


時(shí)間: 楚薇0 分享



What do you know about paintings?

Have you learned drawing or painting?

Is it important to hang pictures at horns?

What kind of paintings do you like?

If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?


What do you know about paintings?

Van Gogh's The Starry Night is my most impressive oil painting. Van Gogh's greatest feature is his unique painting skills, most of the traditional oil paintings are realistic, and Van Gogh's works are exaggerated, belonging to the impressionist. Using bright blue and bright yellow as the main tone of the night sky, it is very suitable for the theme of the night sky. The stars and the moon are twisted together by Van Gogh's brush, showing light interlacing in the dark night. At the same time, I was deeply shocked.


Have you learned drawing or painting?

After 2 years of learning, I gave up. Irememberthe first lesson the teacher asked us to draw a three-dimensional square, I always draw very flat, and no three-dimensional effect. Later, the teacher asked me to observe the changes in the light and shadow of the object, let me learn to add shadows on the square, can express its three-dimensional sense. Later, due to academic growth, I gave up learning to paint.


Is it important to hang pictures at horns?

I think it's important, because the painting is presented in a flat form, and if it hangs up, visitors can enjoy it from different angles. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.Hence, the same painting also has different thinking because visitors have different cultural backgrounds.


What kind of paintings do you like?

I like Impressionist works. First, many realistic works make me feel like a photo, not a painting. Impressionism is characterized by a lot of imaginative space for visitors,there are a lot of interaction with the work. Second, I like the content of Impressionism,many of which are farmlands, ponds, and plants and so on.Seeing this reminds me of my childhood life.


If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?

For sure. Because in the process of painting, the author can add his own ideas to make this picture more meaningful. Many years later, when I saw this picture, I could remember who said,the friendship between me and him, and the mood at that time. These are very memorable memories.



Describe a photo or painting you like in your home.

You should say:

where and when the photo was taken or painted

which room it is in

what there are in the photo or painting

and explain why you like it.

Actually, I have a few paintings in my home. My girlfriend says it’s beginning to look like an art gallery! I guess you could call me a bit of an art-aholic, though I’m certainly no connoisseur.

By far my favourite piece is a large oil painting on canvas that I picked up on my travels in Bali. I had to roll it up to get it back to China and once I got home I had a bespoke frame made for it. It depicts a tree or plant of some sort, using an array of colours, from deep blues to vivid yellows. The image is very simple, being formed from a number of different coloured dots.

At the moment it is the centerpiece of my living room, takes pride of place on the main wall behind my sofa. There are other pieces of art in there, including some small statues and figurines, but they are eclipsed by the large oil painting, which truly dominates the room. Every guest we have visit passes comment on it, often complimenting its vibrant colours or simple aesthetic beauty.

For me personally, it’s a combination of all the things I have already mentioned. Plus, it reminds me of the places I have been and the things I have experienced on my trips abroad. The memories come flooding back every time l look at my picture. This is the primary reason I collect

paintings and the reason I have more works of art than I do wall space!


1.Do you like painting or drawing?

Yes, I do. I think it's interesting, but I don't know how to draw well. When I was a child, I would always draw something by myself, but I have never received professional training. If I have the opportunity, I want to learn some painting skills.

2.How often do you visit art galleries?

I go to the art gallery nearly every week. I prefer visiting the art gallery because I'm crazy about art. I like abstract paintings best,so I will never miss any exhibition of abstract art held in the art gallery, and I will always find inspiration from it and create my own art work.

3.What kinds of things do you like to draw?

I like painting very much, as I am an animated film buff, I always draw my favorite cartoon figures in my leisure time.

4.Is it easy to learn how to draw?

In my opinion, the ability of painting depends mainly on talents. For me, I am naturally good at painting. When I was a child, I could draw without teachers' guidance. But for some other people, drawing is really a big headache, and they'll find it really difficult to master this skill.

5.Do you like painting?

I don't think I like painting. Um, that is because I don't have a talent for painting. But, I very much enjoy visiting art gallery just for painting works.

6.Do kids in China learn painting at school?

