any ta_es and duties in case incurred to the Seller in the signing and performance of the Contract.

15.3 All import ta_es and duties for tools and/or instruments, which the Seller or the Seller’s personnel may bring to the Buyer’s country for the e_ecution of the Contract, shall be borne and paid by the Buyer.

15.4 Any and all ta_es and duties in connection with the signing and performance of the Contract levied in any place e_cept the cases as specified in Article 15.1 are not included in the Contract price. Should the Seller make the relevant payment directly as the case may be, both Parties agree to amend the Contract price to fully compensate the Seller for the payment, and the Buyer shall fully refund the Seller for the relevant amount within_______( ) days from the Seller’s payment.

Article 16 Force Majeure

16.1 If either of the Contract parties is prevented from e_ecuting the Contract due to the event of Force Majeure such as war, riot, coup, embargo, flood, typhoon, tornado, snowstorm, earthquake and other events which could not be foreseen, avoided and overcome, the affected party shall notify the other party by fa_ within the shortest possible time of occurrences of the Force Majeure and send a certificate issued by competent authorities or agency certifying the event of the Force Majeure by registered or e_press mail within fourteen (14) days following its occurrence.

16.2 The affected party shall not be liable for any delay or failure in performing any of its obligations due to the event of Force Majeure. However the affected party shall inform the other party by fa_ the termination or elimination of the event of Force Majeure as soon as possible.

16.3 Both parties shall proceed with their obligations immediately upon the cease of the event of Force Majeure or the removal of the effects and the term of the Contract shall be e_tended correspondingly. Should the effect of the event of Force Majeure last for more than one hundred and twenty (120) days, either party shall have the right to terminate the Contract by a written notice.

Article 17 Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes

17.1 The applicable law of the Contract shall be the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

17.2 All disputes arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation between both parties. In case no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.

17.3 The arbitration shall be conducted by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in Beijing in accordance with Arbitration Rules of the Commission in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators.

17.4 The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

17.5 During proceedings of arbitration, the undisputed part of the Contract shall be performed continuously by both parties regardless of such arbitration proceedings.

Article 18 Effectiveness, Term and Termination of the Contract

18.1 The Contract shall enter into force on the date when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled, whichever occurs later:

(a) The Seller and the Buyer sign the Contract;

(b) The Contract shall be approved by the competent authorities and/or banks of both parties (if applicable);

(c) The Seller receives the Down Payment;

(d) The Seller duly receives the L/C (or L/G ) issued by the Buyer's Bank.

18.2 Each party shall use its best efforts to fulfill the above conditions for which it is responsible as soon as practicable.

18.3 If the Contract has not become effective pursuant to Article 18.1 within ____ ( ) months after the date of signing this Contract, the Seller has the right to make an equitable adjustment to the total Contract price and the time for delivery and/or other relevant conditions of the Contract. Should no agreement is reached for the above mentioned adjustment within ____ ( ) days from the Seller’s request of adjustment, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the Contract.

18.4 The Contract shall be valid and remain in force for_____ (_____) years from the Date of Effectiveness, during which period the Buyer shall be entitled to manufacture the Contract Products with Patent and/or Know-how and sell the Contract Products within the licensed territory as specified in Article 3.4.

(Option 1) The Buyer shall not be entitled to manufacture with patent and/or know-how or sell the contract products after the aforesaid period unless the Buyer agrees to pay additional license fees in the amount and with the payment schedules and methods as agreed upon between both Parties in due time.

(Option 2) The Buyer shall be entitled to manufacture with Patent and/or Know-how or sell the Contract Products after e_piration of the Contract term specified above, provided that the Buyer shall not be released from its confidential obligations under the Contract.

(Option 3) The Buyer shall not be entitled to manufacture with Patent and/or Know-how or sell the Contract Products after the e_piration of the Contract term specified above, and shall return to the Seller all the Technical Documentations specified in Appendi_ 4 without remaining any duplicate copies. Nevertheless the confidential obligations of the Buyer under Article 14 shall survive the Contract term.

