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首先請大家想一個問題,為什么不論插入題出現(xiàn)在第幾段, 這種題都只存在于總結(jié)題之前,存在于倒數(shù)第二題的位置呢?

ETS是一個很人性化的機構(gòu), 試想一下, 如果這類題出現(xiàn)在前幾道題的位置, 而你又選錯了,那么會對你對文章的理解造成困擾, 影響你做其他的問題. 所以,要把它放在后面.而沒有它,是不影響你做題不影響你讀文章的.

清楚了以上的問題, 那么請大家想, 既然這句插入的話對文章本身是沒有影響的, 那么它到底和幾句話相關(guān)?? 如果和前后兩句話都相關(guān),是不是把它拿掉了, 就會對文章有影響!!!!!

所以,可以蓋棺定論了,待插入的句子,只和前后某一句話相關(guān).扭過來這個思路,再作這種題就容易的多, 我看到過很多人,做這類題, 先把句子拆成前后兩部分, 然后挨個空找,前一半對上了不敢選,因為后一半對不上,最終戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢的蒙一個!它只能對上一半,你為什么要強求前后都能對上呢?



當(dāng)插入句是代詞 it they開頭時,在每個空之前找是否有他們的指代對象,有的,就是正確的。可以借鑒指代題的思路。(具體的回去看type6指代題)


當(dāng)插入句是指示代詞This these such+名詞開頭時,找名詞的同義概念。




找小詞,插入句中有another, other,also+名詞,尋找這些名詞的句子,然后通過句意判斷插入句是在這個句子之前還是之后,一般是之前。





空后有代詞they it的,generally speaking,是不對的,代詞不能跨距,如果在代詞前面加一句話,就會改變代詞的指代對象。但是有例外存在,比如這一段只有一個主語,就無法排除后有代詞的選項,后面我會舉例子!





Paragraph 1: Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. ■How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?

■Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.■Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale.

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.

Where would the sentence best fit?



Paragraph 7:■The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. ■The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. ■This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.■

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing.

Where would the sentence best fit?


指示代詞this+名詞,去前面找economic reliance on livestock的同意概念,先運用無恥技巧1排除第一個空,然后看第二個空之前也就是第一句,有l(wèi)ivestock is a major economic activity,直接選第二個。


Paragraph 6: ■Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouths and water is forced in and over their gills. ■Accordingly, they have lost most of the muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills. ■In fact, tunas must swim to breathe. ■They must also keep swimming to keep from sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish remain buoyant.

11. Look at the four squares [■l that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water.

Where would the sentence best fit?




Paragraph 6: Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. █In dry areas the wind is the principal agent of erosion. █It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand. █Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. █Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

11. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Under different climatic conditions, another type of destructive force contributes to erosion.

Where would the sentence best fit?

看句子,another type,常規(guī)思路四,在空后尋找type of destructive force contributes to erosion. 的同意概念,第一個空,the wind is the principal agent of erosion. 就是。如果你不放心,往下看看吧,第二個,有it,無恥技巧二有代詞者排除,第三個even,甚至,不符合邏輯。第四個,有their,代詞,排除掉。



1. 在段落之前的空,99%錯誤率!因為每段的中心容易出現(xiàn)在第一句,如果把第一句改變了,也就改變句意了。但同時請注意【兩段式的插句題】,第二個段落前面或第一個段落后面的空反而容易是正確的!

2. 空后有代詞this, these, that, those, he, she, they, it, such, each, other, one, another, both, each, anybody, none, some, any….的,一般來說是不對的,緣由是【代詞不能跨距!】,如果在代詞前面加了一句話,就會改變代詞的指代對象。但是也是有例外的,比如該段只有一個主語,其他各句出現(xiàn)連續(xù)指代前句,就無法排除后有代詞的選項。

3. 插入句中存在指代關(guān)系this, these, that, those, he, she, they, it, such, each, other, one, another, both, each, anybody, none, some, any….,一般不選擇整段最前面的空!這是根據(jù)插入句本身無足輕重的地位決定的,一般不會考核段間承接關(guān)系,但【兩段式插句題除外】!

4. 優(yōu)先考慮【段落最后的空】,注意!這里說的是段落最后的,而不是最后一個空!(因為有時候最后一個空在段中)。因為放在最末尾,本身對文章沒什么影響,所以,優(yōu)先考慮這個空!

5. 空后有時間點,例如 In 1832, ….,而本句又不強調(diào)事件,一般不做選擇,時間一般和前句發(fā)生的時間承接較為緊密,不可拆分。

6. 空后出現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)折however/ but....、因果Because, as....、遞進what's more/ in addition/ first/ second….【90%】高頻情況下作為最次要的考慮位置!因為插入句承起不到那么強悍的、連接句間邏輯關(guān)系作用的!但經(jīng)過詳細排查位置之后,無奈之下但能對應(yīng)或前或后的信息,則可放入!