Of course, we do. We learn painting at primary and middle school.The School requires kids to learn it in the painting class. You know, we all have painting examination at school.

7.Do you think it is good to learn painting?

Of course,it is good to learn painting. Learning painting could develop innovative thinking and practice patience. It is a kind of art form to express your deep mind.

8.Do people in China like painting?

It depends. I think it is not related to the nationality. Some people like painting just because they like and may be they have a talent for painting. And it is not necessary for everyone to like painting.

9.Why some people dislike painting?

It depends on people's interest. Most people are not born with painting ability. The simple reason for why they don't like painting is just because they are not good at it. People who dislike painting mainly because they had been compelled to learn painting by their parents.

雅思 口語 描述一幅畫或一張照片

Describe a work of art you have seen(e.g. a painting or statue/sculpture).

You should say:

when you (first) saw this work of art,

where you saw it,

what it looked like,

and explain your feeling about this work of art.

題目分析:題目要求描繪一個(gè)藝術(shù)品(畫或雕塑),建議 1描述一幅畫(可以是名品,也可以是熟人畫的)2 描述一個(gè)照片(可以是自己拍的或別人拍的) 這2種方案比較好講,也可以講其他例如:雕塑,書法作品(calligraphy),古詩(poem)。

下面以一副名畫,梵高的星空為例。(the masterpiece from Van Gogh, The Starry night),例子語言較難,希望大家認(rèn)真練習(xí),或先結(jié)合自己的情況自己寫一次。

1 這幅畫的來歷。(生日,朋友,含義,珍貴)————Well, this painting was given by one of my friends when I was about to graduate in university, he was a quite intimate friend to me, thus sending me this painting with some specific meanings based on his understanding of me. (這句語法較難)。這幅畫給人一種和平溫暖的感覺,不過畫里is filled with sorrows, 覺得符合我的心情… / 送我畫的時(shí)候還寫了一些wishes/ 難忘的生日珍貴的朋友。

2 這幅畫的描述和給我的感覺。大?。篿t covers close to one third of my wall, therefore, it decorates my bedroom and enlighten the whole atmosphere of my room. 顏色,感覺: it was mainly in blue and other colors close to blue, that’s why it displays peace and sorrow . Sometimes I stare at it for long, I am absorbed in it(沉浸在里面)and it changes my mood.

3 關(guān)于梵高?!?Actually I do cherish this painting also because of Van gogh, he’s one of my favourite artists. 印象派(the representative and an outstanding artist of impressionist)。悲慘的經(jīng)歷,杰出的作品(miserable life yet remarkable achievement in art) 憂郁,瘋狂,割耳,自殺(he suffered from deep depression and loneliness all his life, in the later years he was insane and kept in the mental hospital….順便說一下他還有其他的出色的作品:向日葵等。

PART3 – Art (這個(gè)話題需要較多的背景知識(shí))

<1> What are some examples of art?

1) common art forms比如音樂電影畫等,對我們的意義如放松,表達(dá)等;2) 其他less common的藝術(shù),離普通人較遠(yuǎn)的藝術(shù)如行為藝術(shù)(action art); 雕塑等)

<2> What forms of visual art are popular in your country? 此題注意體現(xiàn)中國的特點(diǎn)。

1) 常見的包括包括影視、繪畫、雕塑、建筑藝術(shù)、工藝品(handicraft);

2) 中國特有的包括:opera, calligraphy of brush, ink painting- 水墨畫,這些代表了中國的文化歷史)

<3> Are there any differences between the art in your country and the art in Western countries? 此題比較難

1) 寫實(shí),more realistic in depiction; e.g. painting of landscape and people, 2)寫意,not that realistic, but intend to express more about the ideas in the painting; 內(nèi)容關(guān)注社會(huì),思考生命的意義,這是受歷史和儒道的影響。

<4> Are there many art exhibition in your country?














為了幫助大家提高雅思口語,高效備考,下面小編給大家分享一些雅思口語關(guān)于畫的話題分析,希望可以幫助到大家。2018年9-12月雅思口語part1新題:paintingWhat do you know about paintings?Have you lear


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