18.5 Either party may, without prejudice to any other remedy for the other party’s following breach of the Contract, terminate the Contract in whole or in part by a written notice send to the other party, if the other party

A. fails to perform its payment obligation under the Contract and does not remedy for its failure within a period of ______ (____) days upon receipt of the written notice or a period agreed upon between the parties; or

B. fails to perform its confidentiality obligation under the Contract; or

C. fails to perform any other obligations under the Contract e_cept minor parts thereof, and does not remedy for its failure within a period of ______ (____) days upon receipt of the written notice or a period agreed upon between the parties; or

D. becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or administration order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or dissolves, or ceases to do business, or be ordered to close down / to cease to do business / to dissolve, or has its business license revoked, or if any act is done or event occurs which (under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of these acts or events.

18.6 Either party may, without prejudice to any other remedy, terminate the Contract in whole or in part by a written notice send to the other party, if

A. The other party is prevented by the laws, statutes, rules or regulations of either country from performing its obligations under the Contract; or

B. The Seller is prevented by the relevant authority of the Buyer’s country from being paid in accordance with the Contract; or

C. The other party is prevented from performing its contractual obligations by any event of Force Majeure for more than one hundred and twenty (120) days.

18.7 In the event of termination of the Contract, without prejudice to any other remedies available according to the Contract and/or applicable laws,

The Buyer shall cease all its further e_ploitation of the Patent and/or Know-how and any acceptance of further orders from third parties for the Contract Products.

All the delivered literatures, drawings, samples, instruments, equipment, and other documents including the interpretations related to Patent and/or Know-how shall be returned to the Seller as the Seller’s requests.

All the contracts on sales of the Contract Products signed between the Buyer and third parties shall be terminated by the Buyer, otherwise the Seller shall be paid accordingly.

In case the termination is due to the Seller’s default, the Buyer shall be entitled to complete the performance of the contracts on sales of the Contract Products already signed between the Buyer and third parties before the termination.

The Seller shall be paid by the Buyer for all the contractual obligations performed by the Seller till the date of termination within _______days from receipt of the termination notice.

E. Termination of the Contract shall not release either party from its confidential obligations under the Contract

Article 19 Miscellaneous

19.1 The Contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties in ____ ( ) originals. Each party shall keep ____ ( ).

19.2 The Contract supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements between the parties prior to the signing date of this Contract.

19.3 All amendments, supplements and alternations to terms of the Contract shall be made in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. These amendments, supplements and alternations shall form integral parts of the Contract.

If any costs occur or delivery delay due to amendment or e_planation of the new law or statute or regulations enacted by the Buyer’s country after the effectiveness of the Contract,the Seller shall have the right to ask for necessary adjustment in relation to the Contract price and the delivery schedule.

19.4 No assignment, cession, novation, or transfer of any right or obligation under this Contract shall be made by either party to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party.

19.5 All communications between both parties in the course of implementation of the Contract should be in English language in written form at the address set forth below. The fa_es concerning the important matters shall be confirmed in due time by registered or e_press mail or letter delivered by hand.

The Buyer:


Post Code:

Fa_: __________________________

Tel.: __________________________


Attention: ______________________

The Seller :


Post Code:

Fa_: __________________________

Tel.: __________________________


Attention: ______________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be duly e_ecuted.


Appendi_ 1 Specifications and Guarantee Indices (Omitted)

Appendi_ 2 The Buyer’s Responsibility and Design Basis Information Supplied by the Buyer (Omitted)

Appendi_ 3 Scope of the Seller’s Supply (Omitted)

Appendi_ 4 Technical Documentation (Omitted)

Appendi_ 5 Design and Design Liaison (Omitted)

Appendi_ 6 Agreement on Technical Service

As stipulated in the Contract No. (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), the Seller agrees to send technical service team (hereinafter referred to as the Seller’s personnel) to carry out the technical service during the Erection, Test Run, Commissioning and Performance Test period subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The Seller’s personnel

1.1 After the Buyer inform the Seller by fa_ of the completion of the civil engineering work and the preparation of the Erection, the Seller shall send personnel to the Job Site for technical service. The composition of the Seller’s personnel, including the number, the duration of their stay and their specialty skill is as indicated in Table 1.

1.2 The e_act number of the Seller’s personnel, date of arrival at and departure from the Job Site shall be discussed and agreed upon by both parties later.

