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TPO 1-10(2篇)

TPO 7: Ancient Rome and Greece

TPO 8: The Rise of Teotihuacan

TPO 11-20(3篇)

TPO 16: Trade and the Ancient Middle East

TPO 17: Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia

TPO 20: Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia

TPO 21-30(2篇)

TPO 24: Moving into Pueblos

TPO 26: Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East

TPO 31-40(4篇)

TPO 32: Siam, 1851-1910

TPO 33: The First Civilization

TPO 35: Europe in the twelfth century

TPO 40: Ancient Athens

TPO 41-50(3篇)

TPO 41: Trade and Early State Formation

TPO 46: The Commercial Revolution in Medieval Europe

TPO 47: Roman Cultural Influence on Britain

由此總結(jié),托福TPO閱讀中歷史地理城市類題材,此類文章在歷史上共計(jì)出現(xiàn)過14篇,那么按照總數(shù)150篇范圍來估算比例(14/150 = 9%),我們可以得出該類型的文章在歷史上的重現(xiàn)比例為9%,接近每10篇就會(huì)出現(xiàn)一篇的概率,絕對是高產(chǎn)概率。


I'm grad to see so many of you here. We'vebecome really alarmed over the health center by thenumber of students we are seeing, who areexperiencing hearing loss. First, I want to go oversome basic about hearing. Then we can take a look atour school environment and see if we can figure out some ways to protect hearing. Theleading cause of preventable hearing loss is excessive noise. Too much moderate noise for along time or some types of intense noise for even a short time can damage hearing. Loudnessis measured in units called decibels. One decibel is the lowest sound that the average personcan here. Sounds up to 80 decibels generally aren't harmful. That's noise like traffic on a busystreet. But anything louder than 80 decibels, especially with continuous exposure, mayeventually hurt your hearing. Once you are up to around 140 decibels, that's like a jet planetaking off, then you might even feel pain in your ears. And pains are sure sign that yourhearing's at risk. Even one exposure to a really loud noise at close range can cause hearingloss. So what you need to do is limit your exposure to harmful levels. If you pass along thishandout, we can take a look at the decibel level of some common campus sounds. Notice howloud those horns are that people take to football games. They are really dangerous if blownright behind you. Now, let's try to generate a list of damaging noises.


To get us started this semester I am going tospend the first two classes giving you backgroundlectures about some basic cinematic concepts. Onceyou are a little more familiar with basic filmterminology, we will be ready to look at the history ofmovies in the United States. You'll be expected to attend showing of films on Tuesday eveningsat 7 o'clock in Jennings Auditorium. That's our lab. Then during our Wednesday seminar, we'lldiscuss in depth the movie we saw the night before. We are not covering silent films in thiscourse. We will begin with the first talking motion picture, The Jazz Singer, released in 1927.The next week, we'll be looking at The Gold Diggers of 1933, a piece that is veryrepresentative of the escapist trend in films released during the depression. Some of thefilms we will be watching will probably be new to you, like Frank Capra's Why We Fight. Othersyou might have already seen on TV like Rebel without A Cause starring James Deane, or StanleyCooper's Doctor's Strange Love. However, I hope you see even familiar film with new eye. In thelast three weeks of the course, we will be watching films from the 1980s and you'll choose oneof them as a subject for an extensive written critique. We'll talk more about the requirementsof the critique later in this semester.





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