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提醒:每人要有自己的模版, 下列模版僅供參考, 不可直接享用.

Integrated task:


Indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer…..


Cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from


Support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea


1. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

2. this entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.

3. this is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.


In the lecture, the professor states that..., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that......

As for the writer, the writer indicates that.......R1.....On the contrary, the instructor argues that L1.....+detail.

In the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that L2+detail ......., yet the reading passage belives that.......R2...

In the lecture, the professor says L3.....+detail...., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that R3.........

In a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.

托福寫作技巧:“Show Time”段內(nèi)舉例

舉例子對練習托福寫作的的同學并不陌生,它是提升文章說服力的必備武器,也是評分標準里"明文規(guī)定"的硬性要求。它甚至已經(jīng)成為議論文中約定俗成的一部分。然而就是這個最常見的"For example", 難倒了眾多考生同學。學生抱怨最多的是"寫不出來",有一些同學是擴充思路時比較局限,把中間段的立意想得過于空泛,舉例子時便找不到具象的概念;更多同學是已經(jīng)想出了很好展開的點,但到舉例時短短一兩句話帶過,用詞相比主題句體現(xiàn)不出內(nèi)容上的展開伸延,甚至是完全重復。


對于這樣的問題,經(jīng)常在課堂上和學生強調(diào)兩點解決辦法:一個是Show More Than Tell, 一個是場景的描寫。

首先我們來看show & tell. 在中間段段內(nèi),主題句的目的是tell,之后的語言更多的是show. 我們的主題句應該做的是將topic(題目中的話題)和controlling idea(審題時想出來的擴充思路)用簡潔明了的語言"tell"給讀者和閱卷人。這句話是非常直接和抽象的。按照結構的要求,之后的語言需要把主題句解釋出來,圍繞著主題句展開。在例子當中,做到 "show",展現(xiàn)出圖片式的內(nèi)容,讓閱卷人在讀后能在腦中浮現(xiàn)出場景。這時的段內(nèi)舉例好比一個攝影師的展覽,而不是幾行文字的堆砌。比如這樣一句話 "She is nervous." 和這樣一段話 "She sat in a dentist's waiting room, peeling the skin at the edge of her thumb, until the raw red flesh began to show. Biting the torn cuticle, she ripped it away and sucked at the warm sweetness of her own blood." 再比如,"The music was very loud," 和 "My ears were still ringing." ; "I can still hear the waterfall." 和 "The sound of the falls can still reach my ears." tell 和 show的區(qū)別是顯而易見的。在授課過程中,首先會和學生強調(diào)這個原則,讓學生形成一個對段內(nèi)展開邏輯的初步的概念。

而后,學生的問題就是究竟怎么show?作家Lynn Quitman Troyka針對議論文寫作提出了RENNS model. RENNS指:Reasons, Examples, Names, Numbers, and Senses. 這非常適用于托福寫作。在中間段舉例,我們可以加上這些內(nèi)容使例子更加具體生動。

1) Reasons(Why?)

Taking part-time jobs is considerably beneficial for university students.

As taking part-time jobs can enhance hands-on ability, it is considerably beneficial to university students.

2) Examples (What?)

The handbook is a good guide for using documentation.

The MGL handbook provides a good guide for documenting works cited.

3) Name (Who?)

Students can obtain practical working experience when they participate in part-time jobs in a factory.


My friend Jack who is a biology student once worked in a factory manufacturing dairy products.

4) Numbers (How many?)

Even though many members of the student congress were absent, the motion still passed.

Even though thirteen members of the student congress were absent, the motion still passed.

5) Senses (How?)

The truck was going very fast.

The truck was zooming down residential streets at 70 miles an hour.


Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for an animal.

(學生原文:Disagree) Secondly, children's taking care of animals could result in alienation from their parents and friends. Children live should with the animal every day, and make them don't playing with other people and talking with other people. They pay much attention on the animal. And do not have a good relationship with their family member.