1.3 The Seller’s personnel will be sent in batches by the Seller in consultation with the Buyer. The Seller shall inform the Buyer of the name, se_, date of birth, passport number and specialty of his personnel, to enable the Buyer to assist in arranging entry visas. The Seller shall notify the Buyer, by fa_ seven (7) days before their departure from home of their names, e_act date of departure, flight number and arrival date.

1.4 The Seller shall appoint one competent person as the team leader at the Job Site who shall be in charge of the Technical Service.

2. The Seller’s Responsibility

2.1 The Seller’s personnel shall instruct the Buyer to carry out the Erection, Test Run, Commissioning and Performance Test.

2.2 The Seller’s personnel shall give e_planations in respect of design, drawings, process, and method of analysis, operation and maintenance.

2.3 The Seller’s personnel shall answer the technical questions put forward by the Buyer within the scope of the Contract.

2.4 The Seller’s personnel shall give the Buyer demonstration to help the Buyer’s personnel perform their work satisfactorily.

3. Treatment Conditions of the Seller’s Personnel

3.1 The Buyer shall bear return air tickets between ___, China and ___ with e_cess luggage up to twenty (20) kg for each of the Seller’s personnel and local transportation.

3.2 The Buyer shall provide the Seller’s personnel with double rooms with air conditions and shower at the Buyer’s cost.

3.3 The Buyer shall pay allowance to the Seller’s personnel for arranging meals by themselves, the rate is USD ___ ( ) per man/month which shall be paid on the first week per month. The Buyer shall also provide kitchen room with cooking utensils and tableware.

3.4 The Buyer shall provide, free of charge, necessary office facilities, including but not limited to the copy services, postage, local telephone, computer, safety wear and necessary working tools as well as local transportation.

3.5 The Buyer shall take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Seller’s personnel during their stay in the Buyer’s country.

3.6 The Buyer shall pay the e_penses of medical treatment, necessary hospitalization and insurance for the Seller’s personnel during their stay in the Job Site. The Seller has the right to assign the hospital and doctor.

4. The Technical Service Fee and Payment

4.1 The Technical Service fee shall be calculated from the date of arrival of the Seller’s personnel in the Buyer’s country, till the date of their departure from the Job Site, the rate is USD ___ per man/hour.

[option one]

4.2 The Buyer shall pay the technical service fee according to Clause 4.1 and 5.4 to the Seller by T/T not later than the 20th of every month.

4.3 Overtime fee for the Seller’s personnel shall be paid to the Seller at the end of each month.

4.4 All ta_es and duties levied on the Seller’s personnel by the Buyer’s Government shall be borne and paid by the Buyer.

[option two]

4.2 The estimated Technical Service rate shall be USD ___ ( ) man/ hours, and the estimated total sum of the Technical Services fee shall be USD ____ ( ).

Fifty (50%) percent of the estimated Technical Service fee shall be paid by T/T to the Seller one month before dispatching of the first batch of the Seller’s personnel, and the rest fifty (50%) percent of it shall be paid one (1) month before Commissioning by T/T.

4.3 If the actual working man/hours is in e_cess of the estimated, the e_cess of Technical Service fee according to Clause 4.1 and 5.4 shall be paid to the Seller at the end of each month.

4.4 Overtime fee for the Seller’s personnel shall be paid to the Seller at the end of each month.

4.5 All ta_es and duties levied on the Seller’s personnel by the Buyer’s Government shall be borne and paid by the Buyer.

5. Working Time and Working System

5.1 The working hour of the Seller’s personnel shall not be longer than eight (8) hours per day, and working day shall not e_ceed si_ (6) days per week.

5.2 In case overtime work is necessary, it shall be agreed in advance between the Chief Representatives of both parties. The rate of overtime payment shall be 1.5 times of normal rate.

5.3 All official holidays in the Buyer’s country shall be the holidays of the Seller personnel at the Job Site. Besides that the Seller’s personnel is also entitled to enjoy the Chinese official holidays, which are as follows:

National Day two (2)days (October 1-2)

International Labor Day one (1)day (May 1)

New Years Day one (1)day (January 1)

Spring Festival three(3) days (according to Chinese lunar


In case any holiday mentioned above is taken for work, it shall be given on weekdays in compensation for the holiday.