7. 插入句中若出現(xiàn)積極或消極概念,有兩種可能,第一、插入句為消極和前句構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折對立,則前一句存在積極概念;第二、插入句和前句構(gòu)成遞進解釋,則前一句為存在消極概念。(課堂大量實例驗證為真!這一點會在群95499540和大家開語音課詳細講解,超爽的解題法哦!可以用到細節(jié)題、Except題等等其他題型中!)

8. 其他不作為有限考量的位置:舉例句前,問句前(注意插入句為問句,一般位于段落末尾空,原因很簡單,放段中,影響承接啊!)

9. 插入句中若存在表示“也”的also, as well. too….那么看第一次出現(xiàn)“也”后東東的概念,即為正確!

PS. 注意,一定要先行閱讀插入句,而后采用直選法結(jié)合上述排除法!以上內(nèi)容需要大量做題驗證,最后形成語感!


The American Revolution

The War of Revolution between America and Britain began in April 1775 in _exington, Massachusetts, when soldiers from each side met and somebody fired a shot. It was called the 'shot heard round the world' because the war that followed changed the future of the _ritish Empire and America. But the American Revolution, the movement to make an independent nation, began many years earlier.

The causes of revolution

the desire of Americans to be independent from Britain arose out of a long series of disagreements about money and political control. Britain had had colonies (= places taken over by people from a foreign country) in North America since 1607 and kept soldiers there to defend them from attack by the French and Spanish, and by _ative Americans. In order to raise money for this, the British _arliament tried to make the colonists (= people who had gone to settle in America) pay taxes.

From 1651, Britain passed a series of laws called Navigation Acts, which said that the colonists should trade only with Britain. These laws were frequently broken and were a continuing source of tension. Taxes imposed in the 18th century increased ill feeling towards Britain. In 1764 the Sugar Act made colonists pay tax on sugar, and in 1765 the _tamp Act put a tax on newspapers and official documents. Opposition to this was strong and the following year Parliament had to remove the tax. By then, people in both America and Britain were arguing about who had the power to tax the colonies. The 13 colonies each had an assembly of elected representatives, and the colonists wanted these assemblies to decide what taxes they should pay, not Parliament. Some colonists, called patriots, began to want independence from Britain. They expressed their feelings in the slogan 'no taxation without representation'.

In 1767 there was a disagreement in New York about whether Britain could ask people to give soldiers accommodation in their houses. The local assembly agreed, eventually, but became involved in a dispute with Parliament over who had the right to decide such matters. In the same year the Townshend Acts put taxes on certain products including tea. The assemblies refused to help collect the money and Parliament responded by closing them down. All this caused many more people to want independence. _oston, especially, had many patriots, including those who called themselves the _ons of Liberty. On 5 March 1770 there was a riot in Boston and British soldiers killed five people. This incident became known as the _oston Massacre.

The Tea Act gave a British company the right to sell tea to the colonists and actually lowered the price for legally imported tea. But most colonists bought cheaper tea that had been smuggled into the country. On 16 December 1773, when ships arrived in Boston Harbor carrying the tea, a group of patriots dressed up as Native Americans went onto the ships and threw the tea into the water. After the _oston Tea Party, as the event was later called, Britain passed the Intolerable Acts, laws to increase her control over the colonies.

As more Americans began to support revolution, Britain sent yet more soldiers. On 5 September 1774 representatives of all the colonies except _eorgia met in _hiladelphia, calling themselves the _ontinental Congress. The Congress decided that the colonies needed soldiers of their own, and agreed to start training militiamen who could leave their jobs and be used as soldiers if necessary. Since the militiamen had to be ready to fight at short notice, they were called _inutemen.

On 18 April 1775 British soldiers marched out of Boston into the countryside to search for weapons that the colonists had hidden. Paul _evere, a patriot from Boston, rode ahead to warn people that the British were coming. The minutemen got ready, and when they and the British met, the 'shot heard round the world' was fired.

The Revolutionary War

The Americans had the advantage of fighting at home, but Britain was a much stronger military power. There were victories and defeats on both sides during the seven years of war.

The first aim of the American army led by George _ashington was to force the British, called _edcoats because of the color of their uniform, to leave Boston. On 17 June 1775 the British fought and won the Battle of _unker Hill, but they lost so many soldiers that their position in Boston was weak and in March 1776 they were forced to leave. The Continental Congress suggested that Britain and America should make an agreement, but Britain refused and so, on 4 July 1776, members of the Congress signed the _eclaration of Independence. This document, written by the future President Thomas _efferson, gave the Americans' reasons for wanting to be independent. It included ideas that were rather new, e.g. that ordinary people had certain rights that government should respect. Since the British king _eorge III refused to accept this, Americans had the right, and the duty, to form their own government.

Later in the same year the British took control of _ew York and _hode Island, and Washington's army moved away into _ennsylvania. The defeats discouraged many Americans, but at Christmas, when soldiers were not expecting an attack, Washington surprised the British by taking his army across the Delaware River to Trenton, _ew Jersey, and defeating the Hessians, German soldiers paid by the British to fight for them. A story often told is that, before crossing the river, Washington threw down a silver dollar, thinking that if any guards were near they would hear the noise and come. Since nobody came, he knew it was safe to attack.

