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根據(jù)寂靜“有一個講 English Actress 的長閱讀。 大致是分析為什么 1860(?記不清什么時候了)之后 English Actresses were accepted by the audiences. 段都是在講幾種解釋,然后一一否定掉。第二段就給出了作者支持 的解釋:好像是...差異來著忘了。第三段就記到說 King 通過影響 aristocrats 從而影響了 audiences 對 Actresses 的態(tài)度。有個題問道 King 的意義。”

原文應該是從Katharine Eisaman Maus的Playhouse Flesh and Blood": Sexual Ideology and the Restoration Actress (1979)中節(jié)選的。

文章談到1660年個actress登臺。盡管是重要的一步,但不是沒有先例,e.g., Queen Henrietta Maria。是什么導致了觀眾觀念的轉(zhuǎn)變呢?難道audience突然意識到應該relinquish a set of absurd scruples?

The orthodox explanation of the actresses' new acceptability is, if not entirely wrong, at least seriously insufficient. Orthodox explanation說actress出現(xiàn)是因為人們不滿老用boys來演女人。作者隨后說這種論證沒有證據(jù),因為多數(shù)觀眾都挺滿意男孩演的Juliets, Cleopatras.. 另外有人說人們開始追求naturalism,作者也反對,因為the standard of naturalism changes from generation to generation.

1660開始的新的戲劇種類教Restoration theater,比之前更public的劇院更加intimate。女演員一直在restoration theater表演,所以已經(jīng)被一小群人accepted.

作者的觀點:sexual explicitness。17世紀女人低于男人的hierarchical structure已經(jīng)過時了. Charles I 喜歡court drama,因為大家都dress up顯示地位;然而Charles II喜歡帶著面具和一幫aristocrats and rich Londoners一起party. 整個時代都趨向于更平等的社會地位。但是這同時也使人們更注重什么是typically "male" or "female"。人們開始覺得女性是非常unique and delicate的,需要獨特的actress來present the female personality on stage.


In the past, only men could become actors in some societies. In the ancient Greece and Rome[13] and the medieval world, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to go on the stage, and this belief persisted until the 17th century, when in Venice it was broken. In the time of William Shakespeare, women's roles were generally played by men or boys.[14]

When an eighteen-year Puritan prohibition of drama was lifted after the English Restoration of 1660, women began to appear on stage in England. Margaret Hughes is credited by some as the first professional actress on the English stage.[15] This prohibition ended during the reign of Charles II in part due to the fact that he enjoyed watching actresses on stage.[16] The first occurrence of the term actress was in 1700 according to the OED and is ascribed to Dryden.[7]

In Japan, men (onnagata) took over the female roles in kabuki theatre when women were banned from performing on stage during the Edo period. This convention has continued to the present. However, some forms of Chinese drama have women playing all the roles.

In modern times, women sometimes play the roles of prepubescent boys. The stage role of Peter Pan, for example, is traditionally played by a woman, as are most principal boys in Britishpantomime. Opera has several "breeches roles" traditionally sung by women, usually mezzo-sopranos. Examples are Hansel in H?nsel und Gretel, Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro and Octavian in Der Rosenkavalier.

Women in male roles are uncommon in film with the notable exceptions of the films The Year of Living Dangerously and I'm Not There. In the former film Linda Hunt played the pivotal role of Billy Kwan, for which she received the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In the latter film Cate Blanchett portrayed Jude Quinn, a representation of Bob Dylan in the sixties, for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Women playing men in live theatre is particularly common in presentations of older plays, such as those of Shakespeare, that have large numbers of male characters in roles where the gender no longer matters in modern times.[citation needed]

Having an actor dress as the opposite sex for comic effect is also a long-standing tradition in comic theatre and film. Most of Shakespeare's comedies include instances of overt cross-dressing, such as Francis Flute in A Midsummer Night's Dream. The movie A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum stars Jack Gilford dressing as a young bride. Tony Curtisand Jack Lemmon famously posed as women to escape gangsters in the Billy Wilder film Some Like It Hot. Cross-dressing for comic effect was a frequently used device in most of the thirty Carry On films. Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams have each appeared in a hit comedy film (Tootsie and Mrs. Doubtfire, respectively) in which they played most scenes dressed as a woman.