5.4 The actual working hours, holiday and overtime hours of the Seller’s personnel shall be recorded daily in the time sheet and signed by the Chief Representatives of both parties. The time sheet shall be the basis for the payment of the daily Technical Service fee and overtime fee.

5.5 The progress of the work and the main work done every day shall be recorded in two (2) log books in English and signed by the Chief Representatives of both parties, one (1) copy for each party.

5.6 The Seller can call back and replace any of his personnel provided that the work is not affected.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 If the Buyer fails to provide facilities, and/or to make any payment as specified in this Agreement and any of the allowance, e_penses and fees as per Section 3,4 in due time, the Seller shall have the right to suspend the Technical Service till such payment is made by the Buyer.

If the suspension continued for fifteen (15) days, the Seller shall be entitled to terminate the Contract and repatriate the Seller’s technical personnel. Under such circumstances, the Buyer shall be liable for the e_pense incurred by the Seller’s personnel during the suspension period.

6.2 In case of the grave danger to the life of any of the Seller’s personnel in the Buyer’s country as a consequence of any events such as the actual or imminent occurrence of hostilities, war, epidemic and earthquake, the Seller shall have the right to withdraw his personnel as required to ensure the safety of their lives.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly e_ecuted.


Appendi_ 7 Agreement on Technical Training

As stipulated in the Contract No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) , the Seller shall train the technical personnel of the Buyer (hereinafter refer to as trainees) on the term and conditions set forth below:

1. The Seller agrees to receive the trainees for Technical Training at the factories selected by the Seller. The compositions of the trainees are attached in the Table 1.

2. The Seller shall send the initial training program to the Buyer three (3) months before the start of the training. The final training program shall be fi_ed by both parties through consultation. One (1) month before the start of the training, the Buyer shall notify the Seller of the personal data of the trainees including name, se_, date of birth, specialty qualifications and passport number.

3. The Seller shall designate qualified technical personnel to instruct the trainees and to e_plain all relevant technical problems.

4. When the training starts, the Seller shall e_plain in detail the operation regulations and other precautions to the trainees. When finishing the training program, the trainees will take the e_amination. The Seller will issue the certificate to the qualified trainees. The certificate is the qualification of the workers in the relevant post.

5. The Seller shall arrange for the trainees to be trained at different posts in the above factories to enable the trainees to understand the techniques of the process, operation, repair and maintenance of the Equipment.

6. The Seller shall provide the trainees with instruments, tools, technical booklet, safety wears as well as other necessities needed for the training. The trainees shall return them to the Seller when the training has finished.

7. The Seller shall provide the trainees with all formalities of obtaining visas for their entrance and departure.

8. The Seller shall arrange lodging, meals and transportation between dormitory and the training side for the trainees, and shall take necessary measures to protect the safety of the trainees during their stay in People’s Republic of China. In case any of the trainees fall ill or meet accident, the Seller shall give assistance to make proper arrangement.

9. The Buyer shall bear all e_penses for traveling, lodging ,food and transportation of their trainees. The Seller will charge for training of the trainees, the standard of which is USD ____ ( ) for each person per day. The whole training fee shall be paid before the trainees leaving for China.

10. If the trainees is taken as unsuitable for training, the Buyer shall call back immediately upon receiving the Seller’s notification.

11. The trainees shall observe the laws of the People’s Republic of China and rules and regulations of the Seller and training factories.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly e_ecuted.


Appendi_ 8 Specimen of Letter of Down Payment Guarantee Issued by the Seller’s Bank

To :_______

Dear sirs:

With reference to the Contract No. ____ (the Contract) signed on ____ between you and ____ (the Seller) in the total sum of ___ (say ___ only) concerning the sale to you, we, at the request of the Seller, open this irrevocable Letter of Guarantee in your favor to the e_tent of ____ (say: ____ only ) covering ___ ( ) percent of the total Contract price and undertake with you as follows:

In the event of your notification that the Seller has failed to deliver the Equipment under the Contract, we shall within ___ ( ) days pay to you unconditionally the sum requested by you up to the amount of this Letter of Guarantee upon receipt your written demand.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be valid upon receipt of your down payment as stipulated in the Contract till the date of Bill of Lading of the first shipment.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be returned to us immediately after its e_piry, and shall become null and void irrespective of its return to us after its e_piry.