(修改后)Secondly, children's taking care of animals could result in alienation from their parents and friends because children will spend most of their spare time in taking care of animals. Children will have to feed them, wash them and walk them. Also, when the pet becomes ill, they will take them to the hospital. In this case, the time for family and friends would be replaced to a large extent by staying with the animals.


The last factor that has made our age so uncomfortable is the abusive use of technology. Although it brings much convenience, it essentially changes human - we are no longer the master of tools, but instead the slaves of devices. We rush to metro station in order to catch an early train, sit in front of radioactive computers all day long in order to get our work done, and stay in air-conditioned rooms all summer without experiencing the natural changes outside thick cement walls. Several decades ago, people could still live closer to nature and make rational use of modern technology, which to me is the essence of human living experience.

以上一段就是將一系列的動作用非常具體的動詞,以事情發(fā)展順序展開。從場景動詞的內(nèi)容上來看,都是我們?nèi)粘I钪忻刻旖?jīng)歷的,容易聯(lián)想;從例子展開的邏輯來看,具有較強的邏輯性和連貫性。 Senses 作為一個幫助擴充舉例素材的工具,易于托福寫作還處在初級階段的學生理解及掌握。

在課堂中,每每聽到學生抱怨"寫不出來"時,便會向其講解Show More Than Tell的含義,并展示幾篇范文。對于一些語言基礎比較弱的同學,可以考慮領著他們仿寫范文,授之以魚。對于已經(jīng)練習寫作一段時間且語言表達能力較強的同學,很多在講解展示后就可以做到心領神會,把場景描寫的思維方式運用于自己的寫作過程中,授課效果也就達到了最理想的授之以漁。相信只要多加練習,中間段舉例對于同學們就真的成為展示自己語言能力的Show Time了!

托福作文寫好結尾很關鍵 需要四步


"It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life."

In conclusion, given the growing demands of career on today's professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.


"Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities."

In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of study augment and enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire human legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determining its proper direction.


"Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity."

In the final analysis, the statement correctly identifies job performance as the single best criterion for salary and job security. However, the statement goes too far, it ignores the fact that a cost-of-living salary increase for tenured employees not only enhances loyalty and, in the end, productivity, but also is required by fairness.






How far should a supervisor go in criticizing the performance of a subordinate? Some highly successful managers have been known to rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think that this is an effective means of communicating expectations? If not, what alternative should a manager use in dealing with someone whose work is less than satisfactory?

In conclusion, supervisors should avoid using verbal abuse and threats. These methods degrade subordinates, and they are unlikely to produce the best results in the long run. It is more respectful, and probably more effective overall, to handle cases of substandard work performance with clear, honest and supportive feedback.





比如:first of all, the lecturer said that__, which contradicts what is listed on the reading paragraph.

然后用幾句話解釋下,也就是in another word~之類的。最后結尾可有可無。字數(shù)300字以內(nèi)就可以了,綜合寫作字數(shù)太多反而不太好。



開始也最好不要在用with the development of ??戳撕芏嗳说牧曌?,都是這樣,老師會審美疲勞的。我的詞匯量可能不夠,所以其實我的作文一直都屬于用詞比較簡單的那種類型,這些好句子感覺瞬間把我的文章提升了一個檔次。

The speaker raises serious counterarguments against the reading paragraphs by providing drastically different evidence regarding several different conditions.

The speaker begins by stating that__ According to the reading material, __ While from the listening passage, the speaker rebuts this point and argues that __

Another argument that the speaker uses to cast doubt on the reading raised in the lecture is that __ As for the reading's concern that __ the speaker argues that __

In the end, the speaker challenges the validity of the assumption of __ The reading argues that __ but the speaker maintains that __

In conclusion, based on the discussions demonstrated above, it can be clearly seen that the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.













為了幫助大家高效備考托福,小編為大家?guī)硗懈懽鞯睦淠0逭恚M麑Υ蠹彝懈淇加兴鶐椭?。更多精彩盡請關注學習啦!托福寫作的例句模板整理提醒:每人要有自己的模版, 下列模


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