原文應該是Charles M. Peters 1983年的一篇文章叫observations on maya subsistence and the ecology of a tropical tree,有條件的G友可以上網(wǎng)找。。。以下是一點總結(jié)

這植物叫B. alicastrum,又叫maya nut.

Miksicek et al.,說B. alicastrum長得很好,這個是瑪雅文明的證明,。

文章很長,ets估計節(jié)選了后面的:作者談到frugivorous bats eat the fruit and later drop the seed intact...bat-dispersed seed...總而言之,maya ruins旁邊有很多B. alicastrum is a result of normal ecological process does not in itself negate the possibility that the tree was used by the Maya. 因為B. alicastrum很有nutrition,是maya人的staple food.


背景介紹:在南亞發(fā)現(xiàn)了domesticated Rice,然后推測南亞是Rice的發(fā)源地,然后1985年在中國的長江流域發(fā)現(xiàn)了很多 wilder rice的遺址,推測生活在中國的先民有可能更早的馴化了rice。


提出新理論:認為長江流域的rice-farming可以往前推幾百年。最后一段講,1940年(?)調(diào)查的wild-rice其實主要確實是分布在南方,但是長江流域也有1、2種,所以還是有可能farming在北方也開始很早滴。然后我覺得這篇文章需要把握的就是wilder rice和 domesticated rice。搞清楚誰是野生的,誰是馴化的就可以了。



題目3:作者是怎樣利用geol_ical graph還是什么graph來證明它的觀點的。應該是從文章最后一段找,但我感覺文中沒有直說,要自己推理。選項里好幾個都很接近。

Since the 1970s, archaeol_ical sites in China's Yangtze River region have yielded evidence of sophisticated rice-farming societies that predate signs of rice cultivation elsewhere in East Asia by a thousand years. Before this evidence was discovered, it had generally been assumed that rice farming began farther to the south. This scenario was based both on the ge_raphic range of wild or free-living rice, which was not thought to extend as far north as the Yangtze, and on archaeol_ical records of very early domestic rice from Southeast Asia and India (now known to be not so old as first reported). Proponents of the southern-origin theory point out that early rice-farming societies along the Yangtze were already highly developed and that evidence for the first stage of rice cultivation is missing. They argue that the first hunter-gatherers to develop rice agriculture must have done so in this southern zone, within the apparent present-day ge_raphic range of wild rice.

Yet while most stands of wild rice reported in a 1984 survey were concentrated to the south of the Yangtze drainage, two northern outlier populations were also discovered in provinces along the middle and lower Yangtze, evidence that the Yangtze wetlands may fall within both the present-day and the historical ge_raphic ranges of rice's wild ancestor

1. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly undermine the conclusion that the author makes based on the 1984 survey?

Areas south of the Yangtze basin currently have less wild-rice habitat than they once did.

Surveys since 1984 have shown wild rice populations along the upper Yangtze as well as along the middle and lower Yangtze.

The populations of wild rice along the Yangtze represent strains of wild rice that migrated to the north relatively recently.

Early rice-farming societies along the Yangtze were not as highly developed as archaeol_ists once thought.

In East Asia, the historical ge_raphic range of wild rice was more extensive than the present-day ge_raphic range is.

2. Based on the passage, skeptics of the idea that rice cultivation began in the Yangtze River region can point to which of the following for support?

Lack of evidence supporting the existence of rice-farming societies along the Yangtze at an early date

Lack of evidence regarding the initial stages of rice cultivation in the Yangtze region

Recent discoveries pertaining to the historical ge_raphic range of rice's wild ancestor

New information regarding the dates of very early domestic rice from Southeast Asia

New theories pertaining to how hunter-gatherers first developed rice agriculture in East Asia

3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the “southern-origin theory”?

The theory is based on an unconventional understanding of how hunter-gatherers first developed rice agriculture.

The theory fails to take into account the apparent fact that evidence for the first stage of rice cultivation in the north is missing.

The theory was developed primarily in response to a 1984 survey of wild rice's ge_raphic range.

Reassessment of the dates of some archaeol_ical evidence has undermined support for the theory.

Evidence of sophisticated rice-farming societies in the Yangtze region provides support for the theory.






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