Dear Ms Feng:
Can we meet as soon as possible to discuss complaints about the delivery of our carpets? I wonder if we can enlarge our warehouse facilities or send our goods by express rail.(35words)
Dear Mr ho;
Thank you for you letter of 23 November. We are delighted to know that your customers find our machines useful. The inclusion of business terms is an excellent idea, and we shall develop this idea. We shall also produce special cards which can be fitted the translators to provide more languages in the next model. However , the inclusion of a leather case would add considerably to the price of our machines and might not be necessary as the casing is very robust. Finally, we are taking steps to supply you immediately with 200 electronic and 300 language translators.
Yours sincerely
Wang Luen fung
General Manager (110words)
Because of shortage of space, employees have put heavy boxes near fire doors. There should be access to fire doors as workers must leave the building quickly if there is a fire. Fire doors should be unblocked and obstructions removed.(40words)
This year the company has made a profit of RMB67 million compared with RMB33million last year. This profit has result largely from a reduction of RMB27 million in expenditure, achieved because of two factors; first, the lower cost of raw materials and secondly more efficient methods of production. Moreover, although sales in the home market have fallen, international sales have more than compensated for this fall. It is thought that sales in the home market have been poor because of the difficult economic situation in our country. In view of this, it is recommended that the company tries to identify more markets abroad and increase its exports.(108worsds)
I have just heard that an important client is visiting Shanghai next week. He cannot re-arrange his visit, and it is important we meet for discussions. Could we postpone my visit to your office until the week commencing 5 September?(40 words)
Part two
Although Nikko tractors are average in price, the people in the survey considered our tractors cheaper. They also commented highly on the standard of servicing we provide. However, the quality and reliability of Nikon tractors were rated much higher than ours, and I recommend working on methods of making our tractors more robust and less prone to mechanical failure. Moreover, since Nikon tractors were considered more attractive in appearance, I suggest experimenting with new designs for our next model. Above all, people were impressed by the availability, particularly in some of the northern rural areas. (119 words)
To all graphics staff:
Sales have fallen recently because, although our packaging is functional, it is unattractive. I think we should develop new and appealing designs. Could you please attend a meeting in the boardroom at 10.00 am tomorrow to discuss this matter? (43 words)
Mr. Lui, Sales Production Personnel
I am sorry that I may be unable to meet at the times arranged on Tuesday and Wednesday, as I shall now be having urgent discussions with an important visitor from Singapore. Our discussions should last two days, but, if they can be squeezed into less time, I may be able to meet the Production Personnel as previously arranged. However, I shall try to let you know by 5.00 pm on Tuesday afternoon and, if necessary, arrange another time for our meeting. In any case, since I shall definitely be busy on Tuesday afternoon, I wonder if I might now see Mr. Luis at 9.00 am on Thursday.
(113 words)
TO: ALL Section Heads
There are eight vacancies on training courses being given in Mary and June. The courses provide useful training for junior staff in computers, time management and other aspects of modem office work.. could you kindly recommend suitable staff?(42words)
Dear Ms Wu
With reference to our company’s exhibition and presentations at the world Trade Center on June 7, I wish to inform you of certain changes which we hope can be made. As the number of participants has increased from 60 to 98, we wonder if we can use Lecture Hall’A’ as ‘B’ will be too small. In addition, since two speakers are now unable to attend, we shall require only 2 Seminar Rooms instead of the 4booked. Finally, is it possible to provide 7.45 pm? I do hope these changes will not inconvenience you.
Thank you very much.(116words)