Washington's army spent the winter at _alley Forge, Pennsylvania. It was very cold and the new government of the United States did not have money to provide soldiers with warm clothes and food. Many became ill, and many more lost their enthusiasm for the war. But in the spring of 1777 they received help from two different sources. A German, General von Steuben, came to train the American soldiers and the Marquis de _afayette brought French soldiers to fight on the American side. With this help, the Americans won a victory at _aratoga, New York. France and also Spain supported the United States because they thought that if Britain became weaker in North America, it would also be weaker in Europe.

Over the next few years, neither side was strong enough to defeat the other completely. But in 1781 Washington saw a perfect opportunity to win. The British General _ornwallis had taken his army to _orktown, Virginia, where he was too far away to get supplies or help. Washington marched south to meet him, while French ships made sure that the British could not receive help by sea. Cornwallis realized how bad his position was and surrendered.

In 1783, after a period of talks, Britain recognized the United States of America, making the US completely independent and giving it the western parts of North America.

Modern American attitudes to the Revolution

the Revolution is remembered by Americans in many ways. _reedom, and the right of ordinary people to take part in their own government, the main reasons why Americans fought the War of Revolution, is values that almost all Americans still support strongly. The _ourth of July, the day on which the Declaration of Independence was signed, is a national holiday, _ndependence Day.

Places, like Boston Harbor and _ndependence Hall in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed, are visited by millions of Americans every year. The names of people involved in the Revolution are known to everyone. George Washington's birthday is celebrated as a national holiday. John _ancock's signature on the Declaration of Independence was the largest, so today John Hancock means 'signature'. Patrick _enry is remembered for his speeches, especially for saying, 'Give me liberty or give me death'.

But if Americans remember the Revolution as a great victory, they seem to forget that the British were the enemy. The governments and people of the two countries have always had a special relationship, and for many Americans, even those whose ancestors were not British, Britain is still the 'mother country'.


Maya Culture

The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatán around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras. Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Oleic, the Maya developed astronomy, cylindrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Maya were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples.

Around 300 B.C., the Maya adopted a hierarchical system of government with rule by nobles and kings. This civilization developed into highly structured kingdoms during the Classic period, A.D. 200-900. Their society consisted of many independent states, each with a rural farming community and large urban sites built around ceremonial centers. It started to decline around A.D. 900 when - for reasons which are still largely a mystery - the southern Maya abandoned their cities. When the northern Maya were integrated into the Toltec society by A.D. 1200, the Maya dynasty finally came to a close, although some peripheral centers continued to thrive until the Spanish Conquest in the early sixteenth century.

Maya history can be characterized as cycles of rise and fall: city-states rose in prominence and fell into decline, only to be replaced by others. It could also be described as one of continuity and change, guided by a religion that remains the foundation of their culture. For those who follow the ancient Maya traditions, the belief in the influence of the cosmos on human lives and the necessity of paying homage to the gods through rituals continues to find expression in a modern hybrid Christian-Maya faith.

Cosmology and Religion

The ancient Maya believed in recurring cycles of creation and destruction and thought in terms of eras lasting about 5,200 modern years. The current cycle is believed by the Maya to have begun in either 3114 B.C. or 3113 B.C. of our calendar, and is expected to end in either A.D. 2011 or 2012.

Maya cosmology is not easy to reconstruct from our current knowledge of their civilization. It seems apparent, however, that the Maya believed Earth to be flat and four-cornered. Each corner was located at a cardinal point and had a color value: red for east, white for north, black for west, and yellow for south. At the centre was the color green.

Some Maya also believed that the sky was multi-layered and that it was supported at the corners by four gods of immense physical strength called "Baca’s". Other Maya believed that the sky was supported by four trees of different colors and species, with the green cobia, or silk-cotton tree, at the centre.

Earth in its flat form was thought by the Maya to be the back of a giant crocodile, resting in a pool of water lilies. The crocodile's counterpart in the sky was a double-headed serpent - a concept probably based on the fact that the Maya word for "sky" is similar to the word for "snake". In hieroglyphics, the body of the sky-serpent is marked not only with its own sign of crossed bands, but also those of the Sun, the Moon, Venus and other celestial bodies.

Heaven was believed to have 13 layers, and each layer had its own god. Uppermost was the moan bird, a kind of screech-owl. The Underworld had nine layers, with nine corresponding Lords of the Night. The Underworld was a cold, unhappy place and was believed to be the destination of most Maya after death. Heavenly bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, and Venus, were also thought to pass through the Underworld after they disappeared below the horizon every evening.

Very little is known about the Maya pantheon. The Maya had a bewildering number of gods, with at least 166 named deities. This is partly because each of the gods had many aspects. Some had more than one sex; others could be both young and old; and every god representing a heavenly body had a different Underworld face, which appeared when the god "died" in the evening





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