(Name of the issuing Bank)


(Printed name and designation)

Appendi_ 9 Specimen of Letter of Performance Guarantee Issued by the Seller’s Bank

To: ____

Dears sirs,

With reference to the Contract No. ____ (the Contract) signed on ____ between you and ____ (the Seller) in the total sum of ___ (say ___ only) concerning the sale to you, we, at the request of the Seller, open this irrevocable Letter of Guarantee in your favor to the e_tent of ____ (say: ____ only ) covering ___ ( ) percent of the total Contract price and undertake with you as follows:

In the event of your confirmation that the Seller has failed to fulfill his obligations partially or wholly in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract, we shall within ___ ( ) days pay to you unconditionally the sum requested by you up to the amount of the Letter of Guarantee upon receipt of your written demand accompanied by :

(a) a copy of the written notice sent by you to the Seller 14 days before making the claim specifying the Seller’s breach of the Contract and requesting him to remedy it; and

(b) a letter signed by the reputable inspection agency accepted by the Seller certifying that the damage is due to Seller’s fault.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be valid upon the date of issue till ____.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be returned to us immediately after its e_piry, and shall become null and void irrespective of its return to us after its e_piry.


(Name of the issuing Bank)


(Printed name and designation)

Appendi_ 10 Specimen of Letter of Retention Guarantee Issued by the Seller’s Bank

To: ____

Dear sirs:

With reference to the Contract No. ____ signed on ____ between you and ____ (the Seller) concerning the sale to you, the Seller has requested you release retention money under the Contract, we, at the request of the Seller open this Letter of Guarantee in your favor to the e_tent of ____ (say: ____ only ).

We shall make payment under this Letter of Guarantee upon receipt of a written demand from you, accompanied with a copy of your 14 days prior written notice to the Seller stating your intent to claim because of the Seller’s failure to fulfill the Seller’s contractual obligations during the warranty period.

Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee comes into force when the Seller receives the retention money.

This Letter of Guarantee shall automatically become null and void on ____ ( ) months after the date of the Last Shipment or on ____ ( ) months after the date of signing Acceptance Certificate, whichever comes earlier.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be returned to us immediately after its e_piry, and shall become null and void irrespective of its return to us after its e_piry.


(Name of the issuing Bank)


(Printed name and designation)

Appendi_ 11 Specimen of Letter of Payment Guarantee Issued by the Buyer’s Bank

Issuing Date: ________________

Beneficiary: ________________________________

Address: _________________________________

Post Code: __________________

Subject: Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No._________

With reference to the Contract No. __________(hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”) signed between your company and ____________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer”) dated _____ concerning the purchase from you of ______________(project or plant name) with a total Contract price of _____________(say _________only), we at the request of the Buyer, hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. _______________in your favor to the e_tent of ______________(say: ________________only) equal to ___________% ( __________percent) of the total Contract Price, and guarantee that the payments shall be made by the Buyer according to the terms and conditions of the Contract and hereby undertake with you as follows:

In the event of your notice that the Buyer fails to pay any amount according to the Contract wholly or partially, we shall, within seven (7) working days upon receipt of your written notice and invoices as presented by you covering outstanding amounts of claim, pay you unconditionally the sum requested by you up to the amount of the Letter of Guarantee plus interest at the rate of______ % (______ percent) per annum to be computed from the date on which payment should have been made up to the date of actual payment..

All amounts to be paid by us pursuant to this Letter of Guarantee shall be paid free and clear of any set-off, withholding, counter claim or deduction of any nature.

Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be continuing and irrevocable and shall not be released, reduced or affected by any amendment, change or modification to the Contract.

This Letter of Guarantee shall be in force from the date of issue until thirty (30) days after the amount hereby guaranteed has been fully paid.

Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be automatically decreased pro rata upon payments made by the Buyer or us.

This Letter of Guarantee should be returned to our bank after its e_piration.


(Name of the issuing Bank)


(Printed name and designation)


























































































































































































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